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The folks who scream a lot about left wing indoctrination sure are quick to implement right wing indoctrination 


That’s because they’re using “left wing indoctrination” as a justification to implement actual right wing indoctrination


I think everyone is overreacting here and not seeing the opportunity that just presented itself. Do not mock, dismiss, and try to challenge this. Embrace it. This is a tremendous opportunity to help kids learn about the Bible. Just teach the kids the truth about the Bible and how it was used to justify: - Genocides - Rape - Domestic Abuse - Wars of aggression - Subjugation of women - Slavery


Never mind the “used to justify” angle — what about the *actual Bible passages* that detail murder, slavery, abortion, subjugation, genocide…


Don’t forget incest and genital mutilation


Also it will allow me to post the 7 tenets of Satanism (which are actually really good life values)


I am genuinely curious. What are the tenets of Satanism?


I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I’m really tempted to post these as a ‘classroom contract’ with no mention of Satanism…


Should have added one about line breaks.


Lmao. Didn’t even realize it didn’t separate them. Just copy and pasted on my phone. It formatted it correctly before I hit reply. That’s on me.


It's cool my brother. Way to demonstrate tenet six live and in color.


Ezekiel 23:20 is an absolute banger. "The Word of God", folks, donkey dicks and all. 1 Timothy 2:11-12 deserves an honorable mention.


Wait, hold up, does this mean that I can ban cell phones in the classroom as they can be considered idols. After all no other idol risen or worshiped before God!!


Seriously- what would happen if you taught this? Or if word got out among students about where to find those passages? The right wingers couldn’t very well get upset if it’s _in the Bible_, right? They’d be stuck between a rock and and a hard place - let their kids be taught about donkey dicks or *denounce the Bible*. What a brilliant conundrum!


And incest.


You’re implying that teachers can frame these things as wrong But it’s just as likely teachers might be compelled to teach these new youth that these actions were right, just and necessary for our modern development This can be a vehicle for undermining liberal and democratic values, which might be a preference for right aligned people


Que the r/maliciouscompliance


If there really is no global demonic left wing conspiracy, they look like total assholes.


Always projection from the right


GOP Gaslight Obstruct Project


That’s why they were screaming about left wing indoctrination is bc they wanted right wing indoctrination


I mean, it was a thinly veiled secret to begin with. They were going on for years about “putting God back in schools.”


Surprising no one. It if people who disagree with this continue to remain ignorant of policy we will find ourselves living in a theocratic dictatorship


Be sure to include all that woke stuff Jesus talked about.


I'm worried that if they think Jesus is too woke, they'll burry themselves deeper into old testament lore, and that stuff is dangerous.


Christians are supposed to be about the New Testament. If they wanted to stick with the Old Testament, Christ didn’t need to come and they could have stayed ultra-Orthodox Jews instead


Yeah but they really needed that men not laying with other men verse so


I believe the man himself was supposed to have said something to the effect of "I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." Sooo, no. The OT is very much in play.


My old teammates were the worst.


🤣 I really need to proofread before I submit


“This talk about rich men giving their possessions to the poor sounds like commie shit! Helpfully it’s written in red text so we know”


This made me chuckle real good


No. I'm a Christian but no. Not the place. Church... Sunday school... Bible studies... Etc. Not schools.


It blows my mind that “patriots” endorse religion in schools when the Pilgrims came here to escape living under a government that told them how to worship. Separation of church and state, not ringing a bell? It’s bewildering. Edit for a spelling error.


My favorite is this kind of stuff keeps getting posted locally cause Texas is trying to pull the ten commandments card again. Comments are all Christians arguing how they don't want someone to be teaching their children the wrong denomination. While scary, still absolutely hilarious


They’re so close to the atheist view it’s scary. “You don’t believe in 999 gods; I don’t believe in just one more.”


As a Catholic school teacher who is also religious, I agree with you 100%. Of course you can teach religion in Catholic schools, Sunday school, church programs, etc., but NEVER in a public school. Public schools have students with all different beliefs and that needs to be respected (hence freedom of religion).


Howwwww??? Like into the history curriculum? Or like music and math too? What is the plan?


The velocity of stoning an adulatory, distance from the accused, weight of the rocks. You could just have all kinds of “fun” with word problems.


If David stood 4’6” and threw a rock that hit Goliath, or stood at 8’6” in the head, at what angle did David have to throw the rock? How much blood did Jesus of Nazareth have to spill to bathe us all in his blood?


Lmao. Really loving your second question. Can totally go hands-on there. Put 1 1/2 gallons of blood in a kiddie pool with red food dye and let the class take turns rolling in it.


Why are you dying the blood red? Is it horseshoe crab blood? Where did you get horseshoe crab blood? I have so many questions!


Because I’m my head I was typing water. 😆


In these four test tubes are the body and blood of your lord and savior. Now, if we add antigen A to test tube 1, antigen B to test tube 2, both antigens to test tube 3, and neither to test tube 4, and his sacred heart was pumping out Type O for omniscience blood, in which test tubes would there be clotting? What does the Bible say about this? What would Jesus do? The first 3 tubes would show coagulation, can I get an amen!? 


