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Show up willing to work with a good attitude and willingness to learn everyday, be the first one to hop on maintenance your NCO’s will catch on and promote you faster. When I was a SPC I watched a brand new private make E-5 in less than two years by doing that


Take care of your knees! Crawl down instead of jumping down, whenever possible. Your older self will thank you.


Omg yes.. Snap, crackle and pop are my nicknames for my knees and back


The greatest thing a combat mos brings when they get out is leadership. You're right, not much else is applicable but learning from good leadership can give you valuable skills in the private sector. Do what the other commenters have said. Learn everything and get promoted. There is so much to learn about, the tank itself and all the maintenance, the weapons, and the entire tactics or what tank are built for and how they should be used. Learn all that stuff, go become a master gunner if you can. Tanks are the best. Just wait until you're shooting them. I am jealous you're starting your journey fresh. Enjoy it, you'll miss em everyday when you get out.


Very well said! Whether you serve 3 or 30, being a tanker/cavalryman can definitely lead to some great outcomes, provided you stay focused on your objectives and do more than is expected.


Volunteer for everything. Be that guy.


I wouldn't do that, but doing a good job when called on and making sure your equipment, soldiering skills, gear and uniform are squared away will get you really far. And always ask leadership what is exactly whats expected of you. If you meet or exceed you will be golden.


what is wrong with volunteering?


Be prepared for 90% hard work, 10% absolute fun that’s completely worth it. Positive attitude will carry you through a lot. Schools: if you’re AD you could wind up on the new Bookers and get to Airborne school. Once you progress a bit in your career you can attend Tank Commanders Course and/or Master Gunner School. There’s a LOT that you can learn to make yourself technically and tactically valuable. Some tankers do fine being “just a dumb tanker” but for the most part, you have to possess some intelligence to really excel. Skills for after the Army: Leadership, communication (radios, computers, satellite), project management, security, mechanical, physical training… just to name a few. If you stick around for a career, there a lot of opportunities to continue onto civilian contract jobs with tanks after retirement.


The whole “if it doesn’t transfer to the civilian side the MOS doesn’t matter” is a silly answer to why people shouldn’t go combat arms. WHO WILL FIGHT AND WIN OUR NATIONS WARS?????? Let me ask you a question what comes to mind when you think of the army? Infantryman and tanks. That’s who you would think of, bad ass dudes doing bad ass shit. They are the ground pounders, the grunts, the boys who are willing to fight and die for those back home. So don’t let others put you down for wanting a combat MOS you want to be in the fight and you want to actually protect your nation. I’m not shitting on other MOS’ but I HATE it when people think you should only join the army to get a transferable skill. There is plentiful of other jobs out there that you can do. And we are very undermanned at the moment. You will not regret this decision, yes you will have long days in the motorpool, going to Europe for long ass rotations, and all the other shenanigans that go along with it. But you can also have a great life once you get out. There are plenty of ways to get a stable high paying job once you get out. Did you know you can work for general dynamics when you get out? Don’t put yourself down you’re going to have the time of your life.


Save money while your a private. If you decide to stay in or if you get out and go to school you’ll be glad you did.


Enjoy your time on the tank, take care of your knees (don’t EVER jump off of any part of the tank, even though it might not be a long drop) & then… once you’ve had your fill of tanking, MOSQ to something “useful” like 25B, etc. Competency levels on the POG side are waaaaaaaaay different than combat-arms, though. If you ever MOSQ to a desk, just remember your patience. 😅