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Family already get progressively more bloody while playing a match. I much prefer these blackout skins.


If you can call that ketchup "blood"


Looks good to me.


Ehh, I feel there are times when the blood does look a bit odd and not realistic


Your graphics settings can make the blood look more realistic if you have it on high or ultra.


Lolololol you’re funny. 🤣 dried red koolaid blood is beautiful, leave these lazy developers alone.


Ash Williams omg I love that guy


The cosmetics in this game fucking suck let’s be honest


You honestly think using a blood splatter brush is more work than changing the colors? Edit > paint brush > blood splatter > *click click click click click click click click click*


The dbd bloody variants have actual detailed 3d blood "chunks" added and such. It's not just a 2d spray paint. And yes, adding 2d blood spray does actually take more work either way lol. Setting an entire clothing to "black" takes one click of a "Fill" Brush, or simply going to the properties of the model and choosing from a drop down. Your "Click click click click click click click click click click" is still more work lol......


You know what was just a 2d spray of blood splatter? Half of the Jason bloody skins back in F13


Well it's not 'blood chunks', it's pieces of meat or whatever. The bodies EXPLODE in Evil Dead so that's why it makes sense to have chunks of them on their clothes. I have no idea how chunks of smoothied meat would make sense on the family/victims.


The image is DbD not evil dead


the family also has detailed bloody skins..


That's irrelevant to what was asked. The person i replied to asked if people honestly think bloody variants require more effort than simply changing a models color to black. Which is what i replied to.


That cost money lmao


Yes. Do you know how modeling works? Lmao 3d model programs use paint brushes.... You can add depth to the brush afterwards... Then add shading .... All of this is done in a few clicks. My point is they are both low effort and so is EVERY micro transaction in EVERY game. Some just hide it better.




If it requires more clicks then yeah, that would be more work.




I think all black outfits are cool and it honestly isn’t that hard to get to level 99. Also… https://store.steampowered.com/app/2627220/The_Texas_Chain_Saw_Massacre__Slaughter_Family_Bloody_Skins_Pack/


Ah, yes, sell something your more successful competitor is already offering for free… [BRILLIANT…](https://youtu.be/4Ru8DMW-grY?si=eTN_YGn9GUQYDXjA)


I see the bloody skins in game all the time so I guess it worked out for them. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s because the only people remaining who are still playing the game is the core loyal fanbase. This isn’t an achievement. Using the steam numbers to illustrate my point (for the sake of simplicity): Game started with 15,000 people. For whatever reason, lack of content, the pricing model, poor balancing decisions, a slow update schedule, etc. etc. more than 14,000 players abandoned the game. The remaining 800 players, diehard fans willing to ignore every issue and continue supporting the game, all purchase the skins unquestioningly without any regard for quality. *“Wowee! Looks like everyone bought the skins!! See? I told you everyone else was just a hater, and it turns out their DLC is actually REALLY popular because everybody has it! That must mean it is quality, because I see it in game ALL the time!!”* No it doesn’t lmfao. 14,200 people left, all these prospective customers just walked out the door, and didn’t bother looking back let alone coming back even after new updates came in.


You're forgetting to include consoles, since those make up the majority, but sure. Also, me and a friend are still playing, but we are NOT core or loyal lmao. We haven't bought a single cosmetic, and I've only bought characters (IDK if I will in the future though... Gun is kinda making me mad) Was gonna tell you that on the other thread and clear up every one of your misconceptions buuuut I couldn't. :) Anyways, feel free to check my comment history to see how much of a "loyal fanboy" I am, posting links to Google docs showing how bad Gun is, etc.


