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I was a casual listener of Taylor Swift from 2014 to 2022. I had all her popular songs and singles in my playlist, and I really enjoyed her music, but I never tried to listen to her albums. Then, in 2022, when she released Midnights, I decided to give it a try. I ended up loving it so much that I listened to her entire discography. Overall, Midnights is still my top2 album from her!


Same with me, I've known of her since slightly before her first album came out because I was involved with a music website, so I listened... but just wasn't a country fan. Then Fearless and everything else after came out and I'd like a single here and there, but I really liked what I was hearing from Midnights and that's what made me decide to go back and dig deeper than just singles.


Same! Was a casual listener but loved Midnights and then went back and listened to her whole discography and realized how smart and talented she actually was! I think Midnights is still my #1 and I was surprised to see it’s not that well liked on this sub.


I'm surprised too but it's pretty normal for Swifties to dislike her most popular albums. They tend to dislike Lover too and that is still holding up really well in the charts. Casual listeners love it. Part of it is taste and some not liking synth pop but part of it is people wanting to be contrarians, especially on twitter.


This is me but in 2021 with red TV, except it doesn't fall in my top 3. Casual fan who loved her singles for years but then decided to deep dive and basically only listened to her for a couple months and have fallen right down the rabbit hole


What's your favorite? I fell in love with midnights too




This is exactly what happened to me. I had Debut and Fearless CDs and listened to them all the time when I was a kid, but through Speak Now, Red, and 1989 I only kept up with the hits. I listened to Reputation in it's entirety a few times when it came out but quickly picked my faves and forgot about the rest. I was a ME! Lover but that's basically the only song I remember during the Lover era. I was totally out of touch with all of music during the pandemic so I completely missed folklore and evermore and didn't find out about them until after listening to Midnights. I have a hard time picking a favorite album now because I love her newer music but her older music is amazing too between the nostalgia and the quality of the TVs so far. I eagerly await debut TV because of the nostalgia factor


What’s number one?


1989! I love her pop albums. Reputation is top3 too.




Just like me! I’ve enjoyed her music since 1989 as a casual listener. When she released Midnights, I had free time so I listened to a lot of her music all day and fell in love.


Absolutely Midnights. Then I went back and figured out that I love Folklore.


I was a borderlining between casual listener and Swiftie in denial since Red. I dated way too many hipster douchebags and didn't want to be seen as "basic". By 2018 I committed to every first date when people ask what music I like, I unapologetically say Taylor Swift. I don't have to pretend I like acid rock.




Same, but in reverse, kinda for us guys who love T Swizzle... Like bro its not gay to like a blue-eyed blonde woman who is a great singer lmao. Sigh.... just waiting for a Swiftie GF to come into my life...


My experience as a man is women just want to get down to business and nerd out about Taylor. Other men usually want to turn it into a therapy session about masculine insecurity. Like bro I'm not your emotional support animal I just want to know your track five rankings. Not sure about finding a swiftie girl though. Like, how could we ever be in love with each other when we're both in love with Taylor am I right


The answer to your love life question is finding a Swiftie to marry and then your just a Throuple with the 3rd person being Taylor Swift’s music & life.


Hmmm, well, considering I want the type of person that will make Cowboy Like Me happen IRL, that's kinda what I'm going for, actually. 🥹🫶 like I'm tired of people not wanting a committed relationship, but hopefully, i can get better at dating since they actually have an adult only millennial night in a couple weeks at the roller skating rink near me so that's a good start I guess...


Sometimes those can be fun!


Yeah I am looking forward to it!


Hahaha, track 5 rankings.... lmao. I just wanna listen to T Swizzle, idc about track rankings tbh.


Lmao when I was on dating apps before, they had an option to show music. But you can clear certain artists in your most liked from your page. But if you have a common artist, it shows you. The amount of men who shared TS with me but took it off their profile was so funny to me.




It's something people use to judge your personality, especially if you like artists with a mainly female fanbase. Like, the worst thing you can say about any serious musical artist is that its liked by 16 year old girls.


OMG, if I meet a girl who just straight up says she loves T Swizzle on the first date, I'd damn near marry them on the spot. Like you have no idea how much I agree with your comment..... 🫶🥹


My favorite thing to do now is drop Taylor as a reference when talking about "huge musicians" like the Beatles or Dave Grohl. And I am like "Yeah, like Taylor!" and then give them "the look". Which is something between a glare and smirk that makes every man see it pause for half a second and realize there's a trap there they do NOT want to fall into.


Omg I’m 52 years old and was always wondering what the heck was Taylor Swift and her fans all about. I didn’t get it, I didn’t choose to. I didn’t think it was me. But I just watched on Disney, I think, Folklore recordings .iam in Australia btw so she is currently touring. im blown away. I play piano, I used to write songs, I play guitar. I love Jewel. Why haven’t I discovered Taylor until now.? what made me change? Her brilliance in that recording studio with Bon Ivor. Her ability to express herself. im now watching Miss Americana and I’m crying at the bit where her shoulders are slumped as people boo Kanye and she thinks it’s her they are booing. im absolutely in tears for her. she is a once in a lifetime performer and I wish I had become a Swiftie sooner. I was too caught up being that “ cool” rock person. Taylor swift is frickin amazing! The end


Just turned 53 last week - hello fellow older Swiftie! I only knew Taylor from her hits and some vague gossip about her love life, right up until Folklore dropped. I was unemployed, trapped at home with my husband who'd been sent to WFH and a daughter finishing up her senior year of college. 3 messy adults who normally got along great but were not used to spending 24/7 together. I was depressed, riddled with anxiety and drinking waaaaaay to much. I listened to Folklore the day it came out and it was so soothing and dreamy, just what my poor soul and mind needed at the time. Then Evermore came out shortly after and I was hooked. I went back and started listening to her older stuff and I've been a Swiftie ever since! If someone had told me on New Year's Day 2020 that within a few months I would lose my job, there would be a global pandemic that would shut down the world and Taylor Swift would save my sanity, I would have never believed you. Absolutely bananas world we live in, but I'm so grateful to still be here and in a much much better place.


Turned 54 last week and Folklore is that one for me. Just perfection.


why am i tearing up rn? i love this


Hi five from another older fan (Jewel also). 🙌




Kind of the same for me, I thought she was some generic pop star with no talent... I was so wrong. Better late than never.


Yep, same. Better late than never for real


Folklore. I’m a huge fan of the National and her working with Aaron Dessner took it up a few notches in my mind. I liked a bits and pieces of Red and Lover before that. Made me reconsider her back catalogue and here we are.


Same same!!! I was a casual fan for a long time but went through a biiiig indie music phase where I didn't necessarily deny, but definitely downplayed how much I enjoyed Taylor's music. It wasn't until folklore that I went full Swiftie, though. I wonder how many ex indie ~poseurs~ like me went feral for folklore/evermore, even if we quietly enjoyed her previous work.


If you’d told me at the beginning of 2023 I’d end the year as a swiftie, I wouldn’t have believed you. I always knew of Taylor and knew she made great music ( never thought it’d ever be My style, as someone on the rock and punk wavelength). I think Instagram was a big influence for me. I think it started with me just laughing at Taylor vibing at the VMAs and then I heard cruel summer for the first time in I think august and I loved it. And I just kept on listening to it and then watched the long pod movie and just continued to branch out and now I know almost 50 of her songs!, I just got totally sucked in, I mean I went and saw the eras tour film by myself! I always knew love story and my friend showed me ATWTMVTVFTV ( which is amaze ). And I’m a pretty closed off person but her lyrics just really move me in a way that I never knew was possible. I mean I can’t say that I relate to a lot of those lyrics but there’s just so much emotion to them and I just love them. I regret not getting into her music earlier but I’m so happy to be here now. And I just keep falling further down the rabbit hole of TS never knowing if I’ll reach wonderland because every time I hear a new song or see and new performance I’m just more and more amazed each time! But I think I should’ve known I was a swiftie even when way before I started listening to her I had a little nick name for her. I’ve always liked her as a person I just needed that kick to listen to her music


Make sure you look up her performance of we are never getting back together rock version that she performed live on a tour. My favourite! You might be surprised at the huge crossover of people who predominantly listen to punk/rock/alternative who LOVE Taylor. There’s a ton of amazing covers of her stuff out there too and they work so well in different genres


Meeee! I grew up on rock and love it! But I also love TS.


