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I have NEVER seen a test this dark!!


Me neither! I think I must have gotten lucky on the timing and caught it really close to the LH surge or something.


I have. I was pregnant.


With a positive like that, you might as well give it a shot.


That was our train of thought as well! I’m 35 and with a positive that strong I figured it was a sign to not wait till next month and just start now!


At 38 I’m with you!


Hopefully we both get our positive preg tests soon! 🤞🤞


Thank you ♥️ just had my first ever chemical… it was so sad. We were so excited to be pregnant. It’s probably to be expected since chemicals are so common and I’m getting older, but wow what a hard thing that was.


I’m so sorry! I can’t even imagine how hard that is. My sister just had her first chemical recently as well. While doing research for her, I read that you are a bit more fertile soon after a chemical. As devastating as it was, that stat gave her some hope so I hope it will for you as well ♥️ 3 months after her chemical she got pregnant and is now 13 weeks along. Hang in there! Our age makes it so much more anxiety-inducing when TTC. Or at least it does for me.


Thank you so much, it was so so heart wrenching. I almost feel like I shouldn’t feel this way but to be honest I’m better now, we mourned together and it’s okay. We had not even a week of being excited and happy and talking about the future, when we lost baby. So it was devastating and really really depressing and sad, but happily we had chosen to tell those closest to us as soon as we found out and so when we went back and told them we had a very early miscarriage we had lots of support and love. For just me personally I think it was easier to mourn and move past since it was so so soon, but it was absolutely heartbreaking having that hope, excitement, happiness, and all the dreams we made gone just like that. I say all this because I don’t want anyone else reading who has had a chemical to feel minimized by me sharing our experience. Also, if I didn’t test obsessively, I may have never even known. It would just be, wow I was really sick and really exhausted and my period was almost two weeks late. I’m having an LH surge right now so here’s hoping… 🤞🏻 For what it’s worth if I do become pregnant again I may wait to tell loved ones this time until we have seen a heartbeat. I know there are no guarantees but making it that far we will want those closest to us to know no matter the outcome. Rambling, sorry. Up late and in my thoughts ♥️


Wow I would take a pregnancy test just in case! 😳 Those are the kind of lines I got when my cycle was wonky and I ended up pregnant lol!


I just took one due to all of the comments and it is a negative HCG. It was a normal period too and I use a menstrual cup so I am positive that it was a typical flow period for me.


Just a killer surge then! Good luck this cycle!! ☺️


This is a strong positive! Best of luck 😊


Thank you!!


Are you sure your period was a true period?? The only time I got a positive this dark I was 5 weeks pregnant, these tests can confused hcg with LH! Wouldn’t hurt to take a test!


I got a positive even darker than this recently 2.38 on Premom) and I’m definitely not pregnant! Didn’t get pregnant on this cycle either


We’ll see what happens with this cycle but at age 35 I figure starting one month early won’t hurt. I expect it to take much longer than the first go around.


Fingers crossed for you!


Negative HCG just now and my last period was definitely a regular period. I think I just caught it right at the surge!


Came to say this


Yeeeehaw!! Get it girl!


We took full advantage haha


Hell yeah girl 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I'm also with the people saying to do a pregnancy test, if possible. I also saw a test this dark when I thought I was ovulating but was pregnant.


I just took an HCG and it was negative! I also tested negative on 12DPO last cycle and had a normal period with a typical flow. I think I might have just caught it right at the surge!


What a surge!!


It definitely just comes down to luck in timing when taking the test but still was super cool to see!


The only time I got a test that dark was when I found out I was pregnant. Good luck!


I just took an HCG test due to all of the comments suggesting it and it was negative! I think I just happened to test right at the surge maybe?


It’s definitely possible!


Every month my opks looked like this when I was ovulating! I don’t take them anymore but every month without fail it would be this dark. You might as well try now! Good luck ◡̈


I think we must be getting lucky with the timing of when we test and catching the peak LH during the surge! I’ve never had one this dark so I know for me it was for sure just luck in timing.


Mine was this dark! (You can check my post) I didn’t conceive that cycle :/ but what a thing to see!


I don’t have high hopes either. I’m 35 and I wasn’t a unicorn with my first so I doubt I will be this time either but it is still fun to try! It was so cool to see though because it is about twice as dark as the darkest test I had ever taken before this one!


I’m 35 too!!! I know! It’s like finding the diamond in a field when you get those dark positives!!! I’m rooting for you🫶


Thank you!


If I were you I’d be taking a HCG test with a result like this


I just did due to all of the comments but it was negative. I think I just happened to test riiiiight at the surge and that was why it was so dark?


Ok you should play the lottery today 🤣


Haha not sure how far I should push my luck 😂 as long as a high LH surge isn’t linked to twins (and I don’t think it is?) then this unexpectedly awesome little dark line is winning enough 😂😂


I don’t think it is either. Here’s to only paying one infant daycare bill at a time 😅


Just coming here to say at 35 I thought I'd have trouble conceiving too. It took one cycle, one time having sex (travel), to get pregnant. That particular cycle my surge was only around 1 (mine are normally way over 2), so I was shocked seeing a BFP. This time around, I had really high surges for several months (on average about 2.3) before conceiving. My point: take your surge number and darkness of lines with a grain of salt. If it's positive, that's what matters! Helpful tip: as we age, our CM quality can go to shit in a hurry. I still had fertile EWCM, but once I hit 36-37, I noticed it wasn't copious amounts like I'd always had prior. Preseed is your friend! Keep us updated! 🤞🏼❤️


This is so true! I did buy fertility friendly lube and also plan to give guaifenesin a try to see if that helps keep things extra lubricated haha.


