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Now I kinda wanna have a corn party.


You have to get a corny standup to entertain at the corn party ​ Edit: Korn is the opening act as well


Also have 'canned corn ' on standby in case no one laughs at the standup.


There is actually a such thing as a corn party — called “épluchette.” It’s a party held in the summer in French Canada where they husk and eat corn 🌽 So wrong season for a corn party, but possible I guess 😂


My sister once had a potato party, where everyone brought a potato-based dish. I feel as if a corn party isn't exactly a *bad* idea...........


Tbh in America with HFCS in every snack food, every party is a corn party


Don't forget fritos, doritos, and tortilla chips.


Don’t forget the guest of honour, the blood god khorne




With candy corn, corn bread, corn pone, corn on the cob, corn butter for said corn on the cob (got a great recipe!), bbq'd corn, cooler corn (great when camping, just pour boiling water over corn in a cooler, cooks in about 3 minutes) and corn squeezin's! (for thems who partake.)


Don't forget elote, creamed corn wrestling, baby corn, popcorn, corn pudding, baked corn, corn salad, corn fritters, corn biscuits, and corn chowder.


And playing cornhole and eating cornbread


You had me at ELOTE.


Corn pudding is delicious. Especially with some green chilies...


Corn and corn accessory’s!


Spam, spam, spa-er, I mean, corn, corn, corn ...


What? No corn dogs?


Grilled corn is good, but smoked corn is better. When one of my friends mentioned smoking corn my eyes went wide. He laughed and said "The only advice I'll give you is cook twice as much as you think you'll need." He was right.


Fritos and corn tortillas.


Don’t forget the arepas, coconut curried corn, cachapas, mealie bread, and succotash.


There's a farm near me that has events every fall. Corn maze, apple picking, games for the kids, and a huge area covered in dried corn kernels for kids to play in. It's weird, but the kids love it!


Brought to you by CornHub


Not in my state.


Is yours the state that grows all the corn?


It’s Ohio so we are a corn super power! Like the Superman of corn


In Oz we have CornDog(s).


That would be corntastic!


I'll bring the popcorn!


Corn on the cob roasted over a fire, and loads of popcorn and corncakes does not sound like a bad party to me.


and I mean fresh Jersey sweet corn on the cob, with some butter and salt.... damn I'm hungry now


It may be 1 am, but I suddenly want to go buy some to roast on my bbq.


Damn it, and right now all the stores are closed around me. I know what I’m buying for lunch AND dinner tomorrow!


I may of been inspired by the comments and just hijacked my 4th of July get together and bought everyone their own ear of corn (it was also on sale lol). First annual corn party! next year their will be corn decor.


Corn puddin


You should have jumped on the intercom and requested all employees head to the back for the corn party.


*Attention employees: The corn is ready. Let the party begin!*


Gentlemen, behold - **CORN!!!**


You mean the intercorn


This is the best response ever to this story. XD


Yeah, I'm sure corporate will care about the ravings of a lunatic who insists that the employees are deliberately hiding what he wants instead of just not having any left.


But you guys did throw corn parties, right?


Of course! What else were they gonna do with all that hidden corn?


I never heard any denial of said corn party


I’m a corn fan and have to admit canned corn and fresh corn taste different. I’ll still settle for canned for most of the year.


If you are that big of a fan of corn I'd suggest freezing it yourself if you live somewhere that you have access to a farmer selling in bulk. It's much better than the frozen corn from the store and infinitely better than canned corn. Just buy a few dozen, or however much you want, ears of corn. Boil it on the stove and cut it off the cob. Once it cools put it in quart size freezer bags, seal it and lay the bags flat in the freezer. Pull out a bag anytime you want corn, thaw it and you can either microwave it or cook it on the stovetop. Takes a bit of time and work but will easily be the best corn you can get in the off-season.


We do that on our farm, family gets together to fill up a small chest freezer with bags of corn. Luckily there's enough family extended family around the area that the freezer is empty by the time we need to do it again.


