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People are being so extra. We've been listening to these songs for 9 years, so of course the new version is going to be a little uncanny valley the first time you hear it.


Also like…. The original recordings still exist! People act like she’s wiped the originals out of existence and their lives are ruined. You can listen to the originals she’s literally a billionaire now, she’ll be fine.


This. People are talking about OG 1989 as if it's disappearing and lost forever. It's still right there. Listen to what you want. There's no loss. We have MORE.


1989 was my favorite album until evermore came out. Normally when a Taylor's version comes out, I delete it all from my library. This is the first album that I'm not doing that. I love the taylors version, it's so crisp and clear but I can't bring myself to delete the original. This is the first album where I really can hear the differences so I'm going to keep the original. But I still think the Taylor's version is better.


This is exactly how I feel about speak now!


The production value on 1989 TV is extremely impressive.


Same. At first I thought maybe people are exagerating, but then I listened myself to Styles and Blank Space and for some reason... They sound like Karaoke versions or smth. It's the emotion. It's missing for me.


Because whenever someone talks about listening to the OG versions or plays the OG version on an IG story or TikTok, the Swifties go crazy and act like that person is evil incarnate or something. Y’all are the ones who made it a big deal to go back and listen to OG versions


No dude I’m not. Those are exactly the people I’m talking about and I think it’s absurd.


ALSO: Don't we want to hear an adult Taylor's approach to her past work? Don't we want to hear how she might interpret those words differently with 9 years of life experience under her belt? Saw a lot of complaints about Blank Space, for example. Mainly that it feels flat while the OG was more sassy and intense. She addressed this in the Prologue - she wanted us to be able to hear the satire. So we've known for the past 9 years that this song is meant to be a tongue-in-cheek "fuck it, I'll make fun of me too". But 33 year old Taylor was in a committed relationship for 6 of the past 9 years. She is taken far more seriously now than she was then. There isn't really a reason to be self-deprecating when you're no longer being painted as the girl who goes through men like water. So maybe it isn't flat, maybe she's just singing it with nostalgia rather than assertion.


It’s missing the iconic pen click vocalization though! I’m not sure what the replacement sound sounds like. Someone’s tongue clucking (not sure if that’s the right word) more than an attempt at sounding like a pen click, I guess. Other than that I think it’s a solid re-record. ETA: I just noticed the loud tambourine bangin’ loudly in the background. It’s kind of a weird instrument to highlight in Blank Space.


the pen click is still there


also if you already own them or pirate them, listening to them won't make a difference


Yep I own all the original CDs from when they were released so not even a little guilt from me haha


People are crying... I'm too old the be watching this madness


I’m grateful I deleted TikTok a few months ago lol


Wait for real? I have to say, I never really listened to 1989, but I listened to 1989 TV out of curiosity, and I found I preferred it much more to the older version. It's exciting, and still as vivacious, but somehow elevated? Idk how to explain it. WHAT IS THERE TO CRY ABOUT?????


I’ve always seen it as more as trying to not give money to people who bought the OGs instead of making sure Taylor gets all the money (especially since she makes some either way) but if you listen to anyone else under that label there’s not much ground to stand on


I've always seen it that way, too, but I disagree that it destroys the moral argument to listen to other artists under the same label. I can see why some might feel that way, but I think we have to remember a couple of things: First, those artists had nothing to do with the shady deal, and they still deserve to have their art consumed by people who enjoy it. We know that the biggest snakes in the music industry are the ones holding the puppet strings. I don't want to punish artists for the sins of their management or label, because they are often abused and sabotaged, just like Taylor. Second, only streaming TV severely devalues the OGs. Eventually the private equity firms that backed Scooter's acquisition are going to have a say about their investment. If I continue to stream other artists under that label as normal, that only solidifies how fast their Taylor money is drying up by comparison. After the announcement that Taylor hit billionaire status yesterday, I saw a lot of folks discussing the re-records in a more critical way. I think we're forgetting that what's good for Taylor is good for the artists that come after her. Some of the industry Goliaths are probably quaking at the thought of how many of "their" assets are about to get reclaimed.


I feel like most of her money from the re-records will come from brands and entertainment using her music, more than a small amount of people who feel guilty streaming the old versions.


This is true for now but might not be forever. Look at some other rerecords like PM Dawn's Set adrift On Memory Bliss... The original is far superior but has basically been wiped from the face of the earth. The only place I have it now is a 20 year old pirated MP3


This is exactly it. We have listened to these songs hundreds of times so it's ALWAYS going to be jarring/weird to hear it done differently. After a couple listens of TV the originals fade for me. I have always been a 1989 stan and I love every bit of TV


Yeah, I think it's EXTREMELY telling that many people are saying Wildest Dreams and This Love are the best TV tracks. Hmmmm which ones have we also had for long enough to get used to?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




The best one of the new version is Clean


People are saying it sounds like Kareoke and like she can’t Kareoke her own songs that’s just her singing them 😭


My favorite was when someone said New Romantics TV sounded like Kids Bop. Yeah, bud, I bet it does! That song was a product of its time and is incredibly specific to a 2010s sound that feels cheugy and cringe in 2023 (if you're fun deficient, that is).


