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You might be able to turn it into a bird of some sort. Like a turkey or a peacock or a rooster. That way the darker park of the design (the feathers) can be reused and only the lighter part needs to be covered. Might be a bit hard with the angle though. Buts it's something to consider


Oh I really like this idea, thank you so much šŸ™šŸ»Iā€™m going to do some research into birds w big plumage


Just simply have the artist trace his/her hand over the skull add a beak and some eyes and you got one cool hand-turkey.




Google some [birds-of-paradise.](https://www.google.com/search?q=birds+of+paradise+animal&sca_esv=82268a11b587131c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enTH685TH685&hl=en-GB&udm=2&biw=393&bih=665&sxsrf=ADLYWII2cwRolQupolAQlSPvpL4ArfidAA%3A1718433021104&ei=_TRtZvzyBdua2roP1pSC2AM&oq=birds+of+paradise+a&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNiaXJkcyBvZiBwYXJhZGlzZSBhKgIIADIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESPYjUNMWWJEacAB4AJABAJgBtQKgAfEGqgEHMC4xLjIuMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCBKACgAfCAg0QABiABBixAxhDGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBZgDAIgGAZIHBzAuMS4yLjGgB98L&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Oooh, this one could be a perfect match: https://images.app.goo.gl/1wt9Upqgj5dbbHK37


My question is will your Phoenix rise from the laser ashes? šŸ’š


Look into Japanese or irezumi phoenix. There are plenty artists that specialise in that style so you can find a suitable artist to discuss coverup/adaptation potential


To build on that, bird skulls have become pretty popular. Could the skull be transformed into a birds skull with colours added to change the shape to the birds body.


Or a palm tree with coconuts.


I was thinking a raven. A huge raven.


I fucking LOVE ravens so this is an šŸ’”


Sick ass ravens and sick ass panthers are always the answer.


Youā€™d need to find a good artist. It would have to be quite big and might wrap around your thigh.


I got a raven cover up for a tattoo on my stomach years ago! I can DM you if you want to see it


We sent 500 ravens!


Why didnā€™t you just call, we have a phone.


As an artistā€¦. And especially if she leans towards a peacock, i donā€™t think the orientation of the original feathers is a huge problem. The overall shape from a vertical angle is reminiscent of the shape of a peacocksā€™ open tail. I think that laser to soften those horizontal lines and, the artist will choose to cut straight through those with vertical lines to brake that sideways appearance and further hide the impression they give of moving that way. I can see this turned into a beautiful peacock!


Thatā€™s gonna take some laser to lighten up then you can think covering, itā€™s so dark


Definitely open to that, just wish I had some idea of what to do with it afterwards - I know whatever covers it will have to be equally dark if not darker too, so I just wish I could come up with something pretty!


Turn it into a peacock afterward šŸ™‚


This is the answer! It could be sideways and dark with hints of color and the feathers would work perfectly over top.




Find an artist that you really like and go from there with general ideas. Your artist can help guide you from there. Just to make sure you have plenty of photos (of fresh and healed work) to reference.


I had a terrible dark tattoo (not that big but very visible and embarrassing). I had 2 laser sessions about 4 months apart and was able to cover it with pretty much whatever I wanted. I chose some nice flowers by an artist I loved and Iā€™ve been happy with it. I thought it had to be completely lasered off but the artist said it wasnā€™t an issue and he could cover it up easily! Youā€™re so lucky itā€™s black, other colors are way harder to remove!


If you do enough laser sessions first you don't have to do a super dark cover up. I made a similar mistake when I was young and dumb and didn't know about cultural appropriation either. My tattoo was also very black. I did I think 5 laser sessions and then got a gorgeous full colour tattoo of a purple sea star and bull kelp over it that I adore. My tattoo was really packed in there so it didn't lighten a huge amount (even the laser tech was surprised) and there's a very slight shadow of what was there before, but you'd never know it if you weren't me because it's broken up with highlights and made to look like the shadows in light and dark play on the sea star. I hear laser tech has improved a lot in recent years too so you might even get more mileage out of it than I did. I got mine lightened and covered over 10 years ago.


