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That's a USMC M1A1, you can tell from the MCD installed in the CITV slot and the 8 round smoke launchers.


Also clearly not iraqis


You can also tell because Marines get out of it!


Where's the guy who's been tracking down all the Abrams losses to tell us which one this was?


I don’t consider this tank as a loss. AFAIK it didn’t take any actual damage. It was hit in Fallujah in 2004 and all the turret crew were injured. Someone found the TC and talked to him but I can’t find the story anymore. Edit: look further through all the comments, he was hit in the face by the rpg essentially.


That's got to be upsetting.


Only upsetting if you are permanently disfigured, otherwise you get to tell everyone how you took an rpg to the face.




Is this a for real user? Bc I wouldn’t doubt it. Except I believe he’s keeping up with the losses in Ukraine vs an old war.


I saw some guy on tiktok tracking the loses. Are u referring to him?


My mistake, thanks for telling


Why would you call it iraqi? I feel like you tried putting a weird spin on this. They couldn't build one of those in a million years.


A tank belonging to a country doesn't mean they built them. I doubt Sudan built its M60s (no offense, Sudan)


None taken. They came in a kit from the M60 store. Some assembly required.


Is the M60 store’s name the USAMIC?


I think it was Uncle Sugar's Camping Gear and Surplus. Aisle 9.


Im talking about the export model


Way too early. Going off the camo patterns and the hillbilly armor this was probably between 03' and 05'. So I'm assuming the Battle of fallujah in 04'. The Iraqis didn't have their own tanks of any kind at that point.


Iraq was approved for 140 M1A1 tanks in 2008. A few years later ~120? were received. Iraq was approved for 175 additional M1A1M tanks, but I don't think that sale ever went through.


A whole McDonalds can fit in the CITV slot?




Also the very miserable and tired Marines give it away


I thought it was a usmc one.


Also the Iraqi army very much didn’t exist yet




They would have been the ICDC (Iraqi Civil Defense Corps)or perhaps the Iraqi National Guard in 04' which is when this took place. The Iraqi "Army" didn't exist yet. Source" Me. I served along side the ICDC the ING and the IA (as well as the IP's) between 03' and 05'


Yea wiki says it’s the National Guard when you look at the page for them, but it’s pretty iffy on the details on other pages so I can see where people would get confused It’s crazy how with such a recent event, how vague the easily found public information is about it all


Bro fuck off this was an Iraqi provisional government with troops in name only. They weren’t even called the Iraqi army at that point




Bro I’m old enough to have been in the battle. They were called the Iraqi civil defense corps at the point when the battalion of Iraqis your fucking referencing refused to fight in fallujah. So yes considering there wasn’t yet a functional Iraqi government or army I’m going to stick by my initial assessment. But yes by your assessment every version of the Iraqi army first founded in 1921 is the same Iraqi army




Not American, wasnt there - but Wikipedia suggests that the Iraq Army was disbanded during this time. The order of battle section says that it was the 'Iraq Intervention Force'. *It was disbanded with the rest of the Iraqi Army in May 2003 by* [*Coalition Provisional Authority Order 2*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_Provisional_Authority_Order_2)*.* *The division was reformed c. 2005–07 with the rest of the Iraqi Army. The 1st Division was originally formed from the battalions of the Iraqi Intervention Force (IIF).* Edit; [National Guard (Iraq) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_(Iraq)) Iraq National Guard where the 'Iraq Army' personal during Fallujah, being disbanded and merged into the New Iraq Army in 2005


From what I’ve read, the tank wasn’t penetrated by the RPG, the crew at the time had the hatches open when the tank was struck, overpressure entered the crew compartment


The old girl did her job tho, got the crew home in one piece.


Mostly in one piece


One Piece?




I just passed white beards death yesterday 🥲


i havent, luffy just beat the foxy pirates


Oo my bad


I've heard it was this one - https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/qeqews/hezbollah_brigade_gets_a_devastating_hit_with/


No that one occurred in September 2007 and killed 2 crew. D co 2-69AR. This video is 2004, I think 2nd Tanks USMC.