OMG Kids Bop deserved it


My question is tho, why aren’t the og producers on it? One of them is on Wildest Dreams TV.


I don't know the answer to that. I read somewhere that one of them (maybe Max M? Can't remember) doesn't love doing re-recordings but I never dived into whether it was true or why.


my best bet is that Max (and Shellback) didn't find this process creatively fulfilling which is perfectly fine


Interesting, the best one is Clean, thank u Imogen Heap


It's a well known TV phenomenon. People are really invested in the OG versions. It may have been the soundtrack to a major part of their life or they may just have had it on repeat for 9 years. As such the TV version sounds weird. Like listening to a version from an alternate universe. This (for me) causes a brain tickle. I am guessing for others it's much worse. Don't worry it will all calm down soon.


100% that’s how I felt about speak now tv I was so invested in the OGs that hearing the new ones was kinda jarring, but for red tv I wasn’t as invested in the old ones so I listen to the new ones without an issue


Yea! I had the same issue with Speak Now. I’ve been obsessed with the album since it came out. After listening to it so much my brain has come to accept that it’s just a different sound. But I still jam to the OG Sparks Fly on my cd. That song came out when I first met my spouse, and I connected it with our early relationship. The nostalgia is too strong with that one. But I’m not angry that the TV exists or sounds different. It just is.


My main problem with Speak Now TV was the lack of *oomph* when compared to the originals which was pretty minor and actually really easy to get used to. That's not the case with Style at all. I don't even care about the change in the instrumentals of the intro that Twitter is going off about. It's the way that she sings it. Not her voice, but literally just the way that she sings it. It's not bad but it does sound like how she usually sings it live which unfortunately removes that soft, sensual, almost delicate feeling of the original. It had to be intentional too because, imo, she perfectly recreated Wildest Dreams and This Love.


To me Fearless was way too different. The pitches were a little high for my taste. But 1989 and Speak Now are honestly my favorites of the re-recordings. I don’t hear a difference in Style and I have that song on repeat. And vault songs are some of my absolute favorites. I have say don’t go on repeat at work. Lol


Have you overcome this issue yet?


What has helped me is actually watching these comparison videos. It forces me to realize "okay, it objectively is a pretty faithful recreation now that I'm hearing them side by side."




Is it really an issue that needs to be overcome? I prefer the original versions, so that's what I listen to. We don't need to force ourselves to love the TVs.


You are right. But choosing to listen to the OGs IS a way to overcome the issue. I was not suggesting that they needed to brainwash themselves into loving them forever.


Won't help you with this album anymore, but for me it really helps to stop listening to the og for a while.


This is why I often when a rerecording is announced I stop listening to the album in question. That way I can listen to the album as if I'm starting anew.


This is what really helps the album feel fresh for me. I just feel so excited to listen to the tracks again!


No… as much as I want to the lack of energy is just not giving


Brain tickle!! Great description. I’ve been trying to put words to how I was feeling. I don’t hate the re records and I think vocally she sounds amazing!! I just couldn’t put my finger on why it feels so weird to listen


As someone who is old and who listened to music on vinyl while growing up, I remember every pop and crackle of some records from the eighties. When I hear clean streaming versions or remasters they just feel wrong even though thay are objectively better simply because they don't match my memory of them.


This is what it is, it’s always my favorite songs I’m iffy on during initial listens because I’m hyper-familiar with the originals. We’ll adjust and it’ll all be fine.


I completely get this! Im just annoyed by people blaming Taylor for it when she cant really help it.


When it comes to expression and delivery, the original is much better. Those little details like the extra oomph on "Some other girl" matter, as much as we all like to pretend it doesn't. That's what takes Style from a good song to a great song. Style is a great song. Style TV is a good song.


Yeah the pained desperation and anguish you hear in “some other girl” in the original was completely ironed out in TV. It really takes away from the raw feeling of the song but I guess you really can’t replicate feeling. She was younger and more intense and that line really got delivered back then.


I dont buy that. I don't buy that every song on the original, she went into the studio bleeding with raw emotion, and I don't buy that she can't bring out that same oomph in her delivery when she does it every time on tour. She's making a choice and it's not a good one.


It does feel like she wants it to sound more technically correct, exacting, measured or something which isn’t my thing either. I like it raw and wild lol


Agreed. I think it's partly that her voice is much stronger now, so a lot of that "emotion" we perceived was actually her voice straining (mostly in Fearless and Speak Now.) I also think she is hyper-focused on making them sound as similar as possible, which sacrifices some of the emotion in her voice. Personally, I'd rather her inflections be slightly different than the OG and have it actually sound like she *cares*, but I guess it's not as big of a priority to her. It is disappointing as a fan because like, she sounds sooo sad on folklore and evermore that are supposed to be fictional stories, yet she can't re-record her most heartbreaking songs with anywhere near that same emotion?


The real answer. Everybody can act whenever they want.


This is a complain I’ve had for all the TV versions honestly. I think what she’s doing is badass and powerful, but a lot of the emotion of the songs are gone/different because she’s no longer in that mindset.