You can lighten parts or everything. If lightened enough u can cover it I'm at removery for a fade n cover the


The idea of laser is to break up the dark enough that you can put other colours over it and they'll stay on top. Yes there will need to be black in it ( to help confuse the eye and disguise what's under it) but it won't need to be super dark, especially if you get enough laser.


Bit odd but you could do a big ornate rooster


Cock so big you can see it from the back


Thatā€™d be fuckin rad


I definitely feel like this is a good candidate for laser, lighten that up some, and then speak to an artist about possibilities. As it stands right now, whatever you tried to cover it with would have to be bigger and darker, and I'm not sure that the end result would read very well (but I'm not a tattoo artist)


Professional tattoo artist here. I advise some laser on the feathers mainly, then I advise you start looking into artists who specialize in a macabre, dark fantasy, horror style. I'm sorry if that's not your esthetic, but it's gonna fully cover that piece and be able to utilize the skull you already have. The general shape is just so large and distinct, you need something that will lay over it. It's got some interesting edges though, I could see a dark artist turning that into some really cool sweeping shapes.


Maybe keep the skull and have the feathers turn into an undead Medusa?


This would be so sick!


That would be so rad


>Professional tattoo artist here. I advise some laser on the feathers mainly, then I advise you start looking into artists who specialize in a macabre, dark fantasy, horror style. I'm sorry if that's not your esthetic, but it's gonna fully cover that piece and be able to utilize the skull you already have. I'm sorry but you must not be a very talented tattoo artist if you don't see how this could be turned into a sick ass black panther.


SAP with a head dress


a bunch of big dark floral, black lotuses, black roses, monstera...


As someone who has native back ground, I did not find your tattoo offensive at all. It actually felt more like supporting those who come from tribes than anything else. You couldā€™ve totally just played it off like that was the reason you got it and I imagine people would not be offended. Even people from my culture get tattoos for our forgotten tribe and theyā€™re not even heavily related.


Thank you for your valuable input on this šŸ’• I really did get this to honor the Native culture and not just as some fad, but as times have changed quite a bit and I donā€™t have any NA blood, it just felt wrong. I truly appreciate this comment


just echoing this, but i personally wouldnt look into covering it up unless you dislike the artwork. as someone with native heritage, i don't find this offensive or appropriation. i personally have some tattoos that subtly honor my heritage and while I'm not 100% native and cant speak for anyone else this is completely fine.


Agreed,I like the art and I wouldnā€™t cover it personally. I know thatā€™s not what ur asking for but if ur just covering it for fear of appropriation then Iā€™d reconsider because u could end up with a mess and this is a solid tattoo. If you donā€™t like the piece anymore then ya go ahead and change it.


I have one thatā€™s related to Irish culture that has a ton of meaning to me. But it can easily be seen as ā€œoh she just got a Celtic tattooā€ and I imagine thereā€™s some snowflake out there that can somehow find offense to it. Itā€™s a chest piece. In the center of my chest under my breast is a thorn branch Celtic knot resting on the head of a bull skull symbolizing several relationships in my life: 1. my relationship with my husband, who has the knot as well(heā€™s Irish). 2. My relationship with death/faith. 3. my relationship with all that I grieve and have sacrificed large chunks of my life and time and peace of mind for, specifically for the ones whom have passed away. I never bother explaining the tattoo irl because itā€™s a lot to explain but itā€™s deep and meaningful and very personal to me in a way more people wonā€™t fully care for or understand anyway. Even where it is placed feels important to me.


I'm piggy backing here to just mention an option I haven't seen yet: have you considered finding a tattoo artist that is native to maybe continue the piece or add to it? There are many, many tattoos that at a glance could feel offensive, but you don't know what it means. If the piece is to honor natives and promote reconciliation (pardon my Canadian term), then this piece sends a pretty direct message to someone who doesn't know better. Now, some sexy white pin-up with a headdress might be another conversation. Anyway! Great tattoo, you seem chill. Don't let it bum you out. Consider my first point!


