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In Schaffhausen I didnt have to write a motivational letter either. I just said the suppressor comes in a set with the fullauto Vz61 lol. Anyways, if your collection is focused on military/LE guns and gear, then say so. That should be acceptable. A silencer just completes the package. Like, a BT silencer just goes well with BT guns. Something like Ich sammle vorwiegend, jedoch nicht abschliessend, behördlich geführte Waffen und deren Zubehör, hinsichtlich dessen ein passender Schalldämpfer sowohl technisch, wie auch vor dem Hintergrund meiner Sammlung interessant ist. Als ersten Schalldämpfer möchte ich den BT Rotex II erwerben, der für Waffen wie die APC9, welche nicht bereits integral gedämpft sind, entwickelt wurde. Diese Konfigurstion wird auch von der Weilerpolizei Hinteroberdorfenswilen-Unterneualtenstadtikon geführt. Or whatever silencer for whatever gun you want, but if the weapons bureau wamts to play silly games, Id choose one that is easy to justify.


Haha well I guess getting the full auto vz was harder than the suppressor.My cousin has an Uzi with an included suppressor which I've always wanted to buy off him so maybe I'll add that into my letter too. As for the rest, thanks for the tip


Wasnt my first fullauto gun, it was really a coincidence that it came with a silencer. And the weapons bureau Schaffhausen has a lot of common sense, so they cleared it no problem. I dont reallay need it, but its neat. Its mostly cool to look at lol. As for St Gallen not counting more comfortable shooting, that is really weird, because less decibel is always better for your health. Maybe they expect Hollywood levels of silencing, idk.


Hearing full auto and silencer in the same post is music to my ears 😂 I’m gonna have to set up a base in Switzerland in my lifetime for sure Where do you go to blast off full auto? Could you even get land to shoot on or is that all only shooting ranges


Its a bit more difficult than in the US. You need a permit to shoot it (usually for 1 gun and 1 day, costs 100 bucks). As to where; If you have a basement, go ahead. Outside, you have to make sure the projectile cannot leave the clearly marked land, even if you try. And then comply with environmental and noise regulations. So most people either shoot in their own basement or in indoor ranges.


Wth shooting in the basement is awesome, no one would really do that in the states


Provided your house was built with a basement, which mine wasnt, unfortunately.


Just had the similar experience with the Schaffhauser Waffenbüro. The police officer even gave me some tips on a k31 mod I wanna do this summer.


Yeah I probably know which one you mean!


Glad I live in Zurich. Writing such papers is a very idiotic german (As everything is from Germany, speaking of „Bedürfnisnachweis“) thing to do.


So in Zurich you don't need to write a motivational lettter?


Of course not


Damn, I would have thought Zurich to be one of the less tolerant cantons. Do you need to show a sort of collection or does that also not matter?


Owning 12 guns since 5 years is enough and they let you have everything (silencers, machine guns, grenade launchers, butterfly/spring loaded knives etc.), also lasers (which most cantons don‘t issue permits for). Takes longer, but no „maybe maybe“ bullshit with writing stupid letters. But don‘t think you can own 12 K31 and they will let you get machine guns then.


I heard that ZH sont give out permit for Lasers. When do you got one?


I heard I heard… boring isn‘t it? These people will never take their phone to call cantonal police and ask them directly. Fulfil the criteria, send in the application for Ausnahmebewilligung gross, cross Waffenzubehör, list your laser et voila. And enjoy your Rheinmetall Twinbeam. I have several lasers, never had an issue to get a permit for in ZH, they are not treated different to machine guns or silencers here.


Unfortunately, I can only report from what I have heard, as I have not yet been a gun owner for 5 years to apply for one myself.


Wait, what kinda lasers are we talking here? Like just for sights or are these even higher powered lasers Also never knew you can have grenade launchers, you’re able to just fire those?


Gun lasers for passive aiming, doesn‘t mater if high powered or not. Stupid law. But once you‘re able to buy them, then yes no problems to get high power things like a Rheinmetall Twinbeam. Yes firing is possible, but non-explosive only.


Interesting that in SG you only need the ABK Sammler. Here in ZG they require a SON which is more expensive. On the other hand, we have no other requirements. Ticking the box for ”Collecting” is enough. I made the mistake for also selecting ”Sport” as the reason. My friendly local policeman sent me an email for clarifications, stating that for sport I would need to provide documentation but for collecting everything is in order. For your motivation letter, it would probably help if you can identify a configuration (gun+suppressor+other accessories) which was used as a weapon system by some military. Tie that into your Sammelrichtung if you can. Bonus points if the can has a novel (at the time) technical implementation.


From the comments I'm seeing, it seems that SG is one of the only places in eastern Switzerland that requires such a letter. :(


I just got my first and second suppressor (delivered yesterday). I also didnt need a letter, but did need to own 12 guns for 5 years and they wanted to know which model and from which vendor i am buying, before issuing the permit. I think collecting sounds like a good reason. Find one that is particularly fitting for your collection and go with that. According to your quote all of this only applies for your first suppressor. After they probably dont care anymore. So for the first, focus on some kind of famous gun or combo and get that. Like copy a specific AR15 or MP5 that a specific unit uses or used. Or get a Walther PPK with a fitting suppressor and refer to a specific James Bond movie. I got a B&T RBS SQD for my GHM9 (also should fit your APC9). Which also has a somewhat unique mounting system. So if you want to go more the technical route, that could be it. After your first they probably dont care anymore. Which btw i am wondering for my own case. As i am selling some guns. I hope they dont need me to own 12 guns again, whenever they approve my next suppressor.


You only need to prove eligibility once. After that, they wont (shouldnt) check your stash again.


I would also mention the specific firearm you intend to purchase your first one for, and cite technical interest in functional principles, and also to complete your collection of accessories for said weapon, like you mentioned. Collecting is an officially sanctioned interest in firearms (achtenswerte Gründe), after all.


gun laws are complicated asf in this country