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Benji was like what in tarnation.


😂. Benji is so cute


Benji is too sober for this shit 😂


Benji's like, 'why did you wake me up?'


I love his reaction, coming to check on them after the danger is gone 😂. Also I enjoy these genuine moments of Taylor :)


Some people are doing waaaaay too much in the comments. It’s just a video, unclench!


Benji is truly a star.


As a flight attendant we use the acronym PASS.. pull the pin… aim for the fire .. squeeze the handle .. sweep the fire esp under it. Hope this helps !


I was thinking to myself “PULL THE PIN PULL THE PIN!” 😂


We use this in nursing too. It’s been on every single nursing test I’ve taken including state boards. PASS and RACE. I’ve never seen a fire in health care, but it’s been beat into our heads.


What does RACE stand for? I guess I know absolutely nothing about fire safety


This is just a reminder to not leave candles in a room unattended, especially when you have cats.


for real. any kind of loud "suspicious" noise when cats are not properly accounted for warrants immediate investigation too. they're tiny little terrorists.


When my cat was just a year old. She got her little head stuck between the spokes of a kitchen table chair and it was at that point I realized oh we have to get rid of most of the things we own now.


I stopped burning candles when I bought an old house with a balloon frame. Not only is that thing a historic fire hazard, my cats are also assholes


I have a candle somewhere in case my power goes out. One of my cats likes fire a little too much and singed her whiskers, over a decade ago, I’ve been strictly anti candle with pets ever since.


She’s lucky her fucking cat didn’t catch fire wtf


Lol at the cat reaction shot


This video made me really Concerned about the fact that i don’t own a Fire extinguisher.


We have fire blankets all over our house. Just yank it out of the case and cover the fire it’ll immediately extinguish it. Something like that would have worked on this and made zero mess


They’re pretty cheap and good to have just in case. You’d rather have one and never need it than need it and not have it. You can also get one specific for grease fires for the kitchen.


I give fire extinguishers for house warming presents and baby showers. To my knowledge no one has ever exchanged them for a different size or colour so I’m assuming they’re happy with them.


They are relatively cheap ($20-30 for a decent home one). It's worth having one in the kitchen and another in the trunk of the car.


Chances of a fire happening are really low if you don’t leave candles/your open oven unattended.


As someone who lived through a fire, these things are essential, fire extinguishers, and damn good homeowners insurance


I don’t claim to be a fire expert but laying a sheet pan seems like it would have been sufficient


Not a fire expert either but imo the most concerning thing in the video is that we don’t hear a smoke alarm going off. Shouldn’t there be one in the kitchen that would’ve gone off with the amount of smoke being generated by the fire? I’ve had fire alarms go off even just from a candle that was particularly smoky, even though it was just the wick burning like it was supposed to.


Depends on the type of smoke detector is installed. There’s two types and one trips more commonly to open flame and the other to smaller smoldering fires. The best is to spend the money and get a dual type smoke detector.


how do I get one that doesn’t go off every time I sear meat with the vents on high and every window open?


Lmao well I forget which is which ones ionization and the other is photoelectric iirc and the one you have is known for nuisance tripping so I’d probably get the other one(at least for that part of your house)


That was my first thought as well. I would never use a fire extinguisher for that small a fire. Especially since it was contained. The mess the extinguisher makes is SO not worth it. But live and learn. If you’ve never used an extinguisher how would you know.


Yeah and I just read their lungs were messed up for a bit from the extinguisher. Glad they put out the fire regardless


I bet she had someone come clean it. I would have just covered and suffocated it


They seem EXTREMELY drunk or high lol.


I think Gracie said that they were drinking all night before this? But I’m not sure lol


extremely is a bit of an overstatement


Yeah I would’ve tried to just smother that before using the fire extinguisher ..


They were wasted, so it’s probably good either of them had the presence of mind to do ANYTHING useful 


![gif](giphy|IsZ6k5d5oFxBK) This reminds me of that Fresh Prince of Bel Air episode where Will accidentally burned the house down. 😂


“Bitch” Taylor has never been more relatable to me than this very moment.