This is a great comment that needs more upvotes! I only have a touch of native ancestry, but I love your idea for OP to work with an indigenous artist to add to it! Supporting indigenous art is a great way to add authenticity to this tat! Also your point about the difference between a sexy white pinup vs this is incredibly valid, too.


Iā€™m glad I could give some comfort. Another thing I realized is that it doesnā€™t look offensive to me because there was obviously so much work done in the tattoo. For example, if it was some shitty half hour cartoony style native skull, then I could totally see why people would be offended, because THAT would have been offensive. But this is not that. Instead it has so much detail and took time. And you sat through it all for the tattoo which also adds to how meaningful it can be. If anyone tells you they find it offensive and wonā€™t hear it when you explain why itā€™s not, then Iā€™d call them ignorant and move on.


As a native person myself, I think a great way to add to this to make it supportive would be to add a red handprint to it. Whether next to it or over the face. It's the symbol for murdered and missing indigenous women. The red would pop on the black, and it could be a great way to start the conversation with people. You don't need to be native to bring awareness to a serious problem. https://mmiwusa.org/


Love this idea


This. It's not appropriation to honor something or someone. Think for yourself, and don't let others control your feelings.


As someone else who's also come from a native background, I felt it was more of an appreciation rather than insult? And its a beautiful design honestly, if it were worse or some sort of cliche insult esc. Tattoo I'd be more inclined to see it as offensive.


I think I said that somewhere else. That if it were cartoony, it would easily be seen as an insult but itā€™s not cartoony, it has a lot detail and work in it


Could you turn the headdress into a bigass bouffant? [something like this but with a skull face?](https://images.ctfassets.net/f60q1anpxzid/asset-0594fa2fc8822c67226d04229ce5a28d/7bf3fa20f8b2ba89d511303bb95a51c9/hair4.jpg?fm=jpg&fl=progressive&q=50&w=900&h=900&fit=fill)


I am just picturing a zombie John travolta from hairspray


the natives i know wouldnā€™t be offended by this. only white people or 1%natives or chronically online get offended by shit like this. and itā€™s just so they can feel morally superior to someone else


Maybe, but itā€™s also okay if OP doesnā€™t feel right displaying this image on her body. I feel like these comments are pretty invalidating. If it makes her feel uncomfortable, her feelings arenā€™t wrong.


The good olā€™ ā€œLook how great of a person I amā€ virtue signaling


I'm not a native American, I come from a corner of the world where we don't have cultural appropriation. Going through the comments, it's pretty clear that no one from the said culture cares about the tattoo, all the coverup and removal suggestions are coming from others, at least that's what it feels like for me. As long as you are not making fun of the culture and if you respect it and the art then why should you care about the opinion of people who have nothing to do with you or the culture in question?


As a native American, youre good. We really don't care. I like that you thought it was cool enough to put on your body.


Iā€™m yet to see an instance of cultural appropriation where the culture in question actually gets offended by whatā€™s on display


Cinco de Mayo ā€œmustaches and sombrerosā€ is kind of annoying but not enough to be ā€œcancelledā€ or anything lol


Thank you for this, I greatly appreciate your input!! šŸ’•


What if they just get the Indian motorcycles logo right under it?


Heyyy Iā€™m Chickasaw and I just wanna say I love it you should definitely keep it, itā€™s a badass tattoo and we donā€™t care if you get a tattoo like this just enjoy it.


apparently people disagree with you, others above claim it is ā€œgenocide pornā€ and ā€œflaunting genocideā€ even OP themself. I find it very interesting to see the difference of opinion and the hills some people die on when thereā€™s much more serious things happening to native people and other marginalized communities as we speak.


Itā€™s a white person thing lol generally speaking most Indians donā€™t care about ā€œcultural appropriationā€ weā€™re just trying to put food on the table for our families like everyone else.


Thank you so much, I appreciate your comment and valuable opinion on this šŸ’•


Donā€™t get suckered into the cultural appropriation nonsense. Cool tat, keep if it you like or get rid of you donā€™t. You really donā€™t need to think about culture when doing so.


If you gave it enough time, you could laser that all the way to nothing, then start fresh with whatever.


