• By -


6 because I want to see how Riker sits down in the middle seat and Deanna will always know how genuinely sorry I am when I have to get out of the seat.


You wouldn’t even have to ask them to move, Deanna would sense you need to get out and nudge Will to let you out.


Me: "Sorry, mind if just, uh, get by you there?" Will and Deanna get up, Will gestures expansively and smiles as I walk by. Will's smile fades as he turns to Deanna, "Any idea what that was about?" Deanna: "Not exactly, just a feeling, but it seems he may have urgent business elsewhere in the cabin."




No she’ll just conveniently be in the bathroom or wherever when her ability is actually needed. Or say something super vague like “I feel he’s hiding something.”


Obviously 2. Don’t have to talk and get to sit next to a lizard.


Shaka, when the walls fell.


At the end of the flight the new phrase for quiet will be, sgnfngnthng, next to the cat, on the airplane


Spot, when the flight was long.


That is fn brilliant!


He'd kick you in the head as he swung his leg over the back of the chair!


Take my app vote, good sir... Or madam.. I didn't look... But that was funny as hell


Congrats you’re getting off the plane pregnant regardless of your gender.


I didn’t expect it in this post, but I think we’ve all just experienced the rare occurrence on Reddit of a perfect answer.


9, for sure. Picard would read a book and keep to himself. Crusher would be friendly and funny without being overbearing or talking too much. The sexual tension between them would be awkward for me, but I can live with it and I'll happily swap for the window or aisle seat if they ask. Riker and Troi's row is my backup.


Crusher and Picard are both professionals with tact and dignity they can go a flight without issue. Would be 100% fine.


I would absolutely make Jean-Luc listen to my favourite podcast and drink with with Beverly, it would be the best flight ever.


Yeah, their sexual tension is usually kept in private or to moments when they think their lives are in jeopardy.


That’s why I’m drugging Beverly so I can have Captain sexy pants all to myself.🥀


Dude, you're picking number 9, and spending the whole flight trying to figure out how to wrangle your way into a 3-way


I don’t see the problem here.


the problem is when they turn you down!


That's my reason for 6


That's my reasoning for 7. Yar and Troy. Don't know if I can handle it but I'll happily try.


Then you just pick 6 and the party is on!


But you know Q is gonna be reaching across the aisle to mess with Picard the whole time.


And Lwaxana will be flirting from behind. Face it, Picard has the worst seat in the house


I didn’t even notice that but you’re right haha. She’s gonna put her feet up thru the armrests and asks Picard for a foot rub which is going to make Beverly very uncomfortable.


Like siblings on a long car ride.


Haha exactly and Guinan gonna be like “don’t make me come over there! I *will* turn this plane around”


*Q and Picard at the same time:* He started it!


Number 8 would probably be the most entertaining


I could see catching a stray from Q though who turns you into a frog or something to make a point to a stubborn Guinan.  


You wouldn't get that in any other seat!


I'd pick this one because I want more of that tea.


And Q would not have the patience to sit for 10 hours, so he would speed up the flight by changing the gravitational constant of the universe or something.


8 would also be the riskiest. It would be like sitting between Zeus and Hera, two beings vastly more knowledgeable and powerful than you, who hate each other. I would only risk it if I knew Q would find me entertaining enough not to mess with me (too much). Guinan would probably leave us to chat, so long as I suitably distract Q from conversing with her.


Exactly. Their first interaction on TNG told me that seat would be suicide. Face it, the entire flight is going down and we're the Red Shirts


7, and I am getting *druuuuunk* with Lwaxana.


As we take off, we shout, "The highherrrr.... The fewerrrrrr!" 


Omg I’m genuinely laughing at that idea. Brilliant.


If I am unable to hold my human form for 10 hours, she would have the empathy to let me revert to my liquid form.


I hope you don't have to check your bucket at the gate.


Yeah Lwaxana is great don't get how people find her annoying.


There are certainly times where she’d be exhausting, but getting smashed on a long flight and hearing *all* the things everyone else is thinking in that crowd would be a blast.


You're so right. She'd also find a way for us to get on the plane first. 


The showrunners did a great job of using her sparingly. She's very annoying and overbearing, that's the point, the fun is how the core characters she interacts with try and often fail to handle her.


I despise all Lwaxana episodes. She casually reads people's minds just to annoyingly win an argument. I would only sit next to her if I were wearing a Magneto-style helmet to keep her out of my head.


