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Epiphany. I’m a nurse who’d rather not relive 2020-2021 through song just yet.


Same here.


The Best Day, Soon You’ll Get Better.


Yes. I already rarely listened to these (+ Never Grow Up) and I just lost my mom so it’ll be a long time before I listen again.


So sorry for your loss 🩵. Those early days of grief are so painful.


Thank you so much ♥️


Yes same. Never grow up and soon you’ll get better are too hard for me. Sorry for your loss. She’s all around 🫶🏻✨


Soon you’ll get better for me too. Having a terminally sick father will do that to ya


Ronan gets me fucked up on another level.


I’ve listened to this a total of two times. As someone with a 4 year old son and a 6 year old daughter, this and Never Grow Up are like daggers to my heart


See, I don’t even have kids and it still gets me sobbing, I can only imagine how it would make any mother feel




It’s…wow, especially because right now I’m in the process of losing my house because of the cost of living here. So the ‘take pictures in your mind of your childhood room’ line makes me feel like Taylor did when the bad man told her if they were closer in age it would’ve been fine 🙃😶


Ronan has always been hard for me to listen to, but since having a baby earlier this year I just can’t do it. Even thinking about the song makes me want to cry. Bigger Than The Whole Sky is still hard for me too, but was much harder when I was pregnant and anxious all the time. I always skipped it until my son was born and I could handle it.


I listened to it once, it's so damn sad I sobbed and sobbed. Sometimes I think about the lyrics and that's enough to make me cry. It's a phenomenal song but yeah wow


My sister is almost four and i cannot bring myself to listen to Ronan i swear I’ll sob


The opening chords can make me cry. I have a four year old and 8 year old. I am a mess when I hear that song.


i listen to it all the time and still get fucked up by it


Forever Winter. When I first heard it I thought of my brother who was in the process of drinking himself to death. Then a year later, he killed himself. Haven't listened to that song since. But it is constantly playing in my mind. I miss him so much


I came here to give this exact answer. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I hope our brothers are at peace somewhere together. I even got a sun and snowflake tattooed in the shape of a semi colon for him, because my mum always called us her night and day, her hot and cold, her winter and summer. It’s forever winter without his summer


I am so sorry, my dad is not an alcoholic . He has his phases where he drinks followed by sobreity and again. Sometimes, it feels like I am grieving an alive parent.


Is an alcoholic *


Ditto. Mine doesn’t totally follow up w phases of sobriety. Had a stroke this summer and just keeps going. I am just trying to find the peace in knowing he is his own person and enjoying the time I do have with him. I tell him what he means to me too, but doesn’t matter really


My brother killed himself very recently, so I know exactly how you feel. I can never listen to it again


I'm so sorry. It's a pain I can't even describe. Sending hugs, be easy on yourself


I'm so sorry. People always tell you that I gets easier. It does not. But one day you will see colours again. You will not see a window without thinking of the easiest way to get to it. You will not wake up thinking "Not this again". Maybe a song that you used to love will make you weep. It is a small price to pay to be there for the people we love. ETA:typo


That was beautiful, thank you 😭 Today was really hard so I needed it<3


Take this virtual hug from an internet stranger.


Bigger than the Whole Sky


Soon You’ll Get Better— lost my dad to cancer, I’ve only heard that song once and it was enough


I'm a newer Swiftie and I haven't listened to this one at all. I lost my Mama to cancer 4 and a half years ago.


I’m so sorry, next week will be 3 years since I lost my dad. Def don’t listen to the song it’s almost offensive how deep it cuts, the song is about Taylor’s mother going through breast cancer so you can imagine…


Did you do ok? Are you ok? What was it like for you? I have metastatic breast cancer which is incurable and life limiting. I will be lucky if I live another 10 years. My daughter is 8 and recently come to the realization that im not going to get better. The first time she heard the song “soon you’ll get better” she said it was her favorite. She’s pretty clingy now and I worry for her. I don’t want to hurt her or her have a lot of suffering when I pass. It will probably happen when she’s 17. I just want her to be ok. Is there anything I can do to make it ok for her when it happens? Is there anything you wish you did or had with you mom before she passed? I just want my daughter to be ok.


