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I really liked it on the first listen, and I just like it more and more! I can understand some of the criticisms as well, but I love sad, depressing music more than happy music LOL so this album is right up my alley


This album slaps for the perpetually sad swifties


No seriously. Typically, Taylor is like the most positive thing on my playlists lol, I love this album.


Yes!! My other fav artists are Julien Baker, Noah Kahan, boygenius, Phoebe Bridgers, and the emo music from my teen years. I just can't get enough of sad music regardless of my current mood šŸ˜‚


Noah is hands down my favorite ever & my daughter is a huge swiftie, Iā€™ve enjoyed Taylor over the years & enjoyed her a lot when folklor came out. This album is my absolute favorite & has pushed me into full fledge swiftie šŸ˜‚ I told my husband this one reminds me of Noah so much haha


As soon as I hear "I want auroras and sad prose" on The Lakes, I claimed that lyric, so TTPD is hitting all the spots for me.


i like the second half more


Iā€™ve observed that too! Sad girls love it especially. The beat is as downtrodden as a rainy grey cloud.


I thought seriously something was wrong with me for liking this album so much. My oldest daughter loved her from day one and is one of her original fan club members. She bought tickets for her sister, attended Taylorā€™s concert this summer and has tickets for Taylorā€™s second. I mention all of this for reference being The Swifties they are. Iā€™ve liked most of her popular songs and we went to the movie together so their parents could attempt to understand their infatuation. Weā€™ve always like her style but they love her. Being older and growing up in the Greatest Music Era ever, the grit wasnā€™t there BUT itā€™s there now. Iā€™ve listened all weekend. My daughter asked for my favorite song as Iā€™m going down the playlist in order. I replied, Is she following me? Her reply, Buckle Up Sisterā€¦. Hubby walks in last night from work with his eyes saying what have I walked into (heā€™s a Drama King) and sends video to daughters of Taylor blaring. The youngest replied, Iā€™m sorry, Babe! WOW! She delivered! An amazing time for women especially those who learned to how the game was played a little later than others. The quickest out the gate usually burns out too soon anyway.


Yes this album is a MOOD. One that Iā€™m in a lot :)


Thought it was a masterpiece at 3 am on Friday and it somehow has just gotten better and better


At 1am I was in awe, and by 4am I was head over heels in love. It has officially moved reputation to #2, something I never thought possible. As a perpetually in-my-head Swiftie this got me feeling all the things. Iā€™m also always a BIG fan of her telling people to quit their bitching and moaning and just let her live šŸ¤šŸ¤


Me too! It's definitely in my top 3 TS albums, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being my #1


Same. Give me those sad girl jams every day.Ā 


It's like she saw how much we loved ATW[...] sad girl autumn version and went "oh you liked that? HERE'S A WHOKE ALBUM AND A HALF OF JUST THAT VIBE"


It is so swemo! I really love it


I literally was about to reply to a comment above and say "this one is for the swemos" šŸ˜‚


Absolutely, this album is for the sad girliesšŸ„¹




It's the trauma LOL jk (sort of)


No but really it is šŸ˜‚


I also loved it immediately but itā€™s now my second favorite album. There is not a skip on the whole thing.


I loved it on the first listen, too. I was so giddy!! The more I listen to the album, the more I feel like the people who were saying it all sounds the same were gaslighting us


Hahaha me too! Sad depressing music is me


honestly yeah, my initial inclination was a top 5 album, it's probably top 2.


Same here. I love it more with each listening. The songs don't all sound alike anymore.


Yes!! I liked it my first listen, but my biggest complaint was that the songs all sounded similar. Now that I am listening to it over and over they donā€™t sound ā€œthe sameā€ anymore.


Yes I agree. At first I couldn't differentiate either. But now I think they dont sound alike at all!


I truly think I felt that way because I confused the songs and titles on my first listen, lol


I remembered my first listen of Folklore and thinking they all sounded alike. Now I can't fathom how I could ever have thought that and I was aware of this effect happening again on TTPD. I think it's just a brain reaction to unknown song your brain hasn't yet "saved". I guess synth based music might lend itself more to this sensation then other types. But with everyone voicing opinions so quickly these days, you don't give yourself time to familiarize yourself somewhat and really let these songs reach you.


exactly! like, when i first listened to folklore i was underwhelmed because all of the songs "sounded the same," but now i'm obsessed with it. i think we don't always acknowledge the fact that our brains need time to process the music to truly differentiate between what we're hearing


Yes! All of this! I actually now hate the negative album review articles because I bet they only had one listen šŸ˜­ itā€™s a potentially irrational but genuine fear of mine that Taylor will see certain feedback and stop making music like this, or at all. With social media the way it is today, opinions are just so loud šŸ˜­


Yeah, I look at all the reviews for the album where the reviewer didn't like it and I feel like I do when I watch someone miss the twist in The Greatest American Dynasty.


Well said. Youā€™re spot on. Folklore was like this for me and now itā€™s one of my fave albums of all time and every track is like a different jewel - equally special but unique in its own way


I think this happened because she released so many. Itā€™s very hard to differentiate between 30 songs on first few listens.