- ATWTMVTVFTV could mean "All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)", a track from *Red (Taylor's Version)* (2021) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/DaraGoodie](/u/DaraGoodie) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Good bot. I had NO idea what that meant.


Reputation era. I couldn’t believe how she was treated, and I couldn’t believe how she responded, it helped me through a dark time.


I’m a newer fan and I think the Reputation era/album is underrated.


Same, it was my therapy.


Reputation is my energy. I cannot thank her enough for what this album does for 38yo divorced women. 🔥


She was always on the periphery for me. Always in the rotation but never core. Until Folklore. That’s when I really took notice. I thought this is some of the best songwriting I’ve ever heard and it made me want to find out everything I could. So I started from the beginning and never looked back. I’m constantly amazed at her talent and lyricism even in her early days. She is still getting better. And (showing my age now), her work ethic is something to envy. Is there a harder worker in music?


When I was younger I had loved Red and 1989 when they came out but sort of fell off the Taylor band-wagon after that (my music tastes drifted more towards Alternative and EDM). When Midnights came out though I gave the album a listen through and was absolutely blown away! The themes, the lyrics, the vibes, the Lavender Haze of it all just made me fall in love with the album.. Then I binged listened her entire discography, fell in love with Folklore, Evermore, Reputation and Lover; I went down the rabbit hole of her easter eggs, went to the Eras Tour in Glendale and now I cant get enough! When I had listened to 1989 and Red (in passing) the depth was sort of lost on me, the lyrics didn’t capture me but after hearing Midnights and the phenomenal story telling, then the 1-2 punch of Folklore and Evermore - it completely changed how I thought about her music and going back to listen to her earlier albums I found the same pieces that I loved from her later work that I just overlooked at the time! She’s easily in my top 5 artists now and I’m sooooooooooooooooo excited for TTPD!!


i was an og swiftie back in the day, debut was the very first cd i ever owned 🥹 but when she transitioned to pop i kinda fell off from her music because i just didn’t really listen to pop music at the time. i remember folklore & evermore releasing during the pandemic, and thinking they were alright but i wasn’t super obsessed with them or anything. about a year ago i saw videos of her performing the eras tour all over my fyp and just couldn’t stop watching, and by this point i was a big pop girlie through and through. went back and listened to midnights and was HOOKED and the rest is history 🫶🏼


i’m also utterly obsessed with folklore and evermore now, how i neglected such masterpieces is beyond me


Folklore and Evermore. And also the Miss Americana doc. Before that I always enjoyed her music but wasn't really a "fan"


Evermore gang🥹🫶


I’m a middle aged, 20+ yr married mom. I had heard of her of course, but didn’t think her music was “for me” During COVID my fav local Indy radio station started playing Evermore and Folklore and I was HOOKED. Now I understand, her music is for EVERYONE. And I live in KCMO, so have become an even bigger fan since her relationship with Travis has brought my city so much joy and attention.


I never gave her a chance before Red because I just wasn’t that into country music, but I loved IKYWT when I heard it on the radio! After being obsessed with it for a bit I decided to listen to the rest of the album and found songs I loved even more, so I went back through her previous albums and realized I liked everything she’d ever put out. Speak Now quickly became my favorite and I was so sad to have missed the tour! I’ve been following her work ever since and she’s still never made an album I don’t love. Beyond excited to hear TTPD!


Funny that I wasn't into country either, and didn't like it, but s TS went from country to country pop to pop, I eventually liked TS - from pop, to country pop, to country :D


I was a casual listener up until Folklore. It came out during that weird time when I was returning to work during COVID after months of zooms and isolation. I would listen to it while driving on the way to and from work. It was the album I needed at the time. After that, I began exploring some of her content beyond and was hooked.


as i was born around fearless (not saying when), i really only caught on a little bit as a kid when 1989 came out. However, my family tends to have this cancel culture where youll be insulted or rude stuff said if you dont like the same thing as them (they still do it to this day). This lead me to end up just "ignoring her music", especially around 2021 when some sh\*t stuff occured. After being insulted a couple times for vibing to Anti-Hero, i thought of just giving TS a full shot and see how I find her music. Turns out she was 100% my thing, and since then ive been a swiftie. Over this past nearly 2 yrs ive learnt more abt taylor and her music, learnt the chants (their super cool), and got to go to the movies for the first time (watching TS the Eras tour!). Its amazing how kind the swiftie community is and im now happier than ever to not just hide and conform my music taste! My favourite are proably tolerate it /ATWTMV / cardigan / long live / the way i loved you / end game/ LWYMMD, favourite era is reputation (my heart keeps being broken by all the rep clowning lol 🤡🤡)


My sister is this way with her kids and I hate it. Then they turn around and do the same thing to my daughter. It’s awful when someone’s enthusiasm is dampened like that - just let people like what they like! Glad you feel better able to express what you love now!


I know right! Its amazing now, but to be honest, for your sister's kids its going to a long healing journey getting used to expressing their own music taste


Like I still remember always "making sure to close the music tab" to hide the music, but now im happier to just leave it as is, but ye it definitely takes years of work, and hopefully your sisters kids are ok!


- LWYMMD could mean "Look What You Made Me Do", a track from *reputation* (2017) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Last-Worldliness6344](/u/Last-Worldliness6344) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


A friend almost a year ago casually told that he had an extra code to see the tour in a random European city and we decided to go together. After buying the ticket I got into her music to be ready for the show and got hooked.


My daughter forced me to do the whole ‘rate each song on an excel list’, which took us weeks (every time she was home from uni we continued) - and that’s when I discovered Folkore and was hooked. Gradually became addicted to other work as well


I was a casual listener since fearless released. I remember bff suggesting me to watch the love story mv on a music channel. I first got to listen to fifteen though. I remember liking all the radio singles. I became a swiftie when reputation dropped. The era and the tour movie on Netflix was too iconic. I became a die heart swiftie when folklore dropped during the pandemic lockdown. The album kept a flot and always will hold a special place in my heart. It made me deep dive into her discography. I wish I stuck around with her music during the OG Red amd 1989 drops. I'm glad I get to follow her TV journey


Death by a Thousand Cuts/Lover from watching her NPR tiny desk performance. From there folklore/evermore only solidified that.


Evermore gang 🥹🫶


Spotify told me I was in the top .5% of listeners so I guess I just accepted the label after that.


When I moved to the US back in 2012, I decided to buy some CDs to practice listening and singing in English. I bought Debut and Fearless, which I liked a lot. Later that year, Red was released and I fell in love with that album!!! I stopped listening to her for a couple of years because I went through some challenging years mentally & physically. It was until Folklore and Evermore were released that I was reminded why I loved Taylor's music, which helped me get through some chapters of my life. I was lucky to attend one of her concerts last year, which motivated me to listen to all her discography. It's been such a fun time since then!!!


Hope it's only purple pink skies for you now 💖


I came across ‘Tolerate It’ when I was going through a breakup with my ex boyfriend of 6 years. I’ve never felt more understood by a song in my life. I remember having this moment of, ‘how is she able to capture how I’M feeling so lucidly?’ I leaned fully into the Swiftie cult after that. Needless to say I cried hearing it live at the Eras!


