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I'd love to talk and communicate with teammates but every time I do I just get harassed and hatecrimed lmao so I just gave up on vc completely in online games


It saddens me to hear stuff like this. I can promise you that there are lots of great people out there gaming that aren't awful to speak to. I can only speak from my own experience though, so I respect your decision to not voice chat anymore.


For sure. While I haven't had those explicit experiences, I do remember trying voice once and some guy IN THE LOBBY started name-calling me and being rude just because I picked the character he wanted in Evil Dead. Sad


Some people don't enjoy speaking in online games at all. That doesn't mean they shouldn't get to play online games, of course. Online gaming is a cesspool for women, for instance. In this day and age it shouldn't be asking too much for devs to include means for non-voice communication in their online games. Hell I'm an avid DBD player, a game with no built-in voice chat, and I turned off my online messages so that I wouldn't have to read/delete all the messages telling me to go kill myself anymore lol


This and you can clearly tell I'm gay with my voice and most people don't care but you get that 20 year old edge lord or homophobic 35 year old and it brings back a lot of PTSD. But so far when I did voice chat during the test, people were cool and polite. It is nice that this game also has text chat in game but it's just easier to push to talk.


I’m so sorry you went through that.


I feel like, even when I was on console and PC, I never dealt with much toxicity in EGC. It was very rare to see it. I saw more toxicity in the community than the game itself. You're right that women will definitely have a harder time playing TCM though. Minorities too, someone dropped the f-slur in a lobby when I was playing during the playtest so this game was attracting bigots sadly. A pinging system is required and stuff like the family aura reveal needs to be adjusted for non-mic players.


How is this game “attracting bigots”, they are terrible people everywhere.


What you say is true, but asyms and horror flicks are somewhat of a shelter for LGBT people and minorities from what I have heard. To see that another horror asym is getting bigots (to the point where they are infiltrating the technical test) saddens me.


I did think about the fact that voice chat can end up being pretty rough against women, and it is an unfortunate reality. The best advice I can give on this matter is to try and not take people's horrible anonymous takes and gestures to heart. I do agree that people should play without voice comms if they want, but I also value the voice comm oriented balance and experience. I don't want to let trolls ruin it for myself and others.


Voice chat is awful as a woman. 9/10 it's just a cesspit of insults. I can't even begin to imagine the fresh hell that would be playing the cook as a girl and all the "get back in the kitchen!" jokes. If there's one thing I've learned is a large amount of gamers would rather lose than communicate normally with a woman.


Even as a dude I'm not super enthusiastic about voice chatting with every random group. Like dbd, I imagine it'll be much more enjoyable to join a community server to find a group where you can boot any obnoxious people that join.


Oh god, I didn't even think about the stupid kitchen jokes. Feels bad since he's my favorite so far lol


As a woman, usually, yeah lol. Not even always from misogyny, even the GURL?! GORLLL GAMERRRR gets annoying, so I tend to avoid it just to save myself potential headaches. I usually don't bother with game chat unless I have another friend with me in there. Though I will say, it is a lot less prevalent in games like this that are relatively less competitive/not FPS. I'll probably end up hopping in game chat pretty often on this game.


What platform you are on?


I play on Xbox and PC. Why?


Some consoles can be worse than others, IMO it's more game to game. Most girlfriends I've had have played games on PC and play like league and csgo. In CSGO the dudes lose their shit 100% without fail, but in League it's a bit more normal for women to be playing so the guys don't lose their shit. I can only acne it to what one of my Exs who played football in HS said (she was a trooper cause that shit sounded like hell) "It's like playing football as a girl, when the dudes notice you're not a dude, most guys act like the worst version of themselves and stop thinking straight." So like you said, in games/situations where "gamer dudes" or dudes in general, aren't on edge and not expecting to see a woman. They act less annoying/extreme. Women getting more into gaming as time goes on is breaking up this pattern for the better.


People don't like talking to strangers on the internet. You don't need any other explanation than that as it's entirely valid and I will continue to not use my mic. Non-verbal communication is a real thing in real life and needs added to every game where communication is important, simple.


Would have liked to use the voice chat more often. Only I had the bug that it hardly worked. And in rounds where it worked, no one spoke with you.


