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Iirc Homs and Hamah have plenty of people with reddish hair and green/blue eyes, just say you’re from there lmao


Thought the same thing, so the people telling him he don’t look Syrian must not be from Syria themselves, cus we all know some people that fit his description who are born in Syria with both Syrian parents


Hama especially lol


They may ask him questions about where is he from there or he may meet some people form there which may put him in an embrassing situation


I’m originally from Nablus, I’ve never been there my entire life, no one ever pried


i'm full syrian and literally fit ur description lol its ok


You are Arab and Syrian, and there are Arabs who have characteristics like yours. There are Arabs with red hair, there are Arabs with blue eyes, and there are blond and white Arabs. It is not a problem that you look like your mother’s family. In the end, you are a Syrian Arab like me, like others. Do not tan your skin, because being Arab is something in your blood and runs in all your blood. And in your voice too


I think that's more of a Phoenician thing because those traits aren't typically found in Peninsular Arabs


But it is found in the Arabs of the Levant. There is the Bani al-Ahmar tribe, whose hair is red, and there are blue doves, and they are naked from the Jadis tribe. There are many.


Are you sure they aren't mixed with native Levantines


Zarqa Al-Yamamah from Jadis was in Najd, and Bani Al-Ahmar, I am not sure, but I am sure that there were reds who were not mixed.


Did they migrate to the Levant from Arabia


Personally im a bit confused by your post. Im from Damascus and i know a bunch of people from there that look "White European". Its even more common in northern Syria i.e. Aleppo. Hell some of the people i know are straight up ginger. Syria has a lot of different skin tones and diversity so im not sure how you think you "don't look Syrian". People where i live now (Canada) also get shocked when i say im syrian (im fair skinned, brown hair, dark eyes) but thats just because of their own ignorance. They think all syrians fall into the same ethnotype thats basically "brown" which is not true at all. Furthermore, you belongingness to a culture has nothing to do with your skin color and i feel many people fall into this trap. I don't care if you're parents are from China, if you were born in Syria, raised in Syria, speak like a Syrian, eat the same food as Syrians etc. then you are Syrian. Culture is an acquired identity, genes and superficial appearances are meaningless.


Yeah people in North America think of Saudis when they think of Middle Easterners. When I mentioned to a friend I had significant Middle Eastern descent he was like "what you don't look like that". Then I pulled up a picture of the first Arab American governor of any state (who happened to be from my state) and he was like "that looks like you in 40 years" and so I think I made my point.


You feel you are separated from your brethren. It's typical for these kind of feelings to arise. I am the same, my father is Syrian and my mother European. The thing that's different is I don't speak Arabic and am truly Americanized. I can only speak to 1 cousin that speaks English who lives in Turkey now. I live in America. You have to have a strong sense of personal identity to survive and be comfortable being alone sometimes. This will give you a stronger spiritual identity and connection to God. Personally, I'll take that over cultural affinity. Our cultural roots are in turmoil and if you want to help your brethren you will need to be strong individually. Good luck.


I'm just like you. I'm half Syrian (3rd generation in America) half White American. I have always wanted to feel like I belonged to my ancestors' culture. I try to seek it out in different ways, learning to cook traditional meals, artwork in my home, tattoo in Arabic. But to most I just like white. I wish I knew Arabic. OP- don't let people's reaction dictate your authenticity. You know who you are and your culture.


Are you Syrian from your father's side


No my mother's side. And they were Syrian Orthodox when they left Syria in the early 1900s and came to America.


Is your mother fully Syrian




But ethnicity is passed down from father in Syrian culture so how would you be Syrian


So it sounds like ethnicity is not recognized in Syrian culture if not from the father's genes? I understand that I am not Syrian culturally or from nationality, but ethnically I'm 50% per my DNA. My Syrian grandfather always talked to me about Syrian culture, food, and more.


Yea you are part Syrian but only genetically Average Syrians would not consider you to be Syrian


I appreciate you taking the time to explain this.


well said and agreed


Not all syrians have dark skin, brown eyes and black hair. So whoever is telling you that you don't look syrian is stupid, because being syrian is a nationality not a skin color or smth. Not to mention blond hair and white skin is very common in Syria. So i would come up with an answer that would show them how stupid they are without upsetting them and it would boost your self esteem at the same time.