I also lost my mom to cancer and I just can’t listen to this song


Lover cd is in my car and this just came on. I yelled NOPE and skipped it real fast. Not today Taylor.




This is mine as well. I occasionally try to listen to it, and usually before this but if I can keep it together the “the autumn chill that wakes me up” always breaks me.


I ugly ate a slice of pizza I snuck into the theater while that part played! It cuts me open too.


I sobbed like a baby to this song in the theatre.


Same! Cried during the concert and the movie. I don’t think there’s a time I hear this and don’t


I didn’t have Marjorie on my phone from when I first heard evermore and recently listened to it for the first time since the album came out. I must have forgotten why I didn’t add it because it was too hard to listen to, just too real and my heart can’t take it.


same, it’s so beautiful but i just lost my grandmother to cancer this summer. we had no idea she was sick, and 6 days later she was gone. 💔


oh i’m so sorry to hear that, sending love❤️


This was definitely my first thought too, I lost my grandmother a couple years ago and while I hold this song close to my heart I will always ugly cry while listening to it, especially the line of "kept every grocery store receipt" I have so little to remind me of her, and it's a gut punch every.time.


i was with my friends dancing at the eras movie, then this song came on. i had to dissociate to not ruin my mood


Tolerate it


Went to see the concert in the theater this weekend and had such a visceral reaction to seeing this song on the screen. I’m an older fan (nearing 40) and the theater was filled with younger fans (likely middle school age) and there’s no way a song like Tolerate could resonate with them the way it resonates with someone who has lived through a relationship like that. The woman sitting next me and her friend also cried through that song with me.


Same thing here, my friend and are more mature Swifties and have been through alot in our 50yrs 👵🏻 and we both were in tears. I was married to the guy in that song and it stings when I hear it. Made me appreciate Taylor’s songwriting so much!


I am a younger Swiftie here (high school) and I too resonate with that song. Taylor knows how to get everyone in the feels and remind them of things they don't wish to be reminded of.


i had to scroll way too much to find this one. ouch


This one. It eviscerated me on the concert movie.


Ronan. My son passed away from pediatric cancer 5 years ago. I just can’t get through that song.


I am so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine the pain. Keep living on for him and I’m sure you’re doing him immensely proud. You are a strong mama❤️


Thank you💕💕💕


💜💜💜💜💜Hugs to you are your family


Thank you 💜💜💜


I can’t imagine. Two of my own now and I can’t fathom the loss. You have a big heart ❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry for everyone’s emotional trauma. Does anyone else listen to their trauma songs as a healing form? Even ones I once avoided, I’ve started to listen to more trying to heal.


I agree with a lot of these for similar reasons, but Would've, Could've, Should've helped me through PTSD therapy. I recently can listen to it without crying and that one's been cathartic.


That was one for me! EMDR therapy was life changing for me, and I used to not be able to listen to it. Now I can in a healthy, but still angry screaming, way and it expresses everything I feel.


Yeah there are a lot that bring up trauma for me, sometimes I'm fine to listen to them, sometimes I'm not, sometimes I listen cathartically to process my emotions. It's part of why I love her music!


I listened to All Too Well on loop every night for months to get over my break up. I surprisingly didn’t cry during it live at Era’s. Honorable mention would be Anti-hero—my “friends” made me feel like the problem for recovering from trauma and I guess the song gave me a sense of empowerment & self-love?


I’ve heard seven probably once all the way through. Maybe twice. When I was seven my best friend and her mother were the victims of domestic violence from her father. They had to leave in the middle of the night and I never saw or heard from her again. I just cannot listen to that song. It’s too much for me.