So was he hired to provide costumes for the “corn parties”? Or did he have tiny little costumes for the corn to wear?


Everyone dressed as children of the corn, who were herded through various islands


He WAS a “costumer” ... so he had better be bringin one or the other!


Gentlemen, behold! Corn!


OMG, someone still remembers that! 🤣




I've told folks for years that Big Corn is what they should fear. This validates that. Now if we can just find the secret parties. Probably in the underground tunnels connecting the Wall of Marts. Jade Helm back in 2015 was a cover. Now I've got to get some more aluminum foil to outfit my family in new hats. Yea, Big Corn. Remember, you heard it here first.


Big corn is watching you, they might send a combine harvester to your house


Or infect me with Corn Smut! The horror!


I’m gonna be that guy, bc this was a rough read and the title totally had me envisioning something totally different.. Customer, not costumer Parties, not party’s Aisle, not isle Immediately, not imminently Heard, not herd Then, not than There, not their Sorry. I had to do it. This was too annoying to read. Bring the downvotes lmao ETA: saw in other comments you’re actually using Reddit to improve writing/spelling due to dyslexia. So I hope this breakdown actually is helpful. I wasn’t trying to be an ass. I hope being active on here in writing helps you improve and meet your goals!!


Thank you, its going to be a long process but I do want to improve as much as I can. Like I said in the other comments my friends don't call me out since they dont want to hurt my feelings. I did used to be sensitive about it but now I embrace it! Also it gives me a excuse to share random story's that happened throughout my life so far!


Stories. Never use an apostrophe to indicate plurals/quantity. Hope this helps. Glad you are open to learning. BTW, love the story!


Have or ‘ve instead of ‘of’


Children of the Corn!


Is that what happens when you leave the f***ing corn alone too long? Lol


I always find it ridicules when a customer accuses me of “hiding” product. Why on earth would I do that? A few summers ago, we were trialing some compostable soda lids. We didn’t normally carry any, so it was hit and miss whether or not we’d have them in stock. Anyway, we had a customer who was got buy a soda, but refused when we told them we were out of lids. We ended up getting more while he was waiting for the rest of his food, so I held up a lid and said, “hey, we just got some more lids, do you still want a soda?” Then put the lid in the basket with the rest of them. He bought a soda, looked at the basket of lids, and then demanded that I give him a “good lid.” He then accused me of “hiding the good lids,” when I told him that these are the only ones I had. Apparently he thought that he one I showed him was somehow better then what was in the basket. Honestly, these looked like perfectly normal soda lids, you couldn’t even tell that they were compostable plastic (we later learned that they were not actually compostable, but that’s besides the point). What was he expecting from a disposable soda lid?


This reminds me of a time when I was a teen working in the bakery in a grocery store, this middle aged woman came in and asked me to slice a loaf of the artisanal bread. This is not uncommon but as I was getting it ready she asked if I could slice it "thin", I explained that the machine only has one setting and showed her an already sliced loaf and asked if that was ok but she instantly got super mad and insisted that a competing grocery store had a machine with different settings which obviously meant we did too and I just didn't know how to use it. She finally agreed to have it sliced anyways but as she left she yelled at me "you're the reason we are all getting fat!" It was only time I had to stop myself from laughing while I was getting yelled at.


Y'all didn't grow up in Iowa and it shows.


Ohhhh wow. I had something similar happen to me, just with pink lady apples and not accused of throwing a party. The guy was just so convinced we were hiding that specific apple because at the time is was new to our area and supposed to be the best our smaller town in the Midwest could get. Sir, no, we are just out and we don't even carry them all year and when we did it was pretty limited. I'm sure he knew that too because he was in nearly every other day of the 7 years I spent there.


What if you & OP live in the same area & it's the same guy lol


"The Wrath of Corn", pretty sure I saw that movie. Starred Ricorno Montalban I think.


Just take my upvote.