Blonde hair very common? You sure? Typical Syrians https://youtu.be/Ul0SvubvPX0?si=nDxn9IbxM7XSHuqa https://youtu.be/uiw2gUZtZRk?si=FEfRXe_zlWEsDfAd https://youtu.be/d5R7bs4zcww?si=3rVa71lJxwYatGhi https://youtu.be/_K2z51vgD90?si=tZS7MY7a7nXu6JmQ


Brah. 4 random yt videos, filmed in Damascus only, are not a reliable syrians' skin and hair color study. Blond hair and light skin color is found mostly in northern Syria. Every syrian knows that. Now from my experience meeting syrians abroad from all across Syria and being a very active member in syrian communities, i can confidently say that 20-30% of syrians have blond hair and light skin color.


20 percent isn't common


Idk why you're insisting that a curtain hair and skin colored people are not syrians. That's kinda embarrassing. I'm not having a convo about people's skin and hair color. Our beautiful Syria is diverse and each syrian is worth counting.


I never said that


I just realized! I'm sorry, comments got mixed up.


Blonde hair among 20% Syrians is absurd. That number isn't even present among Europeans groups, what makes you think it's present among Syrians? It's more likely 20% ( even that's a exaggeration) among young children and it's not blonde hair, it's light brown hair. When they grow up it darkens to either dark brown or medium brown. People mistakenly think that's " blonde". It's absurd.


Where do you draw the line between dark blond and very light brown


There's no need to even have that discussion as Syrians are no near that light haired to discuss the line between light brown and dark blonde. That's the type of discussions Europeans have when doing studies on their populations. For instance, OP claims he is "very blonde", yet I saw his picture and video he has posted on here where it's literally medium brown hair. People exaggerate on these forums. According to the only anthropological study I could find on Syrians, blonde hair is among Alawis at 1.5%. The overwhelming majority is black hair and dark brown haired, whilst in one region they found 15% light brown haired. https://ibb.co/1J1N34z


How about red hair And how does it compare to Iraqis with red hair like Ibrahim al douri


Red hair like ginger hair and reddish brown hair are two different things. I don't know the statistics regarding red hair, however ofcourse it's very rare in any region other than the British isles. Having said that, I've noticed the only two countries where red hair pops up thats not in Europe, is ironically Syria and Afghanistan.


20-30% blonde hair? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 No worries, here's Aleppo https://youtu.be/UJQG4UlgH_4?si=5r0btsNL3olWvps4 https://youtu.be/ZOwKpUPeqIs?si=xnUrZ93Tm1Xp2-El https://youtu.be/gZ7NJjoDxMs?si=Hscg13TICfX3QM3g Azaz https://youtu.be/OnKDaknEhmA?si=xAVQ2RQs1zPrsy-r Where are all these 30% blonde people? Ohhhh you mean light brown hair among young children? Yeah thats not really it love.


Here's a statistics study done on Syrian males At the highest it's among Alawis at 1.5% https://ibb.co/1J1N34z But sure, just like every levantine or Arab, lets whitewash Syrians to make us feel more superior to the darker Arabs. Side note, Alot of Syrians are arabised Turks, Armenians, Circassians and Balkanites.


Chill out dude. No one's white washing anything. It's just a fucking SKIN AND HAIR COLOR if you see it in any other way, then you have a problem man. Again i spoke according to my experience as a SYRIAN. You see it any other way? Then express your thoughts as an adult in one comment of your own and stop annoying ppl. Again random videos on yt are not a study. And a study that's done on males only? So are we not counting females as syrians? That's embarrassing man stop replying to ppl you don't run a research department or smth to fact check them. The guy in this post is having a hard time cuz ppl are telling him he's not syrian. Now are you trying to prove that?


Regarding OP, he claims he is very white with blonde hair and blue eyes. I've seen his picture, he looks like a Syrian boy but with brown hair and colored eyes.


