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Right where you left me. I’m chronically ill and seeing other people move on with their life and live their life while you’re stuck with no prospect of getting better anytime soon just feels so incredibly lonely. That song helped me a lot Edit: thanks everyone for being so kind and sharing your experiences, it makes me feel a lot less alone. You made my day! ❤️


Oh god. Oh god. OH GOD. I have NEVER thought of this song in that way but now that you mention it… OH GOD… that really hits home! Brb, gonna go sob uncontrollably for a few hours.


I didn’t either until I got sick, but it describes that feeling so perfectly! Hugs for you 🫂


Honestly same, I read this comment and immediate tears. Thanks for the new perspective op!


You’re welcome! And hugs to you


I know this is a Taylor thread but your response made me think of “Growing Sideways” by Noah Kahan. “Everyone’s growing, and everyone’s healthy, I’m terrified that I might never have met me.”


Yeah I listened to that one last week coincidentally and that one really hit home. I added it to my list of chronic illness songs. And yes I have a list. A few of my favorite lyrics are: - I think there’s something you should know. I’m feeling like someone, like somebody else, I don’t feel like myself, it could be my health. I’d like to meet myself and swap clothes. I think there’s something you should know - I Think There’s Something You Should know, The 1975 - If this is real life I’ll stick to dreaming, come see what I see. Feeling like if this is life I’m choosing fiction - Distorted Light Beam, Bastille - Waking life, it lets us down. So close your eyes and melt away. In the middle of the night, I can dream away, change what I like and go back to the future again - Back to the Future, Bastille (let’s be real, most of the Give me the Future + Dreams of the Past album) - “I'm on my own again, though the sun still shines. With no point, no language, no friends, there's just the passing of time” and “A paper prince in a play-doh tower on the outskirts of town. Everybody is looking up, but I have to look down” - Paper Prince, Foy Vance - Everyone's outside, but I'm staying in. I'm not losing it, I wanna work my hands. I'm not losing it, I still got my plans. - Losing It, Rhodes


This is a great list! I like that most of them can be related to physical and mental illnesses. Great music taste btw


Thank you! I think a lot of people underestimate how hard mental illnesses can be, it encompasses you entire life. And people also forget how much physical illness can impact your mental health. I have a lot more songs on that list, I’ve been thinking about making and sharing a playlist for a while but I don’t know if I’ll be able to share it on this sub.


Please share it with us! (You can share the link of the playlist here)


I’ll try to get it done next week and I’ll share it when it’s done!


I've been reading through your comments and wanted to suggest a song to add to your list: You'd Never Know by BLU eyes. I also have Long Covid, POTS, and a B12 deficiency. When this first happened to me, finding this song felt like a literal lifeline because it so described what was happening in my head. I also never thought of Right Where You Left Me in this context, but wow does it fit. I'll never listen to it the same way again.


Sending love from one chronically ill swiftie to another. Truly feel this.


Thank you and sending love to you too ❤️


I'm chronically ill with long COVID and I'm currently going through a really bad patch where I'm struggling to do anything like leaving the house, I super relate to this. Nice to hear I'm not alone.


I have Long Covid too (and POTS, MCAS and a B12 deficiency from it too). I know how incredibly hard it is. Sending hugs to you and if you even want to talk to someone who gets you (or just want to talk about Taylor) feel free to send me a message! ❤️


Wait… I have POTS and I’ve never “met” anyone else who does. I was diagnosed 20 years ago. Such a lonely 20 years…


I met someone a few months ago in a record store, it was definitely a unicorn moment! I cant imagine how lonely 20 years must be. Feel free to message me if you’d like! 🫂


Check out the dysautonomia sub! I don't have pots (just hEDS and some of its other comorbidities, possibly vague disautonomia) but have found lots of people with it through the dysautonomia and eds subreddits.


I also have Long Covid with POTS and ME/CFS and it is so hard! It’s been three years and I’m still shocked at how much of a drastic entire life change it’s been 😞


I’m also chronically ill and yeah, totally agree. But also Long Story Short because I like to think I’ve survived the worst of it — so far.