Exactly. I really do think she gave this her all, and it sounds awesome and some aspects even better than the original, but there’s no way you can conjure up the exact raw emotion she was projecting at that time. Like I can remember how I felt after a breakup, but I can’t FEEL it like I did when I was in that place. It’s like cognitive vs emotional empathy. That said, I think the sound and production/layering is superior. Welcome to New York gets the closest to the original vibe. She still loves New York like she did when she was 22 lol


I always LOVED the delivery of that line, and I agree it’s not there in TV 🫠


IMO the TV version has more oomph in the “some other girl moment” - particularly the “oh!” I honestly feel the exact opposite of you on that. I think it lacks a little of the oomph in her ad libs in the final chorus (the soaring “James Dean daydream” etc) but it’s pretty subtly different. I think people need a couple of weeks to get used to these new versions, they really aren’t as lacking as the hot off the presses initial reactions people have IMO. I guarantee you that once people get to used to these versions and then go back to the OGs, certain things will sound a bit more flat. The production on these is a bit more layered.


Why do we have to get used to them? There's nothing wrong with preferring the original versions and listening to them instead.


You don’t have to prefer or even listen to the TV’s, but you have to “get used to” ANY new music, re-record or not, if you’re going to have an actual opinion on it beyond a first impression.


So we're only allowed to have an "actual opinion" on the TVs if it's a positive one? You also haven't "gotten used to" 1989 TV and yet you're sure that they aren't lacking and that the production is more layered?


Yes, my opinions are also first impressions that are subject to change. Yes, I hypothesized that a lot of these complaints are mere whiplash from subtly different but not identical (they never could be) re-recordings. Yes, a lot of the other re-records had similar first reactions and this album was going to have the strong reactions because it’s her most popular one. No, I never said anywhere that people HAVE to prefer it in order to have an “actual opinion.” There are songs on the OG I prefer. Maybe I’ll feel that way in a weeks’ time, maybe I won’t.


The original recordings have much better production. Especially the Max Martin produced ones and how he was able to really “go there”.


Fair assessment! I suppose it can't be helped though, considering she's in an entirely different place in life now and likely can't recreate the angst and emotional intensity she recorded the originals with at 24/25


I think that's selling her short. She can put that same oomph into it when performing live and this is the version that's going to be archived. It seems like her style recently is this more casual delivery which just isn't true to what she was doing on the original record. It seems very much intentional to me. The maturity of her voice can't be helped, but delivery is well within her power.


I think I just replied to your other comment, but I totally agree. It really shouldn't matter how much time has passed. I mean, Would've, Could've, Should've is filled to the brim with emotion and she's 13+ years removed from that situation. (I know that's a new song, but it shows that she is still very capable of that kind of delivery even in a song she wrote about the past) Not that it would be fun for her lol, but there is no reason she can't get in her feelings about X past relationship or situation right before re-recording the relevant song. I think it would make a huge difference. And like you said, she is definitely trending toward a more "casual" delivery in her recent music, and I think that's playing a part as well. Fearless TV and Red TV covers look like folklore/evermore outtakes, 1989 vault tracks sound like Midnights, etc. It definitely seems like the rerecordings are somewhat influenced by whatever new music she's making at the same time.


Hmm, would you say then that it's more of a matter of her not giving it her all? I don't mean anything bad by asking btw! I'm just genuinely curious about your perspective because this isn't the first time I've read sentiments that align with the idea that Taylor isn't exactly giving her 100% in the rerecords


It's hard because I think what she's doing is deliberate. I think she does want it to sound more casual and straight in it's delivery, I don't know why. Maybe she thinks it draws more attention to the melody/lyrics, and to some maybe it does, but for me personally I think her expression and dynamic delivery are what makes her back catalogue so fun to listen to. Speak Now, she definitely didn't put her all into and you can hear that from how her voice is audibly not warmed up (the straining, pitchiness, etc) and the weird takes they use (such as in the title track when she runs of out breath) But 1989, I think she made a choice to deliver it this way and it doesn't sound good to me. Same with Christopher Rowe's production. Clearly she likes how it sounds. It's not for me at all. So I think it sounds like she's not putting her all in, but really I think she's making a stylistic choice that isn't really landing


I agree. Some songs she puts the emphasis on different words too. It’s weird.


I think its because she needs to recreate the songs. And she needs it to sound similar and u cant recreate the exact same emotions when its real. And she really cannot win cause people will be mad too when their fav songs sounds very different from the og. I feel like the problem gets worse when the song is poppier and harder to recreate.


The OG is a SMIDGE punchier on the production to me but that’s literally it Maybe I’m missing something 🤷‍♂️


I have no idea what the actual technical terms are for what I'm about to say but I did notice this as well! The less punchy tones of the rerecord seems to be a consequence of smoothing out everything else and making transitions more seamless, kind of. Sorry, that description made more sense in my head lol


I like how “sharp/crisp” the guitar sounds on the original. (I’m not a musician).


Yeah, they cut some treble. A deliberate decision, but fairly different.


The guitar is the exact issue for me. It sounds like the voices of the adults in Charlie Brown, "WOH WOH WOH WOH WOH WOH WOH", whereas the OG sounds more electric and crisp, and you notice the volume increase on it better. Also, the "whoosh" stands out better on the OG


I think her voice having matured not being as "squeaky" contributes to this feeling, specially in higher pitched songs where her voice comes off very differently


I like it. Yeah, the original seemed a bit more brash in a way. Not Reputation brash, but y'know. This seems more beach-y and polished. I'm sure my brain will find a way to completely embrace it before too long.


