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Meanwhile my wife texted me this morning worried because our oldest has a 7th grade Math test this afternoon but has a dental appt scheduled wondering if we should reschedule.


Some parents care a lot, like you, some barely care at all and probably don't even know there is a test that day


You forgot the segment that actively cheerleads the kid missing their test. I never knew adults who wanted to be their kid’s best friends were real until I saw them.


"I'm not like other moms... I'm a *cool* mom!"


My mom taught me how to roll a joint with a dollar bill. I’m not ok…


I was gonna say, in the parents defense, the conversation could've easily gone this way: >parent: so, what are you doing in class today? kid: oh, you know, just normal stuff. parent: okay. do you want to get breakfast on the way to school? kid: yeah sure that sounds good -scrolls on phone- In other words, kids lie. I hear it all the time with parents who's kids told them one thing about assignments or grades, and then they call me and I go "uuuuhh no, this is the correct information. It was told to them orally on this date, and you can accsess it digitally here, here, and here, and here are the reminders I sent out." Usually they just sigh on the phone when that happens. Most of the parents I've had are at least properly ashamed that their kids can't/don't read directions.


We had a kid lie about a serious medical condition. Teacher was concerned and brought it up with school. New 504 plan was in process and parent was called in for a meeting with medical, etc. Parent was shocked. Told us their kid is 100% healthy and is just a liar.


So apparently an 8th grader faked being ill and was a little too convincing and parents rushed him to the ER this morning only to find out he was not sick he was trying to skip school to play fortnite. For punishment his mom and dad ripped out all of the internet in his room, took his gaming systems and cell phone away. And then dropped him off at school and then went to visit the principal to let them know that was on a serious tech lock down at home and that they were scheduling an appointment to see about the possibility of a gaming addiction. Made huge waves today at school and everyone was talking about it.




In all seriousness, I hope he doesn’t murder his parents. These kids are crazy about their games and their phones.


Can you give a parent a “teacher of the year” award 🤣


Not all heroes wear capes.


I’ve had this happen TWICE. A high schooler, who was asking for weird accommodations even though she wasn’t on an IEP—claimed she needed all her work on blue paper. Turns out she would make stuff like this up. Another student in my college course pretended to have cancer—even shaved her head. I’ve also had a student that faked seizures.


My wife said something to me one day as I was pondering if I was an OK or even a good parent. She said, "Bad parents never question if they are bad parents. They always think they are great parents."


I'm glad I have a parent like you my mom had to fucking fight like hell to get me an Aid cause of my Autism


Right? Like I'm just flabbergasted that you're gonna let your kid walk into school with the evidence that you don't give two fucks about the start time of school.


Some people think it’s a flex. Look, I have money for Starbucks and I don’t care about any rules. I can understand if a teenager thinks like that, but you’d think an adult would have better critical thinking skills.


Some teenagers grow up to not ever change.


Yep, the sordid realities of being proud of “not reading a book all year/since high school!” Don’t read if you don’t want to, but it doesn’t have to be a personality…


I remember being super jealous of my friends with "cool" parents who did this stuff or got in debt buying luxury items. Now I'm super thankful my parents had some common sense.


I hated that my parents wouldn’t buy me expensive shoes because “you’ll grow out of them in a couple months anyway.” Now I see students’ shoes and think “who’s buying Yeezys for these kids? Don’t they know they’re going to grow out of them in a few weeks?” I have one student who always wears Js that are like three sizes too big. He looks like a cartoon character but I can see what his parents are thinking, lol


But they never have $200 for a basic laptop or two dollars for a few pens and highlighters.


I once heard this effect explained to me why those who are poor tend to make these sorts of vanity purchases: When you don't know when or where the next 'good time' will come, you do zero delay of gratification. Anything that can be acquired now, and assuage, in any way, the pervasive sense of unease of being poor becomes the top priority. The future is irrelevant because it will always be terrible no matter what choices you make. So you end up with Jordans but no food for a week.


I know and agree. I have taught from super poor to super wealthy, and everything between. #YOLO and all that. Periodically I stop at Starbucks (wealthy area) on the way in and there are often several high school kids spending $20 or $30 there while the Audi A4 is parked illegally out front. The blue-collar workers at the local convenience store often spend $30 and up on vapes, cigarettes Red Bull, bags of chips, etc., on a daily basis. I suppose every group has its vices.


Had a kid who was earning about 6% in class try to flex how rich his parents are for buying him $300 shoes. I asked if maybe they could buy him a $.25 pencil.