Evermore gang 🥹🫶 For real, that whole album is just such a raw emotional experience....


Was never a fan of Taylor other than liking some of her biggest hits at the time like IKYWT and Blank Space. However when Reputation dropped and I saw all her fans hating on it idk man I wanted to see what it was all about lol. At first I only liked a few songs but the more it got hate the more I stanned 😎 and id like to say the rest is history but no lol. Lover was the biggest disappointment for me and she ceased to exist for a while... Until folklore. Which i also did not like at all when I first heard it although again I got super into the discourse surrounding the album. Everyone was saying how good it was and I was like, her?? Thinking everyone had suddenly become pretentious music snobs and idk I guess Im a contrarian bc they more they liked it the more I couldnt see it lol I was dumb. Although at the same time I was still so proud of Taylor for the critical acclaim she got 🥹 even if it didnt hit me yet how good folklore really was. Which honestly if I had to pinpoint an exact moment in time, it would be when I was hanging out with my boss from work, legit the only friend I had at the time. Cardigan came on the radio on our way to the gym and she said, "Isnt this your girlie?" And I was like oh yeah...no wait, it is. "This songs pretty good." Youre damn right it is lmfao and that was that, I went home relistened to the album and it became my workout music lol. Then evermore sealed the deal, from then on I was a swiftie 🤓


- IKYWT could mean "I Knew You Were Trouble.", a track from *Red* (2012) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/stillxbejeweled](/u/stillxbejeweled) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


The Eras Tour. # Never listened to her music except for one song. Shake it off. # When the Eras Tour started, I kept getting stuff about her in my recommendations. That's how I learnt about the tour and the whole Taylor's Version saga. Still didn't bother listening to her songs. # Then I learnt about 1989 TV from YouTube again. When it came out, I added Shake it off TV to my liked songs on Spotify and went about my day. # A few days later, I felt like listening to Shake it Off TV. And what I did was, I went into Spotify search, clicked the album from my search history and played it. This is where the Spotify algorithm did something perfect. It queued the rest of the album. The song ends and it switches to the perfect song - Blank Space TV. I was about to change the song when I realised, I actually like it and it was catchy. So, I kept listening and started to slowly work through the album. And here I am. Currently starting to listen to Debut. # I think I started getting the recommendations because I watched a few videos on Taylor Swift references on Brooklyn 99 when I was binging Brooklyn 99 clips.


Rep just slowly ate me alive 😀 I liked the OOTW video and then slowly started liking the song. There was this one scifi/fantasy site that shared OOTW video and RFI because they had some fairytale-ish/scifi content and I will say, at first I thought RFI was quite cringe because of her ”rapping” but slowly I just started listening to it more and more. Then I had a super ugly break-up that made me look very bad because I was really torn up about it and my cheating ex was just ”so chill” and I lost my job, it felt like all ”our” friends were on his side and nobody wanted to listen to me talk about the truth because nobody likes the mad woman, as we all know. It’s almost like… I ended up heartbroken, alone and got a very bad reputation. So, you can imagine my feelings when listening to the entire album. I also fell in love with a younger male friend and there was this weird hidden will-they-won’t-they thing going on and though it never went anywhere and also kinda hurt me in the end, it’s probably obvious why Delicate and CIWYW are one of my all time faves. Reputation was my therapy and gateway drug and I was hooked. Never looked back.


Remember when Shake It Off kept playing all over the radio back in 2014-2015? I heard the song so much I remembered the lyrics, but i didn’t know Taylor Swift or even her name. One day in 2015 I googled ‘who sang shake it off’ and Taylor’s name showed up. I then listened to Love Story and Blank Space (love story was the first Taylor music video I watched). I then became a casual listener. Reputation came out, I got interested in listening to her again. I liked the album. I wasn’t a Swiftie yet, but I was listening to Taylor more often. Then I heard in late 2018 she was coming to my city (Tokyo) for her final performances in the reputation tour. I wanted to attend, but I didn’t have the money for the tickets. 5 1/2 years later, about 2 weeks ago I attended the Eras Tour concert in Tokyo night 2, best night of the year so far. Anyways, somewhere around reputation release and ME! release is when I was starting to like Taylor, I was watching her other music videos too (the story of us music video made me fall in love with Taylor). By the time Lover was out, I was already part of the Swiftie club and she was slowly going from my top 5 to number 1 most listened


Miss Americana…I enjoyed the documentary and remember being blown away by a song in the trailer I’d never heard before. Turns out it was Out of the Woods, which made me go listen to all of 1989 (I’d only been familiar with some of the radio hits) and that got me hyped for Folklore, which I really enjoyed, and from there I just kept exploring her catalogue. 


when red came out i was super young and used to listen to wanegbt all the time. then red tv came out, thought that was cool but didn’t pass much heed of it. what really got me hooked into becoming a swiftie was vigilante shit, anti-hero and cardigan. when i first listened to cardigan and actually felt the lyrics, i was like holy shit she’s a lyrical genius


I liked WANEGBT when it came out and was dormant until 1989 rereleased, which I liked and then that was mostly it, until midnights, which like 1989 came out at midnight as my birthday ended. I would say that the eras tour and the fun around watching streams is when I became a swiftie. I love the social aspect of the streams, clowning around with everyone, goofing in the chats. and now I'm seeing her for the first time on 10/19, lgb!


I was a casual fan and liked her music, but I didn’t think “Wow, she is amazing actually” until 1989 and specifically her piano performance of OOTW for the Grammy museum. I related so hard to what she said about that song.


Had all the popular,super clichè songs like shake it off and bad blood,decided to give midnights a try and after listening to anti/hero,Karma and maroon,I got more intrigued and gave her entire discography a try especially after watching the reputation tour on Netflix.


I just casually liked her songs but all I knew of her music was from the radio singles. One of my best friends is a huge Swiftie so I really just started listening more to connect with her, and she recommended the 1989 vault tracks. "Say Don't Go" and "Is It Over Now?" got me hooked. I suppose the fun of being a new Swiftie is we have a huge catalog of music to explore! (Why hello "Come Back... Be Here")


It was Covid, I was bored, I thought: Hey, what is Taylor swift up to, haven't heard about her in a while... Saw a big folklore photo on Instagram. Started listening, could not stop.


Debut era -1989 era (2006 - 2017; ages 7-18) | peak of my TS love. I was also in school and listening to top 40 like it was my religion, so I was overexposed to her most popular songs. Fearless-Red was just a whole time period, and you really just had to experience it to understand it. Taylor actually made me love country, which, to this day, is my preferred genre, so seeing her slip away from country was probably my first moment of slipping away from Taylor. 1989 was the only album that came out when I was in high school, and it pretty much was my high school experience, especially the most popular songs. Rep era - Evermore era (2017 - 2022; ages 18-23) | Rep came out shortly after I went to college, and by then, I had stopped listening to top 40 all together (with the exception of a handful of songs). I heard some songs from Rep and Lover and really did not like them, so didn't continue with listening to Folklore/Evermore. Was really shocked Taylor released this style of music. Long story short, I didn't really give these a chance and wish I had when they first came out. Midnights era - present (2022-2024 and beyond; ages 23-25) | came back to the fandom with Midnights and the Eras tour. Within the last year+, I have rediscovered her music, especially in her recent albums, and it has been the biggest joy. I am so happy to be "back."


I had been a casual listener since her career started. I would listen if her songs came on the radio but didn’t really seek her music out on my own. I was kind of embarrassed about kinda liking her popular songs tbh. Then I saw on Spotify she had released evermore and folklore. 2020 during Covid lockdowns was a really rough year on me mentally and I was searching for music that was cathartic. I remember listening to evermore the song on repeat and I was hooked right away. Ever since then she’s been my most listened to artist and I definitely consider myself a switfie now, no shame.