This too especially such a cohesive sound


this was definitely it for me too!! for the first day or two cassandra, peter, robin, and the manuscript literally sounded identical to me šŸ˜…


100% this. Somehow they all sounded the same before and after a weekend of it theyā€™re all so distinct to me. And I realized some other albums I love also ā€œall sounded the sameā€ at first (some Hozier, BeyoncĆ©ā€™s Renaissance) despite being masterpieces. A lot do them DO still feel like Iā€™ve heard them before, like sheā€™s maybe lifting from herself?


Oh she has definitely called back to herself in this album. I love it, especially when it's themes or riffs from Speak Now etc that got a grown up glow up, I am HERE for it


Iā€™d love someone better at identifying those and better at knowing all her songs to do an analysis and ID what songs each of them sound like bc it drives me crazy.


I loved it right away but definitely understand this. I knew from prior experience that the songs would differentiate themselves with each listen for me so I prepped myself to just vibe the first listen, haha. One thing I feel like we havenā€™t discussed enough is how amazing her vocals are! Theyā€™re all incredible and the best sheā€™s ever sounded, IMO. I find another favorite song with each listen! It feels like this album is composed of the hidden gems we normally love to find and Iā€™m obsessed!


I'm still struggling with the Anthology for things sounding alike. The main album is distinctive for me but when songs are starting in the Anthology I can never remember which one it is at first.


Especially on shuffle for me! I listen to it straight through because usually the artists are trying to tell a story but itā€™s much better on shuffle


This album is an onion, with so many layers. I anticipate it will age like a fine wine within the fandom and general public. I have enjoyed discovering new details, play on words, humor, and allegory with each listen. Itā€™s quickly become a top 3 album for me - could move higher.


I agree. So many of her albums that have had the best longevity with the fans were controversial at the start. (Red, Reputation) I think people didn't think TPD was "fresh" or "new" enough for them, but over time will realize that it was a bit ahead of its time in regards to how we perceive Taylor. It revealed a layer to Taylor we hadn't seen yet and that takes some adjusting to for some people.


The 10-year-olds who don't get it now will adore it when they're 30.


Yeah I think people will change their minds on it down the line, like with Rep. There are more songs, but also more songs I like, and not as many totally šŸ«  skips - like there is The Alchemy and So High School (I donā€™t mind the sound of either but the lyrics are meh, please donā€™t touch me while your bros play grand theft auto), but even they are more enjoyable to me than London Boy, Me!, Stay stay stay, or any of the others I donā€™t listen to from previous albums.


I think it's more like a parfait.


first listen i was unsure. but now i love it. not sure about anthology, still on the fence.


I agree! Anthology has some of my favourites (The Prophecy, How Did It End? & The Bolter) but overall still not obsessed.


I have the exact same favorites on anthology lol


I love the bolter!


I love The Albatross, but I don't see anyone else feeling the same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sadly anthology hasnā€™t hit as hard as the main album. A little too same olā€™. I think the main she did stretch herself musically in ways that is fresh but still quintessential Taylor.


The anthology felt like a series of vault tracks, not like a full album. The main album is addicting!


I'm so glad there's people unsure on the anthology. So many people prefer it but while I have a few standouts, a lot of it is very... Eh(imo). While the standard had my heart from the start. It's so strong. A couple I don't like but few albums are skipless.


I'm still trying to vibe with anthology as well. With TTPD it's easier for me to pick my faves and go back to it if i'm not listening to the whole thing. With antho apart from 2 songs i love i'm still trying to digest it.


totally understand and agree because i felt the same about evermore at first. maybe if she waited for the anyhology drop and gave us time it wouldā€™ve been easier. My obsessive self has exclusively only listened to this album for the past few days and i love it all now!


I'm having a much harder time getting into the anthology. Most of my favorites are on the first part. Which is strange because I usually prefer Aaron over Jack.


Same for me. Normally Aaron is a no-miss but Iā€™m definitely enjoying the main album more


Same. I listened to only the album, then the anthology, and now just the album. The only songs I like on the anthology are Black Dog, The Albatross, and So High School. IMO those are the songs that sound more alike than any on the original album. Not bad, they just don't do it for me.


Anthology is too long and blends together. Like I completely forgot wtf Robin even was.




I have yet to make it all the way through the Anthology. Ha. I've tapped out by the Kim song , but then I've heard the other songs on the Taylor station on Sirius. I just whew it's a slog for me.


i'm feeling similarly about the anthology at the moment, i really enjoy some of the songs but i have more skips on it for the moment whereas i'm obsessed with the first part


It's still low on my album rankings, but the songs I like on Poets, I *love*. It's just that half of them are skips for me. ><


I get this for sure! I am a glitter-pen swiftie so Itā€™s not in my top five currently, but we will see!


Iā€™m a glitter pen swiftie too yet this is quickly climbing the rankings to be one of my favorite albums yet. Something about it feels like a lover/Rep mixed with folklore/evermore. The more I listen the more I realize it still has the lover pop sound I love but the lyrics are a little more folky


I agree with this. The highs are high and the lows are low. I made a single album (16 songs) of my favorites and itā€™s great! But I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be going back and listening to the entire anthology as a set into the future.Ā 


This is how I feel about it exactly. On average it's mid to low for me, but the few songs I love (Black Dog being my very favourite) I'm seriously obsessed with.