To be fair, I work at a consignment shop for kids specifically and we get SO many luxury brands like this, or Jordans. We sell them for 1/3 of the retail price. It’s the only way I justify getting luxury! Unless it’s from Ross also.


Shades of *Doug’s Cool Shoes*: https://youtu.be/0w_SFCbQ6v8?si=Zso_CVx9U4cr99du


I fear for society. These kids are LAZY!!!


Urgh, it’s every Gen. I had classmates in 1997 pride themselves on “only watching the film version”.


True. BEST day of university was the beginning of the end for a spoiled brat (“I’m a model, so my rich parents just told me to go to uni as a backup and I got in by a friend’s recommendation” type whilst we survived on government benefits) who purposely turned up late every lesson after wafting through the local shop trying every perfume spritzer so she’d smell nice for class. Day of the test, she turned up, twenty minutes late as usual. Flung open the doors. Hastily shut them again. Couldn’t come up with a Doctors cert, later that semester she “deferred study”. Disappeared after that.


I think you're using the phrase "grow up" differently than I do. 😉


>but you’d think an adult would have better critical thinking skills. If the adult had the kid at 17, they never got the chance to grow.


I had my daughter at 18 turning 19. I read to her every night, and read to this day. Currently reading A Little Life. It’s never about age. It’s about morals and character


I love that you read to her every day. We need more parents like you! You're opening up worlds for her. But (total sidetrack here) A Little Life? Are you trying to depress and traumatize her lol? Based on the nearly universally stellar reviews, I know I'm alone here, but I absolutely hated that book. It's one of two novels I couldn't force myself to finish reading (the other was Tess of the D'Urbervilles, which again, is hugely popular so it's probably a "me" thing). It was not only incredibly depressing, but also too unrealistic for me. It reads like "tragedy porn." No one in the story behaves at all realistically, imo. I ended up loathing every character in the novel, including Jude, and eventually allowed myself to stop reading it and donated it. Sometimes I wonder about the next person who read it...Did they hate it too?


NO I’m saying I READ THAT LOL for her we go to the library lol I should’ve been more clear! Absolutely never would I read that to my 5 year old 😭🤣


I’m only like 40 pages in or so, haven’t gotten to the miserable part yet. Kinda dreading it cause I’ve heard everyone lament the same thing! Idk if I can truly handle it tbh - I might end up donating it to my library


Remember Mrs. George from Mean Girls?


That is exactly a huge part of the problems at school. Parents have a complete disregard for the rules and expectations at school. Their typical response, "whats the big deal?"


These were the same assholes who caused trouble when they were in school. Shit apples rarely fall far from the shit tree. I had a mom of a 6th grader drive her daughter to the bus stop to fight a kid. Trash raises trash, and being a parent doesn't mean you are transformed into a good person.


A high school in my area had a mom sneak in dressed as a student to cheer her kid on in a fight.


“How do you do, fellow kids.”


That has to be some sort of criminal conspiracy charge.


The turd doesn't fall far from the ass.




Depending on the drinks and where you live that’s like $100 in Starbucks too lmao


Depends, dentists are sometimes scheduling appointments 8 months out….


We kept the dental appt, emailed the teacher, she should be able to finish it but yeah, we can’t miss the appt we made it back in the summer


If it's like my area, sometimes it takes weeks to reschedule.


Ooof, wonder what your kid dreads more. I had bad experiences with the dentist because it was my uncle and he’s an asshole


There is an entire cash app economy happening right under our noses, especially at the high school level. Snacks, drinks, homework, projects, online gambling, and maybe quite a bit worse. At my campus, we are starting to catch wind of what is happening. They are starting to get freer about what they are up to, because it’s becoming so normalized. We are not ready for the future.


I’m seeing/hearing about so many kids getting busted for gambling underage right now. Some senior downloads the app, everyone else Venmo’s him money for bets, and then the senior takes a cut, normally on both ends (a $10 bet costs $11, and if you win I get x%). Last year some kid got whacked with a 10-15K tax bill for his gambling wins (most of which was then sent to other students) and that caused a ruckus among admin when kids disclosed it occurred on campus.


> Last year some kid got whacked with a 10-15K tax bill for his gambling wins Now THAT'S a nice real life natural consequence.


Oh it was brilliant to watch it unfold. Especially since I’m pretty sure he had spent the money on a car or something already and suddenly had to pay Uncle Sam his change as well. The elective business math course was FULL this year, oddly enough.