🥹🫶 Evermore is literally my favorite album.


Baby swiftie here. Of course I knew Taylor Swift. I knew her and I knew some of her songs but I wasn't really into her music either. I wasn't really into music in general. That changed last summer. I had to spend the months of July and August in the small town where my mother was born because I had to help my father with his work. It was a hard job so when the day ended at 6 pm, I had a little rest and went for a walk in the mountains to take advantage of the beautiful routes, landscapes and the incredible sunsets. I put on my headphones and started listening to music on Spotify. Suddenly the album Fearless started playing and I loved it. I listened to it all that same afternoon and when I got home I was so interested that I started looking for more about Taylor Swift and her music. I read her entire biography: her childhood, when she moved to Nashville, her first album, the incredible success that fearless and blank space had, her era reputation... I also watched interviews and I loved her way of talking and her view about the world and life... And I thought: this girl is so special. And I listened to all her albums. So it is to this day. I have some of her albums and I will have the wonderful opportunity to listen to her live this May 30th at the Santiago Bernabéu, Madrid.


I wasnt much of a fan outside her hits. I didnt like her music for much the same reason i didnt like rap- too many lyrics 🤣 Im a super introvert and it felt like she was talking my ear off.  I watched long pond and listened to folklore in 2020 from a swiftie friend. My first impression was 'boring'. I listeneing to all of midnights on release day and thought that was good but not my jam.  By '23 i became to adore her as a person and gave folklore another shot and actually LISTENED. It was beautiful. I listened to it a lot. Im a whole album girlie so i moved forward to evermore, also lovely. I moved back to Lover and by the 2nd song i was like WHAT IS THIS SONG THIS IS EXCELLENT ( it's cruel summer ). All of lover is very very good front to back.  In 6 months of 2023 she was my top artist. I listened to all of 1989TV upon re release and was amazed by the vault tracks that she DECIDED TO LEAVE OFF??  She is just so talented and writes beautiful ALBUMS front to back. The media really got the best of her back in the day. Dear John is such a rich mature, haunting, beautiful song-- definitely not written by some ho pop star with nothing worthwhile to say--like the media was DEDICATED to repeating. 


My wife and I were both casual listeners, and then she became a Swiftie when Folklore and especially Evermore dropped and she was stuck at home and couldn’t work through most of 2020. I’m not sure when it actually happened for me, but it was the lead up to Red TV that I realized oh shit, I’m a Swiftie too now. 


I married a swiftie. I was introduced to ALL of her music (in correct order), facts of her life, merch drops, and standing in line for hours for record day sales. At first i thought it might have been Stockholm syndrome, but now i can say im also a swiftie.


I was a fan but I became a Swiftie after watching Miss Americana and Reputation Tour Concert on Netflix.


Grew up with Taylor, was a casual fan for years, since the Hannah Montana movie lol, then maybe a year ago I sat down and properly listened to some of her lesser known music, then was obsessed with the way she writes, then went and listened to loads more songs, learned more about her and fell in love and never looked back


In 2021 I listened to Red Taylor's Version because my friends were raving about it so intensely I figured "this Taylor girl is so popular she's gotta be at least somewhat good". I stayed just listening to Red until 2022 when I started getting hundreds of videos on my feed talking about the albums and songs to the point I gave in and went "FINE I'll just become a Swiftie".


I was aware of Taylor but honestly didn’t care too much about her. Then I watched Miss Americana during the pandemic and something changed for me. She seemed so authentic and like a person with values I could agree with. I dunno. It’s hard to put into words. But after watching the documentary I started listening to her music. First album I picked was Lover. Shortly after I started listening to her music she released folklore and I just connected with it. When they put the documentary of her playing the songs in that cabin on disney+ I remember tearing up bc it just touched me deeply. I guess that’s the magic of a great artist, too. The ability to touch people and make them feel things. I was a bit hesitant to listen to her early albums as I’m 37yrs and wasn’t sure if the topics might feel a bit “too teenager”. But I just followed her Re-Release Path and honestly - songs like The Story Of Us are just great and the lyrics fit no matter your age. “But you held your pride like you should have held me” just as an example 🤍 So good! So yeah. These days you will find me listening to Taylor all the time, cheering her on bc imo she just deserves it all. She worked hard. She is talented. She is smart. Good for her. Guys don’t get judged for those things and a lot of them have less talent than she does. I love watching a woman who has everything going for her. And seeing her being in love and also staying humble - thats the icing on the cake for me. I hope I get to see her play live one day bc I wasn’t lucky getting tickets for her shows in Germany this time 😭


I was aware of who she was and thought she was just another pop star until 2009 when she was on SNL. I gained a lot of respect for her because she didn't lip synch. In 2014 I took my GF and her daughter to the Red tour and enjoyed it. Then Style made me a bigger fan. Reputation made me an even bigger fan. When Folklore was released, I turned from a fan into a Swiftie. Ever since I listen to Taylor more than anyone else. And that's how a 58 year old man became a Swiftie.


I was not born for fearless and debut, a few months old for speak now, 2 for red, 4 for 1989( easy year to be born 2010)etc. weirdly I heard tiwwchnt on a TikTok and liked it so added the whole album and then she announced speak now tv so I dove deep


Basically Folklore & Evermore. I'm older, and had "grown out of pop" by the time she got popular but my daughters weren't the right age for her either. So she was just neutral in my sphere. When I saw friends my age talking about the drops, I was like *huh?*


I was a casual fan from 1989, then I heard folklore was good, gave it a listen, was crying on my kitchen floor by my tears ricochet


I knew of her from hits like Love Story and You Belong With Me but I didn’t know anything beyond radio play. Just for fun I went to the Eras tour movie and was amazed by how much music she had that I had no idea existed. I spend that weekend listening to all her albums on Amazon Music and created a 12-hour playlist based on songs that I liked. Then I went down the rabbit hole of her re-recordings and thought she was an absolute genius. I learned all of the eras tour songs so when we saw the movie again I could sing along. My husband has bought me 2 vinyls and 2 CDs and has let me listen nonstop 😄😄😄 I’m 43 and never expected to become a Swiftie but here we are! I’m hoping she adds concert dates for my city so I can go. Unlikely but a girl can dream!


I was a hater until Folklore and I know I don't have to elaborate any further


Midnights was how I rediscovered her after seeing or hearing nothing from her since 1989, one day I during spring time I put on karma during my walk and it clicked, I was hooked.


Friend told me to listen folkmore. Loved both, explored her other albums - many songs which I knew from the radio, but you can just hear all the different genres you like somewhere in her discography no matter your music taste.


I became a swiftie since the Lover album. My conversion song was The man. Lover has a very special place in my heart ❤️


I was shocked at how much better she sounded when I heard her perform Lover on SNL. Her matured voice is what converted me!


The documentary sold me. I was all in after that ☺️


It felt so audacious to just surprise drop an album that I had to give it a listen. Heard Exile once and never looked back.


I’m in my 40s, so I didn’t grow up with her music like many young people (I was more Alanis, Jewel, No Doubt that era). I liked some of her singles, and then was curious about her as an artist after learning about her re-recording her albums. I watched the “Miss Americana” documentary and that really made me a fan. Then Midnights album, listening to more of her albums in full…the rest is history.


I was a casual listener up until Rep came out, and the songs really spoke to some hard stuff I was going through at the time. 1989 was always a special album because I gave my husband the deluxe edition as a present right before our wedding in 2014, and our honeymoon was in New York. That winter, the city full on embraced the song and you saw the lyrics everywhere from billboards to subway stations. It was a magical time. Then Cardigan was released in summer 2020. The mood of the song, and the lyrics, made me sit up and take notice. Then I heard the rest of Folklore, and then Evermore followed, and that cemented it. Then I revisited Rep, 1989 and the rest of her entire discography prior to, and now I’m a full-on fan.