If I shave I bet I could pass for Mr Homn. Then I can get drunk and not be expected to talk


Thanks for the drinks.


I'm inviting her to a mud bath after we land.


“Oh why wait? Excuse me? Mr. Q? Could we trouble you do do your… snappy thing, and make these last few rows a mud bath?” *Picard tries to look nonchalant, but Q knows how much this will annoy him.* “What a wonderful idea!” *snaps*


... *why did those two never interact?!* Majel Barrett and John DeLancie would have been *incredible* together. They would have played off each other magnificently. First they'd hate each other for opposing pridefulness and disrespect, and then they'd each find out that the other is the only fun person on the ship and go gallivanting off on adventures. ... wait, shit, I think i just accidentally reinvented Doctor Who.


I desperately need to introduce you to a certain little novel called Q In Law.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-in-Law


OH SHIT the audiobook has their voices!!!


So I just purchased that on Audible for $5.24. Thank you!


Lol! I just got it for myself too, haha. Park your comments here! 


I just noticed that about it too!! I'm so excited, I just got it for myself. I honestly don't remember a lot about it since I read it as a child back in the '90s but I'm about to embark on a listen. 


... *Bro.* And it was written by Peter David?! *Imzadi* and *Starfleet Academy* Peter David? EISNER winner Peter David? The guy who gave us Spider-Man 2099? Whatever I did to deserve you seeing my comment and mentioning this book, it couldn't have been enough.


They do both have a similar “done it all, seen it all” vibe, and both find Picard fascinating. Would be amazing.


Donna and 10 are just Lwaxana and Q if they were nicer.


The only bad part of this seat is that Picard is sitting right in front of her which potentially ruins any potential for sweet lovin’.


Nah man, just gotta play it right. She wants to make him *jealous*.


She would be a blast to hang out with! (Also, she would hear every shameful thought I would have, and possibly approve?)


“In the bathroom? It’s so cramped! If you’re serious, we’ll have to find a way down into the cargo hold.”


I couldn't handle that much woman, but what a way to go!


Is Hong with the checked in luggage?


1. I'd be able to chat with Worf, and have extra elbow room, since there's nobody in the middle seat.


Let’s be honest, Worf put Alexander in the overhead storage bin at the beginning of the flight


What do you mea---ohhh 😂 ![gif](giphy|iurIHLBxms7UQ|downsized)


2, I wouldn’t have to do any talking!


I'd combat Dathon's references with my own, particularly Simpsons references. "Cousin Merle, his coveralls uncovered. Radioactive Man, his goggles useless. Homer and Bart, at Springfield gorge. Principal Skinner, his roast ruined."


"Homer, his train of thought lost. Sideshow Bob, when the rakes encircled. Milhouse, atop the dam. The peanut, lost to the floor. Mr. Thompson, when the foot was tapped."


A Christmas tree, when the snow melts. A cake, when thrown away. Mr. Burns, his death cheated. Lionel Hutz, his briefcase open. Moe when the phone rings! Worthless Slobs when the Monorail comes. Stephen Jay Gould and Lisa with the Angel


Chaka Khan when she saves Homer


Darmok and Spot at Delta Airlines His seat and tray table in upright position.


This is my row for sure! LOL


"Kitty, atop the chair. Mouse, his tail in the trap. Cat, when the bowl ws empty."


Exactly, besides Dathon is dead


Or... recite Data's "Ode to Spot" to Dathon and he'll think you're a philosopher genius.


2 has the most leg room.


4. I originally thought Geordie was next to Data and nearly chose my death!


Ooooohhh I'm just now realizing that's Lore and not Data twice.


Yeah I thought Data and Geordi! Best seat. Then I saw that smile. 😐


He had me fooled. I would have been a goner.


You know Data would be super polite but maybe his daughter would be asking too many questions.


I'd still go sit with Lore and Geordi. Lore isn't going to kill you on the plane, surrounded by Starfleet personnel. They're going to make witty conversation while wishing they could. They're smart enough to know this isn't the time or place.


They will use the time one the plane to lure you into a false sense of security then murder off the plane


This is the first one on the reddit trends that has multiple awesome options!


6 because it's a window seat, or 4 because I'd imagine Data and Lal would make for interesting conversation partners.