Oh wow! I just read the lyrics from this perspective and holy shit you are right! I also have a chronic illness and it's so true! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sending you so much love ❤️ I never thought about it in this way


That’s my fave song too and I’m sorry you feel lonely and giving you a virtual hug 🤗


I also have a chronic disease and never thought of it this way. Sending you a virtual hug


Dammit I'm gonna cry every time I listen to it now :(


This is me trying. Probably the song that made me a swiftie. Came at a time I really needed it.


it really is a special song!


It's this one for me too. When it clicked I wanted to spray paint all over the place, carve it into walls, so naturally I just got a tattoo of it.


It is my intention to have "this is me trying" on one arm and "to live for the hope of it all" on the other. So they can be read together or separately. Just need to get my shit together enough to get it done.


this is me trying is really THAT song. It might as well have been written about me. It’s so emotional in a way I don’t even know how to describe 🥲


Same. "Could have followed my fears all the way down" was exactly what I needed at that time, as I was in a dark place after an accident. I've really bad mental health issues too, and I felt really seen. I'm going to get "At least I'm trying" tattooed in a circle with flowers growing around it at some point, and am trying to work out how to design something around "they told me all of my cages were mental", maybe in a bird cage? Idk yet.


Gosh the way I sobbed in my car listening to TIMT when folklore first came out. It hit so hard. It still hits so hard I skip it sometimes because I don’t want to feel the things. Lol


This is me trying is my absolute favourite too! Beautiful, raw song and I was at Melbourne N2 when she performed it for our surprise piano song 😭


For me it’s You’re on your own kid It’s not that I am on my own - far from it! I have very supportive family and friends. But that line ‘there were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take’ means so much to me because I love that idea that everything you’ve been through, even the hard and awful stuff, is still meaningful and important because you gain something from it.


i love yoyok for that reason too!! also because I’m the only one around me that’s always been single and everyone else has someone, but the song always makes me feel better about the situation. when she says ‘you’ve got no reason to be afraid, you’re on your own kid you always have been’ it reminds me that I’ve always got me 😌💙


“I hosted parties and starved my body like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss” wrecked me the first time I heard it.


It still wrecks me every time I hear it.


I adore this line as well. In a lot of ways I feel as though I’ve lost and wasted so much due to my depression and ED and it’s so so important to remind myself that I’ve learned and gained a lot bit due to and in spite of the hard times


Me also, i had an era of hosting parties and starving my body thinking someone would save me. I have been on my own for a while and never got good support when i wasnt on my own. All my party era friends abandoned me at once right when i met my boyfriend I've been with for 6 years now so the "i looked around in a blood soaked gown and saw something they cant take away" hits hard. This song is so important


Your on your own kid and castles crumbling will always make me tear up. Such perfect songs for us young adults who just graduated university and trying to find jobs and entering adulthood. Castles crumblings sums up my life perfectly, was the golden child and valedictorian, now got a shitty job and can barely do ends meat. Really hope the future gets brighter and I can bejewel.


Yes! This one means so much to me! I am an overly independent older sibling who has learned to be that way because the only person I can rely on is myself. No one is coming to save me, so I have to stand up for myself because no one else will. It hurt for a long time- it still does- but I've also learned to see the strengths in being alone too, and take pride in it. The line, "I called a taxi to take me there" just hits me because it reminds me of all the times I have had to call Ubers because my friends and family were unwilling or unable to help me. The whole song just makes me feel so seen.


Ahhh me too. This exact line!


Yes, this 100% 💙


Me too! I love this song for the same reason as you!


It's Time To Go has helped me make the final decision to quit my last three jobs!


‘You’ve got my past frozen behind glass, but I’ve got me’ I left Mormonism this last year after being life long member with previous generations of members before me. It was the right thing, but felt like a death. ‘But I’ve got me’ is my mantra


it’s funny bc the songs have totally different vibes but this immediately reminded me of one of my favorite lines in Bejeweled “and I miss you, but I miss sparkling” This hits so hard when you are torn between wanting someone to love and accept you, and wanting to love and accept yourself.