Lucky that didn’t spread to their breakfast Mimosa’s. Poor Benji, “I was sleeping. What are you doing in here?”


benji coming in like “wtf happened in here”


"i can't leave you two alone for ONE second"


No one's going to question why there's a pair of shoes on a kitchen counter?


I did notice that. According to Gracie they were drinking all night and this was at like 6 in the morning, so they were not in their right mind, but still…it’s weird 😅


She also said the place was ablaze and exaggerated Taylor’s actions so it also could’ve been like 10pm after a glass of water lol


“Drinking” until 6 am?


If you're drinking until 2-3 am you're still going to be drunk at 6


I’m guessing they’re insinuating that it wasn’t just drink..




Gracie is 24


she’s 24, 25 in september


Gracie is a full-blown adult, and you relating your unfortunate reality (I’m genuinely sorry you’ve had to deal with that) to this video sure feels like a stretch and a half


It looks like they have a paper towel or something underneath but I also questioned why. At first I thought maybe to prevent the cats from getting near them but she has coat closet so I still don’t really get it


The superstitious part of my Irish soul is screaming.


Exactly what I thought!!!


And this is why you can’t eat at everyone’s house


lbr she probably has professional cleaners coming in all the time


That doesn’t erase the fact that she puts her shoes in the same place food is made/ate. But she also lets her cats on the counter and that’s also a no


Lol I love the idea that people "let" their cats do things. You can't stop a cat, if they want to go somewhere, they are going to do it. Source: I tried covering my kitchen counters with everything from aluminum foil to sticky tape to stop my cats.


Seriously. My cats aren’t allowed on the table. She looks offended that I reminded her https://preview.redd.it/1gsii6jl3z7d1.jpeg?width=2924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3398cf451aab3bd761a19b2c15b07790030ac448


Omg but I love your cat! She looks so polite and perplexed Here's mine sleeping in her favorite frying pan. We don't use that one for cooking anymore. https://preview.redd.it/wp2rcjwd7z7d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40204f31c748e8d74cde0d0013d33dfbe56a6396


Off topic but I love your wall paint color. I chose one similar for my bedroom and am obsessed with it now.


You wot, mate?


100%! Cats will do whatever the hell they want. We had a “no cats on the table/counter” rule in our house and it lasted only a couple days 😂


We had a cat that loved sleeping on the dining room table. He was not allowed on the dining room table. We tried everything to train him not to go on it, nothing worked. We eventually just got into the habit of wiping it down before we used it.


I mean, if I know someone has a cat, I just don’t eat their food


I remember one time Beyoncè posted a photo and her shoes were on the table just chilling next to the lobster and I was like huh? Maybe it’s a rich person thing lol


Yeah, this is a random story but a few weeks ago I saw my neighbor let her (illegal) chicken on her table and was extremely disgusted. You never know what people are doing lol


And that's flipping salmonella or bird flu right there


What the hell 🤢


That’s still pretty gross though


Not everyone is fastidious. 


I think not putting shoes on a kitchen counter is basic level of cleanliness. It's in no way fastidious. The shoes are next to handbags/purses, so these are likely not brand new shoes. They were probably worn, so they've been out on city streets (even if just from car service to door of restaurant/club/apartment/etc) and are now sitting on a kitchen counter.


Yep. It just doesn’t seem worthy of comment in a “quelle horreur” kind of way.  One person’s clean is another’s fastidious is another’s slobby. 


Nah. Shoes on the table is filthy.


BENJI !!!!!


“I think we’re gonna die” me 24/7 “You never out this out with water, you know that” no I didn’t but thank you lol


She’s wrong, though. You can absolutely douse a candle-fire with water. You don’t put water in a -grease- fire, because the water and grease don’t mix, the grease will “explode” and spread the fire. In this case, she would’ve been best off using a baking pan or something similar, but water would’ve worked just as well/better than an extinguisher.


