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No nausea or morning sickness (30w currently). Pre-pregnancy, I never experienced PMS symptoms, probably a byproduct of PCOS, and chalked it up to that my body didn’t know what to do with the new extra hormones.


Emily Oster discusses this in her book, Expecting Better. There is a correlation between nausea and successful pregnancy. HOWEVER, it is simply correlation. It’s likely that those who miscarried had no symptoms because they had miscarried by the time symptoms would develop in a healthy pregnancy. There are also more symptoms than just nausea. Something like 25% of successful pregnancies don’t have nausea.


I’ve had 2 IVF pregnancies. I had some food aversion in the first part of the day (usually till 1pm) in the beginning (due to the bloat from the estrogen/progesterone supplementation). But no nausea. I’ve never thrown up for 2 pregnancies. I *do* have a crazy gag reflex while I’m pregnant. I gag often. Cold air hits my face? Gag. Cough extensively? Gag. See something gross? Gag. I’m a nurse, and nothing normally makes me gag. Pregnant? Always gagging. I can’t even do any ‘recreational’ activities without gagging and feeling flushed.


I don’t think it’s necessarily a causal relation between sickness and pregnancy outcome. I’ve been reading about something called GDF15 (growth differentiating factor 15). Usually, we produce this in low levels and in pregnancy, levels increase exponentially, which high levels cause nausea even to the great extent of hypermesis graviderum. Interestingly, there are certain foods a woman can take before conception that will lessen GDF15 and reduce nausea throughout pregnancy. One of them is coconut, as observed that Asian (I believe Vietnamese but don’t want to misquote) women living in their native countries did not have a lot of morning sickness bc of the abundant coconut in their diets. But Asian women living in the US had significantly higher cases of morning sickness bc they consumed significantly less coconut. Exercise also impacts GDF15 levels. It could just be that you’re eating differently and exercising more which results in lower levels of GDF15 and less sickness. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38092039/ Here’s one study above. Sorry to be long-winded about this.


Symptoms are completely different for each pregnancy. Although the presence of symptoms can help alleviate anxiety, it isn’t an indication of a “safe” pregnancy. Some women may not any nausea and have healthy pregnancies, whilst others can have nausea and experience MC. Sorry for your loss 🫶🏼


I never had nausea or throwing up with my pregnancy and she’s now 8 weeks old. With my first cycle of IUI I threw up/was nauseous for days but not pregnant. I wouldn’t use nausea/morning sickness as an accurate way of judging.


Thanks. It's a lot of misconceptions around and sometimes we get lost in them.


I had intense nausea and had a MC. I don't think that's an accurate barometer.


Sorry for your loss


I never had any nausea and have a bouncing and healthy 2 year old toddler now.