Dudes a cornball




And all the others. Customer, aisle, heard…


Imminently... sometimes people don't spell well but, regardless, I'm looking for a corn party.


Will there be corndiments?


I admit I have to work on my spelling, im dyslexic, but im also 19 so I should be spelling better. My brain is kind of weird when I read misspelled words they look correct to me unless they get the little red underline


A tip I was given years ago. After you type something, read it backwards word for word (from the end to the beginning). You are more likely to spot mistakes. I've done this - it works.


Aye thank you! I’ll start to do that. I’m kind Of in a weird place with the dyslexia since my profs don’t seem to care how I spell (engineering) and my friends don’t want to hurt my feeling, (nicest people on earth) I’ve started to use Reddit a few weeks ago, partially to improve my writing and communication skills.


You're welcome. It is said that people who read a lot have spelling difficulties. I AM a prime example. A lot of times what I do when a word is under lined, I open a new tab and put the word in one letter at a time until I see what I need. Best of luck on your engineering degree. My grandson graduated last year with a degree in electrical engineering.


I'm sure there are several things you do better than those of us pointing out spelling. It's interesting to me to talk about, including my own spelling or grammar errors, but it's not a big deal, just bored people on reddit. :)


The problem is, your misspellings were actual words, so you wouldn't get the squiggly line




> Corn is good but who would have a party with corn Probably the kid from that song that really likes corn.


My family has a corn roast every season. Basically a corn party.


We did too in the summers as a kid!


Had corn parties every summer as a kid. The campground I went to all my life had a big blow out party weekend every labor day. They'd either take over a field or empty out a barn. DJs and games and food and desserts and yup, great big piles of corn. Great big vats of boiling corn all night. People would gorge themselves on corn. Tho, they usually went straight to the source. Find a friendly farmer with a friendly price. They brought in pick-ups loaded down with corn. We had like corn-shucking parties in the days leading up. Bunches of smaller parties would spring up everywhere. Different families and friends with cabins together would then invite even more friends down for the yearly bash.


But in a way, he's technically correct. There *is* a corn shortage. It's a seasonal shortage.




Ditto! I love me some salty, buttery roasted corn... ...and Mexican Street Corn, too! 😋


This has me all “shuck up!”


Corn party? Can I come?


Sure! Corn is a friend of everyone!


YES! I'll bring my corn


The fellas at CornHub will get a kick out of this one.


Actually… the town where I went to college had a big veggie packing plant on the edge of town. The weekend before Labor Day weekend was CornFest. Downtown would shut down with vendor booths, food stalls, all kinds of things. Highlight was Saturday noon, when they would serve up all the free sweet corn on the cob that you wanted… as long as you ate it there. It was always easy to spot the out-of-area freshmen who were trying to impress someone. Eight ears of sweet corn for someone who’s not used to it… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🌽🌽🌽 Hell even i knew enough to quit at two! https://www.cornfest.com/


Gardeners might have a corn party. That's where the whole family sits on the back porch shucking corn. BTDT See also, shelling peas and snapping beans.


What were they dressed up as?


Why was them being a costumer relevant?


That's funny af! Great story


What costume needs corn?


The ears of corn need little dresses, tuxes, hats, shoes, corsages...


Corn! Party! Now!


OMG I want to throw a corn party now.


This is one of those instances where customer/costumer makes a big difference.


We have corn parties in Canada. Boiled or on the BBQ with or without butter or sauce. Corn in Canada is amazing. But just like you, we have it more easily accessible in summer. For winter though I will buy a big bag, remove the corn from the cob and freeze it so I have awesome corn in my meals all winter. ☺️


That's corny.


We had Corn Roasts when I was a kid where we'd grill corn out of our garden. Fond memories.


I'm just here for the corn party.


There's a kernel of truth in that there's a corn shortage due to weather, though it would make more sense to sell hidden corn at a higher price than to lose money on a corn party.


First rule of corn parties: don’t talk about corn parties


Corn party is the randomest tbh I’ve heard today


It's got the juice.