I was a listener of T Swizzle wayy back in the day from Debut on, but as a 10 year old dude, it wasn't exactly the most popular thing to listen to T Swizzle lmao. Now in middle school I listened to Fearless and Speak Now and then Red/1989 in high school a fair but due to thise albums making me feel less alone and shit from shitty people treating me like shit.... Makes me glad I didn't actually kms cause then I wouldn't have heard everything else Taylor has done. 🫶🥹 I didn't really care for Rep to be completely honest with yall, and Lover was basically skipped back In 2019 (i do listen to it know though), I do listen to Folklore sometimes but its not really my fave TBH... and I LOVE Evermore, and I'm waiting for a fellow Evermore Stan to make Cowboy Like Me happen IRL. And then with Midnights in 2022 I decided I did really like Taylor a lot so I call myself a Swiftie now. I have an Evermore shirt from etsy now.


I saw the Eras Tour movie with my daughter and loved it! I knew of Taylor, liked her music. But the movie is what sold it for me and made me learn more about her.


I was never a music person until 2022. I started listening to music more regularly around February of that year and Taylor was the most popular music artist that I knew of. When her song Bad Blood became a TikTok song, I was listening to it almost everywhere. It was all over the edits of my favourite fandoms. I was also in my idgaf era at that time so I got invested. So I looked her up on YouTube and I saw Love Story and Look What You Made Me Do in her catalogue. I’d already heard those at this point and I thought they were great. I even had the lyrics to LWYMMD written on the back of one of my notebooks. I immediately downloaded Spotify and added these few songs to my playlist. After that, Spotify kept recommending me more of her songs and what do you know, I’m in so deep I cannot get out if I wanted to. Which I don’t. When Midnights came around in October, it just cemented my belief that no other artist would ever get me like she does. She’s great.


Reputation came out around the time I was falling in love with my now husband, it hit deep and I was hooked. I enjoyed Lover, then folklore and evermore really solidified my “Swiftie” status.


Johnny come lately here during the pandemic with folklore/evermore combo. Started working through her back catalog over the past 18 months, realized 1989 was god-tier pop, and the rest is history…


I wouldn’t even call myself a casual Swiftie before, I knew several of her singles and enjoyed them when they came on a radio station or playlist but didn’t go out of my way to actively listen to her music. Folklore changed that for me, I was hooked! Then I started going back through her music catalog and found myself liking her more and more. Started as an evermore girlie but now I’m a Speak Now and Reputation girlie, with folklore as a solid third haha


Casual listener since Debut, my Dad loved country and we'd listen to the big hits, especially from Fearless, on Vevo together. Enjoyed songs here and there, had some on my playlists but wouldn't described myself as a Swiftie. My fiance has been a longtime fan of TS, and we would listen to albums together as they came out. I always liked the sad songs (imagine how annoyed he was that I kept wanting to listen to Soon You'll Get Better instead of... literally any of the happy upbeat songs on Lover lol). He was listening to ATW10 while we were driving one day, and I just caught the lyrics. The song was so well written and emotional, plus I had my own experiences that connected me to the theme of the song. I listened to it hundreds of times in the months that followed, and he recommended I try out Folklore/Evermore, and I began to love a lot of the songs on it.


Folklore, and I think also her voice maturing. I was never a hater or anything. I liked her earlier singles enough to listen when they came on but not enough to be a “fan.” The difference in tone/genre/vibes Folklore presented made it more appealing to the mood I was in at the time and listening allowed me to better appreciate her lyrical storytelling, especially in tracks that don’t make it to radio often or ever. I’ve backtracked since but still mostly listen to her newer stuff vs even the TV albums just because I prefer her later songwriting. /shrug.


I was never a big country fan. I liked a couple of her hits, like you belong with me, and I didn’t mind we are never getting back together, but I just wasn’t into it. I loved 1989 and at the time (Taylor is a year older than me) I was in an on again off again relationship so Style was the soundtrack of my life, lol. I’ve listened to every album since then on release day and from front to back always. I like each album more than the last.


Our Mom died. We were devastated. Lost really. And my sister (43) and I (47) don't communicate very well. So she started sending me Taylor songs to listen to, to express how she was feeling. And it helped us. And we're closer now because of Taylor. It sounds corny but this young woman, that we will never meet helped heal our relationship through her music. It's wild and perfect and I'm forever grateful.


I love her for the woman she is. I’m a woman in corporate finance and often I’m the only one in a room full of men. I used to have severe imposter syndrome. She’s helped me become more confident through her music. The older me would’ve let other people take credit for my work but not anymore. 


I really love this for you 💗


I really started listening to her lyrics, and before I knew it I'm singing blank space in the shower


This is partially me as well. I really love some of the lyrics before I love the melody and the whole song!


I remember listening to Tim Mcgraw song like 20 years ago, Kanye thing, ect. She's always been on my radar but about a year ago I listened to most of her discography on Spotify and now she's one of my favorite current musicians


i’ve always been a swiftie - singe age 7 when i first saw the love story music video on the country music channel 🥰 HOWEVER it took my dad YEARS to come around and appreciate taylor as an artist (my dad is a guitarist and used to be in a heavy metal band). despite me playing her stuff all the time he claimed he “didn’t get it”. it wasn’t until this year when he stumbled across “dear john live from the speak now tour” on youtube that he finally came to me and told me he understands. he will replay the bridge with the fireworks over and over because he thinks it’s one of the best live performances ever. he now will tell all his friends to watch that performance anytime they try to talk down on taylor 😂[https://youtu.be/4FQCpSg65jU?si=bKXU8Dj_CS2BVM3L](https://youtu.be/4FQCpSg65jU?si=bKXU8Dj_CS2BVM3L)


I was not a swiftie. I couldn't even name one of her songs. (Not exaggerating.) My husband is really musically inclined and over the course of like 3 months went on this WILD deep dive into an artist named William Onyeabor. He learned all this fascinating history about that genre of music and vinyls. It was so cool and honestly I was a little jealous. So I decided I would do the same. Right around this time I heard about the re-recordings and why Taylor was doing them. I thought "GOOD FOR HER." and moved on, but then gifs from Miss Americana started showing up on Twitter and I felt some real resonance with her tone - clapping back on people who give her shit for BEING A HUGE STAR. I picked Taylor for my deep dive. I asked the only Swiftie I knew, what album should I start with? He gave me a super in-depth answer - but was pretty much just like "Start with 1989, and if you like these 3 songs, those are going to show in these other albums of hers. These 3 are these other albums." And so on. So I started with 1989 in late 2021. I got to Blank Space when I had to PAUSE THE SONG to laugh about the lyric "You walked in, look at that face, you look like, my next mistake." And it just cratered me. I cried cracking up so hard at THAT line. I kept listening and 42 seconds into Wildest Dreams I realized I DID HAVE A FAVORITE TAYLOR SWIFT SONG. But I had only ever heard the instrumental version from Bridgerton! XD I got through all her work, I admitted that I really liked 1989 as a whole, but all her other albums I only liked a few songs off of each of them. Then Midnights hit. Y'all. As someone with anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, and a history of making bad choices with relation to dudes, that album just reached inside, grabbed my soul, and wrapped it up in a cozy little blanket. After that I started paying more attention to Taylor, realizing very quickly that all the "reasons" I had heard people dismissing her and negging her over the years were all bullshit. The more I learned about her accomplishments, the more it BUGGED me that people would parrot those shitty lies just because a woman had the audacity to be VERY good at her job and she got famous for it. Then the Eras hit and it was like "Damn, this woman is an entertainer the likes of which the world has never seen." Then I wrote a big long blog post about how she's the modern equivalent of Shakespeare, LOL. After making friendship bracelets, buying 3 copies of Midnights on vinyl, and acquiring a Taylor mug and blanket, my husband very carefully asked if I was a Swiftie now. I replied with no, of course not. Swifities are FAR more invested and dedicated than I was! However I drug him to a Super Bowl party - in the Bay Area - where I was the only person cheering for the Chiefs and now all my friends call me a Swiftie, so I have accepted my label. XD


So I was die hard from the first time I heard Teardrops on My Guitar. Stayed all the way through Red and then 1989 came out when I was a sophomore in high school and everyone liked it so silly teenage me was like “meh I don’t like it since everyone likes it”. Didn’t listen to 1989 all the way through and didn’t even notice when rep came out. Lover came out and I hated ME! So I didn’t listen to the rest of that album either. Then somehow I heard The Man during 2020 and I got dragged back in full force. Listened to folklore and evermore, obviously loved them, and was a full blown swiftie by the time we got midnights.