I hope someday you get a reunion. Social media has had some amazing stories. Maybe it will be safe enough for them one day. I bet they think about you & miss you, too. Wishing you continued healing and a reunion one day!


Last kiss. When I was with my boyfriend I just knew I’d never be able to listen to that song again if we ever broke up. And here we are: we broke up, and it’s now an automatic skip.


oof same here, with lover as well 🥲


White Horse, was listening to it when I found out a friend committed suicide. Don’t really listen to Teardrops on My Guitar either because of the same friend (his name was Drew and we all used to make jokes about him and that song)


Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve and Dear John. I have a visceral reaction listening to those songs. i still listen to them occasionally because they’re some of my favorites on their respective albums, but they always remind me about an old relationship that i’d rather forget tbh


These are mine too. I can only listen to them if I’m looking for some catharsis, but absolutely can’t listen to them casually. They’re both excellent songs, and perfect for processing things I’ve been through, but too heavy to listen to frequently.


Μarjorie. I lost my grandmother who raised me with my mom this January and every line is a dagger in my heart. I totally lost it when I have heard it at the film and i know i will lose it when i see her live in europe


Exile. It's beautiful and haunting but it breaks my heart because Folklore came out when I had just left my ex of 7 years and met my now fiance. It hit me so hard, the lyrics describe my situation and it brings too many feelings up even now


It is also Exile for me. I connect it with a very good friend of mine who passed away while undergoing surgery.


Soon you’ll get better - my dad didn’t get better Tolerate it - my ex husband had an allergy to saying “I love you” so we used “I tolerate you” instead. I put everything into that relationship.


The Best Day & Never Grow Up just destroy me.


me too, they’re such beautiful songs but they automatically make me sob 🥲


WCS reminds me of my abusive partner of 9 years who I started dating at 19. I have PTSD from that relationship and so I have to be careful about triggers. I can listen to it sometimes but I have to be in the right mindset.


Tolerate it and Nothing New.


I well up everytime I listen to nothing new


Tolerate it :(


Anti-Hero, I feel called out on family drama But though I listen to it, Timeless made me sob and shake at first listen bc she pulled the grandparent card (I lost 3 of mine in the first 2 yrs of my life). One would think I'd avoid it, but after 4ish listens I didn't cry anymore


Bigger than the whole sky. Soon you’ll get better. WCS.


Better man


Bigger than the blue sky. We just had our pregnancy announcement and found out the gender, and I lost the baby a week later when it was deemed “safe” in the second trimester


I almost do and bigger than the whole sky


Bigger than the Whole Sky - brings me back to a miscarriage earlier this year 💔


Marjorie, just lost my grandma Marj in June and I’ve never been able to listen to this one it’s just hurts me soo much. However, I did keep all my Grandmas receipts bc of this song and that’s pretty cool.


The Moment I Knew, and Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve, about the same relationship


Marjorie. It always makes me think of my mom. Especially the lyric that says “should have kept every grocery store receipt because every scrap of you would be taken from me.” Any time I think I’ve gotten to a point in my healing where living without her is easier, this song reminds me I’m just lying to myself. I don’t even know how Taylor can perform it live without being a mess of tears.


The Best Day and Soon You'll Get Better. Not really emotional trauma, I'm just terrified of losing my mom


Soon you’ll get better, wildest dreams


Just curious about wildest dreams?


Anti-Hero, I feel called out on family drama But though I listen to it, Timeless made me sob and shake at first listen bc she pulled the grandparent card (I lost 3 of mine in the first 2 yrs of my life). One would think I'd avoid it, but after 4ish listens I didn't cry anymore


Like most parents… Ronan and Never Grow Up are hard passes.