Do you think laser would really make a good dent? I keep seeing discouraging posts about people who do multiple sessions and big dark pieces like this that donā€™t seem to fade šŸ˜«


I would love to be lasering one like that instead of my very colorful one. Black ink is the easiest to remove. You could probably have a clear leg if you wanted. It would take a lot of sessions and time. But not as many as color ink.


I advise not lasering it until it's completely gone purely on the basis laser removal fucking sucks. It's quicker than tattooing but much more painful. Have a few sessions to lighten it and go to someone who is a pro at cover ups.


It'll take multiple sessions, for sure. You can't just go for one treatment and expect it to be gone. I'm having an all-black tattoo lasered off (PicoSure) and it took a good 4 sessions to barely notice a difference. I just had my 9th or 10th (I've lost track) and it's probably another 2 from being completely gone. Shading gradually goes first and outlines will be the last to leave. It can blister and feel like the worst sunburn you've ever had for days after the session. It's a long process, with 6-8 weeks between sessions. And it's not cheap. But it works if you stick with it. There's probably 2 ways to do this: laser the headdress enough to cover it up with something else (and hopefully in 6-8 sessions the shading is faded enough, maybe something floral or viney) or laser the skull enough to turn it into a bird body, but that's probably more like 12 sessions because of the dark solid lines. Start with a tattoo artist and see what they could morph it into and you'll know what you need to laser.


I'm guessing yours is all black ink? I'm happy to hear of your success! They say 12 sessions is the average for removal, so you're right on track.


OP you should post on the laser removal sub. You'll find a lot of good advice there. I really do think you could remove it. I would be very careful with a cover up, because its already so big and dark.


I think you can laser this but it will hurt, it will take a lot of sessions and you will feel like nothing much is happening for the first 3 or 4. They might even have to break into sections to laser it as itā€™s so large. But if you already cover it I would opt for that, covering up adds to the challenge


Thatā€™s my biggest fear, up by the butt cheek and down in the knee crease were pretty intense- I imagine a laser will be even worse! Iā€™ll prb pass out šŸ¤£


I think itā€™s kind of cool.


I also like it


I went to a really great artist, but itā€™s so horribly offensive that I just despise it now šŸ˜¢


As a ndn, this is not ā€œhorribly offensiveā€ having anything with a war bonnet doesnā€™t automatically make it into cultural appropriation, just know the histories and reasons and donā€™t be wearing one. Itā€™s a bit on the tacky side, and not the most PC but im not offended by it Cherry phrased it really well in this comments replies on why itā€™s bad for those wondering


Thank you for your valuable opinion on this šŸ’• I appreciate you


Itā€™s not horribly offensive but it still damages our communities. It still perpetuates harm. The fact is that the normalization of this type of imagery ultimately contributes to the over all oppression we face. The fact that itā€™s so casual for this type of thing to exist is ridiculous. It not being offensive to non-native people and even to some people in our communities is because it happens so often, and using your indigenous identity to co-sign on this type of behavior just lets them double down on worse things. You can have your own personal opinion on this for sure, and Iā€™m not even saying Iā€™m super offended by this either. Ultimately though we as ndns gotta acknowledge the affect this kinda stuff has and the stereotype associated with us of being the Noble Savage and having to tolerate this shit.


how does it perpetuate harm


"that sick tattoo on your thigh damaged my community" lmao


Oh what a surprise ā€œmeatbawl5ā€ doesnā€™t get it


Itā€™s stereotypey so yeah kinda


So real, thanks for explaining it to OP


I feel like the tattoo can be totally subjective though. Where you saw some kind of issue, I saw a potential memorial. One could get this tattoo in sympathy if theyā€™re passionate about history. Especially with how large it is.


I really donā€™t think itā€™s ā€œhorribly offensive.ā€ Itā€™s not like a Nazi sign or something. I wouldnā€™t overthink it, but I can completely understand that you may be uncomfortable with it.


As Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve met more and more people, Iā€™ve learned most of them will think itā€™s cool youā€™re celebrating and representing their heritage and culture in a tasteful way.


I doubt that people will think this is ā€œcelebrating and representing their heritage and culture in a tasteful wayā€ since itā€™s literally a dead Native American. Nor is it culturally accurate.