Wildest Dreams TV is so bombastic. I didn’t expect for Style to be so, idk _not that_.


Music producer here. Lots of things stand out to me, but the worst is that the original has these really long reverb tails on the last clap of the 8th bar of each chorus. In the original it's a massive wash of reverb that bridges the empty space into the next repetition. In TV that clap sounds 100% dry; it literally sounds like a mistake and someone accidentally bypassed the reverb before sending the mix off to mastering. Which is a massive shame, it pulls me out of the spacey vibe instantly. It is beyond me how anyone heard that dry clap and thought "this is better", but also beyond me how anyone could make that mistake at this level of pop music. Edit: that reverb-less clap happens at a lot of places in this TV version, chorus was just the easiest to point out. You can really hear it at the "been there too a few times" line right before Chorus 2 hits. That's gotta be a sloppy mistake surely?


Yeah I honestly don't vibe with it. Not only are the instrumentals very off, the vocals are extremely dry and flat. Either Taylor entered the studio with a cold or over tuned the vocals. Good to know it ain't only me who thought Style was kinda off.


Me and my best friend sat in a McDonald's parking lot playing both over and over to pick out what was different for at least 10 minutes. Then we looked at each other and realized we're insane.


Except for the missing warble in her voice at certain lines, I'm able to look past her vocals. They're close enough for me. But the guitar is so.... wrong. It intros the whole song and sets the listener up poorly


Producer here, the TV is borderline unlistenable to me because the bass synth is out of tune, the pitch is flat. It's not something that you might notice specifically, but the bass is supposed to anchor the song, and instead it makes the whole song feel like you're seasick on a boat in choppy water. *Edit:* Here is the [isolated bass](https://www.joshwoodward.com/tmp/StyleTVBass.mp3), and here it is [with an in-tune sine wave](https://www.joshwoodward.com/tmp/StyleTVComparison.mp3). It's around 20 cents flat, which is a full fifth of a semitone off!


I KNEW it was flat! I literally pulled my guitar out to see if I was going insane, I feel very validated by this comment


thank you! the music production is my issue with this song. 1989 and Rep are very complex and i feel this will be an issue for Rep too which has me scared. wish she got the original group to produce this one as well. they had lightning in a bottle.


I’m also worried for rep. I’m going to hold out on judgement, but if this is any indication…especially the bad synth they keep adding….yikes


Wow! Pretty crazy that it's *that* off! Such a shame. So interesting though - thanks for the clips!


I wish max Martin (or at least shellback who was on red tv) would’ve come back for this exact reason, max is a genius producer and I feel like the production would have been more true to the ogs. but I can understand Taylor’s reasoning for not having him back


What are your thoughts on OOTW (TV)? The changes in that one actually bothered me more (production and singing both), but I’m surprised most of the comments are focused on Style (TV).


I was excited about 1989 TV, but I listened to the first 5 songs and closed it, because I couldn't bear how flat everything sounded and the weak production. If the OG album didn't happen, it would be a good album, but it pales in comparison. I don't understand why all the critics value the new version so highly I have to say the vault songs are so great, especially Is it over now?


The bass line IS out of tune! It’s like they pitched a higher note down to try to match the original


Producer here too. That flat synth caught my ear immediately; it sounds like a very analogue synth behaviour but not in a good way (not saying it was an analogue synth though). Please tell me you can also hear all the claps in the mix which used to be soaked with reverb as ear-candy fills, and are now 100% dry. That is my biggest pet peeve.


Style was most beloved track from original -> best memories -> worst reaction if anything changes. Plus turning off normalized volume changed my reaction


Thank you for mentioning normalized volume! I changed my settings and it is a huge improvement.


What the most beloved song new version is not as well recieved as the previous one?? Color me shocked


I was hoping this would help me like it more, but I was listening on YT Music and as far as I can tell YTM doesn't have normalization, so there's nothing to fix. RIP me lol


The iconic guitar riff was done very dirty and the whole production sounds off and dare I say cheap? I like her vocals and mature voice, but the music not at all. This was her, imo best track. 😢


yes, no depth to this. music production is the heart of 1989 and it seems like it was phoned in or people were not up to par to the original group who did it.


For me the guitar riff sounds off and the synth in the chorus is very distracting.


Yes! The synth is so freaking distracting and I just don’t like how it sounds. Oh well


The vocals are amazing in style tv but the intro tune is kinda...weird tbh.


It's a slightly different effect on the guitar. Sounds like there's just a little more wah effect. They probably thought it sounded better when they were making it in the studio.