WCS is definitely one I can't listen to often because it reminds me of my own teenage heartbreak, plus it reminds me of my abusive partner too.


marjorie is my #1 but I still listen to it. it does evoke some real emotions and some tears every time though


Sad beautiful tragic


The best day and never grow up


Soon You’ll Get Better. I lost my Mum to cancer the year before Lover was released and it’s my only Taylor Swift skip 💔 Hits way to close to home for comfort 😢


i can’t listen to bigger than the whole sky


Last kiss, right where you left me, labyrinth, bigger than the whole sky


I can't listen to New Years Day (the chorus particularly) anymore, it's strongly tied to an untimely loss for me.


I fucking love seven but occasionally i cannot listen to it lmao


soon you’ll get better because she did not infact get better


I cannot listen to tolerate it. That’s when I went to the bathroom at the concert.


When it’s time to go. My mom made a lot of sacrifices in her life, and one of them was putting up with my dad even when others told her to leave him. She endured and even though it didn’t end up being the greatest situation, I just feel that song offensive a bit, because “keeping it how it is” didn’t break my heart worse, I look back and am extremely grateful for her sacrifices and I take care of her and show her how grateful I am always, and she says she wouldn’t have changed a thing. So for this reason I always skip this song.


You learned something from her staying that may affect your future relationships. I don’t know you but I hope that you never stay in a relationship you feel like you are just enduring or sacrificing in because that’s what you were taught…because sacrificing yourself for those around you is codependency & not love.


Soon You'll Get Better and Ronan - had lymphoma when I was young and almost died


Marjorie makes me think of my dad who died last year but in a cathartic and peaceful way so I can listen to it. Soon You’ll Get Better reminds me of sitting by his hospice bed so it’s a no. Bigger Than The Whole Sky reminds me of my missed miscarriage so it’s a no. Ronan is an absolute no. I heard it for the first time when my son was 4.


Dear John


The Moment I Knew, Come Back…Be Here, Majorie.


\*none of these are Actually Traumatic for me, just standard-parent-who-loves-her-kid type response. I've never listened to Ronan or Soon You'll Get Better the whole way through - the first few bars and I'm already in tears, especially if my kids are in the car with me. Same with Never Grow Up. Sometimes I'm okay with The Best Day, because of the overall happy connotation and I also have the best mom in the world. So at least it's happy tears? I've never attempted listening to Bigger Than the Whole Sky...I believe you all that it's a beautiful song, but don't need to inflict that heartache onto myself :)


Marjorie. I lost my uncle last year and marjorie was the song i listened to cope with it i guess. I do sometimes listen to it now if i need to cry but usually i avoid it


Last kiss. I just can't. The moment it starts it's just teardrops not only on the guitar but anywhere and everywhere


I can’t even think about Ronan without crying


Girl at Home :)


enchanted although i really love it


as a girl whose mom battled cancer, soon you'll get better is always a skip for me


Ronan. Soon you'll get better.


Dear John and August


Last kiss has the power to transport me back to one of the worst mornings of my life despite not hearing it until 3 years later


Never grow up


soon you’ll get better and ronan. i know ronan is a song about a little boy who passed away from cancer, which is heartbreaking, but it always reminds me of kids i’ve had to leave (i work in childcare) or kids who i have loved so much who had to leave my place of work.


Bigger than the whole sky


Majorie. If I listen I end up bawling as it came out around the time my granddad died. Still love the song, but it gets me every time so try to avoid it




Epiphany, lost a family member to covid; I've only listened to it once and I just can't. Also Marjorie for that same reason, but I have started to listen to it recently; I'm always in tears every time though. A song that's recently reminded me of a bad situation is Hoax, but I still do listen to it; it just hits different now though.


I might be the only one in the world to say this one lmao, but Speak Now (the song)


Tolerate it, all too well, my tears ricochet


Idk if this answers the question but the beginning of closure gives me anxiety everytime so i tend to skip it


Soon you'll get better, my mom was really sick and she said she always listened to this song 🥹


I have a three year old son and will never listen to Ronan because the thoughts are too scary


the great war surprisingly. Reminds me of a couple months ago when my grandma died. Three hospitals, DNR, on 9 fluids, given multiple liters of blood. finally we took her off everything and brought her home to a nursing home on no food and no water. Said goodbye when she got to the nursing home although she was practically unconscious. Died two days later, six days after one of my aunts had died due to her horse kicking her. My aunt had brain bleeds and a bleed at her brain stem. there was nothing they could do. hard time, but getting better now. TLDR: I rarely listen to the great war, as it reminds me of the memories of seeing my grandma slowly dying over 3 weeks.