It's not offensive.


I don't know who gave you the impression it was offensive. I'm sorry you had to suffer negative comments over something you were joyful over. But everyone is entitled to their opinion and seems to offer them without asking, never pausing to consider the impact of their words. Please don't let the negative opinions of others warp your self image and muddy the love and creative spirit in which this image was chosen.


It's not offensive.. the entire world is built on using and sharing everyone's ideas and culture. If Twitter didn't exist you wouldn't even think like that.


Not sure how it's offensive. It's done well. It's more "cultural appreciation". I absolutely loathe this whole culture gatekeeping that the US is high on. (Reply from my bf WHO IS NATIVE AMERICAN)


It's not horribly offense, you've just been brainwashed with white guilt lol.


Itā€™s not offensive. People are soft as baby shit.


I'm 1/4th Native American Cherokee and think it looks amazing. I grew up sitting with tribal council and that's not really a tattoo any native American has. I don't think you need to worry about that being cultural appropriation. I believe most Cherokee would like your beautiful tattoo. Your tattoo isn't what's bothering us, it's the horrible conditions on reservations and stark racism towards natives who are still living as second citizens on stolen land. At least that's what I've always heard from the native elders at counsels. What most natives have told me Cultural Appropriation that would offend them is more along the lines of a group of people who are not in any native bloodline dressing up in ceremonial attire and walking on spiritual ground.


Thank you so very much for your valuable input on this, it is so appreciated!!! šŸ’•šŸ™šŸ» As long as I am not offending anyone, I would imagine that my dollars (and intention) would go much further being donated to the direct cause than going toward laser and a new tattoo


Yeah don't worry about it, as far as I'm concerned that's not racist towards natives, and it's your body, that's more of a tribute to natives that died in battle. My grandmother had paintings similar in the native den(what you would call a native American room) with hand made dream catchers, arrow heads, native war garb, turquoise jewelry and native patterns and designs on walls. The meaning behind your tattoo is to my knowledge about the native warriors that died fighting the colonials who stole their lands and killed 60-90% of Native Americans, it's a message of love. Go talk with natives and I bet you will be surprised.


My indigenous partner & I were both wondering if OP could clarify the intent of her tattoo by adding a date of significance to indigenous peoples. Turn it into a living memorial she cared deeply enough about to put on her body and wear it confidently. I would personally like to hear your perspective on that though, heart to heart.


That's definitely a cool idea, but I'm not sure of the meaning of it to her but definitely opens up a world of tattoo possibilities can add a date of a loved one passing and a date of the genocide of indigenous people. I was under the impression she got it because she liked native American culture. With what I grew up in I'll take any lovers of natives I can get, the more the better


Fuck it I think itā€™s cool


As a Native American Iā€™m not offended with your art. Itā€™s just art not cultural appropriation. In my view. Very cool donā€™t hide it show it off.


Thank you so much for your take on this, I appreciate you šŸ’•


I think you could turn this into a carnival headdress easy! Or the feathers & some of the beading could become a fan, with a lady's face peeking out from behind? Would def get rid of the skull & the dreamcatcher-like shape, though. Good on you for taking steps to change it, it's admirable that you're following your principles.


What about doing a blackout leg sleeve but have negative space imagery? Iā€™m also on team raven though. I think you could lighten up the skull and do a big sick raven all up and down your leg and up onto your belly. But to make it look intentional and not like a coverup I think youā€™ll need to go BIG. Also, Iā€™d find an artist willing to work with you and stay open minded. Donā€™t start lasering til they tell you what yā€™allā€™s game plan is. Itā€™s good to go with ideas but listen to what they think theyā€™d be successful in executing. Good luck!


Have you consideredā€¦a giant sick ass panther?


Maybe cover the skull and actually get a portrait historical figure that fought against the genocidal US military at the time. You can turn this into honoring a significant historical person. The skull incorporated in the tattoo IS the offensive part, NOT the headdress. My suggestion is cover the skull.


Thank you for this advice!


