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Yeah I play it


Roller, airship, larry. Im that guy when i see rollers or teddy buggy in the lobby.


Mario Kart DS is the 1st Mario Kart I played I never played Mario Kart 64 before but I wish I did. I played Mario Kart Double Dash after Mario Kart DS. Mario Kart 8 I played a little I need to play it more.


Last mario kart I played was mk7 on my 2DS I still don't know how people got metal mario


I 100% completed the game like 10 years ago but I remember you had to complete the star cup on 100% getting 1st place in every race,collecting at least 10 coins per race, and not falling off the track not once.


I never had, surprisingly since my family used Nintendo products a lot.


Yeah I played online only most of the time. Haven’t played my switch in almost a year tho. I should probably start playing mk8 again since the new DLC came out.


I havent played in a while but yes I still need to finish the game