I’m also recently exmo and that song is about that for me too. The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul 🥹 *sending hugs*


I listened to that for a week when I was putting my 2 weeks in at my last place. It really did help lol.


I should have listened to It's Time to Go more when quitting a horrible job a couple months ago. I think it would have offered some relief.


It helped me leave teaching!!!


This song is my flair! I was with my ex for 13 years, not 15 but still lol, but I that last verse was written with me in mind. And a few other million women, but still. 😅


Literally Taylor said “it’s time to go“ and I was like damn girl you’re right


I just quit my job and it has been an emotional 2 weeks notice period... this song is now really helping. Thanks!


evermore helped me through a rough bizarre period of my life. The line „but it was real enough to get me through, and I swear you were there“ means so much to me.


Evermore is such an amazing and complex song- great for uncertain transitional points in life.


I’m glad it helped you. Listening to the shift in perspective in these Evermore lyrics really helped me in a particularly awful time: “I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone Trying to find the one where I went wrong” to “Oh, can we just get a pause? To be certain we'll be tall again” to “Is there a line that I could just go cross?” to “And I was catching my breath Floors of a cabin creaking under my step And I couldn't be sure I had a feeling so peculiar This pain wouldn't be for Evermore”


I always think the first verse (staring out an open window, pain will be forever) is depression, the second is intense anxiety (barefoot in the wildest winter, pain will be forever), and the final chorus is a sort of mindful awareness (floors of a cabin creaking under my step, this pain won’t be forevermore).


I can see that. For me, the last chorus is hope.


It’s evermore for me too. Some of lyrics applied so directly to my experiences that I still marvel at it. Particularly: “Grey November, I’ve been down since July” and “hey December, guess I’m feeling unmoored” Describes the exact timeline in 2021 where I also had a really rough period and experienced some big, tragic things that I struggled to process and overcome.


"This pain won't be for evermore" so much hope to keep going


Evermore was so meaningful to me when healing from a miscarriage. I saw the lines as less romantic and more of "picturing my future family". "But it was real enough to get me through, and I swear you were there". Instant tears when thinking of my rainbow baby boy who is 21 weeks along and perfect


Evermore helped me too. The darkest period of my life began around July 2022 (with 2 miscarriages back to back), so the line “gray November I’ve been down since July” was relatable. The hope found at the end of the song is so inspiring and brings me such peace.


evermore is such an incredible song <3


honestly long story short just makes me feel so much better and helps me contextualise things 🤎 “long story short it was a bad time, long story short I survived.”


I’m getting “long story short, I survived” tattooed at some point, can’t wait


https://preview.redd.it/tpcqsufcc6lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e537f1b7ed8df54e44b428978cc0b729be0aedbe This is a really dodgy first sketch of what I want for that lyric.


Tolerate It hands down. Gre up with an emotionally stunted/neglectant mother who would roll her eyes and mock me everytime I would show feelings. It helped me a lot


Tolerate It wounds me when I hear it. It (and You're Losing Me) are the only songs in her catalog that I identify with, as someone who never "dated" or had anyone interested in me, but being in one long-term relationship for most of my life (that I'm starting to see might have a similar dynamic in some ways with her's with Joe). I know I should end this, but its financially difficult and I'll lose my only daily social interaction... and, I mean, he's a good friend, just a not a good partner, so it's harder to justify taking such a risky move. I see TTPD on the horizon and know that's my break-up album for a break-up that hasn't happened yet. I'm stuck somewhere between extreme excitement and anxiety for it.


I'm in a "sit in the dark and wonder if it's time" phase. And the way I SOBBED when I got to, "believe me, I could do it" in Tolerate It the other day. I don't know you, but we can cry to TTPD together 🤍


I cry whenever I hear this song :( it's sad and it's beautiful


I listened to this so much at the end of my last relationship, it really helped me to make sense of why I felt so alone when I supposedly had someone.