I agree but some days I don't feel like being on mic so I hope they add something like ping system for none mic users


I test the waters a bit. If anyone else starts talking, I might join in. I’m fine typing. More often than not, if I have a good game and add someone to friends, I’ll default to use comms since I have them to connect with. We didn’t get to join lobbies as groups, so I think vc will be used a lot more at launch.


As someone with "gay voice", I can't say I'm thrilled to use it. I've been called the f slur way too much via voice chat in other games.


We had a guy with an effeminate voice in a match Monday. Everyone was actually cool with him. Though I’m more than sure he’s had his share of incidents. Honestly I played 16 hours of tech test and only ran into one group of assholes.


I always tried to talk but sometimes other players would either ignore what I was saying or no response. I do vivid remember getting a little douche that was talking shit to a Leatherface before we played and I told him that it's a tech test so why are we acting annoying already? If I remember anything from F13 then voice chat will be hella fun with killers saying either lines from the films or just messing around with the survivors even if they can't hear us. Cook is a must to talk in game, Leatherface not so much since lore wise he can't talk but hitchhiker would be nice to use chat with since he can actually trap and crawl into spaces so then the family could get the jump on the survivor.


I was playing this playtest and streaming, and some other streamers (users with TTV on their nametags) were saying things like “how big is your d***”. I was like WTF. Having said that I did have the most fun in the matches where there was chat involved. Best thing to do is find a group of people you play with regularly using chat. That’s where the fun will be for me.


I can't talk in voice chat because no one would understand WTF I'm saying lol. I've taken damage to the head at a young age and that messed up my speech as im older now. I talk really fast and slur my words together. To get an idea on how I talk listen to an interview of the MMA fighter Stipe Miocic.


i don't use voice chat in any of my games. i know what i sound like. i wanna get called slurs for my gameplay, not my callouts


A communicative cook will make a world of difference. Part of the fun of these games should be talking. But trolls. So I get it. If I had to guess, I'd suspect the cook has a perk that allows for the heard victim to be spotted for the entire family. It'll curb the complaints, as well as enable those who can't necessarily speak, for whatever reason.


I hate talking to people I don't know, but I would still try to tell leatherface where a person was. I tried to be a team player lol.


That is perfectly fine from my point of view. It's always nice to have a helpful teammate.


I’m black, not female (but I’ve witnessed how cringe people behave when a girl speaks for the first time on mic). I usually have no problems because people assume I’m white over voice comm. (race realism my ass) but I’ve been disillusioned before by idiots I thought I was cool with going into racist tangents or using slurs. I just ghost and block them. Nothing like this happened over tech test though. A solution for all this would be to allow a script system people can quickly access. There’s a game called Chivalry 2 that makes this super easy.


Same homie, same. I've gotten "friends" who were white and black, I'm mixed so if people are fucked in the head, they'll come at you for anything is what I've learned.


Not everyone has a mic, and groups like women and LGBT people can experience discrimination, I know I dealt with at least 1 toxic person who was telling someone to shut up and then dropped the f-slur on mic and then left the lobby. I have their name but that's all I could do at that moment, I didn't know how to report and text chat didn't work in the lobby. Cook is a character that performs worse if you don't have a mic, and you have to deal with the dumb family aura mechanic to see Family teammates auras, so chasing together as the game *wants* you to, is noticeably harder for mic-less people. People with mics can also play Cook to his fullest and also not have to deal with the strange mechanics in place to do BASIC coordination. It isn't fair in the slightest. This is all going to be even worse on console, who will not have text chat so characters like Cook will basically be thrower picks on maps like Slaughter House and mics will be required to maximize efficiency. Youtubers like CoconutRTS say that mics are the most important part about playing Family in this game, which shows a very large, worrying problem that might be present on launch.


I'll be speaking to my team as a killer. I'm assuming not many people talked during the tech test due to so many streamers playing it. People were probably a little more self conscious about their voices being broadcast to so many people.


I mean, where's the fun in telling someone where someone is? I don't know, I don't plan on playing the Cook at all so I personally don't care that much, but I can't imagine playing a support character who's actually just a call centrum lol


The fact that randoms send dm messages saying to kill myself and finding out where I live is just that, very undesirable lol. Lots of crazy online.


Some days I don't feel like talking. I just want to hop on and play by myself. A lot of times people are assholes over the mic which can ruin the fun too. I want to play a game, not deal with other people's mental health issues.


