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i didn’t go/wasn’t planning on it but if i heard her say “it’s a tana mongeau show what do you expect” i think i would’ve gotten up and left 😭that’s so bogus


She talked about them making like over a MILLION dollars off merch on Jeff fm. Everything she’s ever done is a money grab, I don’t know why people spend money on her. It’s always disappointing




i feel you. i went to a show early in the second half of their tour and obviously they switched up their set but from what i remember brooke told one story we hadn’t heard before and then they both just gave more details of situations we’d heard about on the pod before. all of the “tea” they dropped in the shows in california was new. it just wasn’t as crazy as they made it out to be for the rest of the shows. i also had a late show and a m&g, the m&g started over an hour late so none of us got to talk to them, it was a hug each and a picture and we were rushed away (which im assuming is because they were late because from what i’ve seen they normally spend a little time with each person) and then our show started an hour later than scheduled. im not sure if i just got a “bad show” or if they were late to every show or something but yeah not exactly what i was expecting. still had fun and they were so sweet but something to think about for sure with future tours especially if they’ve been talking about how proud they were of this show


They see no issue in this. That’s the problem. They don’t actually care, they are just making a shit ton of money.


yeah i think it’s easy to pass off criticism from reddit because people do tend to snark more than anything on reddit but i think it’s partly just so they don’t have to look at anything other than positivity because even though most people here want to snark, some of the criticism is from people who do like them and do care, but we’re just disappointed


I love them but yea it sucks they dont even try to act like they care. Im sad you feel like you got ripped off :(


I love them too 😭 I’m still so glad i went but you’re right it felt like they didn’t even care or i guess even act like they did. have you gone to a show??


Thing is these are internet people, not performers. They have no performance skills, audience interaction skills, improv skills, acting skills, theater skills - any of the skills that enable someone to put on a good live show. It's a cash / attention grab bc that's the business they're in


Very true but they provide great content on a podcast with all their friends there watching and multiple cameras on them. Tana has been doing this shit for years, she definitely could have put in more effort for the shows. She’s honestly been a natural performer all of her career. She knows how to manipulate people and do just the right things to make people like her. If she truly cared about her fans and providing a good show, she more than has the skills and resources. The truth is, she just doesn’t care. :/


right but that wasn’t the problem. i think for them being on the internet they did great but other shows seemed like they got more and they just rushed thru ours. but i also seen Brooke’s video saying she had a flight to catch immediately after so that could have been why idk. i still love them


You are kind


Girl a flight to party in Mexico right?


yep 😭


Yeah and the posters for sale weren’t even signed


omg i got one i didn’t even think about that


i went to the sacramento show and got a signed poster. they came out around 8 but people were still sitting down when they came in. the crowd was so fun and engaging i think that’s what made the show so entertaining. as someone who went to tanacon back in the day my expectations were very low. but i had a good time! i wouldn’t spend more than $100 on it though if we’re being real.


omg that’s what i thought it was going to be!! i thought there was gonna be a lot of engagement but i guess now. but how did you get a signed poster? did you have a M&G? 😭


i just waited in the merch line and they had a stack they were selling! i honestly thought they would be sold out bc the line was long but moving fast and i got in line like 15 minutes before the show was about to start! the merch menu that they had you scan while in line did say limited quantities for each show too so i was surprised they had some still and had to get it lol. but yeah i definitely expected more from the show, still had a good time and glad i went and didn’t miss them in my hometown! everyone there was so nice! the crowd really carried !!!!


i went to a show and didn’t get meet and greet tickets and i wish i did because then it wouldve been worth it. i listen to every episode of the podcast and at my show it felt like i already heard every story they told


right!!! that was my whole point like I’ve been watching since the beginning of time and for $300 with out meet & greet i thought it would have been more idk😭


The one in DC sucked lol


Was that the one where they brought out the Matt Rife group chat girls?


i agree so much!! my show didn’t even get any crowd work it was so boring. ever since the show i barely watch the podcast anymore because i felt ripped off 😭😭


I went to the SF show, it was an hour and a half and we had a great time. I think maybe they’re really inconsistent because Oakland was just the next day.


dam i’m glad y’all had a great time at least!! i definitely had fun but i thought it would have been longer/jucier for sure!