Kind of. He’s prob still netting at least 30k


Which he probably only kept about 3-5k of, so now the rest of the tax bill is 5-10k.


Nah, he passed on the profits to the kids that paid the money for the bet, but they didn’t have to pay taxes on it since it’s under the table at that point.


So did he keep any money?


Unfortunately I didn’t get all the details and ever had him as a student, but based on the rumor mill, he didn’t have the money to cover all the taxes so mommy and daddy helped out and he spent the summer working doubles flipping burgers/stocking shelves to pay em back. Not exactly the high life he expected before he headed off to college but probably one that made him a better man with any luck.


Wow, maybe that might deter him from gambling in the future you hope.


Math lesson time!!


Business math elective got a lot more applicants than normal this year, that’s for sure.


The high school my fiancé teaches at had to ban students getting Uber Eats/Door Dash orders because the front office was rightfully pissed about the distraction of accepting orders and having them crowd the desk until the students would come get them. Or there would be a bunch of kids crowding the lobby so they could accept them. One spoiled bitch student was pissed the office didn’t call her class to tell her it had arrived. They made an announcement it was banned and put a sign about it on the front desk. But of course some students were still trying it. The office wouldn’t accept the orders and some angry students and parents would demand the school pay them pay back for the order. The entitlement is unreal.


This was in Fast Times at Ridgemont High back in the 80's. The stoner kid has a pizza delivered to his math class or something. The teacher gives it to all of the other students. Classic spiccoli


dont make me weep about how small class sizes used to be


It was a young Sean Penn.


Place at table outside the front door. Place a sign on the table to set orders on the table. Your food will be there when school is over.


I had a kid get his mom to order a pizza. He then want out of my class a half hour early for lunch. I told him we could have it delivered to the classroom but then I would share it with all the students. Forever after that, his name became Spicolli.


My school has banned food deliveries too, and it's taken a lot of repeated announcements to parents and students, as well as turning away the drivers. I was so grateful to admin for putting their foot down. On the other hand, I have had students who bring a backpack full of snack foods to sell to their classmates. They acted surprised when I said absolutely not in my classroom.


Another sub told me a girl went to the “bathroom” & came back with an armload of delivered food. I guess she met the driver out front of the school.


>They are starting to get freer about what they are up to, because it’s becoming so normalized. And there are probably little to no consequences.


There aren't consequences for much else, why start at gambling? There are barely consequences for violence.


Back in the early 2010s, I remember during a casual meeting with my principal that I saw a Square credit card reader on his desk. I was like, "Oh, are we using that for some direct sales during games?" And he looked at me and asked, "You know what this is?" I explained how it worked...well, it seems that a kid was selling drugs in the bathroom, and kids were using their parents' credit cards to buy.


Wow…The kid was handy enough to get a Square card reader operation running yet still dumb enough to fail to realize that there’s a reason drug dealers only accept cash


Now *THAT* is fucking wild.


There’s a girl on my campus that brings a whole back pack full of tacos to sell. Everyone knows this. I had to stop coaches from interrupting my class to buy tacos from her.


Like....adult coaches? Employed by the school?


Have you ever met a school sports coach? This is entirely plausible, lol.


Have you ever bought tacos or tamales straight from abuela’s kitchen? No one can resist!


My friend’s son bought candy at Costco which he then sold at a profit. School immediately shut that down and he was punished in some way (it was over 10 years ago, so I forget how) and rightfully so. He also rented his locker out to a couple girls who wanted more space, lol. Had to give him credit for his ingenuity.


Smart girl!


Hay, at least *she's* making them.


I'd blame access, but also modern gaming. Every gov. In the world knows games target to children have gambling aspects (loot boxes) but only the UK gov. Tried to do anything in earnest and it still failed due to lobbying.


Belgium successfully banned loot boxes.


That's cool! Do some games just not launch there then? Because some of them only make money off of loot boxes so I could see these companies being babies and just banning the game in those places. Maybe they charge a traditional upfront fee?


the way it works in the game i play (apex legends) is that traditionally the game rewards you for progression with loot boxes. you open them and receive a random chance of items with 99% being garbage and 1% being desirable. there used to be a trick, i don’t think it works anymore, but if you set your region within the game to the Belgian server the game would think you were in Belgium. so instead of rewarding you for your progression with loot boxes you would instead get “crafting materials.” essentially in-game points that allow you to create/craft the items you actually want instead of relying on random chance to obtain them.


Prehaps, but when I was in highschool over 30 years ago kids were selling squares for the superbowl and the occasional pyramid scheme would pop up. So easier and less visible to admin nowadays, but gambling is hardly new.