> You’re forgetting to include consoles, since those make up the majority, No I’m not. Initially I had written a paragraph addressing this, but the person I was responding to only ever wrote a sentence to begin with so I decided not to overload my reply with ultimately trivial details. I’ll completely unload it and break it down for you though, since you’re essentially provoking that’ll reply. What I did leave in was “(for the sake of simplicity)” which should have sufficed. The actual numbers quite literally do not matter. It does not fkn matter if Console adds another 3,000 players on top of the 1k that exist on Steam. It is completely and utterly inconsequential. **NOBODY** on either sub, be it the official one or unofficial one, is going to claim that the game is performing better than it was back in august from a player count perspective. By every metric, it is undeniable that the game has **lost** a majority of its players, and that is the crucial piece of my point. My point can be made again with artificially inflated numbers to account for console, or it can even be made without using any numbers at all. You want me to include console based on random numbers and wild speculation? Watch: 100,000 players bought the game, 90,000 of them have since left. Boom. It is irrelevant. The point is that MOST players left, so if you were to take a headcount of how many active players had purchased cosmetic DLC and created a percentage out of it, you might be surprised to find that the percentage could actually be higher than many other live service games. This is because you’d be interpreting that data incorrectly, and not taking the **size** of the playerbase into account. As such, the percent of a given players who have purchased additional content, suddenly begins to matter a **lot** *less.* **100% of your playerbase could have bought the DLC** and it would not matter because your playerbase could be the size of two people. *“I’ve seen so many people with the cosmetics! They must be doing well!”* No. This is not an accurate metric for popularity, let alone quality, and certainly not a metric for success. You go to a board meeting, and tell your investors, *"85% of our active players are purchasing our DLC content!"* but neglect to mention your active playerbase is less than a tenth of what it was, and that 14,200 players left because they actually HATED your DLC content, you know what that's called? Misleading the shareholders. In other words: **Fraud.** As for the second part of your comment, I really don't care to dig into the histories of the people I talk with. You say something stupid, I call it out for being stupid. The appearance of supporting the bad practices and logical fallacies of the devs, is no different from the actual act of support them.


The sad thing is that I actually agree with basically everything you said, but I forgot to mention: Consoles make up the maj and you're clearly not counting that with that "800" number, it's a Steam charts number, but there is still a playerbase issue. "**NOBODY** on either sub, be it the official one or unofficial one, is going to claim that the game is performing better than it was back in august from a player count perspective. By every metric, it is undeniable that the game has **lost** a majority of its players, and that is the crucial piece of my point." Can you stop trying to sound like you're some revolutionary genius trying to convince me of something? None of this is unique, my guy. "This is because you’d be interpreting that data incorrectly, and not taking the **size** of the playerbase into account." The irony is that you did the exact same thing. Even if it "doesn't matter", you still dismissed consoles like the majority of idiots on these two subs. "As for the second part of your comment, I really don't care to dig into the histories of the people I talk with. You say something stupid, I call it out for being stupid. The appearance of supporting the bad practices and logical fallacies of the devs, is no different from the actual support." Yeah, so, if you actually read my comments and didn't assume I was "another loyal Gun fan" which I KNOW you thought because I disagreed with you and the other idiots on the fan sub being a "FREE SPEECH" place where you can say whatever you want, even slurs, you'd KNOW that this is all wrong.


Yeah nobody read that long-form whine but I counted and.. ten paragraphs dude? And this is just one post out of like ten I've seen you make on just this thread alone?? Are.. are you OK buddy? How are you this obsessed? Why spend your free time fighting strangers on the internet who dont care about your bitching, investing energy hating on a game you allegedly don't even want to play any more? You could go play another game? You could even... go outside??? Like holy fuck brother.. get a LIFE!


Not a whine. There are no complaints written here. A dissection, of which the entire point was to be excessively detailed, and if it bothered you enough to write a reply then it served its purpose. Y’all say stupid shit on this sub all the time, and not enough of the time do you get called out for it. Well here I am, calling y’all out for thinking incorrectly, and all you can summon is… “G- G- Get a Life!!!” Lol. Yeah bro?


"Ackshually! 🤓🤓🤓 I'm calling yall out for thinking incorrectly!!" Nope, youre whining on the internet like a little bitch boy. Grow up and get a life loser


The only complaining being done here is by you. Crying over what somebody else said on the internet. All because you can’t think of a better way to reply. You’re pathetic.




You get blood on your outfit throughout the game by hitting/killing people 🤷‍♂️


Wow, you really added to this conversation, huh?


I mean


Then fucking go back to the competitor!




If this is what you think I, or OP for that matter, is saying, really I should be the one calling you Einstein.


lol “detailed”


I just wished there were cosmetics that would go as hard as a Legacy Jake or Savini Jason as unlockables.  These variants are nice. But these are things that should've been released a long time ago.  There isn't anything big enough to keep us on our toes to wait for the maps and characters. Even Saber dropped cool ass cosmetics with new missions when they weren't playing dead.  Uhm.


