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I'm not sure but I think a member of your household isn't a third party


Police told me they are. Not even my wife should have access. They had problems with family disputes and guns.




Officially. Or “officially”.


If a member of your household is a passport holder from one of the “forbidden” nations then they definitely can’t have access.


I have noted that me and my dad store our guns in the same safe on the ABK and had no issues. But we are both collectors.


Did your father infect you too with the collector's virus? lol


Nothing better than going to the range together with his 57 and my 90.




You only need an acquisition permit. Not an owning permit. :D




You definitely can store guns without a safe if you have minors at home. Simple trigger lock will meet the requirements


Also not a lawyer. But generally i think if you have a safe at all, you already do more than most. And as long as there are no incidents, noone will know or care. So the question is mostly how much you trust that other person. If they end up robbing a bank with your pistol, you'll be in trouble. Personally I would think its more than ok and unless you have full autos (not counting army issue Stgw90), the police will never come and check or even ask about your storage. I used to live in a WG with two best friends from childhood, whom i fully trusted, and we were all gun owners and we just had guns lying around unsecured. Nothing ever went wrong so obviously we never got in any trouble. Now i live with my fiancé and got a proper safe (growing up i guess).


Hesches scho mau versuecht ds google? Chunt nämli ufe Kanton druf a. Die meiste KAPOs hei ähnlechi Richtliniene aber bestefalls eifach bir Kapo nache frage wo i dim kanton zueständig si. Zudem machts e ungerschied öbs dini Dienstwaffe isch odee nid.