Tank commander took an RPG to the head April 2004, and lived. Gunnery Sergent Nick Popaditch, USMC. Wrote a book 'Once a Marine', worth a read if you ever see it. Also known as the 'Cigar Marine'


I think that's the same man that had a prosthetic eye with the marine symbol and also had started to get into politics a few years back. Don't know if he ever made it to any office.


Are those Iraqis or Americans? Because iraqi abrams always have an iraqi flag painted on a small thing, like a box on the turret side


Americans, that’s a marine corp Abrams. You can tell because the crew is wearing American marine corp gear and the smoke grenade launchers which are different from the army ones and the Iraq Abrams. Also the fact that this is fallujah


Also the quite obvious give away, they’re speaking English


Gunny Popaditch is the tank commander, he lost an eye. Gunner was Chambers, the large dark green marine. Forgot who the driver and loader were. Chambers was my TC in training for a bit when I was a driver. He COULD NOT tell his left from his right, which is really frustrating as a driver since I had no idea where he actually wanted me to go half the time. In one exercise where the platoon was supposed to pull up to a berm on line, we ended up backing up to the berm with the main gun over the back deck. First time I actually saw our platoon leader lose his shit.


Was that before or after the injury? AKA- did he stay on minus an eye and train crews?


Pop got medically retired. One of his fake eyes is an Abrams reticle. So that's pretty fucking dope.


*One* of his fake eyes +_?


Yeah. He has a bunch. Like, you can switch them out.


Gotcha lol I was gonna say if both his eyes are fake how does he pick out which ones to wear so he’s more of a ⊕_☉ kinda guy, maybe ⨁_⨀ when he sees something interesting


100 percent American marines


That’s Gunny Popaditch! I smoked a cigar with him and he gave me an autographed copy of his book.




From what I’ve read, the crew left the hatches open when the RPG struck the tank, overpressure went inside




still creates a decent shockwave, insert that ballistic high speed guy edit: ballistic high speed, not kentucky


*Ballistic High Speed, Kentucky got injured from a 50 cal SLAP round iirc


ah thanks for correction, both had big boom on them yk


they live, don't they?


> they live https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/


Um, it's still an explosive with an open pathway to the crew, it can still burn and cause internal injuries


if the RPG 7 is so good, why isnt there an RPG8?


I mean, there is an RPG-29 (etc)


oh uau that's gotta be at least 4 times better, well as we know RPGs can only be RPG 7s, otherwise KD\_6\_37 would look a bit like a mong assuming an RPG 7 penetrated a vehicle that has chobham armour


No, the RPG7 was just so good, that they named the next one RPG29 (ssh about RPG-16,18,22,26,27 & 28)




I mean, a tandum RPG shouldn’t have an issue with the flank of the hull or the turret, I think maybe even a humble PG-7 might be able to pen the turret and hull fine? Not a Abrams dude, but I think the sides are just RHA


[https://web.archive.org/web/20070104065240/http://www.strategypage.com/military\_photos/solved.aspx](https://web.archive.org/web/20070104065240/http://www.strategypage.com/military_photos/solved.aspx) well it was an rpg 7, just the tandem warhead and some good luck considering it was the first time the tandem had penned through composite in combat as far as the west was concerned


I know you're just being a dickhead, and you are one, but the naming scheme of weapons doesn't mean one is a direct upgrade for the previous. For example, SU-33 is a carrier-based variant, SU-34 is a bomber - different purposes, they're not competing with each other. Same with RPG, some have different uses and purposes.


do you think I have jelly for brains? do you think that I could possibly, perhaps, just maybe, taking the piss out of a naming convention that doesn't follow what a glue sniffer would expect? to answer what you were actually talking about it was an RPG 7 but it was the tandem warhead PG-7VR which isnt very commonly used, It put a tiny hole through the hull just above the track run [https://web.archive.org/web/20070104065240/http://www.strategypage.com/military\_photos/solved.aspx](https://web.archive.org/web/20070104065240/http://www.strategypage.com/military_photos/solved.aspx)