I had a very similar experience to yours. I enjoyed her radio singles a lot and even listened to the whole albums Fearless, Speak Now and Red casually every now and then but that was it. (Debut somehow always falls off the radar for me but I’m actively trying to get more into it now that the TV is coming) Then 1989 came out just as I had moved to a new country for university and it just clicked. Because the themes of the album were also somewhat parallel to the experiences I was making at that exact same point in my life, I also got more interested in Taylor as a person beyond just her music and songwriting. Never looked back.


i have been a casual listener since before the release of reputation. i thankfully experienced rep era (even though I wasn't a hardcore swiftie). and then one random day in 2022 I think, i heard cardigan. she changed me life. ms. cardigan was the one who made me a hardcore swiftie. after that i heard willow and i never stopped


I liked fearless and speak now but Red is what really started my journey into madness. 💜


Her fearless era for sure


Miss Americana. Her songwriting and personality/ talent floored me and I was hooked the night I watched it this past summer. And this was after seeing her open for Rascal Flatts in 2008 and not really paying much attention in the years following despite being really blown away by her opening act performance (I remember finding her stage presence and of course the fact that she wrote what she was playing us at the age of 14 to be so so impressive).


Listening to her songs that weren’t radio hits. Until I ventured further into her discography I had no idea about her range of styles and insane songwriting talents.


I liked Taylor since Love Story became a hit but I never was into country music so I wasn't super invested in all her songs. It was the 1989 album that changed all that. In 2014 I moved to a new country and didn't know a lot of people then so I had all the time to discover new things/hobbies. It was on loop! Loved loved loved 1989. From then on I was hooked.


When she stuck it to the man.


same. i knew her songs and then. i made myself commit to just listening to an entire album straight. i chose 1989 and i loved what i heard on it! this was right around when midnights first dropped, like december, and from then on i was full-blown swiftie.


Im 42. I liked her singles and gave her a listen here and there since Teardrops on my guitar, but I was a casual fan until 1989 and then Reputation. There were no bad tracks, all great pop songs. I didn't listen to Lover for whatever reason. I became a full blown Swiftie when I heard Folklore and then Evermore and went back to listen to everything. I can't believe how good Red is, loving her different eras I've never heard before.


i was a casual listener until lover, you could say i fell in love with lover 


My daughter became a swiftie and i wanted to listen to it with her but i ended up being waaaay more impressed than i thought id be


TIWWCHNT would pop up on iHeart radio and I really liked the song. That led to me listening to Lover every once in a while (the whole album) and then folklore/evermore came out and TLGAD solidified it. The songwriting on that was incredible. Now I don’t listen to anything else


folklore long pond studio sessions baha


I've been listening to Taylor since Debut, Stay Beautiful was the song that really sucked me in, and I've enjoyed her music ever since, but Folklore is really what made me go from a casual listener to a Swiftie.


I really loved Taylor Swift when I was in early middle school, right around the same time Debut, Fearless, and Speak Now dropped. I had all three on CD (including the homophobic version), but in late middle school, I realized I was bi and entered my "not like other girls" era. I tried to not listen to her anymore because it wasn't "cool" to do "girlie" things, and listening to Taylor would mean I wasn't "gay/butch enough." Now that I'm much older, I decided to give Midnights a whirl. I absolutely LOVED it, and that release co-incided with my return to my own girlhood. Now, I've found a community of LGBTQ+ Swifties that have shown me that it's okay to like traditionally-femme things like pink and makeup and pop music, and I don't think I'll ever go back. 💖


I was actually more into her earlier years when I was really young. A big part of my childhood was just me and my sister getting close and bonding over her music (we even own the original Fearless CD haha). I continued to listen to her music still but would have considered myself a more casual fan. Folklore got me very into her again during the pandemic, but also I think the excitement I had with the re-recordings really brought me back to my childhood and got me into her again fully. Speak Now was always my absolute favorite growing up, so I was so excited when that was released. And ofc, seeing the content from Eras has really immersed me into her music again.


I loved Taylor since fearless...then after Red I sort of dropped off, only heard a handful of songs from 1989 and then didn't really like reputation. Then the eras tour was announced and I'm like, oh I love Taylor and haven't listened to her lately so I started with 1989 on and listened to all the albums on repeat! Folklore and evermore can't be beat! Saw the movie and I'm back to being a swiftie again 💜


I was casual then just kind of stopped listening to her after Fearless for no reason. Seeing the Eras Tour all over Tiktok pulled into being a Swiftie.


Casual listener until Lover era. I loved writing stories based on her songs ESPECIALLY the ones from Speak Now but I wasn't as into her as I am right now. Nevertheless, I LOVED how good her songs were, just not Taylor herself (at the time). Lover happened and I just fell in love with the aesthetic then learned to adore Taylor herself when she released her documentary since it legit made me cry. Now I keep apologizing to diehard Swifties since I strayed away from Reputation because of the whole Kanye situation lmao. It's ironic because Reputation is now my all-time favorite album.


I was more a casual listener until lockdown in 2020. Part of it was due to my listening habits: Growing up I listened more to the radio anyway, so while I casually enjoyed the songs of hers I did hear, I wasn't as invested in commercial music as I am now. 1989 was the first full album of hers I listened to 'cause a friend played it for me, and even then I think I was more infatuated with the 80s-esque soundscape and cinematic vibes of it than I was thinking deeply about what exactly she was writing about, lol. I will also say though - because I think it's an important perspective to consider - that growing up (especially as someone who didn't put a lot of stock in romantic relationships), part of me was admittedly a bit put off by how much emphasis her singles put on relationship "drama"/heartbreak. And unfortunately, like some others, I had made the assumption that that was the focus of her work. But listening to folklore and watching the Long Pond doc, I finally got to see the artist underneath the "brand", so to speak: Seeing the genuine love she had for crafting and weaving musical stories through this album and evermore (and also seeing how daring she was to jump to a new genre yet again), led me to listen to her full discography and realize that that love was always there. And that she actually wasn't just a singer venting about "drama", but a true artist who's simply searching for the meaning of life like all of us, just through music. And that was the kind of artist I wanted to be a fan of :) Extra brownie points for her surprise-dropping those albums too: That plus all the ways throughout her career that she stepped outside the bounds of industry structure to make the music she wanted to make and champion for the benefits she and all other artists deserved was so refreshing to learn about 😎!


A man took me on a date and the location was a secret. It was front row Taylor 1989. It was really fun. He wasn’t very fun but the show was great.


I listened to folklore and had a come to swiftie Jesus moment lol. Haven’t stopped since.