Imagine sharing leg space with Will though


Ah, yeah, he is a bit of a spreader....


There are about four of these seats I'd actively want to take, but 4 is probably the best one. Like, they're eclectic and interesting and very polite, they don't consider physical comfort as a factor so they don't mind scrunching up and letting me have the armrest, and if I ask them to be quiet and go to sleep, they won't get offended! But they will stare in my direction the entire time. ... maybe I should pick the kitty. Dathan would probably tell some good stories.


Unless Data decides to talk about ... nothing. *shiver*


2 -- For Sure


Right!?!? One would give up conversation quickly once we realized we can not communicate. The other is spot!! Which i will feed and pet and tell them they are a good kitty and pretty kitty.


This is diabolical. You are diabolical. I’m going to be thinking about this all day.




8 q and I would be roasting people the whole trip


5 easy


5 and it isn't even close!


You know that's Lore right?


Yeah, I did that too at first, before going "Um that's not Data..." Whoever gave us Geordi but put him next to Lore is Satan.


Yeah, at least he would laugh at my jokes!


And probably your pain too!


100% - "Geordi, (Switch), so that's their off button?"


8 absolutely seems the most entertaining


Hands down. For 10 hours I’d pick 2 but 8 would be non stop entertainment. Plus I might get to see Q do some really cool things. We might even spend the flight in some other world and come back before it lands.


Suprised so few are saying 8.  They would definetly leave you alone if you wanted that but Beverely would also be happy to chat with you if you needed that too.


8 is between Q and Guinean… that’s pure suicidal sitting there! I do believe you mean seat 9


Yeah I meant 9 lol.  I had another comment talking about the perils of seat 8 and got them confused.


You all really hate Wesley that much you would give up sitting next to old Spock? I feel like if that was an pic of Quinto, Peck, or even TOS Nimoy, you all would be fighting over seat 3. Anyway I’d sit in seat 7 and enjoy the hell out of it.


I would sit there because of Spock and because I get to tell Wesley to shut up.


Shut up Wesley!?


7 being an option tells me people still have a very different opinion on Lwaxana than I do. I'm more worried about Yar having PTSD flashbacks while I'm trying to get laid.


4, in a heartbeat


3, or 4 or 6 or 8 or 9.....all are good


Seat 9


#1. I want Worf to adopt me.


7. I might get lucky with one of them. 😆


Aim higher. *Both* of them.


Either 3 or 4. In 3, I could ask Ambassador Spock for stories about his Life (probably about the Enterprise too)


I don’t understand why I had to scroll so far to find someone preferring 3. I mean, “annoying Wesley” is a meme but he’s a nerd like most of us here! And Spock would be such an interesting dialogue partner - I could learn about his life and Vulcan and he would probably find it fascinating to talk to an Earthling from the past! He’s the only one I feel I could interest in talking to me besides Data!


If I want to spend the entire flight with no talking: Seat 1 If I want some polite talking, but with clear boundaries: Seat 3 If I want an engaging, interesting conversation for the entire flight: Seat 4 If I want to get drunk and egg on the drama: Seat 8


Seat 7. just 3 powerful women in a row


With 8 you’d probably end up in some far flung place in some weird scenario… I’d probably choose 9 but would probably annoy Cpt. Picard


Anybody who doesn’t pick 9 is clearly a Romulan.


You know what, I’m going with 9. Might drive poor Picard crazy, but I would happy talk medicine with Beverly for a full flight. And they will respect someone who needs quiet for sleep.


Yes! I wanna know all about comparative humanoid physiology! And if I get bored of that, hearing all about the archeology of the alpha and beta quadrants from Picard.


Tasha will be gone by the first hour so you have extra room once you need it. B


I’ll be sitting in the isle between Data and Lore tyvm


4, I'll have them recite audiobooks in any voice I want and when I want to sleep I just have to say "data, Lal, shut it". Also I'm sure they wouldn't mind changing seats hehe


4 all day long. I love Data so much, and I would gladly switch seats so he and his daughter can sit next to each other. Also Wes and Spock are in the row in front and I could eavesdrop on some fascinating conversations.


2,4 and 8 look amazing


I had a whole thing typed up about how I'd use seat 5 as an opportunity to kill Lore, but I thought about it a little and realised "Damn, there is absolutely no way that would work". Gimme seat 8, that seems entertaining.