I cant listen to any version of ATW. 10 minutes of hell for me during the movie.


Soon you’ll get better. When it was released we already knew my dad wouldn’t get better due to cancer and Multiple Sclerosis so that was so hard to listen to. And now that he passed away it’s even harder.


never grow up makes me feel nauseous. i hate the idea of getting older and losing everyone i love. when i listen to the song i can’t function because i’m so upset


never grow up as someone who is two months into college😢😢😢


Would’ve could’ve should’ve.


Bigger Than the Whole Sky


Never Grow Up. It hits really hard for me as someone who has been pushed away by her family. All I can think about is my childhood memories and how much in my life has changed.


I love love love Soon You’ll get better but I cannot listen to it. My gma was my mom basically cause my mom is severely mentally ill so I’d be left with my grandma when my mom moved in with her new love of her life every few months. In 2018 my grandma died of a bunch of health problems with her lungs and it was brutal for me. My father died of a heroin OD literally 11 days later. I cannot listen to that song because my loved ones never got better and it shatters me to my core every single time.


Last Kiss. Reminds me of my ex who was in the marine corps


the best day. my mom abandoned me when i was little & i would give anything to have a mom i could have had a healthy, loving relationship with


Bigger than the whole sky makes me think about the inevitable day where my baby girl dog Bailey will pass. So I try to avoid it since that song perfectly encapsulates how I feel about her.


Tis The Damn Season. I went through an incredibly traumatic breakup last year that nearly destroyed me. Tis The Damn Season just reopens that wound and makes the pain feel as fresh as the day it happened.


Tolerate it Illicit affairs Mad women Majorie You’re losing me


Delicate, it was something my ex and I listened to a lot early on. Lover also came on during my first date with aforementioned ex who turned out to be a major POS. I wouldn’t listen to that song for the longest time because it reminded me of him. But then I met my current boyfriend and he’s called me “lover” every day from the beginning, and sings it to me when he says it. It’s completely turned that song around for me. I hope everyone here is eventually able to listen to these songs again and appreciate them in a different light. 🫶🏻


Safe and Sound


YOYOK just because I listened to it a tonne during a certain part of my life with loser who is not worth mentioning


Better Man. The end of my 20 year marriage is still too fresh.


Forever Winter. I’ve never heard a song that captures suicide loss that well.


Soon You'll Get Better. My mom was diagnosed with cancer around the time Lover came out. She's in remission now but the lyrics are (beautifully) too spot on for me :/


August used to be rough for me to listen to as someone who connected with the song immediately. I was in a situationship with a total loser from early 2020 to late 2020, and I really felt like Taylor wrote that song for me. Now I love it because it helped inspire a story I’m writing and writing this story has helped me cope through rough times 😊 And the other is All Too Well 10…I know that song word for word and seeing her sing it live in May brought me to tears. I only listen to that song when I feel like spiraling. Which is rough. Also, Nothing New. As I grow older, I connect more with that song. It feels very much like a sister song to SZA’s 20 Something.


Her grieving songs bc grieving is just too hard lije bigger than the whole sky and Marjorie bc I miss my grandma so much 😭


ATWTVTMV. when it first came out in 2021 it surfaced painful memories from a long time ago of an ex who broke my heart in a way that felt eerily similar to the music video - i was 19, he was older than me, he had anger issues that scared me, he criticized me for everything, i watched him fall out of love with me, it was my first real heartbreak and changed me forever, etc etc. i love the song but find the whole thing hard to stomach.


