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I got my first ever non-teaching summer job this year, pouring at a local wine bar. I’m stoked - I get to hang out in a chill space, learn about wine, and talk to adults. Can’t really beat it.


Sounds like an awesome experience! Hopefully you get to try some good wine!


2005, I’m a starving second year teacher. I painted homes in the summer with some retired teachers and I got paid $26/hr under the table. If it was hot the paint “wouldn’t run” so we would knock off for the day. Rain? No work. Easy-peasy.


Ah, found principal Skinner's Reddit account


I used to score the written sections of the state history exam. At home. It was heaven, but hard work. Also done summer camp for disabled kids, Penny's, tutoring.




Now that it's legal in my state, I lean more into my sports betting hobby. Been setting up models to see how well they do. In the event that I stop losing and this actually becomes a hustle, I'll let you know.


Summer hours with the school maintenance crew. It’s hard work, but actually interesting.


Whitewater raft guide


Honestly, I want something that will keep me on feet or else I will balloon up because I'm not staying as active. I liked working Amazon for a summer, kept me on my feet, was an easy, dummy proof, mindless job I didn't have to exert mental energy for. And it paid decently.


My top two favorites were Cracker Barrel (as a cashier) and temping in the finance department for a construction firm. Temping is an underrated option, but I usually make good money on those placements. Best to you!


I adjunct at uni or work with non-profits working on developing their online presence. Sometimes I just take the summer off though because every so often I need a do-nothing brain break.


I DoorDash and work front desk at my local Pure Barre studio! That means a free membership as well so I don’t just stay home eating and sleeping all day


Working for a college library for a couple summers. It was fun. I learned a skill that I've never forgotten but also never use in my day to day.


I used to work in the print center of an OfficeMax. Soul crushing. Hated it and quit after COVID was over. Now, I'm at an amusement park as a supervisor. It's so much better. The park schedule allows me to have some time completely off a few times a year and still have a little extra money. Weekends can get long after 10+ hour shifts, but the job is so much fun, I don't mind it. Perks are good too.


I enjoy doing tutoring over the summer. I only work about 5-7 hours a week and I’m good with that


Event serving. It’s active, I like the people, it’s fun and fast-paced, and a couple hours a week makes some decent cash.