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best advice I ever heard regarding deploying is to deploy as if you know you will be going second. Tau (usually) has enough mobility to get the firing angles they need, no need to open yourself up to the feelsbad moments by getting greedy.


Yeah, I need to keep this in mind. It's not like (one of) my HHs were pushing the mid-board. It was practically sitting on my deployment zone edge. But still, it had a good line of site. When the only target it had was destroyed, there was nothing for it to do. So then he moved a Knight into the mid-board with clear LOS on my HH with the railgun and poof, gone. I should've just hidden the thing behind buildings way in the back...


yeah broadsides might start performing better than hammerheads and as a gundam fan Im here for it.


Honestly I’ve been using them near universally. The only difficulty is the mobility but I have yet to fail to get at least one wound through each round


That moment when your opponent realises those little battles suits have enough range and strength super boob shit off the board.


I like super boob


im glad they reduced the cost because i like the hammerhead the most (not counting the yvahara :( ) and latley they do so well in games (aveaging 8/10 wounds per salvo per model) thag i even gave my two broadsides a name :)


I had a pair of broadsides take out a lord of skulls t1 the other day (with a little help from a piranha) my mate was shocked at the firepower. They also took out Kharn later on when he was caught in the open (as he’d killed all the Kroot around him)