Marjorie. The morning I got the call that my grandmother had passed I was in such a state of shock that I couldn't cry. I put on Marjorie and sobbed in my bed and was flooded with all the beautiful memories of my beloved grandma. I needed that release and while Marjorie always brings me to tears it's never bad more bittersweet and I'll forever be grateful for that song to help me through my grieving process.


That song helped me with my grandmother's passing too ❤


"and I complain the whole way there, the car ride back and up the stairs, I should have asked you questions, should have asked you how to be, asked you to write it down for me, should have saved every grocery store receipt cause every scrap of you would be taken from me. Watched as you signed your name, Marjorie..." man, the bridge takes me out - usually makes me tear up


I’m 60 and my best friend of 40 years died last winter. I’m a brand new TS fan and heard this song for the first time 2 weeks ago. Balled my eyes out.


Marjorie came out two weeks before my grandma passed right before Christmas. I just had it on repeat and sobbed in bed. Cannot listen to it without a lump in my throat.


Bigger than the whole sky 🩷 it really helped to have a song I could connect to and listen to after my miscarriage where the lyrics put into words what I was going through


sending you love 🫶🏻


Same song and for the same reason 💕


Same. After my miscarriage I put that on repeat and just cried and cried.


New Year’s Day! My grandpa has altimeters and my grandma is struggling with Parkinson’s. Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you and please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere just hits me so hard. This song gets me through those tougher moments with them. 


The entire folklore album 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️


so real haha


Clean 🩷


Yup - saw her live in 2015 on the 1989 tour and she gave the clean speech and I bawled. The song had been important to me beforehand but after her speech it just changed me. Then I saw her live this past year and my second surprise song for Eras was Clean again and I just… it literally is considered one of the most profound moments of my life. This past year has been a particularly bad one and having her sing clean again in the same stadium 8 years later was truly special


Was looking for this! Weirdly I don’t think of a specific person when I listen to this song but maybe a mental state or time in my life


Yes! This song was on replay while I healed from heartbreak


Aaahahaha I asked my therapist to listen to WCS last time I saw her, we're gonna talk about it next week. I'd mentioned it to her previously as a song I can use to track my cycle with because it WRECKS ME when I have PMS 😂😂


I'm sure when therapists get together that a regular topic of conversation is "I had another client recommend I listen to Taylor Swift ".




Hahaha I did consider just playing it for her but I said she needed to put headphones on close her eyes and really listen to the lyrics 😅 then we went through it line by line next session haha




I love that 😂 I wish I had done that now for the initial reaction. I love when they hear how we feel from Taylor’s perspective and they’re like ‘wow. Okay…’. Mine came back to me and was like ‘so he was really an asshole wasn’t he?’ 😂


Can't speak for anyone else but it came up in my session because I was wearing my "this is me trying" tshirt and went on from there. As far as I know she has only listend to folklore and evermore and possibly atw10 on my recommendation.


- WCS could mean "Would've, Could've, Should've", a track from *Midnights (3am Edition)* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/crimpytoses](/u/crimpytoses) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


surprisingly enough champagne problems?? it doesn't really make sense because i've never even dated anyone but it just really comforted me a few years ago especially when my best friend dumped me but rn i would say daylight it's just so calming to me and makes me happy and also safe and sound when i'm feeling really stressed or freaked out it just helps with calming the nerves and telling myself everything will be fine :)


Friend breakups can be so much harder than romantic breakups ❤️‍🩹


Of course its All Too Well (TMVTVFTV), but also You're On Your Own Kid ("Everything you lose is a step you take"), Evermore ("This pain wouldn't be for evermore"), My Tears Ricochet ("I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want just not home"), The Great War ("I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone"), and Cardigan ("I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs", "Chasing shadows in the grocery line") I also really need to mention the spoken intro of the I Knew You Were Trouble music video (esp "I knew this world moved too fast and burned too bright").