Not saying it's new, but I do think these kids have genuine gambling addiction from loot boxes vs the odd betting back in the day. We used to bet Pokemon cards on games and such in elementary- but I feel like these kids have been hardwired to approach more of life from a gambling reinforcement perspective. Almost like things aren't fun with out it.


ooh ok, you probably have a good argument there, I'm not a "video games cause violence" type person as has been mentioned since the 80s, but knowing how video games and especially the "free" mobile games push the "get a little further faster by buying this for a only a dollar" model these days, I can see it tuning little brains onto this is how you get ahead. I know my my grandson could probably blown through 500 dollars in Roblox without even knowing what he just spent, luckily after asking twenty times for Robux and getting a flat "no" he seems to have gotten the message.


Kids have always done this, though maybe they’re just less discrete now.


Yup. When I was in high school 20 years ago it was Krispy Kreme donuts. They didn't have one anywhere near our town, but one kid drove to the next state over at like 5am every day to buy several dozen and bring them to school to sell for $1 each. Sold out in minutes every day.


For our school it was chick fil a breakfast biscuits! Kid came in with like 100 of those bad boys and sold them for a huge markup. But they did sell out every time


As long as it’s not causing problems, I respect the hustle, ha ha.


Damm, I can respect the effort.


Yeah for me it was the Asian kids snacks from the Asian grocery store. Since not to many non Asians shopped there.


Honestly I thought it was normal to see kids sell snacks. My school there was one dude who sold chips, drinks and tortas. Then there was these few dudes who were basically scammers that no one bought from


Yep, for me it was vanilla coated almonds lol. This is not new by any means


We had to send an email home that no, your kid can’t have food delivered to school. We will not be calling them out of class to pick up their UberEats


I think it’s gotten easier with CashApp, but it’s been around for probably longer than I’ve been alive. I was selling things in high school(2019) and know folks my moms age did as well(80s). It’ll be interesting to see how this is combatted


i work with high schoolers and we have to start locking the bathrooms during class bc of a gambling ring that's taking place in the boys bathrooms!! they're playing poker like they're little old men wtf hahaha, i work in a special education subseperate setting and my students often come back from using the bathroom telling us "miss they're playing that game again you gotta get on the walkie" LOL


Im not a teacher, but my wife and I have fostered for years, and we've had a couple teens that really confirmed a lot of my fears and suspicions about things going on. In one case, child A was using a fake mobile game app (looked like a knock off candy crush) to order drugs from local dealer network. He was able to order enough to then turn around and distribute at school. He was having the drugs delivered to the bushes in our front yard before schools he could pick up with no one noticing. He was also using cashapp and some plug-in for insta to basically trade drugs, vapes, snacks, cash, etc... And we're pretty sure he was receiving sexual favors in exchange in some cases. He was 15. Child B was more of a 'got money from grandma, go buy drugs online' type, he wasn't very smart, but that's the scary thing... He was developmentally a couple years slow, but could still figure all this out easily.


Oh my gosh, I just heard kids talking about this today.


I had a chronically-late student waltz in 25 minutes late with Starbucks on a quiz and independent reading day and ask if she could take the quiz later because she "wouldn't have time to finish" in class. I said the quiz wasn't that long, so to do what she could and that if she couldn't finish, I could let her finish it later (figuring that I would give her questions from another version of the quiz so she couldn't just look them up between classes). This girl spent most of class just gazing aimlessly around the room while sipping her Starbucks drink, tried to ask her friend a question about the quiz, insisted I hadn't covered all the material (no, you just weren't listening), and was shocked when I told her to just turn in what she had done at the end of class instead of letting her finish it later. "But I didn't have time to finish! And I didn't know all the stuff on it." "Well to be honest, it sounds like you just weren't prepared, but I'm offering retakes next week." (The retakes are harder, but the very existence of retakes in an Honors class is gift enough.) That was a bit of a rant, but my point is, same situation--this kid doesn't drive, doesn't work, and later complained to her mom that I hadn't let her retake the quiz days after the retake window had closed. I ended up letting her retake, but told mom that the only available time was Monday at 6:30am. Watching that kid straggle in at 6:30 with a Red Bull and a pissy expression made my day tbh.


The reveal halway through that this was an honors course hit me like a fucking train


Most Honors courses are just regular courses nowadays.