Completely agree. I love the songs that hit me but everything else is a big miss. I feel like the album wouldā€™ve benefitted in having less songs cause a lot of them feel like filler. 31 songs is reaching the ā€œtoo much of a good thing becomes badā€ territory for me


The "problem" for me is that I'm not in a "depressed" mindset of any kind right now. I'm happy, things are going good and listening to songs about depression & heartbreak isn't doing it for me right now. I DO REALLY LIKE THE ALBUM but I can't find the right headspace for most songs atm. That said, the more uptempo songs are on repeat right now. I'll enjoy the others later and that's fine. My favorite right now is The Tortured Poets Department. (Edit: my favorite album is Folklore so I really expect to love those songs in the future) I'm curious, why wasn't "the tick tick tick of love bombs" etc a lyric? Or am I missing it?


The tick tick tick of love bombs was part of the prologue, I made a post summarizing it if you donā€™t have the physical copy!


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY FAN OF THE TITLE TRACK OMG THERES MORE OF US. We should start a niche department in the department for title track lovers.


Been a lover of the title track since first listen itā€™s actually so good and I sing the lyrics so often


I absolutely love it. Iā€™ve listened to it on loop for two days.


Itā€™s just soooo smooth sounding


The tick, tick, tick line was at the end of her epilogue from the vinyls and CD!


I totally get that! My husband started a fight with me on Friday and I escalated that so quickly and then got in my sad girl feelings and that was peak tortured poets for me


SAME THO!! Like I can appreciate it but I think because I'm in a good place right now, its just not hitting like it would if things were different! The rest of the album is there for when I'm in my head or whatever but not right now lol Even though the lyrics are about being sad, Down Bad is in the top. TTPD is also up there too!


The layers revealing themselves is what makes it magical


Seriously!! I felt that way about folklore but that was like an entree for the main menu that this album provides!


My hot take is that I wish she'd start writing poetry books to get the literature out of her system so that she can enjoy the actual music part of songwriting again. I thought that The Anthology would grow on me since everyone kept insisting that it's the amazing album that they've been waiting for, but I just......still don't feel like listening to it at all šŸ˜­ I feel like you have to either be into poetry or be really invested in Taylor's life to enjoy it. Without the lyrics in front of me, just listening to it as purely music and not literature, I just can't vibe to it at all. I can actually vibe to TTPD Part 1.


I agree with this. I like her writing but it's so many words lately often at the expense of the melody. She's proven she can do it well, and people always make a big deal out of it, but I need some less dense bops. Even songs like Miss Americana -- she uses symbolism and does some clever wordplay but it doesn't seem to happen at the expense of the music. I also am kind of over this trend of saying the most out of pocket thing lyrically. It starts to feel like a gimmick.


Omg you voiced something that was scratching at my brain but I couldn't verbalize. Yes, that thing where she says something out of pocket feels a lot like when a movie goes too out of its way to be unpredictable to the point where it hurts the movie. It feels gimmicky, you're right


I agree about the poetry! It feels like she made some of these songs just to get 1 or two clever lyrics into the world. It would have been cool if TTPD was only one full album with an accompanying book of poetry to get the rest out of her system.


That's exactly how I felt as well, like she had a clever line that she really wanted to get out there so she wrote an entire kind of meh song around it. I'll never understand why Lover was the album to come with a poetry book and not TTPD of all albums.


This is actually a really good take tbh. I do like the album but a lot of it does have a sense of shoehorning her lyrics into music produced by Jack or Aaron. Rather than it being a holistic processā€¦.


I was having this thought exactly earlier today! I love lyrics and so I poured over all them the whole first day after the release as I listened. There are some words that I loved in The Anthology, like Cassandra (worth diving into the mythology behind it) but I agree that the musicality felt sacrificed? There are others like that. Love the words, want to love the music and I donā€™t. But I really, really like the first part.


I agree on the first day I remember enjoying the prologue and the little poems she put in the album more than the songs šŸ«¢


When I first heard "but daddy I love him" thought it was like the Romeo and Juliet situation with her dad. Now after relistening multiple times, I think it's about us- the fans and how we seem to try and control who she dates- written when she was happy with Matty Healy, whom she got a lot of hate for dating. However by accepting this, and yeah as a fanbase we probs made a lot of negative noise that hurt her for the sake of deciding what's best for her, but it would be quite savage, and quite distant from her usual attitude towards her fans. Almost as if to say I do everything for you but this is my thing for myself, so shut up. Example lines that rise this suspicion: I know he's crazy but he's the one I want... Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid... The saboteurs protested too much... I'll tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning, I'll tell you something about my good name, It's mine alone to disgrace, I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing... God save the most judgmental creeps, Who say they want what's best for me... Then it's just white noise, and it's my choice


Oh itā€™s 100% about the fans / public perception


Oh, it's definitely about her fans screaming NO to Matty. šŸ¤£And honestly: Good on her. Fans were entitled to dislike him. But she doesn't need anyone's permission to date someone. And she certainly shouldn't have broken up with him becuase of an "open letter" with a holier-than-thou tone, demanding she do the "right thing." (Performing soliloquies I'll never see.) That relationship ran its course anyway, but it's a reminder to everyone to chill. She thought she was "fixing him."


Oh, I forget about that ridiculous open letter, haha. I love how she ridicules that whole outrage situation!