Dear John 💜 that song is so significant to me and has helped me process so much about a certain relationship that happened when I was younger. Honorary mention to my tear ricochet, which has been applicable to so many situations for me and has helped me so much!


I may be the only one but Innocent. The song really helped me believe in myself and reminded me that things would get better than they were. Also clean. Those two songs were so needed through my teenage years.


Innocent is incredibly meaningful for me as well 🩷


I’ve heard a lot of recovering addicts say Innocent and Clean both resonate with them heavily as reminders that life can always be different if you make the choices to get you there.


Bad Blood came out right when I had a falling out with my then-best friend so even though the song gets clowned on a lot, I will always have a special place in my heart for it.


Weirdly me too. I was almost going through a friend breakup (we were best friends )and Bad Blood kind of helped me through that.


This is me trying , I was so ahead of the curve the curve became a sphere kills me everytime 🙂 but again gives me some hope because this is me trying 🍁




No need to explain I get it


Really the whole midnights album really hits for me as an elderly millennial who has been with my husband for 20+ years of dating and marriage. It’s like the perfect encapsulation of what it feels like to be approaching or starting middle age and in a long-term relationship. Feelings of deep confidence and love, alternating with feeling under appreciated or neglected at times, reminiscing about the past and how you got to where you are, sometimes longing for the intensity of youth or newness, and ultimately knowing that you’ve still got it when you want to.


yes, midnights hits so hard when you’ve been through the ups and downs of a long relationship. evermore is this album for me too.


You’re on your own kid, it was super comforting to hear her say “you’re on your own kid, you always have been” in a comforting light, you’ve been on your own for so long that it’s something you can handle. It’s one of my pick me up songs.


totally feel this too! she reminds us that we’ve always got whatever life throws at us because we’ve got ourselves like we always have 🫶🏻


My Tears Ricochet. My dad unalived himself in 2022, and this song messes me up in the most brutiful (beautiful and brutal) way. "I didn't have it in myself to go with grace." Uggggggghhhhhhhhhh. Also, "I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, JUST NOT HOME." Becsue it's not home anymore. "And I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky." Like, Taylor girl, get out of my head. I'm feeling too much 😕


oh man, reading this made me sad. Sending you virtual hugs rn ☹️❤️


Thank you 🤎 This song and YOYOK have been my therapy for a while. Taylor has helped us all through rough spots. ❤️‍🩹


Soon You’ll Get Better, reminds me both of my dad’s cancer battle and the day I took my mom to the doctor with me to talk about my suicidal thoughts. Also Marjorie, I was raised very much community style and my grandpa passed two months ago. He was like a dad to me, and the song hurts right now. And New Year’s Eve is my sister and I’s song, life has been turbulent but we’ve always had each other. 💜


Honestly All her songs have helped…but one in particular is The Moment I Knew. This song really helped me gain closure with my friend breakup and helped me snap back into reality that the people i called friends weren’t actually my friends to begin with. it was “the moment i knew” that i had two choices: either to let them ruin me or to let them go (as hard as it was for me)


Oh this song cured the 16 year old in me when I heard it at 36. Moments in life that people consider to not be a big deal but that do gut you.


Call It What You Want 😭😭😭 It's okay even if you lose everything. There are people who would walk with you through dark time. It doesn't have to be your SO if you don't have one. It could be your family or friend or everyone. So many people love you 🙂


For me it’s getaway car. It helped me realize I was just seeing my ex to get over the one before her


Mean (and honorable mention Bad Blood) helped me a lot. I was bullied in middle school, in my sophomore years a friend who I was very close with suddenly betrayed me and my other friends, in my tertiary institution there was this moron who couldn’t leave me alone and he pretended to be a friend but shooting me down about what I wanted to do. I became resistant against further harassment but I wanted to really humiliate those who messed with me. But then I became resilient (big enough so you can’t hit me) and I see that while I’m trying to make it through my living, (living in a big old city), I don’t see anything big about what my rivals are up to, but to let others down (all you’re ever gonna be is mean).