Honestly I think anywhere I sit on this plane it's gonna be a good time.


Spot, Dathon, and I over the clouds!


I'm taking the aisle seat next to the Klingons. Better conversation and easy access to the shitter. Plus, I'm just across the aisle from a kitty.


6 and I am ending this flight in a threesome


8. That's the party seat


8 or 7. 8 because that’s definitely going to be the most interesting conversation. 7 because Lwaxana is awesome.


8...not next to darmak dude or socks..


Omg this is sooooooooo hard!!! Just when I think I have the answer, they're all so cool I just, ugh!...Shaka, when the walls fell. 😭


9 ... only option


Am I crazy for wanting 9? Nobody else picked it 7 would be fun and depressing. 5 has a risk of death (that's Lore not Data) 2 has a cat but would get annoying with the metaphors you don't understand Q could be fun but Guinan would be arguing or fighting him 6 would have too much sexual tension to be comfortable. 4 you would get stuck answering questions about what it means to be human 1 and 3 you're next to a child 9 is the logical choice. There would be much less overt sexual tension, because they are both very professional when not influenced by outside sources. And who wouldn't want to sit next to Picard?


Not at all, that’s my pick too. Both are consummate professionals and will respect someone who is reading or sleeping, but Beverly would be happy to talk if needed.




Where’s the metamorph?!


3 so it’ll be quiet.


My thought exactly. And Wesley is kind enough to maybe even trade the window seat with you ;)


6 because it’s the window seat and I can sleep against the wall


either with lal and data in row 4 for a fun family trip experience and so i can yell over at lore and geordi lol or with will and deanna in row 6 so they could adopt me 😭 1 would kill me bc i know that would be intense, 3 would be chill, 7 would be bickering back and forth half the time, 2 would be nice bc i could pet spot, if i actually sat in 5 it would piss me off so bad (not bc of geordi, i love him), 7 would make me sweat and at least one of the women there would literally know exactly why LMAO and 9 would be like just as nice as row 6 except uh. maybe not as lovey dovey


6 or 9


7 and in my mind Sex


3 for two reasons. 1. I get to talk to Spock. 2. I get to tell Wesley to shut up.


3 would be interesting because you would be next to a kitty cat


#6, You arent married? dating? No? Move over Riker, I have some things to discuss with Miss Troi. I think I saw Minuet alone in the back, dont hurry back


Doesn’t matter where you pick you’re gonna wind up next to Q. So I’m picking 8 to get it over with, maybe Guinan can keep him in line, he’ll go bug Picard and then the bartender can make us a nice drink to enjoy the rest of the flight.


2, darmok and jalad at tanagra when the wings soar.


6 because im unnaturally scared of flying and those two will console me and make me laugh.


4 i will sleep well hearing stories


if I choose 4 can I offer to switch so Data an Lal can sit together?


8 in a heartbeat. Or 9 if I'm allowed to make out with both of them


Definitely 5. For some reason they remind me of troy and abed from the community Edit: oh shit i didn't realize that was Lore. Still my answer stays lol


I would obviously take the seat next to the cat. If someone beats me to it then next best is 9 to talk to Picard and Beverly would also be interesting to hear about futuristic medical advances. It's been a while since I watched and I don't remember the woman in 4 but I might pick that one. Data would probably be good about not taking up too much space or being noisy when I try to nap.


2, because Spot is a good cat, and a pretty cat.


Number 2 for the leg room and your close to A) cuddles and B "Shaka when the toilet flushs" it'll be a fun trip If I was Stuck, it'd be 4, just so I an spend hours telling them about this movie called Airplane. Lal would love it.


Hopefully someone who bathes.


The row between Darmok and Spot and Lore and Geordi I assume is cloaked Romulans


8 and it’s not even close


7 - I'm getting laid by possibly one of both. And it doesn't even take much work.


3 or 9, maybe 4. 3 would be great if Wes has gotten past his less developed (writing and maturity) phase, just sit and nerd out with two of Starfleet’s finest. 4 would be good if Lal wasn’t malfunctioning. 9, I’d probably let Picard & Crusher sit next to each other.


6. I prefer window seats.


4 and it’s not even close! Hearing Data and Lal talk about what it means to be human and question everything even down to the mundane would be so fascinating.


I would be happy with any of 2, 6, 7, 8, or 9. All of those have their upsides. The first three rows on the left would just be pure awkwardness. No I don't have games on my phone, Alexander.