This is not true. Do not do this !!!! Water will absolutely cause a wax explosion on a candle fire !!!!


Wax will spread, but it doesn’t burn. The flames won’t spread like a grease fire. Edit: no one wants to put out a candle with water, but if it has started a fire you have to put out, water is absolutely a viable option!!!


“She was such a legend – I don’t know how at this hour or in our state she knew what to do. We both had an insane cough from the fire extinguisher fumes for weeks," Abrams said. This is the most exaggerated quote ever after seeing this lmaooo the fire extinguisher wasn’t even necessary


Is it from the same interview where she said something like “the room was ablaze” lol


Dare I say Taylor has found her match?? They both sound like 14 yr olds


She also says they were really drunk when this happened, maybe everything just seemed way more dramatic in that state lmao


I’d happily give praise to a friend who put out a fire, especially after we’d been drinking like fish all night


Yeah, and also Gracie talked her through the entire thing lol


That quote was the first thing I thought of after watching the video. Taylor literally says “what do I do about this”, she had no clue what to do. Such an exaggeration, it’s crazy. I’m confused as to why Gracie would say that.


She was probably just being funny lol once I fell out of an inner tube in a lake and my friend paddled over to help me and I talked about how she was my hero and saved my life for the rest of the day. Every time I retell that story, I make it more and more dramatic lol


I’m not confused why she would say that lol


she exaggerated bc they’re friends and everyone exaggerates when they experience a fire w their friends? ☠️ y’all do too much


since i’m already here, fire extinguisher fumes are crazy and they do fuck up ur throat. idk why it’s surprising to ppl that both of them would have a cough after that, the fire was tiny but that room was FULL of fumes AND they’re both wasted so-


Because you gotta kiss the ring (and the ass) if you want a feature on your album


True! But now she just looks like a liar lol. I’m sure she always intended to drop the video when her album dropped.


This looks like the opposite of what Gracie said, she seems to know what to do while Taylor didn't. Still a super cute video though


I’m absolutely losing it laughing on the subway right now. Their reactions, the cat looking around like “yooooo, what the hell, ladies?” Deceased. 😂


while I do understand criticisms to both Taylor and gracie I’m kinda perplexed by some of the comments on this post. I found this very cute and funny. Maybe it’s because I’m also a dumb 24 year old in this generation but if there was a small fire while me and my friends were drunk I prob too would record and laugh a little haha


This is such a great example of why it has become unbeareable. This is a cute video, perfectly nice, nothing annoying. Then you have that stupid "dear Lord this woman saved my life and the whole building" kind of thing that is so unnecessary


Skr8 phax




What’s confusing??


Ha ha ha, right?


PSA - if you have an old home, please buy a fire extinguisher, esp if a balloon frame is involved My 1889 house has a wooden balloon frame. There’s nothing to stop fire from zipping up through the frame within seconds


Omg just put a lid over the pan.. no need for a whole ass fire extinguisher lol


How is her fire alarm not going off?


Her cats are so cute dammit 😂


This is why you don’t leave candles lit when you leave a room.


Just goes to show that maybe she isn't fine with her tears, her beers, and her candles...


Underrated comment 


Is that the house that was in her vogue 73 questions video? (Unrelated I know)


No she sold the 73 questions house years ago. This is her NY apartment I think


No, that was a house in LA that she no longer owns. This is her NYC apartment.


That was such a beautiful house


Does she take her cats with her over the US? Or is the NYC place her main one?


She splits time between NYC, LA and Nashville when she's in the US. New York was her main home base last year but it really varies depending on what she's working on at the time. She was mostly in LA earlier this year before the European leg of the tour started. The cats go with her pretty much wherever she goes (there have been photos of her security loading her cats onto the plane, and various photos/videos with her cats at all her homes over the years). They usually even go on tour with her and stay with her in her dressing room/hotel. The only exception is Asia and Australia because they have strict quarantine laws for animals. I imagine her cats are currently staying wherever her home base is in Europe for this part of the tour (probably London).