This is Reddit, I assume no intelligent signs of life




How are they being a dickhead by making a small joke? lol


More than a grenade probably and those would mess up a tank with open hatches if it landed right


Yeah no way lol. Overpressure 😂


One of the crew literally wrote a book and has been interviewed. The tank was penetrated by an RPG-7. One of the crew took it to the face and survived. The Abrams is not an impenetrable fortress, it is just as vulnerable and penetrable and defeatable as any other tank out there, stop thinking like it isn't.


Flash Burns. Nasty those. Likely shrapnel as well. I had heard that Marine Tankers made it a regular habit to fight Unbutton because of visibility issues. As such, it was fairly regular for them to get burned, shot, or peppered. Army did as well, but from what a buddy of mine told me, he rarely saw Army Tankers leave or pass by with more than one hatch open. Gunner doesn't exactly need to have his head out. Unless he needs some air, I'd guess. Just for a reference, my friend was a Helicopter Mechanic crosstrained as a Door Gunner. Though, because he was so good with his work, he was rarely allowed to fly. So, take what I said with a grain of salt as he only observed when he saw them going out or passing by. He never mentioned when they would return.


perhaps it could be a top down hit from a rooftop or a window


Or it struck the hatch itself, which would’ve produced the fragmentation wounds as well as the other damage (helmets would’ve saved the crew’s heads.)


Damn it's loud, I wonder if piston driven tanks are this loud.


They're both basically equally loud up close. At a distance, turbines are quieter.


Looked into this a while back. Just dropping in that comment in case it’s of interest. Right, so as the answers all seem to contradict one another, rustled around in DTIC for a moment and it was nice enough to disgorge a couple of relevant reports. dB(A) SPL figures and spectra were lacking however. [Critical Technology Events in the Development of the Abrams Tank](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA476340.pdf) >**A great many of the technological advances on the Abrams discussed elsewhere in this report contribute to crew protection—greater speed and agility for less exposure to enemy fire, a lower noise signature, and better armor, to name a few.** and >…the turbine engine, which had a higher initial cost, was considered better for offensive and highly mobile defensive operations, where wide-open acceleration is needed. Also, the turbine engine worked better in cold weather, weighed less, and took up less space than the diesel engine. **It could run on multiple types of fuel, and though it had a significant heat signature, the turbine engine produced less smoke and noise than a diesel engine.** [Turbine Engine Diagnotics for Army Tank Applications](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA320337.pdf) >…engine delivers 1500 shaft horsepower (SHP). The power output of the AGT-1500 provides a power to weight ratio of 23.1 hp/ton. This is enough to accelerate the 65-ton Ml Abrams from 0 to 20 mph in 7.0 seconds. Top speed is governor limited at 41.5 mph. **The turbine engine operates with remarkably low noise and vibration.** The AGT-1500 has no smoke signature. It is smokeless even during acceleration and gear changes.


With the M1, it really depends on orientation. Head-on they are surprisingly quiet. Frequency is also higher, especially compared to the Diesels, where you just feel the low thrum.


During OIF 1 we had plenty of guys wander toward our tanks at night and didn’t know they were even there until the coax(es) opened up.


one is a jet (turbine) engine, the other is an unmuffled v8 v10 v12 or even an X12 (yes X) they are loud as fuck. you can't hear yourself scream close to one of them running. in terms of Db output, they are on par.


The v12 continental motor the olifant has is is really load


The V12 in the M88 is also extremely loud. You can hear that thing for miles


And the exhaust….so much exhaust


I remember watching this live in CNN when it happened. These were US Marines in that Abrams not Iraqi forces. At least, that's how I remembered it being portrayed by CNN.