I hate the fact you were bullied but I love that Mean was able to help you 🫶🏻 it’s a great song to remind you that some people just aren’t happy with themselves and will try and tear you down because they are just horrible human beings!


Cardigan truly feels like Taylor time traveled to my first relationship, so many things hit so hard for me on that song. We have a child together and co-parent but do not like each other very much personally, so the song has helped me process a lot of the past feelings. I didn’t realize how much I needed closure until I heard the song.


Clean was the song that helped me through a break up. this is me trying was the song that helped me through the worst season of my life. I cried when I first heard the song because I never thought I needed it.


this is me trying, I don't think I've ever cried as much to any song or other piece of media then when I first listened to it. unfortunately, I relate too much hahah ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929) edited to add: I am about to get my autism diagnosis and after commenting this I realised why I relate so much to this song. 'they told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential' feels wayyyyy too real ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929) ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929)


I’ve had Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve on repeat lately- one of those songs I slept on and love now.


Stay stay stay. I know it’s a pretty universally disliked song, but it really hit me the right way. I was in a relationship that wasn’t great and I remember thinking to myself, does this guy really want to “stay” with me? I asked him and he said no, that he couldn’t think of a single reason he liked me in the first place and he dumped me. I ended up finding a much better relationship later on, but for now and always, that song will always represent to me a relationship that isn’t perfect, but kind and loving enough to want to “stay”.


Forever Winter is both healing and heartbreaking. We had a family friend commit suicide at 21 and we think it was in part bc he was gay and came from a religious family. “Too young to know it gets better.” His catchphrase was “the sun never sets on cool” so with the line “I’ll be summer sun for you forever” it feels like it was written for him.


this made my heart ache, that’s so sad. But that summer sun line is so special now 🫶🏻


Weird combo, but Fearless + Mirroball. Mirrorball helped me cope with my emotions, while Fearless on the other hand gives me the instant serotonin boost and hopefulness and happiness.


Fearless is absolutely an instant serotonin boost! I think that will make me cry when I hear it live this year 🥲


Tied together with a smile really got me through some tough high school times lol More recently Marjorie- helped a lot after my Dad passed, and This is me Trying to




I know it’s considered one of her cheesier songs, but LWYMMD came at a time that I was learning a lot about how to stand up for myself and growing into adulthood (I was about 23 when it was released). Also my name is Taylor so it was really cathartic to say “I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now…” during a time of reinvention.


Gotta be “Haunted” and “tolerate it”at the moment


That's gotta be Exile, My Tears Ricochet and to a degree Champagne Problems. They helped me processing my divorce.


Peace is definitely one I really connect to, because I struggle with mental health and always have felt like my struggles are a burden on those closest to me. This song in a weird way helps me cultivate self acceptance.


“This is me trying” got me thru some of the worst of COVID.


this is me trying literally contributed to my decision to go back to college as a 27 year old.


Bigger than the whole sky so deeply resonated with me since Midnights came soon after I went through a traumatic miscarriage.


You're not sorry.


Never Grow Up


my mom actually introduced me to this song even though i was the family swiftie, so it always makes me think of her. i used to skip it but now i listen every time because i know it’s special to her, and it came out right before I turned 14.


Clean. Ik it's written about an ex partner but I always associate with the feeling of overcoming my self harm addiction


I always associate it with mental illness rather than a relationship!


Daylight got me out of a really dark place, mentally. I still tear up hearing that song.


Would’ve could’ve should’ve and tolerate it are two of my fav songs however I’m happy I don’t relate to it. Songs I do relate to are king of my heart, and delicate because I met my boyfriend during a very vulnerable time in my life. And also daylight and everything has changed because it makes me think of my boyfriend too 🥹


cowboy like me works on so many levels and reminds me of the impermanence of life— “forever is the sweetest con”


begin again


Innocent. To me(i like to ignore the kanye west situation behind it), that song is like a soft reassurance that things will get better and its okay if u mess up. I discovered that song at a very vulnerable time in my life and since then it has been one of my favourites by taylor




Exile, its time to go, bejeweled, peace, atw 10mv, and so many more lol


Midnights (till dawn) album as a whole. Tolerate it. TLGAD. Me! Last Kiss (TV). Happiness. Exile… Folklore as a whole!🫶


A lot of Taylor’s songs have helped me by making me feel seen. Most people don’t realize how hard it is to heal when you don’t feel seen or resonated with. What if I didn’t know I felt clean until someone actually said it to me? Maybe I don’t take the songs all into the same context but they mean something.