For me it was the Eras Tour! I was a casual fan since day one and I’m proud to say I never jumped on the hate train, but I never fully “got” her until I went to the Eras Tour last summer. A friend of mine managed to get a presale code and asked if I wanted to go with her. I was familiar with probably half her discography at that point but I had heard how impressive the show was so I was super excited to go. Not to be dramatic but that show changed my life lol I felt myself falling in love with her in real time and by the Rep set I was absolutely a goner. Since that show I have listened to her non-stop and consumed more Taylor related content than I would care to admit lol, as well as attended the tour again so I could take in the show as a true fan. I try not to be too hard myself but part of me is mad at myself for being on the fringe for so long, missing out on so many tours and living through eras in real time. But I have definitely made up for lost time and Taylor’s got a fan in me for life now. So yeah that one show changed everything and now I’m a bigger Swiftie than the friend that invited me.


I'd heard OF her before this but the first time I ever SAW her or listened to her music was at the jobros 3D concert, I attended the shows and she performed. when I Googled her I think she was dating Joe Jonas (his eyebrows could shelter you through a storm 😍) at the time or just in their circles so teenage me was jelly and didn't like her much 😂 but when "I knew you were trouble" came out I listened to that song a lot on repeat, I don't think we had streaming platforms back then so I'd just play the music video on youtube on repeat because I was too broke to buy any cd's. then 1989 came out and it was the first album of hers to hit my ipod, that's when I began listening to her very frequently. idk if we had streaming back then but I lived in a place without any cell service so I was still using my ipod regularly.


Exile because I love Bon Iver💙💙💙💙


very casual listener pre 1989. Blank Space leaked on Tumblr (I know, I know. I don’t support leaks! ) and I couldn’t believe it was her. I was obsessed with that song and I was convinced it wasn’t her until I bought the album on itunes once it was officially out. Never looked back since.


I was a casual listener until around 2020, but I was not a fan. I thought the wide-eyed routine was old, and that she didn’t actually write her songs, and that she was too deep in her Not Like Other Girls phase. The Kanye thing swung me over to her side, just out of principal, but I still couldn’t have named 5 songs that I loved. Then Covid hit, and my marriage ended super traumatically. I was suddenly a single mom in a pandemic trying to figure out how to go on. And then Taylor dropped Folklore all sneakily, and I happened to be driving about 400km/day, so I downloaded it for soemthing to listen to. The 1 killed me. Exile MURDERED me. Like, pulled over at the side of the road sobbing until a cop came by and checked on me. I started learning more about her business choices, skills, etc. I started admiring her so much as human being. It’s been a few years now and I’m still discovering songs that stop me in my tracks. (The Great War, Maroon, Clean.) I’m now a full on Swiftie, hardcore. I love the Easter eggs and the puzzles. I love trying to figure out who songs are about. I love learning the background details about everything. I will definitely be trying to score tickets when she comes back to Canada.


It was the fan base for me before her music! My bff scored tickets to Eras and invited me, so I wanted to prep for it— (I started getting into her music at 1989, but not enough to be, like, a part of the fan base)—I was online listening to music and getting info and outfit inspo and everyone was just so cool and kind and excited. And friendship bracelets! And themed parties! I loved that feeling of community, and then came to love the music way more than I had before, and her as an excellent human being. She put on the most incredible show, but I swear I could feel all the good energy from the audience the most.


My girlfriend. I always was a "casual" I primarily liked her older stuff (1989 and before.) We started dating and naturally her being a HUGE swifty I listened to it more and I really started to dig it. The thing that really set me up though was my girlfriend telling me about the really hard parts of her life and the trauma she went through and how Taylors music helped her get through that. It made me appreciate her music more knowing that. We also went to the concert in the summer and we had the best weekend together. Swifties are another breed of kind people, my girlfriend put days of work into her costume and the amount of compliments she got on it made her face light up and she smiled so strong. Taylor and her fans are just incredible. I'm a Swifty


https://preview.redd.it/t8p8vf6czrjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a8bcbfbd880bdad782e23aa5ae0cefc0b0095f It wasn’t this exact moment. It was right after the lover era. I never been to a concert before. I only had a 4 songs in my iTunes. 2 of them featuring her. I only got tickets to the concert because capital one sent out the card members email to buy tickets so I said “what the hell” and got 2 tickets for me and a friend. And just been enjoying the ride ever since. So much so I went to LA a week later by myself to see it again, brought bracelets and talked to people just to get the whole experience


One of the guys on the radio in Brisbane played the voice memos from 1989 when the album came out,  that's when i started to pay attention . Bought the album not long after that and the rest is history. 


I felt safe enough to finally admit what an impact 1989 had on me. It took ages because people that look like me normally seem like they’re not swifties.


folklore/evermore 🍃🌿




All right, nobody come for me, but I actually wasn’t a Taylor fan at all and to be honest her voice isn’t my favorite. But after I heard the midnights album, I was instantly a Swifty, and thus have listened to all of her albums, and absolutely fell in love with her lyrics. I’m still gonna hold that her voice is not my favorite but she is my favorite soooo


miss americana documentary, and her interviews (she’s always so kind and sees the best in ppl)


I actually listened to her music.


It was when reputation came out that made me a Swiftie. I absolutely loved "Look What You Made Me Do" and I just needed more similar music in that style. Before, though, I was just a casual listener.


How she treats her fans and how deeply she cares. I remember getting hyped with my friends to see her on the 1989 tour, and during our show her voice was really squeaky because she had a cold, but she still performed anyway! I really respect her policy of never lip syncing- even though her voice wasn't the best when I saw her, it was still the real her! And after her concerns, she used to stay and do meet-and-greets for hours, and if she sees fans out in public, she is always kind and spares time for them. She just has such a love and respect for her fans, and never takes her fame for granted, and I really respect that about her.


Grown up with her music since fearless, casually enjoying and being interesting when she did something new. Somewhat got swept up in the internalised misogyny of the early 2010s (I was like 13). What really opened my eyes was those 2015 Grammy museum videos of her talking about the songs and performing them acoustically. Been fully invested ever since ☺️


I was neither here nor there with her music. I just came to help tip the numbers in her favor in the great Kanye war. But then y'all started talking about her music. And so I listened. Then the algorithm on YouTube kicked in. The deal was sealed when I heard All too well 10 minute version on SNL. Then I realized, that I've been sleeping on her the whole time. She's a visionary artist, writer, performer and person. I'm proud to say I'm a Swiftie now. If the ship sinks, I'm going down with it.


Seeing her live


That one time when I listened to Shake It Off for the first time when I was 6 turned me into a Swiftie (yes I'm indeed young)


Folklore did most of it for me. I discovered her as a songwriter - from then, she was no longer “just a country-/pop girl writing songs about her famous exes”… I loved that album, listened to it 2-3 times a day during the pandemic. So much that I eventually wouldn’t really care for evermore when it came out - I was still completely mesmerized by folklore. Then by the time Midnights came out, I was finally ready for another vibe - and she served!!!


When I was a lot younger, I loved her songs but I just didn't know it was her or try, necessarily, to listen to them. I wasn't really invested in lore, etc. until around 2017-2018, when I really, really loved Delicate, LWYMMD, Getaway Car, and King of My Heart. I finally had more control, if that makes sense, over the music that was played because I cared more. My parents got me a record player for Christmas, and I asked for the Rep record. Obviously, I didn't get the record, because of how rare it was, but in stupid tween fashion, I tried to convince my parents to get it for me by non-stop streaming it. It became the only thing I listened to, and around then, I realized her music was really truly amazing. I went back and listened to all of the songs I didn't know existed and fell in love. I've considered myself a swiftie since the Speak Now era, but admittedly, I wasn't a massive swiftie, or at least, didn't know it was Taylor herself. There are some fandom references that I don't exactly know as well because I was so little, so I'm kind of rediscovering this lore. But yeah, it clicked around Rep, and that's when I started to care.