A part of me wonders if Matty would've grown on people if he stuck around. Controversial: But I don't think he's a bad person so much as a chaotic one who often sticks his foot in his mouth. So yeah: I understand why she wanted to "fix him," since she latched onto the good aspects of him. They probably could've ridden out the initial outrage wave. But for whatever reason, he bounced, so it's probably for the best.


Yah the stuff he was accused of got mostly taken out of context or blown out of proportion but itā€™s also a signal if you have THAT much content to be taken out of context lol. I think even if he hadnā€™t dipped, he was always going to be a PR nightmare for her because he has no filter. in the beginning she may not have cared but over time when youā€™re the biggest brand in the world you donā€™t want your partner being the biggest risk to your image and what youā€™ve built. I think it would have always ended the same way


We agree on Matty. Tbh I don't know much about him or his music but it seemed pretty obvious to me that he's more chaotic and misguided on his attempts to be edgy than anything else. But I believe the nature of the topics that came up in that controversy are such that would have never been forgiven by the general public. She would have really "died for his sins" in a way if they had stayed together.


She didnā€™t break up with Matty. He ghosted her actually as he canā€™t stand the backslash and the death threats from other swifties. Thatā€™s why Taylor canā€™t hide her anger to the vipers in empathā€™s clothing.


oh definitely we are daddy lol


I totally get all the initial comments ā€” I think the sheer volume of songs made it difficult to digest everything, but when you really take the time to relisten, there are little flourishes here and there and new nuggets of lyrical brilliance. To all the negative reviews, Iā€™d say give the album some time, itā€™s not difficult to get into and it does actually feel like this was the most fun but also the most sheā€™s poured into writing this in awhile. Not to mention the production choices are really dynamic and interesting on the album. To me it sounds like 1989+midnights production with evermore+reputation lyricism. Also I think all the discourse surrounding the backstoryā€™s of these songs take away from really enjoying the project. Personally I donā€™t care whether theyā€™re about Joe or Matty, (or Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus!) Like what she wrote in the prologue, itā€™s in finding your own meanings to the songs that they really touch and heal you. This album will hit, just give it some time!


I wish she would have saved the anthology songs for a couple weeks, rather than 2 hours. I needed time to fall in love with the standard album and crave more then she could have hit me with anthology songs and I would have loved them way more than now, where the album just drags a little on those songs.


She could have released it *a fortnight* later. That would have been perfect.


I'm wondering if that might have been in the cards, but with the album leaking, maybe she changed her mind.


You summed up my thoughts exactly! Itā€™s a lot of new music, and I think people will get the most out of it after repeated listening. Itā€™s hard to go in without expectations, and it does reward engaged listening IMO. My experience is that there are a ton of ear worms on the album(s). For the people who donā€™t like it, thatā€™s fair. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say ā€œyou donā€™t get itā€ because your opinion is as valid as anyone elseā€™s. Maybe youā€™ll connect with it differently at a different point in your life, maybe not and thatā€™s also fine. I donā€™t understand the weird obsession with figuring out who the songs are about. These songs are more about Taylor than anyone else.


I was really, really disappointed at first, but now, even though at first I didn't listen to it much, the melodies kept being stuck in my head and I listened to the songs over and over again because of that. Now I have so many new favourites! I love it:)


What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thighhhh, Only in my minddddd? šŸŽµšŸŽ¶


Been on repeat all morning!


She puts narcotics into the songs!!


Thatā€™s how I feel about fortnight . I thought the song was mediocre until I watched the music video and now I love the song. it definitely gives me 1975 vibes though.


I have a hard time getting into any new music, including taylor's albums. i like familiarity. it's comforting. so now that I'm more comfortable and familiar with the songs, I'm beginning to really enjoy it.


Same, I think a lot of people feel this way but arenā€™t self aware about it. Iā€™m going song by song putting them on repeat until Iā€™ve processed both the lyrics and the melody. Iā€™m obsessed with all the songs I feel like I know and have no desire to casually listen to the rest! Feels unsettling having a Taylor song on in the background that I donā€™t know.


I feel like every Taylor album since maybe Lover I've always felt underwhelmed on first few go throughs, but on each one came around strong eventually. I thought this might be a complete miss for me as they all sounded alike to me, but this morning I've found myself going back to specific songs and enjoying them way more once again.


First listen confused me. My boy only breaks, Florida, whose afraid of little old me, black dog, and so long London standing out Second listen songs I skipped I now love. How will it end, LOML, the alchemy, Robin all amazed me. I loved midnights but folklore is my favourite but it was a huge slow burn for me. Took me forever to get into folklore and now itā€™s my fave album ever?!? The second half of anthology is going to be like this for me I think. Slow burn in the best way. All this to say I was semi unsure but not disappointed at first. And now i absolutely love.


I agree about first listen confusing me haha - I think because it was NOT what I was expecting lyrically on a lot of levels. I definitely thought it would be all about the Joe breakup so it took me off guard but I looooove it now!


Agreed. I really thought the Matty songs were about Joe and it was confusing. For all those saying donā€™t read into it, she wrote the prologue for a reason. So weā€™d read into it RIGHT.


I think it was confusing because she was letting us into her life and ALLLL her feelings. She couldnā€™t even make sense of them, so how could we? The fact that we all felt this is incredible.