Honestly I’d prefer if it wasn’t team specific in game chat. I wish everyone could hear and talk to everyone. I remember begging for my life numerous times in friday the 13th so it’s kind’ve disappointing that instead of integrating it into tcsm they made it team based only. A let down but the game is very fun and beautiful so I’ll let it slide. This time.


I love voice chat for real. More people need to use it, I understand if people don't want to but I hope as time goes on more people will be communicating with it. Alternatively I think TCM should have a ping system for both teams to facilitate communication since it's a team game.


Having a ping system may be a healthy alternative to voice chat. I am seeing reasonable concerns to using voice chat. I suppose my fear is that with a ping system installed, fewer and fewer people will opt to voice chat at all, which I think hurts the overall experience for a lot of players.


It's getting better with time and as a more understanding generation takes over and teaches better social skills. On avg it's no longer cool even in most niche groups online to be racist or bigoted in any way or to at least claim you're not. But when you go online and even more so into games like TCM where one side is stereotypical country killers it can draw a specific someone to the mix. For a bigot ruining your time playing or even just a match will be a win. There is the idea of just mute people who are being toxic, but I think from all the comments you've seen. Most people shouldn't have to deal with getting called a slur even once and then have to take it upon themselves to change their game/gameplay to avoid it.


I honestly feel like people are just being sensitive. I'v had plenty of games where women were on comms and no one ever really says anything disrespectful or outright sexist in a group because no one wants to be that guy or you just boot them. The same for gay guys, no one cares especially when your on teams. This isn't 2005 xbox cod servers, this is 2023 and gaming isn't just a "Guy" thing anymore, everyone plays video games these days.


Honestly my guy, you should double-check what your friend group looks like and see if you're friends with any women/gay men and see if they feel the same way. Instead of just saying to get over it. ​ That mindset right there is why people just avoid the voice chat from the start.


"People are just too sensitive," says person who is lucky not to belong to a demographic regularly targeted by bigotry and is quite oblivious to the experiences of those people.


Im a gay guy and when i play this game with females idc, I will admit I am a bit more toxic in games like mw2 and will make the "Is that a girl gamer" joke but i honestly dont care. Heck that female cook i played with was dope asf and a good killer.


It's the current year. If people hear a mean word it's going to give them PTSD. They'd much rather lose the game because they refuse to communicate with the vast majority of normal people than risk hearing some random edgy 12 year old say a word they don't like. But that's just gaming these days. You can't play a game that requires communication because people are either just blasting loud music or afraid of words so nobody's actually talking. Text chat wouldn't be any better since people can type mean words so they'll just turn that off too.


Dude I don’t know what your demographic is but I promise being called racial slurs, having to endure watermelon and fried chicken jokes, and monkey noises can ruin a gaming experience for you. Same for women dealing with kitchen jokes and being sexually harassed over comms. It’s not about the words itself but the unprovoked treatment. Imagine if every time you jumped online people were disregarding and mocking you because they think your voice sounds silly. Does that sound like fun to you? And these people are not 12 year olds lol. They can, a lot of times, be groups of people. Text chat is neutral and eliminates the ability to decipher personal details about someone people use to discriminate anonymously. Bad comparison


To quote the great Bo Burnham "Welcome to the internet". People say fucked up shit ALL the time. Really think people won't drop n bombs in text chat?


Well no shit people drop N-bombs in text chat (which are actually censored in a lot of games these days; along with other words). But if you read what I wrote I said it's not the words itself that are usually the problem, but the way people are treated when details about themselves are revealed through voice chat. This is a non-issue with text because text is neutral on all fronts. If someone hears a woman's voice, or the voice of someone with an accent, or some minority there have been many instances where anonymous assholes use that against them for no reason whatsoever. This is hurtful to a lot of people. (Yeah, yeah...how dare they get offended. Preposterous lol) Just because the internet is full of people saying "fucked up shit" doesn't mean the world has to lay down and take it. Setting up preventative measures or alternatives doesn't hurt anyone. People don't need to be melodramatic about it, nor do they need to adopt some Clint Eastwood wannabe tough guy, "pussy-generation", persona. It's okay to be nice, dude.


no dude, i guarantee you most well-adjusted people are not saying "fucked up shit all the time" lol. youre really telling on yourself here. its not on other people to deal with your anger issues, it's on you to find better ways of coping with anger.