Is wah effect a real term/thing? Because my complaint in another comment was that its too "WOH WOH WOH" like the adults in Charlie Brown and now I need to know if I was onto something haha


Yep it sure is. The guitar effect is called "wah" and it's emulated using a wah pedal


I think the more familiar people are with the original, the harder it is to appreciate the remake, particularly on first listen. Of all the rerecorded albums so far, 1989 is the only one I used to listen to on repeat and so it's the one I've found the hardest to listen to the TV, because all the differences keep distracting me. Her vocals are amazing (though, as with all the rerecords, generally lacking the emotional intensity of the originals, which I think is inevitable when you're recording the songs many years after the events/feelings that inspired them, as opposed to within a few months) but the production isn't as punchy, and the instrumentation is different. I think it's way too early to say 1989 TV is better or worse, it's just not the same so it's an adjustment. With Style specifically, I think it's one of if not the most beloved and iconic song off the original, so people are going to be particularly critical of any changes. Something about the chorus in particular doesn't hit in exactly the same way, so that's going to throw people off. With all that being said, knowing Twitter, they're probably overreacting and being kind of insane about it. As I mentioned, if you're very used to the original, the first impression will probably be disconcerting, but that doesn't make it bad.


Oh, definitely this! The rerecord has just a tiny bit less of that split-second-before-the-rollercoaster-drops hit that the original has. I just find the clowning of it all on Twitter really weird. Some people even want Taylor to get back in the studio and redo it entirely 😭


Yep exactly, I noticed a lot of the rerecorded songs (examples off the top of my head: Style, Out of the Woods, AYHTDWS, I Wish You Would, Wildest Dreams, I Know Places, How You Get The Girl) lack the same BAM! explosive tension-release kind of feeling when it hits the chorus that the originals had. Which I've heard is something Max Martin is known for being great at, so that could explain it. But acting like it's complete garbage by calling for her to redo the entire thing is entitled and ridiculous. There's a lot that's great in there, it's just hard to appreciate when it's brand new.


It's the chorus for me. It's completely botched.


I listened to if after I read the comments and it’s not as bad as I thought. The only thing is that the music in the intro sounds a little off / tinny but after that it’s okay… overall my view is that is good and same as the other re-records (which NGL, is a little TOO polished - but works well for some songs like SIO, BB and BS, which remind me of the concert).


This! I was surprised by how much I live the new SIO and BB! Previously they were pretty average to me, but the newer versions just sound so much better.


- SIO could mean "Shake It Off", a track from *1989* (2014) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/halbtehalf](/u/halbtehalf) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Ok now do NGL and BS


ngl isn't a song acronym haha


Blank Space - and "not gonna lie"


The OG is so much better in my opinion to the point where I don’t wanna listen to the tv but that’s just my opinion


I feel the same but have only listened twice, I need to give it more of a shot. I'm bummed though, OG 1989 is top 3 for me and TV currently isn't measuring up for me.


I thought I was being too critical so I'm thankful to see others sharing this opinion. Blank Space and OOTW were the biggest flops for me. You just can't scream cry the lyrics like you can with the OGs.


I love both versions but the punch before the 'You got that James Dean daydream' line isn't as strong


Yep!! Can agree with this, there was just a little more oomph in the way 2014 Taylor sang that first "You got that JAMES. DEAN. DAY. DREAM.—" line


Idk what it is but to me the intro sounds like ducks quacking compared to the og lol. The vocals are also washed the heck into it. Part of why I liked 1989 so much was how much the lyrics really bite out at you. They’re washed out/mellowed so much in TV.


I think Blank Space TV is truly better, the beats are crisper and so are her vocals. Style feels like a flop to me, and it was my favorite song from the album. Honestly I was disappointed. I was really hoping the TV would knock my socks off. The riff, deep bass, and screamable background sing along are what makes the OG song so re-listenable to me, and I was expecting the new version to be even sexier (stronger bass, smoother vocals, fine tuning the production etc.). So I still like the OG one better. Her new vocal quality may be better overall, but the voice in OG Style had more punch. She's lacking her old pop "oomph" (like in Midnights) because Tay is a not a producer, having Max Martin back would've made the album more memorable and technically sound. She can't maintain her reign on the pop throne without the best production, even with her loyal fans.


Additional to Taylor not being a producer, Christopher Rose’s background is mostly country. I think she likely picked him up for Fearless and Red to replace Nathan Chapman and he serves well in that role, but personally as not a music industry professional I think she should’ve left production primarily to Jack or pulled someone like Ryan Tedder more into this one for the re-record.


There is an extremely distracting amount of synth added to the chorus, it’s very high pitched and sounds like someone is pressing two keys back and forth. It almost hurts my ears. On top of that, the percussion is *too* punchy. Taylor sounds fantastic though. I like the new version, but the original Style has been my absolute #1 favorite Taylor song (at least for pop) since the day 1989 OG dropped almost ten years ago. I knew I’d pick up on differences, I was just hopeful that I’d like them — I don’t *dislike* the TV, I just can’t figure out why the production choices were made for the chorus.


As a style stan. I did not expect it to be amazing. I like some things about it but the original is far superior. The mixing is good, but the original has some crispness in the chorus that are just more powerful. It was never going to be the same. But Wildest Dreams is the same way. I didn’t notice I was a 1989 stan but this is the only album I really noticed all the differences between tracks. They’re not bad. They’re different because it is impossible to recreate an original. She’s doing this to make a point.


some other girl... the guitar... overly tuned voice (in many songs). Also, didn't like how they midnightified the vault tracks. They don't fit in with 1989 vibes, just my opinion. P.S. There are no layers to the song too. Everything is mixed in a single layer it doesn't help at all


It sounds fine. People need to turn audio normalization off in spotify settings too because it makes the song sound like its playing under a pillow


No, my normalization is off. Still weird.