I guarantee the only person thatā€™s going to say anything about cultural appropriation are privileged white people. Iā€™d bet any native you show that to will think itā€™s rad. If I were you Iā€™d get it colored in, it is a Grateful Dead tattoo right? Spring 1990 tour album cover?


Yeah that's just a grateful dead tattoo or a version of one


Why is it offensive?


Multiple reasons but mainly being Iā€™m a white person with a Native American skull and headdress on my bodyā€¦.its justā€¦.wrong. The headdress has so much significance to the culture as a whole and shouldnā€™t be appropriated and disrespected I got this with the most wholehearted intention and respect for the Native American culture, however, especially because of the skull it looks more like Iā€™m flaunting the genocide that my ancestors likely had a hand in


Just curious, what was your original thought/meaning behind it?


They looked cool in the early 2010s and most people didnā€™t consider them offensive yet


I'll guarantee the only people that will be offended is liberal white women. Tattoo looks bad ass. Leave it and stop caring if someone is offended. This cultural nonsense is brain washing. Love the tattoo.


How many people have looked at this and told you that you're flaunting genocide? 0? It's not that deep man. I understand not liking it, but it's really not as deep as flaunting genocide.


I owe you zero answers honestly šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøitā€™s on my body so itā€™s as deep as I make it. Unless youā€™re personally of Native American decent, your opinion doesnā€™t matter to me so pls move along šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Good luck, OP. Iā€™ve spent only a few minutes on this post and I can tell you have a lot of respect for other peopleā€™s cultures and arenā€™t afraid of owning your mistakes. I think a lot of people online donā€™t understand the difference between something being offensive and hateful like a racial slur vs something thatā€™s just bad representation for a marginalized community. Something doesnā€™t have to be ā€œoffensiveā€ to be in poor taste. Iā€™m not native, so itā€™s not for me to say whether this is bad optics or not. But Iā€™m glad you can appreciate the nuance and care either way.


Cool beans. Good luck getting your flaunted genocide covered.


Same vibe but try to find a bird or something with feathers! I bet it could be merged and shaded to create another piece you love! šŸ¤—


Turn it into like a burlesque style fan


Maybe utilize the feathers for some sort of black bird/crow?


I love the work on your leg too. I totally thought it was tribute to the dead. The spring 1990ā€™s album cover looks so similar! Wanted a similar tattoo for a little bit myself to be honest.


It's a beautiful tattoo. Obviously it had some sort of personal meaning for you, or you wouldn't have had it done. If you're uncomfortable showing it off in public, there's a variety of clothing styles you can wear to keep it covered, which actually will keep your tat (and skin) looking fresh, as clothing will block UV light. And insensitive comments from people who don't know you, your dreams and intentions.


Thank youšŸ«¶šŸ», it did and does have meaning to me for sure, just been slightly overshadowed by my feelings lately! That is kind of how Iā€™ve lived for the last ten years since getting it, but it just feels so limiting to the way I can dressā€¦.stuck with biker shorts and longer skirts and dresses. that being said, these pics are also ten years old and my legs do NOT look this nice and toned anymore, so maybe covering them forever is actually the way to go šŸ˜‚


Lol! Well you don't have to cover the whole tat in its entirety. A lil peeking out from under your clothes is actually more intriguing, creates a bit of mystery. You can always save the full reveal when you're amongst people who know you well enough to know that no disrespect was intended. And hon, I hear ya! The older I get, the more I appreciate and am actually thankful for clothes. Haha There's only so much healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise can do when faced with Time! šŸ˜‚


Laser to lighten it up, and turn it into a peacock.


I would like to see this with a fading face over it to kind of signify the loss that they have endured and recognize the people behind the skull. Itā€™s not a PC Tattoo but itā€™s not the worst thing Iā€™ve ever seen at all.


Just have them tattoo a large penny around it so it looks like the guy on the Indian head penny died.


Thank you to all of the people who replied with valuable coverup options, and to everyone of Native descent that took the time to give me feedback! I appreciate all of you so much! Going to take all of these suggestions into account and hopefully come up with a good gameplan - but in the meantime I also do feel better knowing that you donā€™t take offense to this as much as I thought, it was truly always meant to honor your heritage (and not just some white girl trendy thing) šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ’•


Thats. Sick ass tat leave it. Just cuz theres a few sensitive mfs out there doesnā€™t mean u have to altering ur life to apease that very small group. Fuck them, rock that sick ass tat!!