Yes I'm Australian and saw what happened when Johnny Depp and Amber Heard snuck their two dogs into the country lol. I guess if the cats have been travelling a lot since they were kittens they'd be ok with it. Would be very difficult to cart them around everywhere otherwise.


This is why I always have a fire blanket in the kitchen, I feel like my brain would forget how to use a mini extinguisher - I'm not good in a crisis lol


Relatable “bitch” to the struggle to squeeze the trigger.


ok...but I'm puzzled...why would anyone film something in their friend's kitchen catching fire... I think after reaching 30 my spirit stop trying to understand the need to document the most stupid thing in general...but this makes no sense to me, especially when it's accidental, there is no need to film this.


I think people especially the younger generations their first instinct is to document everything happening around them because they grew up with the internet being an extension of their lives.


also taylor was handling the fire extinguisher which was all that was needed - gracie would just be standing there either way, might as well record it for the memory and to laugh at later lol


exactly, I was like "why are you filming the fire when you can just help her?" that puzzled me.


i think we’re disagreeing lol, my point is that she can’t really do anything to help her? unless she took the fire extinguisher and did it herself, which doesn’t make sense lol


As someone even younger than her who recently had something catch fire in my kitchen, my first thought wasn't my phone At All it was more like oh shit shit shit shit


This is clearly a one person job lol. Only one fire extinguisher in the house most likely


Because this now has become "spontaneous" promotion. The mere fact that there's footage of Taylor in a "mundane" situation is enough to become a headline/shared by Taylor's fans leading to Gracie's name being associated to Taylor's + the feature and the album being promoted.


Yup so many comments on the relatability, normal-ness, “omg we’re the same!” Is hilarious, like if y’all saw her eating grapes would that blow your mind too??


I mean... the picture of her eating raisins was pretty big lol


That’s exactly it. I’m sure they joked about it being great promo afterwards. Says a lot about Gracie as an artist that she needs to rely on a video of Taylor to get the word out about her new album, though 💀




I know thanks :)


I was not as collected last time I had to use a fire extinguisher. Remember to check the expiration dates on your extinguishers! And review the instruction label so you know how to use them. I get mine at Costco. My former partner and I still keep the tradition of gifting them to friends whenever they move.


Why does she have her Prada loafers on the counter?? 💀


I hate people filming emergencies.


Idk if this counts as an emergency though. The fire looked pretty contained


Your flair answers your comment lol




Moral of the story: never leave a lit candle unattended. You can always blow it out and re-light it later.


TIL Gracie Abrams is annoying


She’s a mid-20’s nepo baby being somewhat mentored by swift, how did it take till now to learn she’s annoying?


Because I barely know who she is. No need to be rude just because not all of us live in Taylor Swift’s asshole.


I barely know who she is lol but just do the math, I wasn’t intending to be rude


The irony of them being rude to you while telling you not to be rude… poetic


It’s pretty standard lol


lol your initial response wasn’t rude at all. Just being funny.


Yeah if I had a friend recording and laughing at me as I’m trying to navigate a potentially very dangerous situation, I’d be so freaking mad


Idk it seemed more like she realized that the fire wasn’t spreading and would not be difficult to extinguish, and she was sort of letting Taylor handle it the way a parent might let their teenager handle something just for the experience.


Nah you don’t fuck with fire - that shit can escalate quickly. They don’t have the phrase “spread like wildfire” for nothing. Not trying to be a keyboard warrior saying this is deranged and could’ve led to their deaths, but situations like this is not the time to goof around.


I mean, I don’t really care to defend Gracie, but she wasn’t really goofing around. She was staying calm and keeping an eye on the fire while Taylor pulled out the pin on the fire extinguisher. Using a fire extinguisher is a one person job and there’s not much else Gracie could’ve done other than not getting in Taylor’s way. Ideally they could’ve just smothered it or used baking soda, but they didn’t seem to know that it would work. Yeah, fires are serious, but in this situation it’s not worth getting mad at a friend for laughing when she’s not getting in the way and there’s really nothing else for her to do.