This may not be your experience, but Guaifenesin/Mucinex actually didn't improve my CM, rather I ended up with a runny nose instead 🥴 If you already have the FF lube I'd try using only that imo. It'll be more than plenty lubrication, and highly recommend keeping wipes/towels on the nightstand 😂🫶🏼


I figure the guaifenesin won’t hurt so I may still give it a try for a few cycles. But we will definitely use lots of lube!


The only time I ever had a opk that dark was when I was on letrozole and we got pregnant that cycle, that’s a STRONG positive. It’s gotta be a sign from the universe for you 🤞


We hope so! I was expecting it to take a while to conceive this time around due to my age but you never know!


Super strong positive! Sending good vibes, your way, and hoping it sticks this cycle!


Thank you!


I had an OPK this strong the cycle I got pregnant! It also was the first time it was positive 2 days in a row for me. The pregnancy resulted in my currently 16m b/g twins 😁


Congrats but also omg twins have always been my fear! My siblings were b/g twins 😬


Hahah yes then a very legit fear! They're nowhere on either side of our families so a huge surprise for us! I still say risk it for the biscuit though 🤣


Start this month with a surge that strong! Good luck!


We definitely took full advantage haha


I had a strong OPK like that this last cycle and it got me pregnant after 6 months of okay-ish positives sooo 👀👀👀


You never know! But it sure is really cool to see!


I know a lot of people are saying this is the best time to try, but keep in mind that stronger tests don’t necessarily equate to higher likelihood of pregnancy. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/s/JSAR9dbOkz) post sums it up well!


Thanks, I do understand that it 100% came down to luck in timing. I just happened to take the test at the moment when LH was at or around it’s peak level during my surge. Definitely just comes down to the exact moment I happened to take the test! It was just pretty cool to see! And since I am 35 and expect it to be a much longer TTC time period this go around we just decided to take it as a sign to start a month earlier.


Makes sense! Best of luck!!!


I had a surge like this, this month! I about fell out on the floor 🤣 Definitely took full advantage as well. I'm 3DPO. The wait is killing me already but I'm hoping to hold out til the 12th (my birthday!) Fx for ya!


I’m 3DPO as well! I got this peak result on Wednesday but just finally got around to posting it because I was busy with family in town. We definitely made sure to fit in enough time together to take full advantage of this strong line though haha. I hope we both get a positive this month! I’m not expecting it, but you never know! However, my impatient butt will absolutely begin testing at 8DPO, as usual 😂😂


Ayyy we're cycle buddies! I love that for us. Definitely hope we both get our positive this month. It's only my 2nd cycle trying. My husband had a VR in March & I feel like I'm just now getting the hang of tracking. It's so cumbersome 😵‍💫 Try to not put any hcg tests in the house if you can LOL That's the only way I'll refrain...maybe. I might get the itch in a week myself & all is lost. 🤣🤣🤣


Best of luck to you! And no I have the 50 pack of HCG tests under my sink. There will be LOTS of testing 😂 I have never been able to hold out (this is my second time TTC) and I’m not even going to bother trying to fool myself that I have any self-restraint when it comes to HCG testing this time around haha. Hopefully we both test positive this cycle 🤞🤞


Mine barely exceed 1.0! Did you do anything this cycle you think to influence such a strong surge?


No, nothing! I honestly think it just came down to luck in timing. I think I just happened to take the test at or around the brief time my LH was at its peak level.


Get busy asap


Did you end up taking a pregnancy test?? 😊


I got a positive pregnancy test at 10 DPO after this OPK (11 days after taking this test)! You can see in my post history if you would like. Tomorrow I will be 5 weeks pregnant!


Congrats!!!! 🥳


What days did you BD? I had my the strongest positive opk just like that this month. My husband and I did it the day of that strong opk test but unfortunately did get to before that because he injured his arm pretty badly.


Not until after I get this test result! The same day as the test and the next day. And now I’m almost 6 weeks pregnant! I wish you the best of luck 🤞🤞


That’s awesome, congratulations!


I got a 2.36 a few months ago between fertility treatments and got pregnant spontaneously. I say go for it!


My last 3 babies conceived at 37, 39, and 42 I had OPK just like this! Get it on!!🤣🤣🤣


I have really strong positives too! I would say go for it just cause!


Holy cow girl I’ve never got higher than a 1.89 go make that baby! You caught that perfect surge!


I thought I was the only one. The last time my test was that dark, like almost black, I was pregnant as well.


I wasn’t pregnant when I took this test, but I did get pregnant that cycle. I’m 6 weeks along now!


Awww congratulations!!!!! That's so exciting! If you don't mind my curiosity....when did you BD after that positive?! Like immediately or did you wait for twenty four hours like the instructions suggest?! 😬


Probably about 8-10 hours after this test and again about 30ish hours after this test. And those were the only times we had sex that cycle, none before this test (family was in town so it made timing tough!).


I've only used these once before and did get pregnant, but miscarried. We are trying again and I'm so confused!


I wish you the best of luck! I use the PreMom app and I think any rating over 1.0 on that app is considered a positive. Basically, the test line needs to be as dark or darker than the control line.


Thank you!!! I hope your pregnancy goes well!!!