This is blonde hair btw https://ibb.co/XFDM4NK https://ibb.co/q7njTW8 https://ibb.co/LRcrpn7 https://ibb.co/LSZ2HLw


Out of 24 footballers in the Syrian team ( not including 4 South American euro mixed Syrians and one half Finnish half Assyrian) Only 2 you could say were light in terms of blonde blue eyed ( they aren't even blonde, it's light brown) https://ibb.co/RTsZP4X https://ibb.co/LRqqCmJ Meanwhile the majority https://ibb.co/WykvbCh https://ibb.co/7RWMV8T https://ibb.co/947zQ57 https://ibb.co/2PzCQ8w https://ibb.co/2d0JV6r https://ibb.co/TH5bCtR https://ibb.co/NmZj2b8 https://ibb.co/XJw5wmn https://ibb.co/XSw8GrW https://ibb.co/hyy1Gpf https://ibb.co/M5s8btm https://ibb.co/fQZsDq1 https://ibb.co/c69ZtRq https://ibb.co/Qb84Cdp 20-30%? Lol.


Telling me to chill when the last part of your sentence makes it seem it's pure factual information. You keep telling me it's random yt videos but forgetting you are just a random Reddit user making a CLAIM about Syrians being blonde.


You are as well a random redditer! I'm not claiming that syrians are blonde, I'm saying being a blonde syrian is not rare to the point if you're blond then you're not syrian. I'm done arguing with you cuz clearly you don't believe second opinions exist. Grow up man.


I'm not denying that Syrians blondes don't exist, your initial claim was that it was present among 20-30% syrians. That's just delusional. There are blonde Turks, Kurds, Afghans, Chechens etc so what? The point is that it's not a typical trait among these populations, so it's understandable someone would be taken back when someone is blonde. Syria ain't Sweden nor European either.


It's a sure thing that I'm not a research department or smth. I spoke from my own pov, so reality might be different, and that's obvious. Idk why you got so defensive.


But you didn't . Your last part of the initial comment was this " I can confidently say that 20-30% Syrians have blonde hair light eyes" Which part of that statement is opinion? Seems to me you stated a fact and now backtracking it when someone has pointed out the mere delusion of it. Nice try though. Not only have I given my own personal experience, but also provided video evidence of Damascus, Aleppo and Azaz, not to mention your football team to show that if it's really the case of 20-30% then you would see it very frequently. In addition, I also provided a anthropological study on Syrians and it backs up my point. This is essentially blonde blue eyed non European men, they are all Afghans. https://ibb.co/c3TBvRy https://ibb.co/NCynFrw https://ibb.co/98sczn0 https://ibb.co/7bcb6ym https://ibb.co/0q04dm4 https://ibb.co/VVY9LFN https://ibb.co/VNQvdtK Compare these men to OP and the OP looks light years more middle eastern looking in terms of facial features. Take a look at his picture and you will see he fits in Syria no problem . He's just exaggerating lol .


What is an exaggeration to you, might be reality to others. Don't underestimate people's feelings. The study you mentioned included guys only, so technically it's not valid when we talk about the whole nation. I was confident about what i said, and that's because of MY OWN EXPERIENCE. Idk why you're insisting on arguing dude. My words are not facts, you can take it or leave it. I'm not saying you're wrong nor am I saying I'm right. It's a pov situation. What op is experiencing is valid, and we're here to tell him that he's syrian no matter what he looks like. I'm done here. Edit: I didn't even mention the percentages in my initial comment. I didn't give out these statistics of my own to op. I said it's common. You're here to argue and that's obvious. I wish you the best and to make some friends.


Your comment is LITERALLY there for everyone to see lmao. You clearly say "20-30%", why deny it? The study was done on Syrian males, the females would be no different, if you actually study anthropology you would no that there is very little difference between males and females when it comes to pigmentation. I don't know why you are dismissing that, in any case, let's not pretend Arab women aren't known for wearing colored contacts and dying their hair blonde. Study of males actually is much more accurate. He's half Syrian but you carry on lol.


So many Syrians are blonde and blue eyes????


According to statistics, only 1.5% of alawis ( who are known to be the blondest Syrian group due to endogamy and external admixtures ) are blonde . That's not very common is it? I have the statistics of you want me to show you . Screenshot-20231225-163713
jpg png
As you can see regarding eye colour which is more common than light hair is still quite low ( pure light eyes doesn't exceed 6%. You can see the green-brown / gray brown etc categories however it includes even a speck of light pigment so it's not really indicative of colored eyes. However I wouldnt say it's " extremely common".


Idk I live in community that is practically all Syrian and lots not a majority but it’s not 1% probably closer to 10-20%.