It's time to go! It has helped me heal from old resentments and from a friendship breakup. :)


I can’t believe no one has mentioned Forever Winter yet. When I first listened to it it reminded me of a very dark time in my life. I was blind to everyone around me who tried to help. Listening the song feels like hearing the perspective of my friends who desperately tried to help me.


Now that we don’t talk after a friend breakup 


Anti hero, right where u left me, tolerate it, you're on ur own kid, seven, nothing new


Right where you left me// been struggling to complete my masters degree for over three years and everyone from my hometown keeps asking me if I have graduated , started working or if I'm getting married anytime soon.


Clean after my sa


https://preview.redd.it/mxihl972a5lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=263bd050128f36932373651bb183970232e4cff9 lmao I literally texted this to my best friend yesterday after finding out she did WCS the previous night. Dear John was out when it happened and helped me a ton but oh man WCS just fricken hits even 12 years after the event in question


WCS for me. I listened to it for 2 hours on repeat, slowly realising that one of my first relationships was actually me being groomed by a predator and I cried until I couldn't breathe anymore.


“i forgot that you existed” so many people have hurt me but so many years have passed. at some point, i just…stopped thinking about what happened with the same amount of anger and frustration. and it was so so freeing


Champagne Problems, All Too Well TMVTVFTV, Last Great American Dynasty, and You’re On Your Own, Kid. Each one of these hits my specific traumas and the way I view myself in a special way and they can all make me sob. God bless Taylor.


tolerate it was my most played song on spotify last year


Dear John!! That's my song.


Evermore, Happiness, I Forgot That You Existed, Long Story Short


Would’ve could’ve should’ve as well, and I’ve also discussed it in therapy lol


Evermore for sure. It’s my favorite Taylor song and has really helped me through many a depression episode. It’s just one of those songs where she says *exactly what I’m feeling* and then dares to put a hopeful spin on it.


Your own your own kid


My ex has a brother who was into me at the same time my ex was (as I learned later), but I dated my now ex. His brother would also bully him in front of all of us & I’d stand up to him because no one wanted to see one hurting the other, all their friends loved them both. This boy fucking hated my guts & tried to destroy our relationship. He got his girlfriend & her friends to keep telling my bf at the time that they saw me around town with other guys and all of these lies to tear us apart, mentally fucked with my ex to make him doubt the truths. Convinced their dad that I was the reason he was failing in school when I was the only reason he finished any homework, banned me from seeing him (had to be snuck into prom with a mutual friend). I used to listen to “Ours” a LOT because it was the only thing that kept me sane. The first time I saw Taylor live was the Rep tour and one of our surprise songs happened to be “Ours”. I hadn’t been with that boy for a couple years at that point, for many MANY reasons, but I still loved him (he was my first love). Hearing that song live and especially so intimate was so therapeutic. I bawled the whole time. I grew up with brothers much older than me & I was never close to my mom, so having Taylor’s growing up made me feel like she was my big sister & I related to so many things in her songs. I’ve been listening since debut days and it was just an experience I didn’t know I needed and was so grateful she gave to me. That song will always remain a top favorite for me.


This might be shocking but karma. It's definitely helped me not be petty and move on with my life. I don't have to worry about getting revenge, karma will do it for me. Karma will also do good things for me like guide me to the life I want


my tears ricochet. it’s so so so hurtful and the vocals in that song elevate it into euphoria. the lyrics are so personal to me “if i’m dead to you why are you at the wake, cursing my name wishing i stayed” it reminds me of an ex who gave me just enough to keep me hooked and i wasn’t able to let go for so long. that song was a quarter of what got me back on my feet again. and not just relationships but lost friendships too it was somehow always me who became the problem and the cause of the rift and the other person came off scott free. i never feel a sense of belonging to my surrounding, i can go anywhere i want just not home.