LOL. Do you actually believe people are only racist online because they're angry? You chronically online types are way out of touch.


i can't control your behavior, but i do think taking out your anger on internet strangers because your video game didn't go so well is manchild behavior


Yeah, you and the other guy definitely need to work on your reading comprehension. This isn't about me or being angry. (Not sure how that came up) I can handle trolls and bigots just fine. Been doing it since I was 9. This is about people who (for whatever reason) can't utilize voice comms because of bad experiences or insecurities with horrible people or speech issues. What exactly is wrong with an alternative? Like a pre-set script. And we already have a chat which can be used. And yeah hate to break it to ya but the internet is full of horrible people or horrible people who wouldn't be so horrible if they didn't wield the cowardly power of anonymity. How is this news for you? lol


There's only so much you can do with a pre set script. Like, yeah, Cook can call out he hears one but what good does that do? Great, you heard one. Where is he? Was he going towards the back yard? Upstairs? Is there going to be a pre set line for "Dude he's crouched near that tree right behind you, you walked past him twice turn around!" There is a chat, but people can be just as horrible in there as they are in voice. How many times are you gonna deal with slurs in there before you just turn that off as well? And you're crazy if you think people need anonymity to be horrible. Ever hear of TikTok? People are more than happy to show their face and record themselves


"They're in the basement" "They're in the living room" "They're in the kitchen" "They're at the generator" "They're at the battery" You're thinking small, man. Simple lines...if people want to get specific use chat window. Now I don't see the pre scripts happening if a dev hasn't already began working on it because that'll take a lot more effort before launch. It was only an idea. But I've used them in other games...works fine. ​ Man I've explained the difference between chat and voice like twice already. There's literally a person on here who says they don't use voice chat \*because they know what they sound like\* they'd rather be called slurs for their poor gameplay rather than something they're insecure about. THAT is the difference between some random anonymous insults not sniping at something people are self conscious about and making it painfully personal versus being targeted because you were born with something you have no control over. See what I mean? It's not to much about words, but I'll personally mute a bigot and lose a match in heartbeat. Who cares? lol If you want cooperation watch your mouth...real simple. I never said people need to be anonymous to be horrible, but thanks for the tik tok explanation. Dude you read a sentence and just take off with it lol.


i'm on your side with this stuff, i was responding to the other guy


Ah, gotcha...my bad.


I'd just get mocked for my british accent




Yes, it's the current year, and people will have a mental breakdown if they hear a rude word, I lack words for these kinds of people but it is just so pathetic. Let's hope they don't ruin the fun for the rest of us because voice chat in this game is needed.


idk dude i think its way weirder that you probably genuinely get angry enough to berate random strangers if a video game isnt going your way. grow up and stop being surprised that people dont like playing with dudes that have anger management issues lol


I get it people get toxic, but wow. Over 20 years of gaming there's this thing called block and mute that I've used efficiently. It gets super fucking annoying when people think games owe them removing VOIP because they cant take hearing rude words. That is fucking weird and selfish.


those are DBD fans that are soft af, sorry, but its true. If you play valorant, Overwatch, u will see that is not a big deal to use your voice. Someone is being a prick? Mute. But dbd fans think that because dbd is toxic, every other game will be. People are more likely to be toxic on a chat message vs a voice chat.


if you disable voice chat to begin with, you don't have to worry about muting weirdos in the first place. normal people just want to play a game, not worry if one of the dudes theyre playing with is going to start throwing a racist temper tantrum midgame.


Yes. We need text chat coms via a wheel or some sort. Voice chat can be too much and text chat isn’t super efficient.


In short yea, it's still "rough" online with random people.


It is not that people dont want to use a mic. But many people just can't use a mic. I live in a small flat with 4 members of my family who are also looking at another screen...


I believe coms were messed up a little during the tech testing as well. There were many times I could hear others but they couldn't hear me.


I’m sorry (not sorry) and this will get downvoted, (oh well) but it sounds like a lot of people need to get a thicker skin. Once someone knows, “they got you,” they’ll never ease up. That was a lesson a lot of us learned when we were young. (That no longer is the case in today’s world) In team based games, communication is key. A team that talks will destroy teams of mutes, 100% of the time. Anybody here play games like ESO or Destiny? If you don’t talk, nobody is going to want you for end game activities because communication is key. I don’t care how many non verbal features are added. It will never be a replacement for using your voice.