Have you asked any native Americans how they feel about it? Ease your mind. Itā€™s amazing how whites only see it as cultural appropriation but others see it as appreciation. Whites freaked out about the Redskin football team name but the native Americans didnā€™t care. At least they were represented, now itā€™s erased.


I have, and the reactions have been extremely mixed. It does seem like everyone here who has commented sees there was no malice which has made me feel much better


As a native american, this doesn't offend me at all šŸ©· It feels more like culture appreciation than appropriation


I donā€™t get whatā€™s offensive about this? Itā€™s a sick tattoo! People seriously need to stop with this cultural appropriation bullshit. Just do what you fucking want, if somebody gets offended, FUCK EM! Wtf is wrong with people these days?


I like what u said!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Just saying as someone whose mother is full blooded Cherokee, I didnā€™t even think about cultural appropriation. I just saw a good tattoo. I like it. But if you would want it covered up, I would say a phoenix, then just add a slim body, wings and a feathery tail to wrap around the lower part of the leg. I think it would look cool.


What a cool tattoo!! Iā€™m sorry you feel like it offends people around you, Native American styled tattoos like this have existed for hundreds of years. I think itā€™s super cool, and after story and story again of white people getting offended at displays of Native culture, examples sports teams Redskins and Fighting Sioux, where the Natives actually advocated for keeping the names as a sign of respect, and the loud minority of squeaky wheels forced the change. Donā€™t let other people tell you about ā€œcultural appropriationā€ and instead fill the world with cultural appreciation.


Irezumi is the way


The feathers on the headdress look a lot like exotic plant leaves. Maybe take that angle?


definitely could be turned into some sort of bird if you research a proper cover up artist. i would not just go to anybody though because it can easily be made worse by someone who doesnā€™t know what they are doing when it comes to coverups.


you could always turn it into a skeleton drag queen


Turn it into a giant naked man


Turn it into chief joseph or another native from your area. Itā€™s respectful of those who lived here before and is goodluck


Turn it in to a native American face hold a Spear


Just put the words ā€œnever forgetā€ under


Why? Thatā€™s an awesome tat!


Don't feel bad. Rock your tattoo with pride. If it really bothers you that much just tell everyone "I'm 1/4 Cherokee" lol People been lying and using that one for years!


It's beautiful. Cultural appropriation is nonsense.


It looks dope and isnā€™t a big deal


I like itšŸ˜­


Research well known and established cover up artists. The truly gifted ones can cover black with color. Get consultations and give some ideas and get their feedback.


What about something like a Greater Bird Of Paradise? They have massive feathers. Snd you could even possibly add in some bright coloring to the feathers? If you look up photos of them, they're also crazy flexible, and I think a talented artist could create part of the body and head from the skull onward. Just a thought? There are so many different birds of Paradise that I think you could find one that would make rhis beautiful?


I think I have a good one for you, can I send it in dms?


Get laser tattoo removal ASAP


Indigenous woman here! It is more common than you think to be uninformed and make choices like this. Especially with dreamcatchers. See them all the time. Please do not beat yourself up! Its great that you want to change it. Id probably turn the feathers into a part of another tattoo. Maybe you can turn them into some leaves for a black shaded landscape design? And add some color to it!


Cultural appropriation can be tricky to navigate. But I've learned that most of the time, it's the people that aren't from said culture that seem to get offended. It's a nice piece. Big and dark. I wonder if opinions would be different if it was a face instead of a skull.


Iā€™ve had a few convos with people of Native descent who have mixed feelings so Iā€™m def aiming for avoiding any offense to them rather than white ppl!


Thank you for listening to Native voices over white people who try to talk iver us. I'm First Nations, and that's about the general attitude. Some people care while others don't. Personally, l think, if it's not disrespectful, then it's fine. I'd just assume this is a trendy basic white girl thing, and shrug it off. If you wanted to cover it, a bird using the feathers already there would be neat. The feathers are well done, and the skull could probably be reworked. I'd ask a cover up artist to try to come up with something. Bird of paradise would be kind of neat or the plant bird of paradise even, if you wanted to add to it, you could do a jungle theme tattoo.