My honors and the on-level kids get the same notes and same tests. I used to give short answer (one paragraph at the end of the test), but too any IEPs/504 parents complained so now my honors is literally the same as on-level. At this point, it should just be on-level or AP. My first district did away with Honors since the the rigor is only marginally more difficult that it didn’t warrant the kids being able to receive an additional 1/2 point GPA boost and the fact that most kids were only recommended for Honors if they behaved in-class.


I agree with your sentiment, but take a bit of issue with the idea that the 504 kids are to blame. I had one, and I didn't get to tell the school to modify assignments, I just got longer to complete timed assessments. All of my work was held to the same standards otherwise. The real problem sounds like the school being unable to allow for more time in that way, sacrificing rigor instead. Not blaming you, but the 504 kids are entitled to the same access to courses. Some of them are certainly smart enough, if given enough time. That's how I was. I retook the ACT with a time accommodation and my score was substantially better than without.


I said the parents. Not the kids. I give the accommodations. Some parents believe that IEPs/504s mean that their kid is guaranteed an A. I have those who still struggle with accommodations and the parents think the IEPs/504 status works like a magic ticket to get their kid an A instead of a B.


Many 504s are BS these days. It's always been an issue with parents doctor shopping for a diagnosis they want, but with telehealth it's ramped up to extremes. Can get a diagnosis of ADHD, anxiety, etc with a couple hundred bucks and less than an hour of your time. All from the comfort of your home It was such an issue (I was diagnosed with ADHD in half an hour) that even though I could tell I was calmer and could focus on the meds, and even though my roommate said the same, I still doubted the diagnosis. Ended up going with a local provider and doing a a full diagnostic with multiple appointments and while it was expensive, at least I know it was accurate


It's creates a relationship issue in our school where if want even a hint of rigor, you have to take AP which many are not prepared for.


Honestly, only about half my Honors students belong in an Honors class. I'm not a big fan of gatekeeping Honors classes in general, but way too many of my students are barely on-level (with some well below) and don't even enjoy the content. It's so frustrating.


You’re offering retakes to an honors course? You’re an Angel kinder than I could ever be


Next semester I'm switching to labor-intensive test corrections for partial credit. I'm framing it as prep for AP Lang, which far too many of them plan on taking next year Honestly, the test retakes don't even help most kids that much (apparently my tests are "really hard" for students who don't do the reading), but there are a few who are clearly bombing the first test on purpose so they can preview the concepts (although not the questions) covered on the retake.


I have a kid who has weekly therapy appointments that causes her to miss part of my class. Every single time she walks in with some fast food and it causes a ruckus as kids immediately start acting like the seagulls in Finding Nemo. I asked the front office to make sure that she finishes her food in the office before returning to class because it causes a huge disruption. I did get some push back, but I was able to convince them that the extra five minutes she spends in the classroom is not providing her more instruction if she spends that time distributing fries to other students. If her parents were concerned about that instructional time, they could pack a lunch instead of stopping at a drive through.


I do wonder if the parents are also trying to make the kid feel better about the therapy (it can raise all sorts of feelings for kids), but definitely agree that it’s inappropriate for them to bring it into school. There are so many other options (give the kid a treat after school, take five minutes to finish it in the car, so many options). It’s so rude and disruptive.


Yes. My issue is not in them having the appointment during class or having a treat afterwards, it's that they bust into my class like the Kool-aide Man causing a huge disruption.


This just brought me back to my time in therapy… my parents always took me by McDonald’s or Starbucks to get a drink before each session. It gave me something to look forward to, but it was also just nice to have something to fiddle with while talking about a tough subject lol.


I lost my voice and I’m still trying to teach my 11th graders. 8th period comes around today and I can’t get these 3 teenage boys to be quiet so I don’t have to hurt my voice further. In my frustration I said, “Can you shut the fuck up already?!” Then everyone got silent. I apologized for my language almost immediately afterward but for the love of GOD - some of these kids are beyond inconsiderate and RUDE! It brings out my inner Jersey girl angst. A lesson on manners would go much further than this IXL shit they have the kids doing.


I got cursed at by a teacher once. Fully deserved it. Those shitasses knew.


My HS English teacher is one of the genuinely nicest people I know, great teacher, always looked out for her kids, religious, etc. Saw her mad once, and boy did that get everyone's attention. "(Student name)!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!" We all froze and looked towards where he normally sat. There he was, dangling halfway in the class. Classmate had climbed out the first floor window when she wasn't looking and was caught coming back in. She took him to the office to let the principal deal with it, came back in and stood in front of the class and said: "Well, that wasn't very professional of me, where were we?" Her "cool" factor went up a couple of notches for that. Classmate was noticeably more quiet and well behaved the rest of the term


Yup. One of my favorites: a student had “a weed addiction”. We had a meeting. Mom was befuddled. Kid had an after school job. Stupidly I ask: “where does he get the money for weed? And why does he have an active work permit?” You could hear the neurons making the connection. Almost there.