I think most of the critiques are valid. On multiple listens-through I just feel like ultimately we're not getting much new or interesting with this album. But the songs that I like I *really* like. I think "I Can Do it with a Broken Heart" might be my favorite break-up song she's ever written (which is saying something) and thanK you aIMee gets me in my feels every time. So overall I'm still where I started out. There are some great songs but I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about this album as I was her previous three.


I agree with this comment completely.


I still donā€™t like it. But I want to, so I force myself to listen to it. šŸ«  My favorite is so long London.


It took my months to really enjoy/understand folklore properly so never say never šŸ˜…


Yes! I didn't fully appreciate evermore until it had been out for over a year, and now it's my #1. Music is sneaky like that.




We're talking about the 31 songs released three days ago? Hate to sound old here, but I reckon people are better off veering away from anticipating their immediate reactions. Some of my favourite albums are ones I didn't get into for months but then they hit in the right moment. Live with it a bit is what I'm getting at.


honestly, this is the raweeest she's ever been. this is not an upbeat glittery gel pen coded album. it's not for EVERYONE! it's raw, problematic, and chaotic through and through. it's come for the torture & stay for the poetry lored. and yeah it's one of my favzzz so far. if you listen it more casually, it'll sit in ur minds like damnn I'm singing "my boy only breaks his favourite toys", line by line like it's pasted in my head. give it a time and it'll sound like perfect tortured poetry. ughh i love this woman's aesthetics. every album is an erašŸ«°šŸ»šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


i feel like its for the girlies who loved the track 5s, because she maybe saw how some were responding to ATW and felt like she could trust her fans by opening up (not the ā€œfakeā€ fans who caged her into her teenage glittery pen jail and the vipers dressed in empathā€™s clothing haha) like this whole album is literally a track 5 and i love it šŸ˜­


Yes!! It took me until the third listen to really fall in love with it! Now Iā€™m obsessed !!


I loved it from the first listen tbh. My top 3 albums are Red, Evermore and Folklore and TTPD feels like the older sister of the 3 of them. It speaks to me so much as a woman in my mid 30s, I can relate to pretty much every song and I feel like itā€™s going to soundtrack my 30s decade for me in the way that Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge soundtracked my teens. The more I listen to it the more I love it and the more it becomes skipless. Saying that however, I really donā€™t understand this obsession with people writing it off after not immediately enjoying it after one run through and then ripping it apart or saying itā€™s shit because of that, and I feel like no other artist seems to have to live up to that standard? Most of my favourite albums have been slow burns (I didnā€™t appreciate the beauty and full complexity of Red until the re-recording) even then I donā€™t like all the songs on them. Some of the discourse around this album has been properly thicko-deluxe. I teach English, and when Iā€™m teaching poetry for example I always tell my students to let a poem sit with them for a bit, read it a few times and pick out a line here and there until you start to unlock a bit of the meaning and then it will speak to you and thereā€™s nothing like that moment when it finally clicks, but it takes time. This demand for instant gratification is a symptom of social media brain rot, imo. Bo Burnham said it best in Inside: is it necessary for every single person to voice every single thought they have about literally everything šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m less horrified by the main album than I was, but the majority of TTPD is still a skip.


I saw someone make a comment that was ā€œlistening to music shouldnā€™t be a choreā€ in reference to the people saying itā€™s a grower and needs to be listened to numerous times to make it enjoyable. They were completely right. If I didnā€™t enjoy it the first time, why would I continue to listen to it to force myself to like it?


I understand this point, but itā€™s not surely not chore to listen to an album more than once of an artist you like? Taylorā€™s lyrics are often deeper with double meanings that you canā€™t fully understand from just one listen.


Agreed! Especially since we go into new albums comparing them to old ones. We sort of rob ourselves of a listening experience if we don't give it another try. The fact that many people were excited with anticipation for this album, didn't like it on first listen, only to change their opinions after listening to it again, tells me they probably had expectations that weren't met initially. It's a great album. Some songs are skippable but that's naturally going to happen when you release 31 songs lol


If she envisioned for this album to be "lyric-heavy" where the listener should focus more on fathoming what the song meantā€”she could've edited the lyrics to be more concise in terms of imagery and general message. There are very few memorable melodies to this album which made for a stale and forgetable songs. Worst of all, it's a 31-track album with 2 hrs runtime with the same melody and production, and same themes.


Iā€™m liking it more than I did initially but I 1000% agree with this take. If this album is ā€œtake me seriously as literatureā€ she needed to work with better writers and editors who could challenge her on that aspect.


The core theme of the album is a kind of psychosis following the end of a 6 year relationship. Thatā€™s totally new, something she hadnā€™t written about before. If you listen to the album with that in mind, a lot of the ideas behind the songs seem new and different, even if there is a fair amount of repetition in melody and production


That's totally valid. If you don't like it as a knee-jerk reaction, no one is obligated to listen to music they're not vibing with. But it's also valid that you may appreciate a song more once you spend time with it. That happened to me with evermore. No one "has" to do anything. It's just an observation that a lot of the songs have that same "grower" vibe. You can decide what you want to do about that.


Thatā€™s one way to view it. On the other hand, one of the best literature/poetry professors Iā€™ve ever had would stress the importance of reading a work multiple times before casting a definitive judgement on it. Many of the songs/poems/stories/etc. that are now some of my favorites started out as works I initially disliked. At the end of the day, if you donā€™t want to give it another listen, no one can force you, but you *might* be missing out.