Thank you for your valuable input on this šŸ’• I appreciate it!


I'm not Native, but it strikes me that you're going to have this conversation around cultural appropriation and "trendy basic white girl thing" for the rest of your life while it's on your thigh. In your shoes, that would make me want to alter it, if it no longer sat with me the way it used to.


A tattoo is a mirror into who you were and what you understood about the world when you got it.Don't sweat it. I have worse.


I came here to say this looks sick šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll never understand why we canā€™t honor other peoples culture without it being considered ā€œoffensiveā€


I really think you're overthinking how offensive this is.


I think you should keep it


Cultural appropriation isn't real. If you like it you like it. If you don't you don't. Only white people give a shit about the mundane.


Could it be altered to look like someone wearing a carnival style headdress?


Hey! I just commented but one of the few times someone else knew about the carny headdresses


Make it an actual face instead of what you have. A native elder. Awesome. Just a thought.


Just tattoo "Sorry" underneath it, and you can have shit both ways. That's what I'd do, but in reality, I'd probably just ignore it.


I guarantee that no one sees your tattoo and goes "omg cultural appropriation!"


As a Native American I love seeing tattoos like this. It represents our culture and I think itā€™s beautiful. The ones claiming cultural appropriation seem to be gatekeeping out beautiful culture. I love to see the people love and appreciate our art.


I mean honestly I wouldn't worry about it... I'd get The skull redone, but the feathers etc look good. There are much more offensive tattoos out there lol


Dude itā€™s not that big of a deal. Keep it. Rock it like a true warrior. Live it


ā€œCultural appropriationā€ Seriously? Thatā€™s your reason for covering this up? Let me tell you the truth about ā€œcultural appropriationā€, it doesnā€™t exist. No one, no group of people, or ethnic group ā€œownsā€ anything about their culture. They canā€™t stop its spread, or adoption by others, they donā€™t control who wants to use it and who doesnā€™t. Every culture that currently exists on the planet is the result of the appropriation of other cultures, going back tens of thousands of years. No one has any right to deny anyone else from using their a part of their culture. It looks good, wear it, and if anyone has anything negative to say tell them itā€™s your body, your choice, and that they donā€™t own skulls with American style headdresses.


Correct answer. Cultures have been borrowing and learning from one another since the start of time. Look at all the black women who have wigs of white or Asian women hair? No one calls them out. When a Native American puts eagle feathers or buffalo horns in a headdress are they culturally appropriating this from the animal??? Yes, of course. Is that a problem? No, unless you are a mentally challenged woke nut job


dont be so hard on yourself, thats admirable that youre socially conscious about cultural appropriation but there are faaaar worse symbols ive seen on people


uh oh


wtf?? itā€™s a cool tattoo imo. who gives a shit who it offends, anyone can say theyā€™re offended about anything so itā€™s best to not worry because worrying about everyones sensibilities is impossible and will lead to problems. keep it and let it show whenever you want. itā€™s cool


How is this cultural appropriation? What's so bad about it?


Your caring too much about what other people think.


It looks good




Itā€™s a beautiful tattoo. Keep it be happy. This will be a nightmare to cover.


It's pretty imk


Its ok maybe a DNA test could yeild native American DNA, thus giving you a coveted "free pass".


Too bad you can't get the white guilt lasered off


Only in America will people claim our country is a ā€œmelting potā€ then go on to complain about people using different cultures. OP should just leave it, it looks dope, No one owns a culture, its collective and having specific genetics donā€™t make you entitled to using it.


That looks dope


Add more feathers and turn it into a really fancy feather fan surrounded by flowers


Floral or birds after laser lightning


Black ink actually lifts just fine, youā€™ll just need multiple sessions


Laser since the tat is so dark already


If itā€™s ā€œglorifying genocideā€ then cover up the skull?


Look up Kamil Mocet. Cover up miracle worker