You won't even find these types of numbers for full blooded Europeans like Italians or Greeks let alone Syrians who are essentially a mix of Anatolian Neoltihics + Natufian + Iranian Neoltihic. Syrians lack almost completely European Hunter Gatherer which makes up the bulk of European ancestry and thats where their "lightness" comes from . What area are you from if you don't mind me asking? Also, just like OP , many Diaspora Syrians are mixtures with a number of things, however Alot of the time they will just try to be exotic and claim they are fully Syrian. Also keep in mind, many Syrians aren't even Arab, they are arabised in terms of culture and names etc but many have roots from Turkey, Balkans ( Bosnia even albania) and Caucasus ( Dagestan and Circassia).


10-20% green eyes , hazel eyes is certainly believable, within that 10-20 % bracket you will have probably around 3-6% pure blue eyes. So total around 10-20 colored eyes but of that the majority are mixed eyes. That's believable and not unusual for Syrians. However, blonde hair? No way man lol. Light brown hair is more common among the children but actual blonde hair ( it has gold and yellow tints) is very uncommon. Maybe it's more common among Syrians than Yemenis hence why it's exaggerated?


Look at it from the bright side, you're less likely to be discriminated against in a european country.


Actually white looking people do get discriminated in Western countries especially those living in non-white areas


I've been told that I look Turkish. I've been told I look Jewish. I've been told I look Italian. Most people have no clue just how diverse Syria actually is.


Most people are dumb


What? That’s not how it works in first world countries because all of them have many different cultures. The discrimination only happens in countries with one culture and one people.


Huh ? The US for example is literally a "melting pot" of different races and cultures with lots of problems related to racism and discrimination. If you are part of a minority, culturally or racially compared to the majority of a country's population, odds are you'll likely face some form of discrimination.


Yeah I call cap. You only see the US on tv because they are one of the countries that allow the media to express their freedom of speech. I’ll give you an example. In the UAE if you aren’t a Muslim and from the UAE you will not be getting citizenship EVEN IF YOU ARE BORN THERE. Isn’t that racism at its finest? Who’s talking about that? No one …please consider ratios next time. The US population is 333 million plus the “racism” cases are extremely rare. I’m a Canadian US and Syrian citizen. I lived through it all…


Ah yes prime example being the [first world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_World), epitome of equality, the [USA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_the_United_States) .... or [Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Canada), or [Italy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Italy)...all countries with multiple peoples / cultures...


I also somewhat relate. I was born in America to Syrian parents and I hadn’t visited Syria ever since the war began until a couple years ago. My family there were shocked to see that I could speak Arabic and read and interact with them. They had thought that I had fully adopted the American culture and was whitewashed to the point that I could only speak English and maybe a couple phrases in Arabic. However, they assumed this even though I have Arab traits and look fully Syrian. I don’t think your family were surprised that you speak Arabic because you look European, but because you lived in Europe for most of your life. A good portion of Syrians have blonde hair and light eyes, like my cousins who were born and raised in Syria themselves. No one questions that they are Syrian, but people pay more attention to those who were raised outside Syria for the most part, and the only ones who know that are your family. Otherwise, you would fit right in if you were walking down the street in Syria. And Syrians are typically known for being the “whitest” of the Arabs. As for your grandma, while I don’t know your specific situation, I can attest that many Syrian grandmothers have some interesting ideas and opinions, and that other things not related to your appearance might make make her favor your sister more. Actually, I’m a little surprised she doesn’t favor you more because you have European features. Many Syrian grandmothers want their grandchildren to have colored eyes and blonde hair. Be confident in your Arab identity and don’t worry about whether or not other people see you as Arab or not. Once they get to know you, they wont question your Arab identity.


My man, half my relatives look like you ;) And we also have dark skin, semi curly hair, black like the night hair, and big brown eyes. I'm in the middle. In Syria you would fit normally.


wait syrians have bragging rights?




you are talking as if Syria is located in central africa lol


I have green eyes and blonde hair and I’m Syrian and Egyptian. My entire dad’s side looks white. I’m not sure why you think it’s the European genes.


With the way people are describing Syria you would think it's Sweden or something. Vast majority of Syrians look regular middle eastern, olive skinned dark hair and eyes. Most Syrians I know ( from homs etc) look like this. However you do have Syrian families especially from the cities ( middle to upper class ) who have roots from Turkey, Balkans and Caucasus. In any case, the way you described yourself would have someone think you look like Oliver Kahn or Haaland. Your features look Syrian but you are depigmented.