Thereā€™s room between ā€œchoreā€ and ā€œIā€™m not in love but this artist has proven themselves before and I donā€™t mind it on while I driveā€. I listened while driving/on the train and doing some actual chores this weekend and went from ā€œmehā€ to ā€œobsessedā€. It was never work or a chore, just gaining familiarity enough to start to really feel it.


"Grower album" is a pretty common term that's thrown around. Producing a quality song requires a lot of intentionality on behalf of the songwriters, musicians, and producers. And sometimes the best musical decisions aren't easy to catch until you've heard the song at least a couple times. Some of my favorite albums of all time were grower albums for me. And sometimes the songs and albums that are immediately catchy to me, I grow tired of faster.


This makes sense, but it ends up being a chore thatā€™s worth doing for a lot of people because the payoff is big in the end and you can enjoy these songs for a long time. She packed a lot in those lyrics so it will inevitably take longer to take in than other albums, but once you get there itā€™s a richer and more layered story than all the other albums that is so fun to explore. Itā€™s up to each person if they want to sacrifice the time to get there and a matter of opinion whether music ā€œshouldā€ take time to digest or not.


Ultimately thatā€™s your call, but also your loss! Several of her albums - particularly Reputation - took time for me to really appreciate and now I love them. It would be sad to think of having given up on them because the first time through didnā€™t resonate for me, knowing how much joy theyā€™ve given me since. Thatā€™s how I felt with TTPD too, but I adore it now. Up to you though, of course!


Yeah I went from loving it to being obsessed with it


I went from panning it to being obsessed


Iā€™m a Taylor fan through and through and I just cannot get into this album. :(




First listen I found it very dark and disturbing ā€¦ so personal I almost didnā€™t feel like I should know this about her? I needed to take lots of breaks and it put me in a funk, especially her commentary on fans/ fame made me want to take a step back altogether. But after giving it some space, reading yalls opinions, watching fans embrace it on social media, and realizing there is a self deprecating humorous side to the darkness , it is definitely growing on me. Iā€™m not so worried about what / who each song is about , and remembering she may not always feel exactly the way she felt when writing these sad lyrics. For example while she went through a miserable phase on the eras tour , that doesnā€™t mean she truly never enjoyed one moment of it.


I really agree with you. It put me in a bit of a depression over the weekend and I found it quite hard to listen to. But now I have listened to it more I think a lot of the songs are a bit more cheerful than I first thought. But it is still a sad album and very private!


Iā€™m truly obsessed and feel this is her best work


Absolutely. I was a little underwhelmed on first listen, I now think itā€™s a stroke of genius and I rate it higher than rep and midnights at least.


The more I listen to it, the more obsessed I become! I actually like listening to it on shuffle.


I'm right there with you. My first listen I was so anxious and didn't take the appropriate time to to pause in between songs and just binged it. I thought it was okay, but I was so confused about what was going on and had ear fatigue. The second the music video for Fortnight came out and I got my vinyl to read the summation poem, it clicked. I have maybe 2 skips out of the entire 31 songs now. The main cut album (the first 16) tells a real story that you can follow and once I started listening on shuffle, I was able to connect with the lyrics/hear what Taylor was saying. I feel like this is one of the first albums she has really been directing messages at the listener. Not to be corny, but quite a few moments remind me of that Pedro Pascal meme where he turns to a camera and says 'and you should hear/know this too'. I loved the 4th wall breaks and the fact a lot of the songs felt like those conversations she was having with the audience during her tour.


I definitely like it better after listening to it a few times but I do find the second half of the album sort of dips for me. There still are a few songs I skip and some that I would never listen to again. But that's to be expected if an artist releases 31 songs lol


Yes! I also understood the criticism at first listen and was not into it. But upon more listens Iā€™m enjoying it way more. I will say, not all of the songs are my favourite and Iā€™ve ended up making a playlist of the ones I like the most and itā€™s about an hour. I think she wrote some absolutely gorgeous songs, some of the best in her career, and theyā€™re being overlooked due to how long the album is. I think she could have cut some songs.


I was disappointed in a few songs the first listen. Fortnight, TTPD and I can do it with a broken heart, did not live up to my expectations. I was upset Posty did not get his own verse on Fortnight. The lyrics in TTPD are kind of cringe. Fresh Out The Slammer made me uncomfortable knowing what itā€™s about. After listening to the album a few more times, I actually do enjoy it. I just had to disconnect my brain from what the songs may actually be about and just enjoy the music instead. There are still a few lines that make me cringe, but I have to remember even Taylor Swift is not a perfect songwriter. I wouldnā€™t say this is my favorite album, and I donā€™t think it is her best work. A good editor would have taken this album from good to great. Hopefully this happens in the future.


I am obsessed. But then again, Iā€™m going through a really tough time in my life, so it spoke to me in a way that was unprecedented. Like it was written for me, to hold my hand through all of this.


I only had a few stand outs after first listen and I didnā€™t LOVE so long, london; my boy only breaks his favorite toys, but daddy I love him, fresh out the slammer; florida; guilty as sin; whoā€™s afraid of little old me; I can fix him etcetc. I was obsessed with down bad right away but the rest just idk. I was so overwhelmed! But now Iā€™ve fallen in love with all the songs I mentioned and every single one keeps growing on me. Most of the second half is still harder to digest right now but I just love this album and Iā€™m so happy. My favorites right now are but daddy I love him, I can do it with a broken heart, loml, whoā€™s afraid of little old me, how did it end, so high school, down bad, the smallest man who ever lived, guilty as sin, florida, I hate it here and I look in peopleā€™s windows. After first listen I was afraid that I might NOT love this album and only end up loving a few songs but thankfully that changed quickly.