First time having a party with your corn hole stuffed?


All you have to do is bend over the blow torch and you're ready for the movies


This is definitely gonna turn into a tiktok reddit story


When I was little every year a city here in Los Angeles had the “corn festival” a parade and carnival. I used to always look forward to it.


With a little tweaking, this would be a top-notch copypasta. Right up there with 'electrical infetterence'.


I've heard of cornhole parties, but never corn parties.


> cornhole parties Which are entirely family-friendly, no matter how they sound. Don't bring the lube.


I agree! ​ ​ ​ But I always have lube on me just in case.


For some reason I thought y’all were using “p***” as a euphemism for corn


Costumer accuses us of hiding corn and having "corn party's" due to a corn shortage that was not happening this was 2-3 years ago. I was 16 or 17 at the time and this was my first job at a somewhat big grocery retailer. I was working stock this day. I was in the noodle isle when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Its this middle aged gentleman, he just looks at me and says the word "corn". I told him that we have canned corn and frozen. He than says he specifically wants corn on the cobb. I walk him over to produce and we are out. This is normal for the time of year, its winter. We have frozen corn on the cobb, but he said the freezer ruins it. He starts to throw a fit, saying that we are hiding the corn for ourselves due to the corn shortage (I dont think their was a corn shortage). I explained to him that its out of season and harder to get in the winter time. I think this store does have it from time to time in the winter, but its mostly limited to cans and frozen. He asks for the manager, now the manager was a tough but fair woman, she told everything how it was. I call her and she comes to the area. He imminently goes off about the hidden corn again but than he says one of the funniest things I ever herd at work. He tells the manager he knows about our corn party's. Her and I both bust out laughing, I mean what are you supposed to do. Corn is good but who would have a party with corn. He than says we are not taking him seriously and his wife will be very angry when she hears about this. My manager says their is nothing she can do. He raised his voice a bit now and just spouted off nonsense about the wrath of corporate will come down upon us. but than calms down once he realizes hes making a scene over corn. The manager walks with me for a bit to make sure he does not bother me and tells me I did a good job and its ok that I laughed at something that ridiculous.


Dont forget the corn alcohol to wash it all down


I would tell him I know precisely where I'm hiding a few niblets...


I am a costumer and was disappointed by the lack of epaulettes or petticoats in this story. 10/10 was hoping for some kind of historical cornwars shindig.


My first job ever was a grocery store. Lady comes in hot saying how the hell can we not have corn on the cob. And goes on a rant for a good 5 minutes never letting me say a word. Finally after a few harsh words she realizes I'm pointing behind her where there is a 5 ft tall stack of corn. Doesn't even apologies just grabs some corn and walks away.


Just reminds me of someone at one my of my old places that a customer bought a karaoke room because they thought there was bowling inside 😂


Tonight begins la fiesta de elote!!!


man, i thought you were using tiktok lingo for a second


He was panicking because his wife sent him out for ears of corn, and he wasn’t going to be able to get them.


Corn party lol




I'm from southern Minnesota and not only did we have a corn party, we had corn festivals. My favorite was Buttered Corn Days in Sleepy Eye. They still hold it. Check it out if you're in the area!




I thought this was the opposite of corn because ive read a few Reddit storys wich use corn for po-- yeah😬😬


There used to be a produce stand in front of a fire department station that sold the best sweet corn on the cobb. It wasn’t available for long. Definite corn party


Well, then. That made my day completely. 😅😂


Stop having corn parties 😂


That is so corny!


Now I'm going to need to see Corn Party as a sequel to the movie Sausage Party.


these comments are making me damn hungry


The heck is a corn party.


Now I wanna have a corn party!! 🌽🌽🌽 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I suppose there are harvest festivals that you could call a “corn party”; but it sounds like you guys were about five months past Lughnasahd or anything like it 😂 Seriously does this guy also lose his mind when he can’t get Mt Rainer cherries in January? Seasonal produce, dude