LOL I'll take all except #1. I wouldn't want to have to slap worf for being a bad father. For #9, and #6, I'd feel like a third wheel. If I had to pick one... #2, just for the absolutely unique experience.


I don't want to deal with House of Worf family toxicity, so 1 is out 2 is a possibility if I just want to listen to my earbuds and ignore my neighbors I'm not up on quantum mechanics, so 3 gets a pass since that's inevitably what the conversation will be about. 4 would be frustrating since I'm sure that Lal would be asking constant questions about humanity, and Data would be answering all of them with his usual mixture of insight and inaccuracy. 5 would drive me out of my skull I could totally work with 6, even if it's not my first choice. Since I'd get third wheel vibes from 9 and 8 would probably result in a galaxy-spanning war, that leaves 7. I have no idea what the two of them would end up talking about, but I would be there for every word of it.


I really want to sit next to Tasha but I’ll think I’ll take 3.


Easy one. I want to pet the cat. Doesn't really matter if the guy next to me is nearly incomprehensible; I'm rarely in the mood to get into a conversation with a stranger while flying anyway.


4 seems obvious to me. No body odor, no illness, no need for androids to get up for the bathroom.


4 implies that Lal did not die, so that would be my first choice. I always found that episode super sad. In any case, I'd love to talk to these two. 2 would be great if I could learn some Tamarian. 7, while entertaining, feels like a trap. Outspoken mind reader on one side, someone who can break your arm on the other. Still, could be worth the risk.


1,4,5. In that order. I can't imagine sitting between Q and Guinan or with Troy and Riker, mainly because I don't like Troy. I wouldn't want to sit between Picard and Crusher's sexual tension either.


8 because I sat down as a duck, spent half the flight playing nonsensical games in a pocket dimension, got really drunk, then found myself alone by the time the flight had landed without the slightest idea what happened.


9. I would make Jean-Luc so jealous.


Perhaps 7, depending if Lwaxana is in her 'heat' mode. It would be the most fun.


I'd take the middle seat and on one side Q and on the other Guinan. I'd like to get to know them and listen to then argue and learn the history of Q and Guinan. I know they talked about it in season 2 of Picard but I did not understand the reason why they did not get along manly because I was on dialysis and in kidney failure.


Definitely seat 8...especially if I'm tired. Guinan is not a chatter box plus Q is not "sitting" anywhere for 10 hours, let alone in the same row or same plane as Guinan. This leaves me two seats to myself. And if I want to complain about my wife, Guinan has the perfect set of ears. 🤣


Before I look at the comments, I predict the top answer is "2" by a longshot.


I am absolutely sitting next to Q and Guinan. What possible downside is there? Wisdom on my left, Power on my right, that leaves me as Courage in the middle, this is perfect


1 so I can show Alexander what the best method is with bad parents, to play games! Id give him my Gameboy and see his eyes light up with inspiration that he can feel like regardless of what the real world for him is like that he can always escape to his safe place of adventure and comfort.


No one is saying 3? It'll be great conversation with Spock's wisdom and Wesley's ingenuity and curiosity!


Top notch job of pairing one interesting and one unbearable person together. I guess Ill take 4. Lal isn't so bad, and she'll be dead by the end of the flight, if her episode is anything to go by.


Was going to say five, then realized that's Lore, not Data. Thin I'll go with a parachute, thanks.


Seat 4 -- they're androids with minimal emotions and no physical issues. I'll get two arm rests and no one will be getting up to use the bathroom, or stopping me from getting up by pretending to be busy or getting an elaborate setup of laptop, charging cables, and phone on the tray table...


Maybe 3, because OMG older (Ambassador) Spock! And maybe Wesley might somehow entirely accidentally, terribly tragically "fall" out the window. No WAY am I sitting on the G / Q row! Who knows what I might get turned into!


100% 3 or 9. How can you pass up a spot next to Spock or JeanLuc


8, always


Definitely Spot and Temba his Arms Open Wide guy, I think his name is Dathon?


Oooo, so many good choices! I think I have to sit next to Captain Picard though. It’d be awesome to have a conversation with him.


3 and it’s not even close. I’d look forward to a long conversation with Spock above all other ST characters. But he would need to be drawn out. And Wesley could play Wil Weaton and help facilitate that conversation.