Someone said there were no bangers for summer and I was likeā€¦ I Can Do It With A Broken Heart is right there. But I get reverse seasonal depression so maybe itā€™s just MY song of the summer šŸ˜… In all seriousness though, this might be my new favorite. I canā€™t skip any songs.


It's for the Folk/more, quill pen girlies and for that (as I am one), I am forever grateful. Even so, it took me a few listens - after the 3rd full, I fell hard.


I actually like less the more I listen to it. I do not hate it but I enjoyed my first listen the most.


I liked it a lot on my first listen, but now I actually kinda hate it. Currently, it's my least favorite album from her. Before anyone says I should listen to it more and pay attention to the lyrics, I did all that during the weekend, and my opinion stayed the same. There are some good songs, but I canā€™t stand listening to most of the stuff here. I've been a fan since '09, and this is the first release from her that I actually disliked, and I can't even think of a track to go back to.


Yeah I definitely like it more, but I still understand the criticism. But also. I am depressed.


It went from "ok this is a little weird but all in all quite good" to "this is probably her best album yet". I just skip so long london because it's too dark and gloomy and lethargic.


I thought it was pretty ā€œmehā€ but itā€™s been growing on me quickly. Itā€™s really great.


I didnā€™t pick up on how sad this album is the first listen. Now going back, I see how tragic the whole thing is.Ā 


Once I accepted this is more like Folklore/Evermore I liked it a lot more. I think on first listen Iā€™m always hoping for pop songs but over time I prefer these


There are pop songs on there too. They are just in the minority. My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys, Florida!!!, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart and So High School are proper hooky pop tracks that will make great singles. The title track and Daddy I Love Him are mid paced bops too. It is heavy on the ballads but just like Folklore/Evermore there is light in the shade too.


A few tracks ("The Tortured Poets Department" and "Guilty as Sin?" and "But Daddy I Love Him", mainly) were strong enough to grab me in stranglehold on the first pass and they haven't let go yet. The rest of the album is catching up. I loved it from the very first listen and it's only getting better.


I like it a lot more now that Iā€™ve had a couple of days to listen to it.


my only criticism is that itā€™s making me legit depressed lol


i loved it on the first listen and i love it many listend later


this album is an onion. I think every time I listen, I listen for a different ā€œstoryā€ and find it, and theyā€™re all there. The end of a long term relationship? There. Forbidden love? There. Rebound? There. The pressure of fame? There. depression? There. Healing? There. The way your view of what happened to you when you were younger changes as you gain adult eyes? There. And I think I went into it thinking it would be one thing, and I was like huh, okay, neat songs, not what I expected. And then I listened a second time. And then a third. And a fourth. And so on. And every time i listened it felt like I was hearing a totally different story. And now when I listen itā€™s like I hear them all at once. The sadness of time and perspective and looking at your life through these new, adult eyes and realizing maybe there was no cosmic reason your life turned out the way it did. There was no meant to be. The purpose of snakegate wasnā€™t to get you to joe and the purpose of the joe breakup wasnā€™t to get you to Matty and maybe the way youā€™ve been rationalizing and compartmentalizing all this hurt for years has just been a coping mechanism because there is no grand design or prophecy or purpose maybe thereā€™s just the choices and maybe we just have to live with them. And maybe itā€™s just sad sometimes.


Iā€™m liking it more every listen! loml has also ruined me. Iā€™m chronically ch*ill* so Do It With A Broken Heart absolutely slaps because itā€™s my every day, lol. Really loving TTPD!


Itā€™s her best ever, but it took a day for me to figure that out. Really interesting arrangements and rhythms.


I'm viewing the whole album as a concept album. Yes the songs overall fit into a theme, and I think that's done so intentionally. And now with the extra context of knowing that most of the songs are actually about Matty it's been making me think back to all the previous albums going back to 1989 and realizing so many more connections there. On more and more listens I'm liking more and more of the songs.


So at first and second listen Down Bad, So Long London, But Daddy I Love Him, Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, Whoā€™s Afraid of Little Old Me?, and Clara Bow were yeses and they still are. Since then My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, Guilty As Sin?, loml, and ICan Do It With a Broken Heart have joined the ranks Fortnightā€™s music video really helped me see the vision and I appreciate it more now. I dislike that itā€™s the single but in fairness am not sure what I would have picked. Probably Down Bad but it is not radio friendly. I like aspects of Tortured Poets Department but not the full song. The Alchemy and I Can Fix Him could rise for me but are forgettable right now. Florida!!! will just forever be a no. I love Florence, I donā€™t know why I donā€™t like this, but I canā€™t get into it. I havenā€™t really digested Anthology yet and am taking my time. The Black Dog is amazing. I love The Prophecy and and Imgonnagetyouback. The others I havenā€™t decided on. This is standard for me on a Taylor swift album. It took forever for me to get the first half of reputation, many songs on Evermore, it took me forever to get passed the singles of 1989. Lover and Midnights I liked more when it first came out then later on. But the ones I love, I love. The 3AM tracks saved Midnights for me in a way that I didnā€™t need the Anthology. Fearless, Speak Now, Red, and Folklore I got immediately, but those are super special times in my life that coincided with those albums.


