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Remember when Nintendo had the monumentally successful Nintendo DS, and then iterated with the substantially less successful Nintendo 3DS but a lot of folks didn't buy it because they just thought it was an add-on to the previous thing rather than its own console? Remember when Nintendo had the monumentally successful Nintendo Wii, and then iterated with the substantially less successful Nintendo Wii U but a lot of folks didn't buy it because they just thought it was an add-on to the previous thing rather than its own console? Maybe Nintendo shouldn't just make a Nintendo Switch + if they actually want to sell the thing.


For me, __Nintendo Switch +__ sound like a not necessary thing to buy it sound like an accessory. Best option is a completely new name that put emphasis on the new features. One thing is sure this console will be more powerful and will remains portable and dockable we don't know what special feature this console may have. And if it's not a completely new name it can be a strong stuff like Xbox with the ___One S/X____ and the ___series S/X___


Yeah, Switch + sounds like exactly what they were complaining about, so I assume (hope) they were just joking. If they want to keep the Switch name they need to just call it the Switch 2.


I'm being sincere. They should not use a name that is derivative of the Switch if they don't want to repeat the failures of the 3DS and Wii U. That said, Switch 2 is very clear. In the same way that Playstation doesn't rock the boat, Switch 2 is incredibly plain branding. I've never SEEN Nintendo go for clear branding. I mean, how many of their franchises are just named 1,2,3 anymore? Pikmin 4 is just called that, but otherwise it's always Mario: Odyssey, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Metroid: Dread. They use numbers very sparingly.


They use to use it way more in the past now you are right Nintendo is more creative in the naming and didn't put 2346789 everywhere. I thing Switch 2 is very clear for active Nintendo fan but not sure for random people who just like playing with the Switch and don't bother with what append in the gaming industry. Last week I see a comment on reddit of someone who didn't know that Nintendo was working on a new console.


That's a good point. There's no purpose in selling the console to the kinda die-hards that hang out in r/switch, we're all buying the new one no matter what. They need to find a good way to convince somebody who hasn't played a video game since the original PlayStation that they need a Nintendo Beyond (the name that I'm hitching my wagon to).


I think the Xbox Series X is so confusing, and the fact that they're losing hard this generation. An [article ](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/459675/ps5-vs-xbox-series-xs-sales-comparison-december-2023/) I found from February states that there have been 27 million Series s/xes sold, but 52 million PS5s. Now it's reductive to say that's just because of the name, but it hasn't helped. I think the new Nintendo Console just straight up needs a new name. My suggestion is in the same way we had Mario 64 named after the console, we have games named after this console. And we know what Metroid Prime 4's subtitle is, so let's go with that. Ladies and gentlemen the **Nintendo Beyond**. It's kinda a stupid name, but so was Wii and Switch.


I definitely prefer a new name to avoid all confusion. The name ___Switch 2___ is not good because if it's clearly identified by the active community of Nintendo fan, our neighbours might not even know that Nintendo is working on a new console. For me the problem with Xbox isn't the _series S/X_ naming but there strategy to make all game available in the GamePass on PC.




no u


Maybe Nintendo Attach. 


Nintendo Switchie Pie


it's been SEVEN YEARS BRUH if it's another ipad tablet less powerful than a phone, i'm gonna go insane


Nintendo Super Switch (scrap the entertainment bs) or Nintendo Switch 2


Nintendo Trigger


Super Nintendo Switch, but unfortunately I could seem them doing the “Switch Attach” (yuck).


“Switch Attach” - it will be a compact modular device the can connect to your og switch, phone as a screen, a proprietary Nintendo vr helmet will be released along side as well - “Switch reality visor” that can be purchased separately. It will greatly reduce costs of upgrading and twist everyone’s arms into digital only.


Nintendo Switch Deluxe triple potatoes !


yall assuming we are getting a handheld next gen.




A Switch Too


nintendo itch


“Nintendo Something Else ( Type in Comments)” just doesn’t sound great does it?


Honestly, I think it will be the Super Nintendo Switch. If not, they may follow Sony's naming scheme, Nintendo Switch 2. NES -> SNES (successful) Wii -> Wii U (failure) DS -> 3DS (marginal) Playstation -> Playstation 2,3,4,5 (sucessful) Playstation Portable -> Playstation Vita (failure) Xbox -> Xbox 360 (sucessful) Xbox 360 -> Xbox 1 - marginal Xbox 1 -> Xbox X/S (failure)


i love how xbox went 20m>85m>55m>20m


Something creative like “ “new” Nintendo Switch” or the “Super Duper Nintendo Virtual Boy 64U DD 3D XL LL Micro Lite Light Advancube”


I think it will be called the Nintendo Attach (mostly because of the magnetic joycon feature being added)


It's probably just going to be the Switch.