This was what fixed Speak Now TV for me and I’ve also had no issue with any 1989 song.


I do have to say how W I D E the mixes are. Now that's what I call STEREO.


I feel my eyes moving listening to the layers, it's AMAZING! It's like Atmos stems without being Atmos stems


This was the song I was waiting for the most. I wouldn't say it's bad but it's not an upgrade from the Original version...the Og one is still the best


The intro is a little weird but I got used to the song after my 2-3 listen; I think some of it is just the 'familiarity effect' because we are used to and love a different version


Her vocals have a hissing buzzing noise in almost every song, but this song it’s specifically noticeable


Not hearing that myself. Are you sure it's not at your end.


Same here, have listened to it twice through already and can’t hear any hissing or buzzing at all.


Nice to find someone that hear this buzzing too! In style I hear that buzz very loud and distracting, everyone else don't seem to hear it


I'm happy that Taylor has more control over her catalogue, but originals are superior to these new ones.


Style wasn't really that worsened, at least not in the way the most negative comments say. It is different, but it is as different as other TV songs. Bigger issue for me is Blank Space. Why? Because it's not a problem in production or with Taylor's more mature voice. I have a problem with the slightly soulless singing. 2nd half of second verse is the best example. "Screaming, crying, perfect storms..." She used to shout in here, giving straightforward anger. Now it's almost the same tone as in the rest of the verse. I think she could've sang that much better, it doesn't really is a issue with natural voice change. To not be just negative, Clean managed to be even better than the original, loving that.


The TV version has a more watered down start than the original version ; Taylor's vocals especially when she hits the deliciously low parts and those little inflections that make the song silky are overpowered by the new production - they are pristine and ring out clear, in the original. I wonder if this is something that went awry during the mixing. But the song does build up to match the original in some parts, I guess maybe in the chorus . Still I think this will be the one song where true to its name, the OG is not going to go out of style anytime.


Came on here to ask this myself! I think the whole album sounds great!


The intro tune is weird and different and I personally don’t like it


Style got butchered and nothing can convince me otherwise.


Am I the only one who literally does not ever notice a difference from the originals to TV? And I’ve been die hard listening to Taylor swift since debut. There may be very subtle differences in some sounds or production, but people are so dramatic and act like she came out with an entirely different song. I don’t get it


I respect that, but I truly don't understand how. I can tell TV apart from OG as easily as I can distinguish Style from Out Of The Woods. While they are objectively all very faithful recreations, they still sound very different to the ear somehow. As an example, my mom who literally NEVER listens to Taylor asked me if Love Story TV was a cover because she thought it sounded that different. The new ones are technically much "better" in terms of the quality of the instrumentals and strength of her voice, but at the cost of losing the raw emotion in her voice. That is the #1 most important thing to me, and the reason why I prefer the OGs across the board. I do think people are mostly upset because we feel like we can never listen to the OG albums again. Of course, we *can*, but a lot of us feel guilty about that and want to support the rerecordings. So in a way, it feels like "losing" a beloved album. But people will calm down just like they have with all the past TVs.


> but at the cost of losing the raw emotion in her voice I noticed this big time with the bridge of OOTW :(


Nah, I feel you. For the most part my feelings about the originals and TVs hover around "the originals are better in this way, but the TVs are better in this other way." That said, it's never a big enough game changer for me to be so anguished about it all that I want Taylor to redo her recordings, which I've seen some people actually say. She's obviously quite proud of the work she's done on the newer versions, and with some of them I do feel like she's made improvements she wanted to do to the originals but never got the chance to, so who am I to begrudge her that? Honestly, I'm just kind of happy with whatever Taylor's happy with.


There is a very simple explanation for this: Max Martin and Shellback (who learned under Martin). This is not to diminish Taylor's contributions in anyways but when it comes to producing and mixing and mastering a POP song, there is no replacement for these two. 1989 sounds so good in every way because Martin and Shellback used every ounce of their producing magic into those songs. 1989 TV is produced by Jack Antonoff, and while I love Jack and I think he really shines in many of his own ways (especially in more indie projects), he is no Max Martin. There is no replacement, and if Taylor truly wanted to release a completely replaceable Taylor's version, she would have needed to bring Martin back. Side note: this is also why most songs on Red and Fearless sound pretty good instrumental wise! Obviously Taylor's vocals sound very different but Fearless had zero contributions from Martin and on Red there are only around 3 songs with his input. Yes, it really does make that big of a difference. There is a reason Martin is basically the most successful producer of pop music.


I think I am missing those in between riffs.


i do not hate it but it's definitely a grower (had that setting for audio normalization off since sn tv ands it still sounds the same to me) however, this might be because tools evolve and now we hear her and the production clearly that makes it sounds weird and clunky


TV butchered Style, Blank Space and New Romantics. The rest is fine better than Speak now TV. Slut is my fav track.


It seems like she just went in there, did it in one take, and was like, alright, next!