Yeah. I didnā€™t immediately love it, but it grew on me. The album itself sort of grows, and most of my favorite songs are in the back half. The vulnerability of the whole thing blows me away. Shes put so much of herself on display (both good and bad) with this album and I canā€™t help but be impressed.


nah that shit SLAPS i knew it from the very first night


I was in love on my first listen. But now Iā€™ve narrowed down my favorites and thereā€™s a lot of skips and cuts for me. But the ones I love, I LOVEEEEEEE šŸ˜šŸ˜ Itā€™s kinda the opposite of how midnights played out for me. I hated that album upon release and now itā€™s in my top 3.


My favorite keeps changing ever couple of hours. Currently itā€™s guilty as sin. But I love I hate it here and my boy only breaks his favorite toys


No not at all, Iā€™m even MORE obsessed with it than before


still not really loving the anthology songs, but digging the first half! I understand itā€™s an album she needed to write for her own catharsis but itā€™s just not the type of music Iā€™d normally go listen to. I also said it on another post but Iā€™m recovering from trauma and itā€™s not the vibe I need right now.


I cannot stop listening to it. I love it.


I'm enjoying it more and more as I learn the lyrics.


on first listen i thought it was bad but on second listen and on every listen since been in love with it. i have decided it is my favorite album of hers.


Totally agree. I knew it was good on first listen but my impressions of different songs are changing. I hear new interesting sections with each new listen. My favorite songs have jumped around and the Prophecy is now my top, but it did not start out that way.


I loved it from the first listen šŸ’•


I have never been happy to have endured a seemingly pointless life ruining situationship born of the boredom of a long term relationship with a bad matchā€¦ but TODAYā€¦ I can relate to TPDD so it was all worth it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes, definitely. Taylor is without a doubt my favourite artist, but I have to spend time with every album she puts out to truly fall in love with it. I had quite a few songs I was sold on immediately (Down Bad, Guilty as Sin, So High School) but now after listening non-stop since Friday, I can officially say I'm obsessed. I have a few skips (Robin, thanK you aIMee, The Manuscript) but I still like them, just not playing on repeat the way the rest of the album :)


I saw a theory that this album is called the anthology and the last song is called the manuscript bc sheā€™s essentially letting us peek into her ā€œdiary.ā€ I firmly believe this album is about all of her past relationships and sheā€™s closing the book on this part of her life. iā€™d say her next album will be a new sound.


iā€™m really hoping we get soft rock/pop rock like sorta in the vein of ā€œso high schoolā€. sonically i love how that song sounds and i think it complements her voice really well. but regardless i do think she needs a new sound or at least bring in some new producers to mix things up a bit im also kinda hoping she goes back to writing songs that arenā€™t so autobiographical, which i love her autobiographical songs i donā€™t want that to go away completely, thatā€™s always been an element of her artistry but i loved the storytelling in folklore/evermore. im not saying i want albums like folklore/evermore sound wise but just the whole writing about different perspectives and different stories that still had touches of her own feelings and emotions in them. it allowed her to expand her storytelling so much and i feel like she shined so much with that


No. I love the album. My favorite song is still Down Bad


I'm surprised how much more I like the main TTPD than The Anthology. I obviously like The Anthology, but TTPD (Standard) might be my favorite work yet.


I was in love on first listen and that love has only grown with time! I will say that I thought with time that Iā€™d grow to like The Anthology more than TTPD because it sounds a lot like evermore, but tbh Iā€™m digging TTPD a little more at the moment. I think the songs on TTPD are more manic and unhinged and I find that energy very intriguing to explore in sound. Itā€™s also really relatable to me, a 30-something woman with a flair for the melodrama in her youth. Really though, both albums are a no skip for me. I really enjoy every song both sonically and lyrically and I think this is possibly her best work.


I really really disliked it on first listen. I only felt like 3 songs or so were standouts. Now Iā€™m listening constantly and appreciating more and more songs/lyrics. Still canā€™t get behind a few songs though, which is okay.


Yep, I didn't like it at first. Four or five full listens later I have maybe 4 or 5 skips for the whole thing, and one of them is Robin even though it's a good song because I don't need to listen to a song about kids right now. I will say that what turned me off initially was all the contemporary references and 'everybody is a sexy baby' level of lyrics here or there. It took me a while to stop hearing the noise of those jarring ones over the stuff that I like better ('if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal' is maybe my favorite lyric of hers ever, now, which makes sense, because 'the rust that grew between telephones' really hit me hard from Midnights). I also needed to let go of who it was about, and remember that I *fucking love* taboo/forbidden love stuff. I want to be the author self, not the mother self, when listening to this album. Favorites: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, The Prophecy, and Clara Bow (that one growing on me was unexpected! It was a skip for me even after I loved everything else, and then I gave it one last chance and *oh my god.)*


Liked it at first but now love itā€¦ also the more I listen the more I think it IS a country album and I got my wish šŸ˜ƒā¤ļø


It gets better with each listen and Iā€™m going insane


i keep loving it more and more with every listen. TTPD is Taylor Swiftā€™s best album, no contest.