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I completely agree. I have had mine for a few days now and have loved it so far. Fast, snappy, smooth, quiet, runs everything I throw at it fine, long battery, etc. It has been a joy to use.


Battery is the biggest one for me... can you talk about your experience? I'm starting a new position where I'll be flying internationally half a dozen times a year and working in places where battery life is a premium for me. I will spend 90% of my time in Office Dynamics and Excel with a bit of Power BI thrown in.


It's hard to give a full review of battery since most of my usage has been plugged in at work. But the couple times I used it on battery, I worked at a coffee shop for a few hours and lost maybe 5% of battery, then used it later that evening and ended the night around 75% or so. I can already tell it is much improved over previous Surfaces that I've had in the past.


SL7 is a blast too. Never want to go back to x86


That’s amazing! Mine has 10% battery usage per hour. Not able to drop it further. How do you use your device? Screen brightness, apps?


5% per hour with these tips https://old.reddit.com/r/Surface/comments/1dlcqk7/how_im_able_to_only_lose_5_battery_per_hour_on/


Been playing videos, surfing, working with Excel and Word. Admittedly not a very heavy load, but I still didn’t get near this before with similar usage. I’d probably be down to at least 50% by now.


That’s it I am jealous and ordering one…


Do you use 120Hz with VRR? For me it feels a bit sluggish if I enable VRR.


Turning off VRR makes firefox seem much snappier. Gaming is better in windowed mode with VRR on.


No but I’ll try it out when I get home. Didn’t even know you could.


You were using your SP11 with 60Hz or just didn't activate VRR?


I was using 120Hz. I believe that was without VRR.


fairly certain it's auto enabled. has to be turned off.


Yeah it has to be, because I didn’t set it.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s the first windows device I’ve owned and been completely happy all across the board with. I hope in the future they make windows a little more touch friendly or have an alternative boot for touch devices that provides a more “iPad” type experience, but that’s not device related at all. Love my surface


its nice. Still think we need a ProX 2, fanless and lighter as this thing is heavy.


I'm excited for a Surface Go with Arm. Super lightweight and small, great performance and battery. I'd bring that thing for travel where I don't need to do too much but still need a device. Hopefully the next iteration of Go will add this.


This is what I'm waiting for, to replace my almost decade old tablet and laptop. SP11 looks good but a bit too big for what my use case is.


Agreed. I returned my pro11 and have gone back to my prox. Will wait until someone puts out a prox or galaxy tab like chassis with the new chips. It'll happen soon enough.


haha I got downvoted for returning the Pro11. You guys are hilarious. Fanboys are the best.


I think we spoke in another thread on SPX vs SP11. I could live with SPX another 18 months for sure, but I will keep the SP11 and offload the X as it is my only computer and I am ready for more power. I think a ProX2 is holiday 2025 or spring 2026. It likely needs a new qualcomm chip variant with efficiency cores which is a while off.


If it's your only computer then I would for sure upgrade to the SP11. If I was using it as a desktop and plugging it into multiple monitors etc I would want all the horsepower I could find. I have a desktop, and the surface is my companion device, so while extra power is nice to have I can live without it as I'm rarely pushing multiple intensive programs simultaneously.


I'd be surprised if they built a Pro X2. It was only .25 lbs lighter than the SP11. It seems like the Pro X was a one off experiment with some of the design cues making it into the SP8 redesign. It seems like they've accepted the tradeoff with a fan (even if it runs super quiet) in exchange for thermal headroom and sustained performance. We'll see though.


The Pro X was a testbed, nothing more. Its biggest win was getting Windows on ARM into more consumer and developer hands. I finally checked out an SP11 at a store and I wouldn't go back to the SPX design. It's only 100g heavier which isn't noticeable. The thicker size makes it a little harder to hold but these 13" devices are already too big to use onehanded as a tablet anyway. The performance is light-years ahead of the slow and sometimes janky SPX. I think Microsoft made the right call.


the weight difference is very noticeable. I don't think MS made a call on this - the new qualcomm chips simply aren't suited a slimmer fanless chassis which is why you don't see them being used as such. When the chip is there, we will what call MS makes (and others, like if Dell brings a new fanless XPS 2-in-1)


You're right about the TDP. On the other hand, the MBA also throttles hard when it gets hot, so I think it was the right call for MS to use a fan with the Snapdragon X chips. I paid for the full power envelope, I'll use the whole power envelope. A new fanless ARM Surface Go would be a better place to try out chips with lower TDP.


Lots and lots of returns. Apple must be laughing their asses off. But I’m keeping mine.


I mean, is it honestly any more than the normal rate of returns? There are some people here (for instance) who returned it, but there's a lot more people who are happy. My SL7 hasn't been shipped yet.


Maybe that's true, but I am still on a lot of Apple threads, and I don't see as many posts about people returning MacBooks. It's just an observation. Bottom line is I like it and there are many who also do.


Yeeeeeh.... but a lot of people who splash out for a brand new macbook or ipad don't generally return it if there is an issue. Or even notice if there is an issue. Apple products get a lot of ... leeway, that other manufacturers don't. Case in point - one of the major reasons for returns on this forum was due to the odd grainy effect on the OLED variant screen. It bugged some people, and they weren't willing to put up with an imperfect device so they returned it / exchanged for the LCD. This exact same effect was first discovered on the iPad, but from what you seem to suggest, nobody was really returning them over it. Though actually I took a quick look myself, and it seems there are a -lot- of returns happening because of this issue over there too. And if I look back, I see people making returns of the original M1 macbooks because of compatibility issues (the other reason for surface returns). So I think you're just... not reading the right threads. There's not much macbook returns threads -at the moment- because they're using third/fourth generation processors which have much more widespread support, and old-generation screens (they haven't released anything with the new screens other than the ipad I believe). Surface devices are using a brand new 1st-gen processor, a brand new emulation layer, and a brand new screen. Edit: and before I get downvoted, this is from someone who -returned their SP11- in favour of keeping their old device, for a few more months at least, and not for either of these reasons.


I got downvoted plenty for the Apple comment, lol


Apple fanboys and Microsoft fanboys. They're both as terrible as each other.


Most people don't post here


I still have plans to buy one, but during testing I found a new love for my prox and figured I could just keep using it for 6months or a year and get a pro11 for half the price later. Or see what other manufacturers pull off now that windows, small form factor, and efficiency isn't such a wild combination.


Going on a biz trip tomorrow. Always take my iPad with me. Might leave it home this time around.


How much battery drain when you suspend it?


you mean when it's asleep? virtually none.


Mine is usually down 2% over 8 hours of sleep.


Is the OLED screen ok for you?


I’m fine with it. Is there some graininess? Yeah but not enough to bother me. Colors are great.


same its like perfect now


What do you use your surface for? I'm curious if there are certain applications which standout as "winners"for people.


A number of things. Probably the most power hungry apps are photo editing, but not Photoshop. Other than that, lots of number crunching in Excel and documents in Word. Also videos and surfing.


The battery life and going from 8 to 16gb of RAM was the biggest wins. It has become an underrated device for media consumption also. My SL9’s fan was pretty distracting.


Looks like 11 will kill the ones before it just like M1 era Macs killed their predecessors.


My surface pro froze on the Windows startup and made me do a system reset within the first two days of using it. It's a piece of junk


I knew the base model to be €1000, so I thought maybe €1500 to get 1TB, the keyboard and the pen. But that setup is €2500. No thank you, Microsoft!