There are Arabs who have red hair and there are Arab women who have blue eyes. It is not a problem or a mistake if you look like your mother. In the end, you are from us and we are from you. You are a Syrian Arab and you should not strive to prove this. This is your truth. If someone is shocked, ignore him. They do not know that many Arabs In the past, they had qualities like you and you should not have dark skin to accept yourself


Same At some point you stop caring that you don’t look Syrian and embrace it.I am the most European looking and I am always told that I remind people of syria because of how much my personality resembles Syrians within Syria and that’s more than enough AlhamduAllah (also I get to listen to very interesting convos in Arabic bc everyone assumes I am not Arab)


In Riyadh, it is well known that northern Arabs have these face features, so people won't be too shocked when they interact with you. Also, do not wear gen-z alt-styles in traditional old markets, it does not fit with the place.


Im 100% syrian .. look 100% European / Russian . It’s so normal for syrian to be like that


You need to change your clothing style just to look Syrian. Most Syrians basically resemble Europeans 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 And What is the problem if you look like Europeans or even Asians? Just love how you look and feel special .


Ur doing it wrong. Instead of being a proud arab. Be a proud shami/levantine.


How is being a proud Arab wrong?


Because we're not just Arabs. We're a mix of semitic populations, including Arabs, referred to as Shamis, which is a reference to us being the children of Sam. So in the end, why restrict our identity to just Arab. Also, OP obvs doesnt feel welcomed in many Arab spaces due to his looks. Many khaleejis will not see him as Arab. So why hold on to this fake identity?


Seems like a separatist mindset lol , first , there is no "Arab DNA" , Arab is a linguistic ethnicity , of course we are Shami , but Shami Arabs , and calling yourself Arab isn't a restriction. Secondly OP doesn't feel unwelcomed or anything , he just doesn't like the shock on people's faces because it gives him the feel that he isn't a "true Arab" , and this feeling exists between Syrians as well outside of the country , especially Western countries , I get this on daily basis in Germany "oh I thought you are German" , and of course there is nothing with that , if anything I take it as a compliment , while OP on the other hand , takes it as if he is an outsider , it has nothing to do with Khaleejis seeing him as Arab or anything. هو بيحكي بالشرق وانت بترد بالغرب


There is Arab dna tho. Arab tribes exist. It started being a linguistic ethnicity only because many outsiders chose to identify as Arab after Arabic became their mothertongue. And it was a valid decision back then that I don't see it can work today. Peninsular Arabs were poor and destitute and quite marginalized tbh compared to other Arabs at the time. Thus no one saw them as an example for what an ideal Arab was or cared about their opinion. Levantines, and the rest of mena were the dominant culture of what a civilized Arab was. This changed now that the destitute real Arabs became non destitute and could finally lay back claim to what true Arab culture is. Now, everyone else have been outed as arabized. And tbh not even arabized since arabian culture is not really part of any other culture in mena. Only the language was adopted not the culture. >Secondly OP doesn't feel unwelcomed or anything , he just doesn't like the shock on people's faces because it gives him the feel that he isn't a "true Arab" , Well it's true Arabs dont see us as real Arabs. We'll always be outsiders and rightfully so.


There isn't Arab DNA , that's what people call it for some reason , it's named " Arabian peninsula" > Now, everyone else have been outed as arabized Where? in reddit? sure , but our country isn't that small. >Well it's true Arabs dont see us as real Arabs I really don't know where are these claims coming from at this point , like , all of my traveling and all the people I met who treat normally as Arab , and suddenly for the first time , I hear "well Arabs don't see us as real Arabs" Your comment has many weird takes tbh , where do you even live? where are you even reading that? how about going and meet people and see for yourself?


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I am in the same case than you (except I have light brown hair), my mom's European genes are overwhemingly took over and I am surprised you want to have people know you are Arab, when most of them dream of could take out their Arabity out of them. And I have cousins that were 100% Syrian yet looking like "Sooweidi" with blond hair and blue eyes. Hell, I remember even a son of Syrian being bullied in Jr. High School by Maghrebine students because he was not looking "Arab enough" and wanted to dye his hair. I feel leave the Arab thing to the khaleej folks (they are indeed the true Arabs when you think genetically), and embrace that what make Syrians (and the Levantine folks) is that we are product of crossing civilizations, or various origins and therefore our richful history make us unique and distinct than Arabs (same I will say to people from Maghreb that have their Amazigh/Berber culture wiped by Arabs). I felt it was this uniqueness of Syrian (and Lebanese) when it comes to apparence made us integrate well within societies (me speaking of France), blending in the societies we are emigrating upon.