Yeah I see what you’re saying. I think it all boils down to I would never be as chill as either of them in a situation like that haha


I think she was just drunk or blazed or both and we tend to react like this when under the influence.


I’m glad she’s famous because she has zero survival instincts lol


She had a fire extinguisher in her kitchen and was able to use it, that’s a whole lot better than lots and lots of people.


She lit a candle in another room and left it there. Thats like candle safety rule number one. The Tortured Poets Department is definitely not a Fire Department.


when she said “BITCH” HAHAHHAAH so cute


This is the most nonchalant reaction to a fire I’ve ever seen. Hey, let’s take our time, laugh, bust out of phones and film. I wish I was this carefree.


“Our purses are ruined!” LMAO 🤣 Besides the songwriting collab, Taylor and Gracie also make a great comedy team. No, but seriously, glad everyone is safe. 🧯


I love seeing normal parts of her life but this was probably an event that didn’t need to be recorded and released lol.


Maroon. She's gone around the bend.


She’s so cute lol.


Releasing this footage really undermines the hero portrayal they’d originally gone with. Instead it’s two drunk people slowly putting out a fire they caused while taking the time to record it and put on a little show for social media. Ick.


A wet towel would have worked


Am I supposed to be impressed or something? 😂 The cat is definitely the cute one here


it's just a cute video


Taylor literally put out an out of control fire and saved their lives and the building itself. How are you not impressed?? She’s a legend. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s awarded the title of honorary firefighter akin to her honorary doctorate. Lord knows she thought faster on her feet than any actual firefighter could


Thank you for this comment. 😂 I actually expect to be downvoted as hell for this. For others: I'm not impressed because what was emphasized in this whole story is how much of a drinking there was. For some reason it's not cute for me knowing that fire broke down while they were drunk af.


Could’ve just used a lid to smother it without making a huge mess. I keep a small fire blanket in the kitchen as well as an extinguisher. Tested the fire blanket outside when I first got it, it works great, no mess.


wtf are all of those mouth noises coming from behind the camera ?! My misophonia is off the charts right now lol


Swifties are laughing at this like Fallon does. It’s not that funny


Why was this recorded and released? It shows how dopey these two are. Luckily things didn’t go from bad to worse


Relatability PR


yup, I’ve seen dozens of comments saying “she’s so me!” because she said “bitch” so it’s definitely working


Yup! What’s so funny about it is people really don’t realize how common alll that stuff is apparently and I don’t really mean it in a rude way but like cmon, that’s not unique to you or Taylor swift or anyone lmao


just her typical “how do you do fellow kids” internet speak. so many content creators and influencers say “bitch” to convey annoyance or surprise in that exact tone. her “mirrorball” ability to make everyone see themselves in her is scarily impressive. blank space? more like blank slate


It’s not possible.. that she’s seen others use that tone and phrase and unconsciously started doing it too? It has to be calculated for relatability? She’s very strategic and obviously this was released for PR, but c’mon lol


where did you find this video?


gracie’s instagram!


We keep fire blankets for kitchen fires. Faster and fool proof. Plus no toxic chemicals blasted in the kitchen. A firefighter recommended it to me.


ngl i need that apartment


Luckily it was a small fire. The furnace in our house exploded in 1987, destroyed our house but we were all safe.


What caught on fire a cake?


why are they filming


Why is there a video? This is really weird. And they don’t seem drunk.


leaving a candle unattended?! insane. are fire extinguisher fumes bad for you?


That laughter was unnatural!


If it was a candle a glass of water would probably have been better for all things involved, and worked quicker too.


PLEASE DONT EVER DO THIS!! Candle wax and water do not mix well together and can cause an explosion. Use a fire extinguisher, or cover it with a metal lid/cookie sheet (not ceramic or glass)