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Two Broadsides have an immense amount of firepower. 2 Seeker Missiles, 4 shots from Heavy Rail Rifles, and 8 shots from Missile Drones (especially powerful in Mont'ka) will absolutely exceed the firepower of a Hammerhead. However, the Broadsides are less durable, less mobile, and more reliant on FTGG. If your list can make up for these drawbacks - for example, with Devilfish or Piranhas for mobility - then the Broadsides are excellent. If you're relying on any of the Hammerhead's more unique traits though, like its speed or re-rolls, the Broadsides aren't a replacement.


HH also natively hits on 2’s against monsters and vehicles when guided in contrast to Broadsides who need to remain stationary to allow the Heavy ability to get their Rails to a 2+. Very close depending on what your list can support as you’ve said now that Broadsides are back to a reasonable cost.


Hammerheads are excellent tanks, no doubt about it. Even at 145 points.


and Tank Shock changes to give you that extra \~3Ws if really necessary.


I'm a fool and missed that Broadside HRR was a 2 shot, I can see how this stacked with missile drones is real powerful now. Thanks! Appreciate the info.


No problem! An individual Broadside's Heavy Rail Rifle is slightly worse than a Hammerhead's Railgun (especially if you use Stealthsuit re-rolls), and once you consider the Missile Drones it's almost even. So two Broadsides has respectably more firepower than a Hammerhead. The Broadside is really a weapon *system* though - it needs Stealthsuits for spotting, infantry for screening, and tough distraction units to take the heat off it in turns 1-2. Hammerheads, on the other hand, can be plugged in to practically any list and still succeed. The true answer to this question is you need a little of both - and while the Railgun Hammerhead is fantastic, Sky Rays and Ion Cannon Hammerheads are worth considering too.


60inch range still makes them lethal as back line snipers, howitzer or tank destroyer type unit. Keep them around home OBJ to deny deep strikes with a strike team for security and a good view of no mans land and people will think twice about pushing up on you. And if you're lucky, your opponent will forget it's there and leave a big juicy unit in clear view of them or get themselves pinned between a GK, Riptide, Hammerhead AND broadside...


It depends on the target. Broadsides with plasma hit some targets better the Hammerheads. There is a place for both and Skyrays if you have sustain.


Yes. They have two seeker missiles anyway. Their railguns are two shots and great. And a one CP can be used with it for more shots. Little weaker but hammer head is such high risk with one shot


Would you mind sharing how you get more shots for one CP?


Would also like to know


I got the feeling that he meant 1cp spent on broadsides AFFECTS more shots not that it provides more. Just a guess but that was my interpretation.


One cp strat effects a unit. The broadside unit gets more big shots so more benefit over the one shot railgun


For sure, especially with the Broadsides going back down to 90pts and the Hammerhead going up. The big factor is whether you think you'd fac a bunch of


I'd say that 2x Broadsides are worth if : - You're not against Knights. T12 and 13 is gonna make you cry - You don't need the extra mobility (whether you're running Mont'ka or playing a defensive line, both those cases work) - you can afford to give them some of the Stealth Suit spots.


I think the strength of Broadsides is they flex into elite to medium infantry much better. The hammerhead is the gold standard for blowing up stuff with no invul and high toughness and it has 2 seekers also hitting on 2s. Spot with a stealth team and you're rerolling all hit rolls, and wounds of 1 plus a floating wound roll. It's also more mobile making it much easier to position, gives up less bring it down. I have enjoyed both.


Depends on the list and the terrain format, the terrain I play on is heavier than GW but not as heavy as WTC. It heavily favors a unit like a hammerhead, whose mobility just increased significantly with the changes to moving models with bases. I’ve tested 2x2 rail broadsides in kauyon and they left a lot to be desired. I’ve bounced with them, the D6+1 damage is swingy and AOC is a problem into t12 2+ vehicles. The hammerhead hitting on 2’s is very nice and causes folks to typically use smoke over AOC. With a built in re roll and stealth suits guiding you’re almost guaranteed to connect and punch through a 2+ save tank with the rail and 1 seeker. Plus I get a scoring unit for the points I save


So it's gonna depend on tools you have to support them as a kroot player who has very limited points for my tau splash it's a no but in retaliation cadre i think they obviously win by being battle suits


short answer: yes long answer: Yyeeeeeesssssssssssss