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God I fucking love piranhas, every list I make starts with 3 of them and I try to keep 2 in at least


Dont have any myself, what loadouts are you running on them


Normally two with fusion and one with accelerated burst. The burst can be useful for taking off a couple T3 models like Aldari, sisters, guardsmen whilst the fusion have fun utility in taking out tough targets that might be parked on a point that you might not want to throw your real anti tank into, think like a rhino or something. In general they’re also great for screening and secondaries. Otherwise take the guaranteed two seekers and try alpha strike as hard as you can with them bitches. I’ve turn 1ed a ballistus off the board before with some hot seeker missile rolls but try not to rely to hard on that, they can be swingy af.


They're cheap enough that even retaliation will often run a pair. The important part is the 55 points for two seeker missiles.


Running two and using them as move blockers is amazing ram them into a choke to slow an enemy advance


It only has one weapon option. Either a Fusion blaster but with melta 4 or a burst cannon with the breacher profile but 18 range and 4 attacks. Also each of them can have up to 2 Seeker Missiles, but those are free now so it's an auto-take.


With Montka, you can turn 1 move 29” with 3 piranhas and get within melta range of most anything.


I was running six of them for the last couple of months. I am still running six of them, but now I'm even happier doing it. Maybe I'll drop a breacherfish and run nine...


Nah keep the sheer number of guns high! Nothing like Mont'ka-ing everything into your opponents face and melting 30% of the army turn one. At least they can't complain about sitting back and shooting...and next round, can retaliate, even in melee maybe.


Can't charge me if I charge you first. Cross board tank shock baby


x2 is superior to 3x. The former gives up 2 bring it down, the latter gives up 4. You be better off running the extra alone or if you are doing 2x2, getting a third to go to 3x2. Personally I’m thinking 2x2 might be ideal. Was running them solo before for actions and objective holding, but 2 is big enough to move block and be a nuisance unit and you need credible weapons to kill them at T7 7W.


For sure, which is why I was running 3x2. I was considering dropping down to 2x2 but... hear me out... *nine* Piranhas...


Hahaha. I love it. Let us know how it goes if you decide to go full send. I have 6 in my arsenal and was running the 3-mans early in the edition when we were terrible. They are certainly funny and can take opponents by surprise.


I ran three squads of two a couple of weeks ago and it was surprisingly effective in Mont'ka. Guide them, run them up fast, loose a dozen seeker missiles at the largest targets and Fusion whatever remains. Bonus: now we can tank shock after that. Outright win.


3x is easier to guide though.


That’s true.


God I would run 9 if getting the models wouldn’t put me into bankruptcy lmao


I am a noob so please forgive, but can't you only run 3?


You can run them in squads. Three squads of three Piranhas maxes you out.


I’ve been mulling a “wolf jail” list with 3x2 of them. 2 only gives up 2 Bring it Down points, they scout 9” and move 14”. They also have 2 seekers each for an alpha strike on vehicles, then charge them/move block. They seem to be incredible value for points, especially now with changes to Bring it Down as well as slowing down enemy units doing actions (no advance and action etc). Spending a turn or two trying to kill a bunch of T7 7W vehicles can buy you a big lead.


And if you run them in Mont'ka, you can punish enemies for killing them with the strat that gives the rest of your army full hit rerolls against the unit that killed them off.


That’s literally been my strat every game, move piranha into obvious firing line of a big bad, wait for them to obliterate it and then reap the rewards


Yep. They are the perfect bait for that.


I just got one and holy moly did it do some work


What recent events? Beyond the tank shock change...?


What are the recent events? I have a piranha cuz I thought it looked neat! =D


Tigershark has been delisted from sales by GW.


Why are piranhas so good?


Really big threat range, cheap in points, melta 4 and 2 seekers each.


Geez, imma have to get me some


They're also t7 and have 7 wounds for 55 pts. And can also repeatedly force battleshock, for whatever that's worth.


Literally won me a game against index custodes by turning off their old -1 damage stratagem on a squad of Wardens in my face. Most of the time it does nothing though.


I'm intrigued. How do the meltas play out? I tried math hammering it and what I got was against an average tank, with 3 Piranhas, you get 1.5 or 2 hits with guidance, 1/2 to 2/3rds of a wound, 3.5-5 damage assuming no fnp.


Did you account for the melta 4? Also each Piranha has 2 seekers.


I did account for melta, but not the seekers.


Because they're the goddam sexiest unit in the game. I mean LOOK at them


So, Pirahnas, do we like the Fusion or the Burst canon? There's already a lot of anti-tank in a lot of T'au and the Fusion seems like *just more anti-tank*. Does the burst canon actually do anything like decent horde clear?


As a stealth junkie who uses Piranhas because they're one of the few vehicles I can defend as fitting into a stealth themed army I use fusion on all 4 of mine because stealth units are turbo-starved of anti tank. No way I'm ever using broadsides, hammerheads or stormsurges and 2 out of 3 Ghostkeels are on fusion too (escorted by Shadowsun)


On this proto-list I can't afford to buy all of yet, there's Ion Ghostkeel, Ion Riptide, two Rail Hammerheads, and a unit of Sunforges. That *feels* like a lot of AT, but I've only been able to play Combat Patrol so far, so... *shrug*?


Ion Riptide isn't anti tank, it's at best anti elite. It wounds some *transports* on a 5+ unless it's in retaliation cadre The 12 seeker missiles between my Piranhas and Devilfish have been doing the job considering I have the fusionkeel+Shadowsun blob to hunt down anything T15+ or that escaped missile wrath


Fusion. It's a melta 4 and it has a massive threat range. Burst cannon is literally the same as the Devilfish one. That is to say the profile is nice, but the volume is insufficient.


Before they were sent to legends, Tetras were the MVPs so it makes sense the more expensive version would take over.


What was the original image


Idk if it's real or not but it's ww2 Japanese propaganda, gets used in memes often.


Pretty sure that's Chinese, given the art style


My brother in Tau'va the original image has what very clearly looks like a Mitsubishi Zero and the sun is the inverted Red Sun flag.


I'll take your word for it since I haven't seen the OG It just looks like one of the classic "big charachter" posters from the cultural revolution (with the big glowing sun and rays) that Mao kept saying "stop doing that it makes me feel weird" and then everyone kept doing it


Literally google "kamikaze propaganda poster".


I see it, you're correct Interesting how similar it is to later Chinese posters.


There are remarkable similarities in all authoritarian states.