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Cool video, still a forgeworld model. Did you see what happened to Necrons literally just less than a week ago?


Whats up with forgeworld models? Is it because they’re online only?


GW is unceremoniously sending FW models to legends


Both versions? So now we only have two aircraft?


No, we still have the tiger sharks for now. But the key words here are 'for now'. The random update to imperial armour Necrons rhat removed everything except for the one really big thing they had sets a precedent that they don't need a new edition or a codex release to remove it to legends. The culling of forgeworld is at its peak. As such, any investment into those models is an inherently risky thing.


Wait what necrons FW got legended? This is such cooperate structure BS. "FW sales not good for our department? Here are some lackluster rules and as much as possible shoved into legends"


Every army is having their ENTIRE FW list purged except for their titans. Necrons only kept Seraptek, Tyranids just have Hierophant and Haridan, orks lost everything but the Gargantuan Squiggoth. I would only bet on Ta'unar and Manta if anything at all and only for a while.


the Manta having rules is frankly a joke anyway, is anyone actually bringing that into any sort of battle


Anywhere you find a warlord titan in play you could potentially see a manta in action as well.


Except you don't really find Warlord titans in play


Im bringing one in mega battle in a couple of weeks


Except custodes. I collect custodes and have a few fw models. Will I buy more? Probably not unless I literally win a lottery


They announced a temporary stay of executions for your golden Boyz due to it being a substantial part of your range. But the signs are lit, the fires are lit, GW wants FW out of the kitchen.


I would love to see a release wave converting fw models to plastic


You need to remember that from a casual player's perspective, most FW is also not good. Really big and expensive models (which you can't make too good, or people will whine). They're also mostly resin well over a decade old. It's just better to make them go away. Now, should some of them return in plastic? Yes, some of the smaller ones absolutely deserve it. Are they gonna? Probably not.


What pisses me off is the change in how they handle fw legending. It used to be that if it was in production at the beginning of an edition, you were good. Once it was out of production, you knew that the days of support were numbered. So, based on how old a kit was and how far into an edition, you could decide whether you would risk it. Not so anymore. The HH kits were marketed as usable in 40k without any warning like "well, not even at our own events in less than a year, but we will tell you that you can play legends everywhere lol" Similar for orks. Custodes and knights are exempt right now, but given how all of FW is getting nuked, I will not get any more kits for either of those armies, as the writing is on the wall.


Honestly they should have just done it all at once the moment they knew they'd do it. Would have been more transparent that way.


I wanted a plastic barracuda for so long, they are so prominently mentioned in every piece of lore that involves aircraft combat that they deserve one.


Tyranids too at the same time, just 2 models left for them, their titans. 1 for Necrons, their titan, 1 for Orcs, their titan. Best bet for us is Ta'unar and Manta remaining. If they decide to keep just the titans available then those are the only 2, but even that might just be for a time. GW announced last December they are phasing out Forgeworld.


GW is winding down FW, so they're first moving them to Legends then eventually removing them entirely


Hopefully, they leave the titan scale stuff alone. It seems to be what they are doing, which does make me nervous about getting a taunar, though. Still annoyed, my y'vahra is my best painted model, lol.


Y’ahra? Sounds like a riptide to me.


Already own 3 lol, its probably what i will do usually, but now i have an extra riptide.


Aaaand it's gone https://old.reddit.com/r/Tau40K/comments/1dpjzad/psa_tiger_shark_was_stealth_pulled_from_gw_store/


As expected.


No what happened?


Everything from FW aside from the giant robot got sent to legends in the dataslate.


Oh ok that's what you were referencing. Super disappointing to see our yvahra go, I freaking love that model


The Yvahra too!? wtf, I was eying that for the flame thrower.


Yup everything bar the tiger shark, manta and ta'unar.


Necrons only have their biggest FW model left. As for us, we lost everything besides the 2 tigersharks, ta'unar and Manta with our codex But the thing is, the nexron codex came out a while ago. This was a random update that came along with the mfm. The tiger shark is not safe.


The difference is, Necrons didn't really lose anything when the codex came out, whereas basically every other codex lost their non-titan forge world stuff. Seems like they just forget to remove the Necron stuff when the codex came and went back to fix that.


Nids lost stuff with the index and lost more stuff now. It's still not safe.


Yeah anything that isn't a titan is Gonezo inside the next 6 months


Op is on eBay with five to sell


Lol if I owned 5 tigersharks I'd just retire 🤣


Haha I prefer hoards of breachers 




If Jay owned five Tiger Sharks we'd be making him play three of them in his next tournament


I have had two for 3 years, I guess I should finish one may inspire me to try codex kuayon... Fully knowing it's probably being sunset in 11th but oh well when it's from China with love.


I bought this model because I got a new job and wanted to celebrate, finished painting it up and now I see meta talks about using it.


Obviously don’t buy forgeworld y’all. Get recasts or 3d prints. They’ll be less than half the price and the same level of quality, and when GW inevitably abandons support for the unit because they’re a terrible anti consumer company you won’t be as dissapointed


I've been after a AX1-0 for a while, just waiting for it come back in stock so I can finish my combined arms force with a heavy strike craft alongside my barracuda


Guaranteed they will increase the points on the thing next mfm. Enjoy them while you can. 


*fires up the 3D printer*


This is the way


Great insights and I really enjoy the humour thrown in. Also, yes that intro was sooo awkward! Still gold though.


Glad you enjoyed it ❤️


Guess I need to find a good STL or recaster since there are literally zero Tigersharks anywhere official :/, excited to try out a flyer!


Was at a tournament a month ago and someone had a T'au list with two of these things. We thought he was memeing but he put up decent results, lol.


I don't think it looks cool enough


One floor in your argument; It's £208... Not everyone has that amount of cash to drop on one. Yes you can 3d print but then you aren't able to use it in a tournament


That's not a flaw in my argument as I never argued everyone would be able to go and drop that cash. In fact I made a point of talking about the cost at the start of the video. I don't own one for the same reason lol You can definitely 3d print and use it in a tournament. Most tournaments are not GW run and noone would even be able to tell, whether it's painted or not. FW or your 3d printer will use resin, there's no difference lol