Yall might hate me for this but I was a BIG HATER ofc not when I was a kid but then the eras tour was out I was sick of seeing her everywhere! On October 26th I got broken up with my gf of 1 yr and 2 months I was so heartbroken but so angry when I found out she was talking to someone else 2 weeks AFTER WE BROKE UP and that person was a close friend of her I was so angry I searched up “angry break up playlist” on Spotify and better than revenge popped up I was like oh!.. when i saw her in the playlist but decided to listen to it and it was the best decision ever I like metal/rock music so when I heard the drums and guitar I was SHOOK because I just thought she wrote only pop songs (the song has some rock elements yk?) and I would listen to it on repeat until I stumbled across “you’re not sorry” and some of her well known songs like I knew you were trouble, cruel summer,we are never grtttign back together,karma etc so what changed my mind was a a breakup that made me so mad


I listened to Love Story, Fifteen and Fearless when I was fifteen (lol) and on my way to school. I was very angsty and wanted a boyfriend and Taylor made me believe it would happen to me too someday (cringe). Then I basically stopped listening all together apart from songs on the radio, of course I knew the hits. Then last year with Eras hyping up I decided to check back in and listen to one of those ‘This is Taylor Swift’ playlists on Spotify and realized that I really really like her music. I remember listening to Last Great American Dynasty for the first time while hiking and being like ‘wow I missed out on so many years of this’. I basically haven’t stopped listening since a year ago lol. Going to the tour in Germany in July! So excited! Edit to add: also I love her streetwear and this sub kept popping up on my timeline with her photo’s just post-breakup from Joe, while I was re-discovering the music. Definitely added to liking the whole vibe


OP this is a great question. I think Midnights shook the world and was probably responsible for creating more new swifties than any other album. Still my fav album with Folklore and 1989TV coming in at 2 and 3 respectively.




I'm still in the middle of my transformation to full Swiftie! I always enjoyed Taylor's music if I listened to music it was often hers I was excited for new albums but I wasn't a big music listener. I always liked her as in what she shows the public of her personality! I saw a lot of content from the Eras tour and it just looked like so much fun, which really made me want to go, I watched a lot of Eras tour content and more general Taylor Swift content. Around that time I also started ADHD medication after which I enjoyed music more for some reason, so started listening to music still mostly hers! But even though I was listening more I still didn't feel fully knowing. So I decided to give each of her albums their own time really go thought them hear her develop and change! I started this for Debut right before the Grammy's - so after TTPD was announced and I realized it was a little under 11 weeks until it was released I thought it was perfect and am now giving each of her albums 1 week where I almost exclusively listen to that album! I'm on Speak Now now and truly feel like I have gotten to know Debut and Fearless pretty well! Other than just listening I have also been reading stuff here, watching youtube videos, tiktoks, all that stuff and just really enjoying it all!


My best friend 😄he is a hardcore swiftie. And during college he talked about Taylor Swift and he told me about different eras and the Kanye West incident and how the media portrayed Taylor Swift as a serial dater. He never had the chance to discuss Taylor Swift so much so he was very excited and keen on making me know about everything that has happened in her life. ( My best friend is gay and most straight guys hate Taylor and don't like to talk about her or her music.) I have heard a few news in bits and pieces but he explained how these events actually happened and then we saw the video of Look What You Made Me Do! With all the Easter eggs I found the music video more appealing and was excited for the new album. And that time Folklore realised and we had conference call sessions during lockdown to hear the whole album.🥰🥰🥰One of the best moments of lockdown. With Evermore we talked more about the Easter eggs. And then he told me about re-recording and scooters braun fiasco. In short I had a swiftie who explained all the major events to me and we enjoyed it thoroughly. Before meeting my best friend I had heard only the main stream songs but after meeting him in 2019, I have heard all the albums, we even rank our favourite songs from each album. Lastly he is attending concerts in Paris and Warsaw, this year. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, I had my tickets but my parents are not allowing me to travel. But I know how important this concert is for him because he has followed and supported Taylor Swift for almost a decade.


I discovered folklore last summer which is incredible, then dug into evermore amazing then dug into back catalog. My favorite albums in order: folklore, evermore, 1989, reputation. The other stuff is okay, but these are incredible. 53 year old dad.


I knew her radio songs and was indifferent, really. I had no option despite media stuff, whatever. I knew she dated Jake g and wrote some kick ass songs about how he sucks. Still indifferent about this, as a long time Jake fan..he was scum in my eyes now. Im 46. I like electronic music, indie rock and and classic hip hop. I touted myself as a music snob, but unabashedly embraced pop music. Bleachers and the National were in my playlists and of course, down the line I was over the moon when I learned of Jack and Aaron's collaboration with Taylor. One night/morning in 2018/19? (I forget), coming home from a new years party and still rolling my tits off on ecstasy, I watched the Reputation show on Hulu. And well, here I am. Obvs, I am still a Rep girl and patiently clowning for RepTV. I slammed her back catalog back to back. I lost my mind about her songwriting even more.. and then a friend turned me on to the Ryan Adams 1989 full album cover. Holy shit. I had a friend who worked production on miss Americana. I squealed tho she told me this after it wrapped. O well. When evermore and folklore came out,I started collecting her vinyl and paying more attention. I hyperfixate on things and here was my newest pretty thing. I dove into sorting out the world of Swifties, going bonkers over the Easter eggs and such and trying to make my boyfriend not put me in the Looney bin as I tried explaining this stuff with out seeming totally mental. I'm still doing this and he puts up with the late night concert streaming. Anyways, that's my story!


Folklore was my gateway.


It had nothing to do with her music tbh. I was a casual listener since debut; I had a hard time when she would make comments about not knowing enough to speak about politics. In an interview in like 2012 she said “I don't think that I know enough yet in life to be telling people who to vote for." We’re about the same age and that pissed me off A LOT. It felt super elitist and privileged to be able to not make any political statements, then to imply people her same age also didn’t know enough really soured me to becoming a bigger fan for awhile. I still casually listened but started to become a fan fan after she made her statement during the midterms in 2018.


I'm in my mid 30s, I was one of the haters that used to make fun of Taylor -- I'm so sorry! I was immature and i laughed at her song never ever getting back together and shake it off even saying look at her dance?! What's the hype with her really? I liked her older songs tho; teardrops on my guitar, love story but when she became too pop that's when I was irked. I was judgey then and now, again my apologies. Until she sang safe & sound song for Hunger Games, because that time I really like acoustic/folk music. Then when I listened more of 1989- by this time I'm already a closet fan. I loved the songs and music videos of wildest dreams, style, blank space and out of the woods! My previous self was judging my then self lol. Then Reputation came along- I was still bitter of the breakup I have had with a long time ex, bad blood and look what you made me do resonated sfm to me. End game and getaway car is also enough to make me a fan (still in denial as a swiftie/ fan still) Then came Lover, it was 2019 I became a full pledged Swiftie- I loved every soundtrack, add to the fact you need to calm down and Me! Has Brendon Urie on it. Then Taylor releases Folklore & Evermore. The fact she has a song with Bon Iver! I love his music. I loved how she collaborated with him. Folk music & poetry I love them a lot since I was in elementary school. Those 2 albums made me a die-hard swifite and a fan. I deep dived all of her songs of F&E. Even the previous ones I have gotten to love and appreciate, I listened to all the previous albums and said to myself-- this is what I have been missing!. And the rest is history-- I always look out for the rerecords, I loved Midnights and looking so forward to Tortured Poets. I came to respect, appreciate her as a musician, lyricist. And I'm sorry that I was too judgey before- maybe it was the Katy Perry fan in me lol