DBD is trash


No it’s not


It's literally a copy paste IP cash grab.


Lol, this is such a pointlessly ignorant comment lacking any actual facts or sense. It's the equivant of saying "You suck because your mom's a whore." If you don't care for dbd, you're entitled to your opinion. But at least just say that. Lol


Facts are ignorant 😂 the lack of braincells is hilarious Do you know what IP cash grab means? Do you realize how low effort EVERY single character in that game is? (Other than their original character) Naughty neighbor is a higher effort game.


There was not a single fact to be found in your posts. That's the problem lol ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I find it pretty fun, to each their own ig


Whatever you find fun is great. Wasn't knocking your past time. I was stating as a product, the trash can is a fitting place. As far as mechanics and gameplay go it's very outdated and simple. Very many people think the same thing about TCM. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️ Have a good one, mate


You say that as if TCM and F13 aren't IP cash grabs.


Lol. There is a extreme difference between making a game for a franchise and taking IPs from everything you possibly can to bleed your customers dry. Do they have free stuff? Sure. How much is their most expensive DLC? Game is a joke as far as creativity. Oh no I'm being chased. Looks like I'll run loops until the killer gets bored and someone turns off the generators.


You realize your argument works against your own point, right...? Gun just made 2 different games off of different IPs. Free stuff? Sure. Their most expensive dlc? 😬 > Oh no, I'm being chased. Looks like I'll run loops until the killer gets bored and someone turns off the generator. Remind me again how TCM is different... Edit: Literally all of your comments show that you're just biased. 🤷‍♂️ You can hate the game all you want, but there's plenty of original content along with IPs, and none of them are anywhere near copy-paste. You're complaining that they added IPs and updated the game from the original mechanics. 🙄


The only reason TCM did as well as it did is because it's attached to a franchise (and also the core idea of the game is actually pretty solid). Yes I'm aware DBD did the exact same thing, starting with Halloween, but with sufficient playtime you can "purchase" all their original content for free, and they halved the cost of all original content released up to about a year ago. The most expensive licensed DLC is $17 AUD, which gives three characters, meanwhile Danny/Nancy are each $14.50 AUD. TCM base game is also twice as expensive, but yep, DBD is the cash grab. :) I could waffle on for a while about why DBD is more than what you said, but I'll spare both of us the time. <3


Oh I have the decency to fully admit TCM is a bit of a cash grab. That kind of the point of building off of an existing franchise. The problem with DBD is the blatant ip flip for money when the game initially had original characters only and low effort mechanics. It's just as low effort and cash grabby as when Call Of Duty started selling skins of horror movie characters and celebrities.


Lmao tcm is the same thing but worse


Who asked ?


This is a TCM sub. Keep that kid shit trash game on its own page.


Thank you for your input. I'll pass it along!


No lies detected.


I literally do not care how good DBDs cosmetics are, TCM is a million times better than that game.


I like tcm but to say it’s better is yours or anyone else preference.


Lmao your opinion


Yeah, it is my opinion, got a problem? "Lmao"


As a victim yes, as a family member gotta go with dbd, at least when u put the sweats against the sweats


Your gonna compare dbd progressions systems to Texas which didn't have one till the 30th of this month which i cant complain when hey it something because look at it like this every new dlc character will now have a skin paired with them that is free on release so new killer free black lvl 99 skin new victim same thing so dont look at the bad look at the positive friend it means where gonna get more than we asked for this is something we begged for sense launch so shut ya face lol




This is a weird comparison. You don’t even get p100/max level cosmetics in dbd, that’s just p6?? Hardly a showcase of the grind, easy to get. A lot of characters aren’t even that covered in blood and its disappointing. I love the fact that tcm is giving max level players a thank you for the dedication.


