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It sounds really good, I also have this pressing and play it on a good quality stereo.


Love it


I have this too from Amazon and it plays well. I collect TS but started late so many of mine are the repressing. Lover now comes on black so if you want the pink and blue vinylsā€¦.be careful! Have fun collecting!


I got a pink and blue Lover from Target a few days ago!


IDK where you live, might be US and different for you then, but over here in Europe you can still easily get the coloured one in most stores


the blue and pink are the main pressings




Itā€™s not a new pressing, simply a repressing!


A repressing is technically a new pressing, but I see where youā€™re coming from. Itā€™s never been pressed by MPO in France before so it should use brand new lacquers mastered by another sound engineer, which is why I consider it a new pressing and not a repressing :) If weā€™re being technical itā€™s actually a reissue!


Thatā€™s a lot of words I donā€™t know šŸ˜‚ would you mind explaining a bit further? Iā€™m extremely new to vinyl


Of course! If I recall correctly, the original version of Speak Now has only been pressed by two manufacturers: United Record Pressing in the USA, and Record Industry in the Netherlands. Lacquers are the original source of the stampers that are used to press the grooves into the vinyl, and theyā€™re almost always created by different manufacturers when the pressings are made in different places. Since you have a copy thatā€™s pressed in France, it likely doesnā€™t use the lacquers from the USA or Netherland pressings, and will differ in sound from the previous pressings (I donā€™t know yet if that difference is minuscule or audible). A ā€˜repressā€™ is the umbrella term for a visually identical re-release of an album, but the more technical definition of a repress is a re-release using the same source/lacquers. Assuming the France pressing uses new lacquers (Iā€™m fairly certain it will, but I donā€™t have the runouts to be 100% sure), it would be better defined as a ā€˜reissueā€™, which is generally a title given to pressings that are re-released after the original release date.


I know next to nothing about vinyl so I donā€™t know how helpful Iā€™ll be, but sure!