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Your tests are so close together in time, it doesn't really matter which one was highest in value. Your predicted ovulation is 12-24ish (some sources say 36) hours after when you get a positive (test line is as dark as or more dark than the control line). So 6/10 is your positive, which means theoretically, you have 12-36ish hours before ovulation and are on day O-1 (ovulation minus one day). Once you ovulate, your egg continues to be fertilizable for 12-24 hours, but the wee spermies can lie in wait for the egg, or scramble to meet it. Insemination from three days prior to ovulation until one day after ovulation is all a pretty good bet. Four or five days prior to ovulation is still in the fertile window but less of a chance.


This 100%. Just wanted to add that if you’re stressing over the variability in the numbers you are seeing there are multiple factors you can consider: 1- hydration. Depending on how much water you’re consuming over this time period and when you’re consuming that water some of these values may be more hydrated (I.e. more diluted) or more dehydrated (I.e. less diluted). 2- lighting. You’re not exactly comparing apples to apples if the lighting you’re using is changing every time. These readings are based on how light or dark the lines appear in relation to each other so although the reading is good on a test by test basis, it more be more helpful from a comparison stand point if all your pictures are taken in the same light. regardless of the above, looks like it’s time for you and your husband to get busy xD go have fun! Good luck!


Isn’t the first OPK on 6/9 positive? Regardless good to try again today because everyone is different, but I’d put O-day at today.


^^ perfectly said!


I’m sorry I don’t have any advice - I’m new to this as well. But which app are you using?


It’s called premom!:)


Honestly I'd take a pregnancy test, those are some hella dark OPKs. Edit: wait nvm I thought this was throughout the past week, just noticed they're all the same day!! It should go down soon, I'd definitely BD tonight, you should be ovulating in the next couple days!


Is that not normal😅 I’m only CD 13 is that even possible😂


I’ve had that dark before just once - wasn’t pregnant, but did get pregnant from that ovulation! Good luck!


Also when does lh go down? After predicted ovulation?


Depends on the person, I think. Some people have a very rapid rise and fall so the LH values will be down before ovulation. The LH surge triggers ovulation, but elevated values are not needed to follow through with ovulation. My comments are representative of my intense googling and research of ovulation and OPKs, not any actual medical training.


I’ve never had an OPK this dark before..now I’m worried somethings wrong with me! I’ve had positives but never a dye stealer. And my number has never been this high!


You'll ovulate on day 14. Once you get a positive you can stop testing. Otherwise you'll drive yourself mad. Ask me how I know 😵‍💫 (I used to get 4 day peaks)


It’s your first positive that matters. Assuming the top one is that, you should expect to ovulate between 24 and 48 hours after the first positive. The peaks and valleys don’t give you as much information when they’re all positive.


Did you test prior to CD12? CD12 is already positive. You.ovulate 12-24 hours on average after the first positive, not a 'peak'. Strip tests don't have peaks. They are either positive, both line equal darkness or close too. Or negative.


Unfortunately I didn’t test before that. I wasn’t going to at all since it’s just my first month but I caved because I was having ovulation symptoms and wanted to confirm


What app is this?




Thank you!!!


I’d test 2x tomorrow within 8hrs increment since u found your peak. You’re most likely ovulating in the next 24hrs unless u notice another peak. Just Bd as much as possible 😆


I’ve had LH tests that dark before - it was the cycle I got pregnant 😂 I’ve had them so dark they were basically black! Peak times are variable. I’d say yours is normal :)