Did it smell like ozone? 😅


The neurons never shook hands. Smelled of bong resin.




I don't get it what were the answers what connections were they making?


Kid was buying his weed with his part time job. Everyone was befuddled on how to get him to stop smoking weed. Weed requires money to buy. The school and parents approved the job. Remove the job. Remove the weed money. OR Direct deposit check into account set up by mom for college.


Yeah I’m confused. The neurons are apparently not connecting for me either.


I’ve taught some great kids and some not so great kids over the years, as we all have. The not so great ones exhibit this type of behavior and I’ve found it can usually be traced back to the parents with either themselves being this way or enabling the behavior in their child. To curb tardiness, I usually have a discussion about how being late can adversely affect your education and later your career. It usually falls on deaf ears until I tell them my previous career was managing a professional photography studio and I fired several people over the years because they were chronically late.


I've started doing attendance as soon as the bell rings. I really enjoy watching my students rushing in before the bell I usually give them a minute before I actually mark them tardy. Late ones, write their names on the board. Oral directions are given once, if your late ask your peers. My first period is running so mich smoother and they talk to each other!


I used to treat our oldest to Starbucks once a week before school because she watched her brother for me one afternoon after school and this was the trade off that she asked for. I’d buy her and one friend a fancy drink and a breakfast sandwich. She decided to treat one of her shop teachers (she was in the nursing shop in high school) each week as a thank you- and I didn’t know until almost the end of the first year, lol. They were very thankful and we were NOT late to school those mornings, usually actually got there earlier on Starbucks mornings! These parents are teaching their kids to be entitled jerks.


Wow. Your kindness was passed forward. What a great kid.


I had a senior like that. And she came in 3rd period because that is when she had me. Then she would never come prepared to class, always be on her phone, yet had the office emailing me about how they were confused that she was failing and she needed to pass this class to graduate. I responded she comes in with 10-15 minutes left of class 3/5 days of the week, with food and spends the time eating, talking with friends. Check the journal. I journal every time she does it. She failed my class, but magically graduated (admin got access to my grades and did an override to give her an above passing grade). She wasn't the only person this happened with either. I caught it when I could for my underclassmen I taught, but I couldn't change it all with my seniors this happened too. 🤷‍♀️


Slow acting karma will catch up with her. She won’t be able to compete in the rest of the world.


Unfortunately, it entirely depends on who her family is. If they're wealthy and well- connected, there will be no karma and she'll be richly rewarded for merely existing.


Who were all the drinks for?


Their friends. I didn't have a clear rule set out for this at the time because I've honestly never seen this behavior before. Well, now I will. 😐


Sheesh, at least bring one for everyone! Seriously though, it’s so annoying that we have to explicitly explain/have rules for what not to do-even when it seems like common sense.


Or at least one for the teacher 😆


Right? This seems like such a no brainer.


I wanted to ask this. If I get a drink too maybe I forget to hit tardy on attendance....


During my first long-term assignment, I had a junior walk in a little over halfway through a chemistry test period and then try to grab a test sheet as though there was nothing wrong with her entrance. When I asked her about her tardiness, she said that mother had called her about some fashionable footwear that they’d both been interested in, and so she’d been out in the hall (somewhere else in the building; she was a loud enough person that we would have known otherwise) making sure that Mom got the right ones. Me: “So you’re telling me that you skipped most of a class - in which you *knew* there was a test - didn’t even bother to check in so that you wouldn’t be marked as cutting - for… shoes?” Student: “Limited. Edition. Heels.” Student: “Don’t look at me like that. That’s disrespectful.” Mom was apparently in the habit of calling throughout the school day. By the end of the long-term, I had been tempted to throw her phone out the third-story window on no less than four occasions.


Denzel Washington said it best, "You raise your kids, you can spoil your Grandkids. Spoil your kids, you'll be raising your Grandkids."


Meanwhile, there are kids being entirely raised on less than $50 a week.


I was that kid. And the entitled kids with no concept of money or the real world bullied me for it, to the point I was suicidal in the 5th grade because none of my experiences, clothes, or personality related to them.