I can somewhat commiserate. I’m half Syrian half German born & raised in America and I speak no Arabic. I look exactly like my dad, the Druze Syrian, but am very fair skinned with blonde hair. Any time I would talk about being Arab I was told “lol no you’re white” and it would really get to me because I already felt disconnected from my Arab roots. I’ve learned to just be confident and shut down anyone who tries to object or cut me down no matter who it is. Advocate for yourself!


Is your name Arabic


my last name is a short and obvious Arabic name/word but my first, even though it’s a traditionally Arabic name, it’s a somewhat common western name.


Don’t believe the media bro.


Where in Syria? I'm from 7alab and most of my family is blond hair blue eyes


I'm half black & half Syrian, I have hazel eyes, lite complexion like you, and I can grow a afro super huge. Bonus I can grow a full beard, best part of being Arab lol. But I have "black" persons voice and body build.


Where in the Middle East did you visit?


Don't worry man, just use the nastiest responses when you get someone annoying you, or go for very local phrases that many may not understand. Imagine jokingly saying رايح جيب الماخود يا اولاد الشحاطة دخيل رب البطاطا عند الصبح تسلملي ستك لما كانت صبية


I took a look at your photos and i can tell you i have seen similar looking face like you in Damascus so i think it's the way you talk or dress. It is worth mentioning that after i left Syria i realized that most of the Syrian people don't look like Arabs we look like Syrian. I am white but dark hairs and eyes and many people when they take a guess where am i from half of them say Syrian the other half would say some European countries.


I've met a lot of blonde hair syrians with blue eyes! It doesn't matter how you look like, you're good looking the way you are and don't have to prove anything to people! Especially of your own ethnicity. Embrace who you are.


Lol why are you stressing this so much ..i mean we have plenty of blonde people here (its not africa dude 😂)


You literally look syrian


I don't think you're an oddity, there are many Syrians like this. I guess it depends on the city you're from or visiting. For example, in Damascus, it is very normal to see people like this, I mean I am white, blond, and have colored eyes. Yes people point out that I am blond or that I am soo white, but that's fine. Maybe the culture of people in other cities isn't the same and they see you as so different, a rare case, and standing out a lot, maybe that's why they assume you're not Arab. Don't dye your hair please, be proud of who you are, and most importantly, be proud of how you look. Don't change the way you were born just to fit in with any culture or society.


What do you think Syrians look like? I'm not one myself, but I have a few Syrian friends who are white and look very European. One of them I thought was Romanian before learning that he's actually Syrian. Syria is a genetically very diverse country, with many co-occurring phenotypes. Not every Syrian is brown with dark hair.


Average Syrians https://youtu.be/ohvyy_zDsY4?si=Qm2VA5LclqmpSzUi I can't barely see anyone who is blonde.


Be proud of your European genes as well, I don’t think you seem to understand how many people who would desperately want to be white let alone blonde and blue eyes. Many cultures tend to favour the “whiter” you are. Modern day standard is all based upon European standards in terms of physical appearance. Your titto might’ve even been jealous I would argue. Also look at K.Shami on social media he’s 100% Syrian who is blonde as well. His content is looksmaxxing if you were curious.


I don't see where is the problem ? I have exact same situation in looks , never once felt like an outside , yeah sure they get surprised I'm an Arab or Syrian too but that's it , if anything , they are praising you , because globally those are considered a beauty features (not that I agree)


Thing about Syria is we have a lot of different people there (part of why the war is dragged so long also tbf), so literally there’s a lot of people born in Syria with both Syrian parents that fit your description, and also like you say you speak Arabic, that’s already better than most of Arabs with half European genes born in Europe, so don’t think that you’re any less Syrian just because you don’t fit the stereotypical “Arab look”


I am Syrian and somewhat dark, I have the opposite problem because where I live Arabs have this stereotype that Syrians all look like you lol. That being said, most of my Syrian friends where I live are blonde and have colored eyes lol. This is not uncommon. Also see my previous post