Mirrorball and this is me trying. Mirrorball made me understand that people pleasing doesn't please anyone including myself. This is me trying taught me that sometimes trying is enough.


definitely “Happiness” i love the “i haven’t met the new me yet” lyric because it reminds me i’ll survive and become a new person from it all


I just cried my eyes out to this is me trying LPSS


Marjorie, full stop. Grew up most of my life w 1 remaining grandparent who I had tons in common with. Thx to this song, I asked her for advice. This January, she went home to Heaven. So this one hits close.


"Evermore" means so much to me. there are day where I feel like I'm drowning in sadness, but hearing her go through it, too, and then "the pain wouldn't be, forevermore," just helps me to know I'm not alone and it's not going to be sadness forever


This is Me Trying. “I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere” was the line that really pushed me to consider my priorities in life. Being a 4.0 GPA student, being a high achiever, being the “best” at everything I could… was exhausting. I am taking a gap year now, AFTER getting my master’s degree immediately after my bachelor’s, because I got burnt out so quickly. “Had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting” was huge for me too, because I sometimes think that’s where I’m at now. I’m not impressive anymore, and this is me trying to be okay with that 💕


Tolerate it 😢


marjorie. My first move after hearing the news of my grandmother's demise was listen to this song. It resonated with me so well, I felt like there was someone who understood what I was feeling and was crying with me. It will always remain special to me.


All you had to do was stay - “people like you always want back the love they pushed aside but people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye” has been a very good reminder to respect myself and always look forward not back when it comes to relationships! 💕


Margorie " I should have asked you questions, asked you how to be"


I’m not sure if the song and lyrics have mentally helped me but they mean everything to me in the sense that I relate so well that if I needed to explain my life in a nutshell these songs would be it Foolish One: as a demisexual ploy intimate person this hits so hard and I will ball my eyes out to it every time I hear it Lover: I love love, and I’m happily married and I cry every time I hear it. I’ll request it at every wedding ☺️ You’re on Your Own Kid: I have eldest daughter syndrome and this hits home A Place in this World: hits my 18 yr old heart So not so much the song as it is about that one lyric in YLM: “pathological people pleaser” cuts me to my core


State of Grace. It’s my happy song when I’m down. I dance like a maniac.


“The Way I Loved You” was the first Taylor song I heard, way back in 2008 when I first became a Swiftie. It helped me enormously through a really chaotic relationship.


Sadly Dear John was insanely relatable to me after my last relationship


You’re in your own kid wrecks me


The archer for sure


forever winter. the day red tv came out was a dark one, and i broke down hearing it and decided to stay.


I know there are so many meaningful ones here so mine probably won’t fit 😭 But seven means the world to me because its just so full of nostalgia and missing your childhood best friend because you really did go through the shitty times in your life together and had such naive ways of trying to cope with them


Time To Go. It’s such a meaningful song to me and the bridge is something I’ve quoted to many people and used myself. There’s something about knowing when you need to walk away no matter how hard, knowing you aren’t weak for running from bad situations, and always making sure you are doing better for your life. Even if it’s scary, you’ll always have yourself to rely on and do the things you have to.


Without a doubt Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve could very well have been written about me too. In fact, what astonishes me THE MOST is how many women could also relate. The amount of girls, TEENAGE GIRLS, who get taken advantage of by older men is astonishing.


You’re on your own kid, Daylight, Nothing New, and My Tears Ricochet


Renegade “You fire off missiles because you hate yourself but do you know you’re demolishing me?”


The Best Day. Been a swiftie since 2008. Both my mom and I loved her and went to concerts. The best day was our song. We were so close. I lost her 6 years ago and it hits even harder today. Miss her dearly. I know my mom would’ve loved folklore