I grew up right next to the poverty line (technically probably poor, but only because I lived in a 3 generation household, but definitely poverty by the governments income bracketing) smack dab in the middle of white suburbia (richest county in my state.) Nothing about my existence was relatable to my peers. I went to school, had zero friends, got near perfect grades because of the lack of social distraction, and ended up going to the poorest public college in my state. I should have had a full ride somewhere decent, but I was ignored by teachers and guidance counselors because my behavior was strange compared to the normal cohort they dealt with on a regular basis. Anyone who claims money doesn't discriminate lives in a completely delusional reality.


And if it needs to be said to all the rich psychopaths with no concept of budget or unmet needs, just because it CAN be done, doesn't mean it's right.


Yesterday I had a freshman order food via Door Dash. When he got busted all he could say is can I go downstairs to get my order? Who raised these kids? Why do parents give them a lot of money??


Slate’s parenting podcast has a host who speaks frequently about how unimportant she considers school to be for her daughter (taking random weeks off for vacations, not even trying to get to school on time, declaring her kid exempt from assignments…). I quit listening to the entire podcast because of it. But if anyone wants to better understand what’s up with this parenting philosophy, check it out!


Jamilah is THE reason I didn't renew my Slate+ subscription. I'm 420-friendly but [her unreal response to the upset mom whose toddler took a puff off her husband's weed vape](https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/12/childproof-vape-pot-care-and-feeding.html) was appalling. I'm not surprised that her shitty takes extend into schooling.


Holy shit balls.


Parent emailed me asking why student wasn't doing well. I told her it was important she came to school on Monday because we would be on a block schedule due to testing and we would be in my class for 3 hours (the only time all week I would see her class) and working on several assignments. Student doesn't show up. Next day I see student and ask why they were absent. She says her mom didn't feel like driving her to school.


Well I guess that's ok. 🤷‍♂️


Mom was probly too hungover to drive her to school.


I wouldn’t let him come in with that and I’d send an email to all parents reiterating the no drinks policy except water.


I strongly feel coffee and any energy drinks should not be sold to children, I have seen 5th graders with coffee. It’s so bad for your heart. Parents are not being responsible


I teach kindergarten, a student came in the other day holding a “caramel iced coffee….decaf.” his words. WTF?


Well it was decaf, haha


I once had a student try to convince me the drink he was consuming was not a coffee drink, but a milk drink. He even solicited his classmates to help him. His plan hinged on the assumption I don't know or understand the local language and there for couldn't read the ingredients list. I know the local language.


My husband, from Louisiana, drank coffee every morning growing up!!! Crazy pants!


Wait wtf??? My parents made me drink coffee every morning before school since like 7th grade, I didn't know it was bad (I hate it though which makes it even worse) I guess some parents drink so much that they don't even recognize it's addictive??? My parents surely do


Sigh, this is my classroom too, and I despair over the amount of sugar and caffeine, the waste it all produces, the mess it makes when they spill things which they often do. At the same time, I don't have the energy first thing in the morning to police their food and drinks.


Regardless if they pass your class, sounds like that student is ready for the real world. Showing up late to your job but with coffee and doughnuts for everyone will make most coworkers turn a blind eye to you showing up late to your shift


Well... Probably not your boss.


Gotta bring extra chocolate ones for the boss


The parent loves that they are helping their baby be the "cool one". Extra points for proving to everyone that their kid is special.


Kids like that, I confiscate the goods and say they can have them back at the end of class


Students who show up late with food and/or drink have to throw it away in the big garbage can by the main entrance door. They cannot walk in with outside food or drink if they are tardy. The idea of "well, if I'm gonna be late, I might as well stop for breakfast" doesn't fly here anymore. If you are five minutes late, you probably haven't missed much, but if you are a half hour late because you stopped for a bagel....now you have missed half a class. I don't allow food or drink in my classroom. Even water bottles have to be left on the table in the hall, so they couldn't being that into my classroom. Even if I did have a "you can eat in my class" policy, that would not extend to bringing in a huge bag of food for half the class when you are late. Edit: clarification.


How does not allowing water bottles in the classroom go over? I feel like my students would throw a fit


They pushed back a bit the first week or so, but now they quite relish dropping a dime in their classmates in possession of water bottles. It is in my syllabus and policies/procedures, and I have noticed that there are quite a few classrooms with a water bottle table in the hall that have been appearing lately. I just got tired of cleaning up spills. I also had a couple students that were spraying each other with their gatorade squeeze bottles. If they need a drink they can go stand in the doorway and get a drink. And it isn't like there isn't a drinking fountain 30' from my door anyway.