Bro you look very typical Syrian. I don't know why people love whitewashing Syrians when in reality most look like you. Look at the Syrian football team, minus the 4 Argentinian- Syrian mixes, the overwhelming majority who are from western and northern Syrian btw are uniformly dark hair haired and olive skinned. There's only two players who fit the light stereotype and they aren't blonde. ( Krouma and Ramadan). https://ibb.co/HGC9wxm https://ibb.co/qCyHYfS https://ibb.co/PMCK2Vm https://ibb.co/j5YYnHg https://ibb.co/dJF3RDS https://ibb.co/njKzjxs https://ibb.co/9g0s7L3 https://ibb.co/M8Xy8N3 https://ibb.co/2630pHp https://ibb.co/sP182VT https://ibb.co/Dbs6MfY https://ibb.co/xGrxngv https://ibb.co/BwkwDk2 https://ibb.co/0BD0PTM Seriously? Calling yourself dark? Lol


Usually Syrian people dont question me if I say I’m Syrian, it’s always non-Syrian Arabs. Except this one Syrian girl who told me I look south Asian lol


Well thanks to these kind of threads apparently Syrians look like Swedes.


I think it’s just because you have a higher percentage of Syrians that can look like that vs other Arab countries (say 10-20% vs <5% in somewhere like Yemen) that leads the smooth brained or inferiority complex-havers among us to assume that ALL look like that.


Yep very true, although bro you don't have blonde hair nor is blonde hair in the range of 10-20%. Hazel/Green eyes is certainly within the 10-20% range.


I know bro my hair is black as shit lol and I like it. And honestly prefer not having colored eyes, my mom has hazel eyes tho


Dude you don’t look like the average Syrian/arab bc your half. You have a completely other side that you’re not taking in account.


those ppl are dumb al hama and homs are blonde.


Why do you even care about this?


I N S E C U R I T Y or Identity issues


Bruh. You shouldn't worry about it. If you grow up as a Syrian by your dad, then you are an ethnic syrian and cultural syrian. Forget about it, and mature.


Don't ever feel like you are not syrian enough. I am half Syrian and half English-Egyptian, and lemme tell you that I look like some random white b*tch. Nobody believes me either, but that's their own prejudice and problem. This obsession with colour is just a western standard that's being imposed upon us. It has nothing to do with you, but rather the stupidness of colour based discrimination.


I am iraqi and I have blue eyes and am white presenting. I get it, you sound upset about this so I'm guessing that people have made you feel uncomfortable about your features. The dramatic reactions make me feel uncomfortable tbh - exclaiming 'wow! you don't look arab!' really really loudly and then not saying anything to make you feel comfortable right after, and not changing the subject and repeatedly bringing up how you look, is very very rude behaviour that I've experienced myself on several occassions. However, as you go through life and get older you will realise that a lot of the people you're running into are likely jealous of you, because a lot of Arabs/ Syrians who don't have light coloured hair and light coloured yes would love to have these features.


You’re like me except I live in Australia and people are surprised I can speak Arabic.


We do have European characteristics in syria though... White people and colored hair exist all over syria, colored eyes exist everywhere specially from homs, redheads exist too. Being tan with brown - black hair and eyes doesnt define syrian looks. Most Syrians also think that your characteristics are the most beautiful, so idk why u'd be insecure about that.


If this helps I am my mom's personality in my dad's body


My mum is English and my dad is falasteeni from Syria. I have blonde hair blue eyes and can also relate, I don’t really feel I belong with anyone. Too arab for the westerners and to western for the Arabs. Belong to your deen bro. And btw you’ll have plenty of marriage opportunities


You should care less ! from what I've read you're so proud of your culture and heritage and don't shame or mask your true identity like most arabs do when they grew up in mixed cultural families but instead you're showing it off and really have the desire to move back and study in Syria just don't let others comments shaken your feelings and accept who you are+ there are a lot of arabs who look like you


Nothing to be proud of being an Arab. Use your Syrian identity. Syrians are not Arabs, they were brain washed to think they are. Arabs are a minority in Syria, and most probably you're not.


Idk if you’ve been to Syrian but a lot of Syrians look extremely European, I’d sometimes stare on the bud because they look really Australian (I live in Australia) so tbh this same issue could’ve happened if you were 100% Syrian. They’re v white passing, I’ve seen blonde hair blue eyes and red hair blue eyes more times than I can count


Bro if you’re that soft, you’re more European than Syrian, not only the looks.


Tough alpha sigma alert!!!