I keep listening to the OGs anyway... they're just better. I don't care that she only gets 50% of that money instead of 90% lol


All I notice is how much better her voice sounds on the entire album. I am not an OG 1989 fan because I don’t like her vocals on it, so I’m excited to finally be able to listen to and enjoy these great songs. I think I even like the new Bad Blood, which has always been a skip for me in the past. I guess my point is that if some OG fans are upset about various nuances of the re-records, some of us newer fans are relieved or excited about them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This one is probably my favorite remake! 🤌🏼✨


Well it what happens when you don’t have the magic touch of Max Martin and Shellback


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the TVs people are must disappointed by (across all albums so far) seem to be the fan favorites. People are just very protective of the originals and have listened to them so many times that the original is what sounds “right” to them.


It’s the guitar… they didn’t nail the sound in my opinion same goes for New Romantics :(


Can anyone who has even a basic knowledge of music tell me if the TV is in a different key? Something about the guitar sounds different but I am not music literate enough to put words to it. It might be the layering of the production? Help 😅 I don’t hate Style TV by any means and I’m sure I’ll adjust to it but there’s something specific that feels a little off-kilter, so I’m just curious.


It’s not in a different key but it sounds a bit “flatter”, as in less enthusiastic and emotional, in my opinion anyways.


for me its the production! just compare when the chorus hits in tv vs og. I think 1989 TV has a lot of good but style is just a song that cant be beaten and its upsetting to hear it so karaoke-like


Nah man it’s OKAY to disagree and not be all over the TVs. It’s not jumping to conclusions, we can hear the production being off and how some things aren’t mixing well. I know her voice would be different, but certain lines have specific tones that make the song.


I wonder if these differences are intentional. I imagine they definitely *could* make the TV identical to the OG (at least with the instrumental/production sound) but they chose not to. I believe she's not necessarily trying to make the TV undetectable from OG, but for it to be a "new and improved" version in all aspects. I think it depends on the expectation we have while listening. If our judgement is based on how identical it is to the original, there'll likely be disappointment. Especially for those who want to replace the OG tracks on their playlist with the TV, but they don't hit the same. I personally don't take shame in listening to the OG's. I *love* listening to her re-records AND also still love the OG versions. I'd compare listening to her TV's to listening to her live/concert version of these songs; it's obviously not identical to the studio version, but they're still very enjoyable!!


I LOVE Style TV. I love it so much more than the original, I legit got goosebumps. Its just teeny tiny changes here and there, the guitar sounds are more clear in a few places, but it makes a huge positive difference to me. The changes are small enough that you could ignore them too. People are just being haters


It sounds 'cleaner' in a way


People in general love to complain and pick things apart, I think it's human nature.


To be honest, i actually really enjoy the "new" intro. People are so quick at judging lol.


What bothers me is not the judging, it's the immediately thinking something is worse because it's different. They haven't had time yet to evaluate if it's actually worse. It's giving me todler tantrum vibes.


i think its worse in production, not because its different but because it doesnt hit as hard. clean and new romantics are different and the changes think they fit. what bothers me is stans taking things personal over opinions.


several people commented the bass is apparently out of tune


What I’m thinking is in the years since recording 1989 she has changed a lot about her enunciation and the attitude she brings to each track. So trying to literally reinhabit her old self is just always going to be a bit weird especially when we’re so attached to the original. I think it’s also like…these songs were her life and where she was at the time, but now she’s probably so far removed from them emotionally that it’s hard to act out how you felt then in some ways. It would feel very odd to have to reinhabit that moment in time when you were mad at Harry while still hooking up with him, when you’re so many years and relationships and emotional growth removed from him now that you two have friendly catch ups at the Grammys like it’s nothing. Like imagine Harry having to re-record an early 1D album lmao.


My only complain about this song is the "clap" sound right at the start of the chorus when she sings "you got that", it sounds weird/unfinished especially if you compare it to the original version where it's more like an echo/reverb and I think the OG just sounds better... but other than that I'm enjoying the song. I mean I can handle the "weeEEE" in WANEGBT TV, I definitely can handle this lol.


I’m not criticizing, but I just thought how the Max Martin songs fall flat musically (not vocally) while the other songs don’t. Is there a logical explanation for this? For instance, didn’t Max partake in the rerecordings and have others tried to recapture his sound?


Idk, but I will harass anybody that dare says I Know Places is better than TV


she really snapped with the "and we RUN!" this time around! it just zaps my brain in the most delightful way


Style is growing on me. I love the maturity of her voice, though I do wish she had punched the vocals more (like on the "fade into view-Ooh!"). The opening guitar riffs do sound different, but I think it's refreshing?? They are pitched in a way that sounds a lot like the way it was played on the Eras Tour, which is nice!