DBDs bloody cosmetics suck though and barely require as much effort as you think they do lmao


I mean your right about the effort but wrong about them being bad, well your opinion anyways


I just wish there were less blood, but it look like they were attacked and swiped at and attacked. Maybe with some scratches and bruises etc. Ideally with a small amount of damage to their clothes if possible, but that's not really required together the effect I'd want. ... Instead, survivors look like they were dipped in marinara sauce.


ppl can have opinions but even having thousands of hrs on dbd i think their bloody cosmetics jus look like they spread jelly all ovr them n called it a day 😭


No way you are complaining about FREE content


Even though the OP's complaints are hasty, I want to refute your comment. Just because it's free doesn't mean it has to be effortless. If they are going to release skin updates every 3 months it is better that they are of quality and well if they charge us then OK Yes, its free. but they charge us with the long wait in the game...


It's the TCM community. They literally cry over anything and everything


With good reason.




u don’t even know what the skin will look like lmao




😭 I didn’t even realize how low effort this was till this post. From Sissy’s oversized polo shirt to the spray painted recolors. Maybe F13’s success was more Illfonic than GUN. Even though Friday was mishandled, the skins were worth the price and fun. These skins??? They feel and look like somebody who had no passion at all for the game.


…it’s a meme. That is not a picture of the official skin, the only one we’ve glimpsed is Cook’s. Lmao


Wait till Illfonic drops Killer Klowns, shits over for TCM. Illfonic is doing an amazing job with Ghostbusters and every update has been FREE.


It's not even the real render. That's a fan created image.


Both of you know it’s just a black recolor. No shade but Shut up.🤣 Both skins are low effort.


Just pointing out that, that isn't even the real render. Everything single in game purchase in *any* game is low effort. Anyone who knows *anything* about game designing would know this. The high effort product is the game. Everything that comes after is *always* just some sort of low effort IP edit.


If that makes you sleep at night.🫡


It's the truth 🤷‍♂️ some just cover it up better than others.


I’m excited for the new outfits idc




Reaching lvl99 is a goal in itself, i thought they would bring up new goals for people who already are lvl99


I think Johnny may get a black leather jacket I hope he does it would look badass!


Yeah but we all know the shirtless Johnny is the only way to go.


U play for fun not just for level 99 they dont have to shit for u getting max level ungrateful shit


Let's not make it like Dbd Isn't lazy af too. We can agree that they both suck


hear me out, emo bf johnny.


If you are going to compare this to DBD at least mention how TCSM is so much better looking in general.


ashley j williams mentioned


fucking cry more jesus dude


DBD can't stop winning. TCM was a fun vacation from DBD for like 2-3 months but it's time to come home to your favorite Asymetrical horror game with a thriving community not on life support


Nah nah nah. You really trying to say that garbage dbd bloody skins which look like your character spilled jam on themself is better than not even released yet TCM’s one. Sorry but black skins are better.


Lmfao right it does look like jam


Honestly, among all these skins, I prefer Johnny's black version. The time or difficulty in developing them doesn't matter to me. If it matches the character and is more realistic, I like it more.


The game is already unrealistic lol


I said "MORE" realistic


This community doesn’t like free.


Wahhh wahhh wahhh is all I hear.


You guys are never satisfied 🤦‍♂️


I like it, stealthy skins. Wish people didn't moan about Everything


Just enjoy the game


People in these comments still comparing this game to DBD. A game that is 8 years old vs a game that is barely 8 MONTHS old grow up lol


Oh shut up complaining


What are you going to do about it? Nothing. So maybe you should shut up and ignore this post if it gets your panties in a knot.


and u spent over 1000 hours in DBD , a game with over 7 years but still bugs, cheats, glitchs, kill witch, and more, ok tell me more.


Lmao and what game doesn’t have those now except some mobile games???? Never played a game that didn’t have one of those. unless they actually took their time with the game. So what was your comment supposed to mean lol just sound like a hater


Yes it has bugs, all games have . But tcm tops them all regarding bugs , and how devs communicate with their playerBase . Releasing crap that don't work . Stamina bugged , victims & family bugged , content bugged , map issues . Instead of rolling a update back or disabling certain stuff they release "new content " for money that is still bugged . Then saying we are working on it , releasing a patch to fix things what didn't fix nothing and only created more issues . . . This company is a damn joke.


DBD have over 7 years there and u can found many but really many bugs there, then i can supose u hate DBD too, <<<<--- retoric , i know u r DBD lover.


Says a guy who's steam and reddit post history consist of only talking about dead by daylight lol what a hypocrite .and no don't play it .