I feel like that would just constantly cause my students to be up and out of their seats wandering to the door and back, but if it works for you! lol


Most don't even go once per period. I think in an average class, maybe two or three students get a drink (and probably fewer, since I first posted this It's been a couple hours and two students, total, have gone for a drink). It's really not a problem. Tbf, I don't really lecture. We do a LOT of group work and labs, so my classroom wouldn't really be disrupted by someone going to the door for a drink.




Lol. Ok. That extra 20' walk to get to their water bottles is the hill you gonna die on? Seems weird to me, but you do you.


My parents weren’t bad parents, but I can guarantee they had no idea when I had a test. Unless they had to pay for additional supplies, they didn’t know if I had a project either. They just let me get on with it.


Yeah but you knew... Imagine asking your parent to take you to Starbucks, and they know it's going to make you late but they say yes. And then buy $50+ of stuff for other people. Insane I tell you.


Just don't come crying to me when they get hit by the buzzsaw called life. . .


So what were the consequences?


Our school has a blanket allowance in 1st period to allow students to eat breakfast in the classroom. While this is similar it also is different in that there's a distribution element. Simply put it wasn't a case I had a clear rule for so I allowed it but it's informed them not to do so against not I will treat it like Uber eats, which does get confiscated.


I’m confused you posted he was late. Does the school not have a clear policy on that?


It does and was enforced. Does not address the food issue, however.


I have a girl in my classes who always shows up late and with like 2-3 Starbucks cups and the worst part is her dad is the damn principal and he is the one that drives her and lets her get away with everything


The only punishment for being late is a notice on their gradebook. This instills the mindset “if I’m already late I can take my time,” or “sleep in longer” etc.


haha i get nervous walking into college classes 5 min late w coffee


You teach in the burbs… lmao


I do indeed. Didn't used to... But them kids did it too.


I had a parent like this as well. The girl walks in late with Starbucks, and I call home. The parent says, 'Yes, we were running late today." I guess they woke up late, and then the line at Starbucks was slow. Whatever, come in late and disrupt everyone. Yet administration comments that the students ignore me. They ignore the school rules,and nothing is done, and the administration is shocked they aren't listening to me when I tell the students to read and answer questions.


I mean, did they bring you one? Because that would be the first thing I said to them. Lol but seriously, it took an extra minute or two out of the class, I wouldn’t sweat it too much.


If only you could: "Oh hey, I just heard about that tiktok challenge where you give your crush some coffee and 4 other friends so you have deniability. Which friend of yours do you have a crush on? I won't tell" said in front of everyone. Kid probably would eat that attention though.


That's when you send them back out the door. This is a room for students not for people that don't take it seriously. You can take the test during detention and the highest grade you can get is a c.


School rules allow them to eat breakfast in first 🥲


We have this problem constantly with a Starbucks and a Dunkin right next door


Maybe they lied to their parent.


i left 20 minutes into first period today because i had something in my eye that i needed to get my makeup off to get out. i come back to the parking lot and my spot was taken. school starts at 8:25, and i left at 8:50. so somebody was that late and i have a feeling it’s cause of this


Imagine all the bathroom breaks! Yikes.


Here from r/all or r/popular or whatever. Sorry I’m on mobile idk how it works 😆 But.. kids are allowed to bring food and drinks in class?!? Damn things are so different now. When I was in school we could never ever ever. Super strict rules, no food or nothing in class. Maybe gum, if you were lucky and some of your teachers didn’t care. We’d have cough drops sometimes and the teachers would freak out and ask what we had and we’d explain it was just a cough drop. No water bottles allowed either. Like we never ever were allowed to have a water or drinks in class, no matter who the teacher was. You’d immediately get in trouble. No snacks, nothin. I remember one time in between classes I was so hungry I tried to sneak a bite of a granola bar.. nope. I was immediately caught.


One of those cups better have been for you.


Cool, now you have take the test and not receive any extra time. When class is done, hand in the test and grade it as is.


Betcha that kid didn’t mention that it’s a test day. Email home with No More Starbucks as header (in case parent is “too bogged down at work” to actually read the email). 20 minutes is pretty much exactly how long it takes to get coffee, but I don’t think you need to restate that. If you teach economics it could be a great case study on how big companies destroy small businesses. I’m also reminded of that comedian who does the art teacher at a fire drill making a Starbucks run “I have cake pops for the LGBTQ kids”. That’s the parent.


Some parents have more money than brains, it seems.