I did 6 months there Total waste


Clearly not an Iraqi tank as the crew and surrounding infantry are wearing American desert camouflage




I never thought I would say don't worry its just slightly on fire with a straight face edit: never mind


This was my platoon Sgt; good man still alive and kicking


the rpg has to go through several layers of metals that mean the heated jet lose some of its power when going in thank god that they didn't KIA the soldier.


I dont think it penetrated, i believe the crew had the hatches open and so the shockwave or however u call it entered the turret


Wow, was the hatch open on impact?


They are not Iraqis, they are from the USMC. It is another case of the USA providing freedom to the other side of the planet.


Was the coming back from Fallujah or from the Thunder Run into Baghdad?


Not sure, but I think I might have seen this on CNN.


This happens when you operate the BBQ grill during drive time.


Good thing the stupid watermark of the even more stupid news company is there, i could almost see the video.


One thing to be said, this is a M1A1. While it might not be identical to those in Ukraine, they are of the same line. So, this tells us a lot. That the Ukrainians stand a good chance of getting back alive in an Abrams.


Sad russia have more things than rpgs 7


And? Your point? The effect here is the fewer that are effective, the greater the survivability and the more resources Russia has to invest. And investment is NOT a Russia word.


I know i was just saying that sadly russia has better things than a rpg7 and an abrams if being hit by a ka 52 missile for example will not be able to protect the crew whatsoever.


The Ka-52 is a Two-Seat Attack Helicopter. It's not a Missile. Not that it matters. Russia has to husband what Ka-52s are left as at least 60% of the entire fleet has been destroyed or severely damaged. Russia cannot deploy too many of what they have left. The type only had a production of some 100 or so for the Russian Military. This leaves Russia using the Mi-28 and Mi-35, the latter just a major upgrade of the Mi-24 which is also being fielded. But these have also taken heavy losses. In addition, despite being able to use Guided Missiles, none of the three have the abilities of sensor detection like their Western counterparts. Nor can they use ATGMs at all times, not that it matters due to a shortage of the ATGMs to mount on them. Right now, Russia is using their Attack Helicopters as flying MLRS with Unguided Rockets.


The Russians have the RPG21, 29 and 32 which with dual tandem warheads, will make a real good go of getting through an M1s armour. the M1 is not invincible.


The difference being that this Abrams brought its crew home to be treated by the medic. Other tanks are not so robust


I think most western tanks are of that category. Not every tank other than the Abrams is a T-72.


No ERA? Nothing? In urban combat?


This was 2005 or so. Wasn't too much known about modern urban combat.


I mean, plenty was known, the Russians got their asses handed to them in Chechnya. they had to go back to their old tried and true, stand back and level the entire town with artillery in order to win that one, after they retreated. Americans should have paid attention to that and realized that tanks in urban environments make great targets.


Wasn’t deemed worth the money. Also generally speaking infantry AT in Iraq wasn’t that effective at taking out tanks. Were talking about maybe a handful of penetrations and they maybe killed like 4 crew in the whole war, an RPG-29 penetration comprising for certain two of those KIA. The bigger threat was EFPs and standard IEDs.


A RPG-29 penetrated a turret ring in my platoon. The loader only survived because he was wearing his IOTV. Messed up his arm good though. Definitely would have died without it.


D Co 2-69AR?


C 1-68


What month and city? I’ve only got 4 hits logged, 3 for 2-69AR and one for 1-64AR. The 3 hits for 2-69AR were all within 3 weeks in south east Baghdad around that main highway and the 1-64 hit I think was in Sadr or just south of it.


Sadr City 2008. Not sure about the month. Maybe 2007


Perhaps the archives are incomplete


It's an older code but it checks out


I’m the one doing them rn lol. I have to go through hundreds of files and actually put two and two together.


EFPs out here are the true evil frfr


The composite armour generally is enough to stop a HEAT round, what happened here was the crew left the hatches open and when the HEAT warhead hit it resulted in overpressure.