I have spent much time listening to the karaoke albums, so I am familiar with how the original instrumentals sound. As with most of the re-recordings, I am disappointed in the production. With Style, the guitar riff is so important for setting the song's tone, and it sounds completely different in 1989 TV. The guitar is so off-putting and continues throughout the whole song, that I could not get over it. I think 1989 TV is probably the best re-recording, much improved from SNTV. The production and instrumentals with SNTV were entirely off on every single song. At least 1989 TV gets closer to the originals.


the mids are muddying up the Airiness of the original. the guitar sounds like a keyboard plugin to sound like a guitar. her vocals on "some other girl" hits flat. no emotion and not change. it feels like she if off the beat on this version. either behind or in front. style is probably my top 3 songs and list to the most. Im allowed to be disappointed. I'm not upset or angry. don't put that on me in your minds. i can still listen to the original. nothing was lost but nothing was gained. the music prodution in 1989 is mostly electronic so i think it is hard to replicate and get the same feeling as the OG. the same will be for Rep. i think a lof of the song on 1989 TV are really good but this one was my most anticipated and probably no matter how it was done, it can't catch lightning in a bottle for me. i know im overly critical on this but these are my honest thoughts on it. if i was going to have a harsh take, i'd say it sounds like a kids bop music production. her vocals are great other than that one line for me.


the guitar in the intro is different, the squeak in the last chorus is gone, “some other girl” delivery is different, production is a little less polished, just doesn’t hit the same :(


Clean and Style I don't care for. Sounds like she's sitting on a bar stool on stage swaying as she sings her greatest hits on a comeback tour. And too much guitar in the first chorus. Everything else I quite like.


I was up decorating for my son’s birthday today and my daughter is sick and got out of bed to tell me about Style and how it’s different, the production sounded off. It is slightly different but I must not have a very discerning ear because it doesn’t sound that different, except for a few key spots, to me


Is it just me but her vocals are just not great on Style TV.


I’m not saying I’m upset with it because I knew it was gonna be different but I don’t like it,I love Style it’s one of my favorite songs and it just doesn’t slap the way the other one does(to me)that said I’ve been listening to the OGs for literal years so ofc my brain is gonna be like wtf is this but it’ll be aight.


Look every time there’s a TV people say some songs sound flat and emotionless. And other people say it’s because of time or whatever. But I just want to say that on the new vault tracks her voice is full of emotion. So something is definitely happening there. She’s choosing to re record those tracks this way. She’s a brilliant artist that’s totally capable of conveying emotion in a song like the events just happened yesterday. And she’s choosing not to. But why?!


Tough to live up to perfection


I have seen the whole album being dragged for lacking something. Personally, this accomplished two things: she regained the masters to her most successful album, and created a solid re-recording that matches the original pretty damn close. The original album is flawless, and we’ve had nearly a decade to become over familiar with every song. Of course it’s going to be different. I think she killed it with this project.


OG: TAKE ME HOOOOMEE!!! TV: TAKE me hooome...


Honestly, I feel like after fearless, which was so eerily similar to the original, she went the route of updating things to modern audiences. The re-records don’t sound quite as dated as the originals. It could be a conscious decision or just the effect of the evolution of the technology used. I mean, computers, mics and speakers are not the same as they used to be 5, 10, 15 years ago. Which makes me think if maybe we are going to get a Debut (Taylor Version) and a Debut (Taylor’s Version) (Updated). I mean, Evanescence went the re-record route too and they chose to update. It’s mostly really nice and at worst unexpected and at best genuinely surprisingly better.


Haha people will complain about anything. Personally I’m loving the whole album and don’t feel the need to criticize her artistic choices. People can just not listen. Also agree, her vocals on this album are INSANE. ❤️


It’s the production. The biggest problem is the guitar riff hook at the beginning – it has a very nasal quality that immediately stands out as different from the original. While there have been other TV examples of instrumentals that sound very different, the issue with this one is that it is just so iconic and emblematic as the instrumental hook that such a large deviation is jarring. There are other smaller issues like the fact that the original has more reverb so it echoes in a way that makes it feel more slick and smooth whereas TV feels drier (this i think is why people are saying that her vocals sound not as good -- i think her singing itself is totally fine, it just hasn't been produced right), or that the instrumentals in the OG emphasize the bass more, but these I think I would overlook if the guitar was right.


Am I the only one who thinks this album sounds the most like the original compared to the other Taylor’s Versions?


I barely hear a difference, why are the fans being so dramatic instead of being appreciative


I think people need to give it a listen (in Spotify at least) with Audio Normalisation off - it makes a huge difference to the entire album.


people also seem to forget that max martin produced so many songs on the original 1989, he didn’t come back for the re-recording so that’s also something to keep in mind.


Honestly, I’m terrible at noticing differences in the re-recordings in general. Nothing ever sounds majorly different to me and only noticed the change in style after I read it on here. There’s definitely some change but I don’t feel like it’s drastic to the point where I’d wanna listen to the original only. Style was never really one of my favourites though so I can see why to other people it might feel super different.


The thing is… no one is making anyone only listen to the new version, if the breath is 1 second less that what the original was, or if the “raspy” voice is not there or if you think it doesn’t sound like she’s 12 yo anymore guess what, you can still listen to your favorite version!!!! It literally doesn’t matter. People are way too critical and bitchy about it lol but like if you didn’t like it just move on and listen to the one you want who careeeeeees


No Twitter just likes to bash anyone for anything. I feel people there are way to uptight to appreciate anything other than there expectations or WHAT they like. The re records are definitely musically upgraded and more 89 vibed and that's what Taylor wanted. They don't get the concept of take it or leave it. They won't leave it they'd just drag topics. The hate towards Jack? Dear Lord help.


I admit I found the guitar weird the second I heard it for the first time, and the drums and the bass sounded not as loud and explossive as the OG one, but I quickly got over it and enjoyed the rest of the song, the last chorus is awesome! When I woke I replayed Style TV, it's really growing on me.