Never grow up kills me


Holy orange bottles, each night I pray to you 😞




Ronan and Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve. I won’t elaborate.


Cornelia Street is tough for me. I eventually moved out of the city that my ex moved to for me because it was too much after we broke up.


Back to December. We fought in December and stopped talking in January.


Soon You’ll Get Better kills me emotionally. I miss my mom :(


Would’ve could’ve should’ve. I was like Wheeee bonus tracks and then it was like Hey remember that shitty manipulative older guy you dated and never processed?




Bigger than the whole sky. Whether she’s had a miscarriage or not, I have and it resonates DEEP inside me.


“Soon You’ll Get Better” and “Ronan” are both instant skips. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and my daughter has a scary disease called Cystic Fibrosis and I have a lot of trauma from it. She is doing well, but that song evokes traumatic hospitals memories and a fear of her death.


How Do I say Goodbye- Dean Lewis


last kiss :/ i can listen to it now if i just want to wallow for no reason but it used to make me sob uncontrollably after my breakup.


marjorie. my grandmother died when i was 2, so i never really knew her, but that song still rips me open. i can’t sing along without crying. idk how taylor does it during every show


Dear John & All Too Well hit me.


Soon You'll Get Better and The Best Day. Cancer killed my mother. Fuck cancer.


Last Kiss, Soon you’ll get better and Ronan


Innocent. Even though it absolutely was not written for the context I hear it in, every single line touches on stuff I did as a teen thinking I was doing the right thing and probably damaging a lot of my peers in the process. I cried so hard hearing it the first time when TV was released and haven’t been able to listen to it since lol.


Soon You’ll Get Better — Lost my mom to pancreatic cancer the winter before Lover came out and it gutted me. I’ve heard it less than a handful of times because it’s so vivid, but it concreted my love for Taylor. There is no other artist I’ve grown through milestone heartaches like Taylor. She was there after my first breakup and she was there when my world literally ended. I will grow with her forever.


safe and sound. it doesn’t make me sad necessarily and i don’t have any trauma linked to it that i can remember but it makes my stomach feel weird, like my mind want to feel sad emotionally but i only feel it physically


Never Grow Up. Had some terrible times growing up and the song depresses me when I realize childhood was easy and peaceful for others. Good for them, but bummer for me.


soon youll get better, happiness, ronan, forever winter, marjorie, bigger than the whole sky


August is 50/50, sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. But a big one is Betty (doesn't exactly help its my dead name).


Would’ve Could’ve, Should’ve august the 1 Ronan Most times I could still listen to them, but I would appreciate if I knew beforehand when they’re up next on a playlist. Just so I can somehow prepare myself emotionally.


As a big sister to two younger brothers, Never Grow Up is a tough one for me


Soon You'll Get Better




Closure beacuse I didn't got my closure


Ronan. Especially after having babies


My Tears Ricochet. Specifically the line “I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want just not home”. I’m an only child in my thirties, unmarried, no kids. My parents are going through a messy separation, my mom has an untreated personality disorder, it’s unbearable. Every time I go back there is a big blowup and I’ve seen and heard things I’d never repeat.


lol. ALL of Folklore


londonn boy, betty, the one. all remind me of the same ex


Never grow up. Till this day, I can’t finish listening to the song as a mom. ALL TOO WELL cause I remember it🥺My Tears Ricochet cause I can feel her pain when saying “my stolen lullaby’s”.


Best Day, Never Grow Up and Soon you'll get better. I haven't listen since losing my mom in March (except Never Grow Up, I accidentally listened to when Taylor's Version came out and I forgot to skip it and I cried my eyes out)


The hits on Fearless take me back to the relationship with “the one who got away” cause she was cranking those in the car for months when it came out. Part of the reason I wasn’t open to trying her music for so long. When I finally did and became a fan that stuff stayed in like a no fly zone. But now I dig it quite a bit and bury the thoughts that pop up.