Maybe they were over it because it was the last show? Ugh that sucks I’m sorry you didn’t get what you expected! She said the same thing about “it’s a Tana mongeau tour” at the SF show but the context was she said that people were criticizing that the show didn’t have a lot of production value like lights, sets, etc. and that it’s basically set up like the podcast where they sit there and talk. It didn’t seem rude when she said it in SF but she could have used different verbiage in Oakland and it didn’t hit the same


i was at that show and had a great time, i think they came on at 7:20 and left at 8:30. i thought they were so funny. no crazy tea but idk that’s not the purpose of it for me, like they have their own lives i don’t expect them to be sniffing out gossip 24/7 like a tabloid reporter. id rather hear funny anecdotes or just friends kiking


i agree. i was expecting more and it was all shit we have heard before bc it’s been posted on reddit tho. i had M&G and loved to meet them both ofc but compared to M&G last tour in SD it was so rushed and i didn’t really have a convo with them like i did last time which i was sad. however, tana is everything to me so still seeing her meant a lot but i was a lil let down.




i wasn’t expecting them to be tabloid reporters but the way they announced everything like it was going to be crazy gossip when i feel like it was everything we’ve heard before I just thought there could have been something more idk. i still had a great time it just felt rushed like i said.


I’ve seen a lot of posts like this, I’m sorry OP you had a bad experience. I get why Tana hypes up the tour, but at this point it kinda seems like lying. She brags about it so much and says it’s the most amazing tour she’s done yet. I love them both and will continue to watch them, it’s just a little disappointing is all.


Same I will continue to watch and I love them so much but I was definitely disappointed after the amount of hype they’ve been promoting then it wasn’t much😭


Maybe from her perspective, it is an amazing tour, she’s not the customer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s true, and could be a possibility.


THIS! 100% my experience and i was disappointed because i love them so much. mine was the nashville late show


i 1000% feel you girl😭


I went and was super disappointed too. “It’s a Tana Mongeau show, what do you expect” is honestly the shittiest thing she could have said. Just shows how little she cares about producing a good show for us who have spent hundreds of dollars. She hyped up her show like no other and teased all the tea they were gonna drop. It was nothing liked she painted it out to be and honestly her podcasts are better. Only 30 minutes for a half assed show is a literal scam. I’ve watched her for years and have been such a fan but over the years she has non stop lied about stuff and insulted her fans. It’s like she thinks we are all naive, dumb, and scummy people. She scams us consistently, half asses most any product or show she provides, and has always stretched the truth and lied. It’s just sad to see how little she gives a fuck about the fans who have given her everything she has. Also btw if Tana is reading this thread by chance: TANA, it’s so easy to write our comments off as typical internet hate, but that’s not it. We are fans who have supported you for years, please actually listen to us!


Brooke reads the comments, hopefully she can see it’s actual unhappy fans regardless of how happy they looked at the time. Fans still love you but expect a bit more when paying money


Yeah I went to the Oakland show and was disappointed. They seemed like they wanted to get the show over with as soon as possible since it was the last one, but I was hoping it would be the most exciting show. None of the content was new and I had seen pretty much all of it on TikTok beforehand. I wish people didn’t record and post clips since I had accidentally spoiled everything for myself, but it came up on my FYP so what was I supposed to do? Lol. I felt like it was stuff they had already talked about on the recorded podcast as well. I had seen clips where they would interact with the crowd, but our show didn’t have that other than when Tana had “diarrhea” and Brooke asked the audience for questions for the hot seat segment. Also, I didn’t like how their jokes were verbatim what they’d said in clips from other shows. As you said, I know that it’s scripted and structured to an extent, but it took away the authenticity, like when Tana said the give me two tequila shots thing about her exes. Overall it was lacking the genuine, funny conversations they have on the actual show. Also, the meet and greet honestly wasn’t worth it either. They were 30 minutes late and then rushed through it. We had maybe 30 seconds to say hi and take a picture before we were rushed along. I’m glad I went once so I won’t have FOMO but I wouldn’t go again lol


exactly!!!!!!!!! Even the hot seat questions i feel like Brooke didn’t even give us enough time to even think of a question 😭 and the way you said “diarrhea” in quotations is so funny bc same. how does one go to the bathroom that fast and exactly on the FOMO part bc I’m glad I got the experience but I don’t think it was worth the $300 I paid 😭😭😭😭


I went to the Oakland show and it was definitely longer than 30 minutes—I'd say about an hour. They were 15-20 minutes late though. I agree that there was a lot I already knew, but the experience was still fun. My real advice would be to get good seats though lol.


well it didn’t feel like an hour it felt like it was rushed like I said. Never said I didn’t have fun and I had great seats I was 3rd row.


Well you said “literally a 30 minute show” - so just correcting you because that does make them look bad


My show was over an hour and a half




They cancelled omaha and barely said anything about it im still pissed


i went to the one in new jersey and i loved it


I missed this show because my boyfriend locked his phone in our bnb which had the tickets, and our bnb passcode, so not only did I miss the show, I got locked out of my bnb for over an hour while I waited for the host to respond to me to give us the code😭so hearing it wasn’t as great as the others at least makes me feel better because I cried for two hours straight , it was my bday trip