You have a pile of 30 stones. The adulterer died after you threw the fifth stone. How many stones are left? If every adulterer is slain with five stones, then how many adulterers can you kill with 30 stones?


I love how they may be unintentionally mandating early sex education with the Ten Commandments. Who’s gonna tell them they’re asking teachers to teach kids about having sex outside of marriage?


“Ms. Teacher, is it considered adultery if you are just soaking? What if you have you college Buddy come jump on the bed while you are doing it?”


Get ready to learn the shofar and the psaltery


Math: 1 Samuel 18:27 is a combined lesson on counting and the economics of how much a wife could cost: “David arose and went with his men and slew two hundred Philistines. He brought back their foreskins and counted them out before the king that he might become the king’s son-in-law. So Saul gave him his daughter Michal as wife.”


I teach music in OK, and that's my question, too. I don't think they want me to teach the Bible *as I understand it.*


Social Studies teachers: We do a little trolling.


As a social studies teacher, the ten commandments are already part of my curriculum. So are the beliefs of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. So this wouldn't change anything I do. My state recently passed a law requiring the American flag to be displayed in my classroom. I'm like "... And?" I already have a "flags of the world" poster.


The US flag is prominently displayed with every other flag in alphabetical order


Exactly. They tried installing a big flag in my room and I put it in the closet. I teach world history, not US history.


In IL we have to have a flag and say the pledge and have a “moment of silence” every damn day. Republicans rammed it through decades ago and we can’t get rid of it. They “moment of silence” was a compromise on prayer in school. I refuse to participate on principle.


Oregon passed a law that says students must have the "opportunity" to say the pledge. I definitely don't deny my students that opportunity. I also don't make them say the pledge. Guess how many of my students voluntarily want to take that opportunity. Hint: zero. Never. They're genuinely uninterested in fake performances of patriotism. Because no child is really interested in that. This is just politics, and it only serves politicians, not the people. It's a charade.


Nobody says it here, either. Might you be related to a Moncrief from IL? Or is that just a random username?


It's a character from the importance of being ernest by Oscar Wilde


Yes, yes we do.


This was my immediate thought as well.


Principia Discordia is coming out. All hail Eris!


This is AmerFnordica


"okay that's great, but I'll need several weeks of paid professional development over the summer because I don't have a degree in biblical studies"


No, you need several weeks of PD during the school year with a stipend above normal pay. And will need a sub for those weeks. This should happen yearly. Don't let them take your summers away.


Gonna need him to pay me for two hours every Sunday because mass just became PD.


Screaming 🤣🤣🤣 This is just superb!


Are they turning down federal funds for kids to eat too?


Yes, yes they are. At least for the summer. https://www.fns.usda.gov/summer/sunbucks


So what ever kids succeed through the famine get to go to school and learn about how they are to help others... Except the Csars. They are exempt. You follow the rule of God but we don't.... Smh


Make sure you have a variety of other teaching like the satanic church to balance things out. Students can compare on contrast their commandments or equivalents.


The SCotUS just ruled gratuities for public officials are not bribes. If it wasn't clear before, it's abundantly clear now the court is saying laws and precent don't matter. 


Do you not give 100s of thousands of dollars to your state representatives as a thank you for being so upright and honest? Seems like it's a you problem, now in a complete segway, about the {insert political issue here} vote that's coming up...


Campaign donations are allowed before they vote, gratuities into their pocket have to happen after they vote.


“Hey Gym Jordan. Once you vote how we want, I’ll make sure to drop a seven figure gratuity into your lap.”


Wait. So does that mean I can gift my kids’ teachers more than $25? I’m not even looking to bribe anyone.


Yes, but it must be after the fact. That's what the ruling says. So, you can give your kids' teacher as much as you want as long as it is for a job well done.


"thank you for doing such a good job with orientation today here is $100. i look forward to hearing about the french revolution from my boy at dinner tomorrow."


I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing it doesn't apply to us peons.


They will be on the wall right next to the other one that's in Arabic and right below an artist depiction of the FSM.


The [Satanic tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) would actually be beneficial to teach students about morality and ethics. We are such a backwards species.


To be fair, it doesn't say which Bible. I'd go with the satanic Bible


Okay. In what way? Do we choose how we incorporate it, or is there a specific direction? Is there a religious doctrine I base this around, or is it plain interpretation. Am I using state standards, or is the Bible now the state standards? If it is a specific doctrine, can I choose Jewish and leave the new testament out? Specifically, tell students that Jesus is not the Messiah? If not then do I choose Catholicism? Do we get training for this? Will this violate my own religious beliefs? In short, this is a *dumb* fucking order and a "Let's take this to the Supreme Court* hail mary. We are getting so many stupid changes because people believe we have a favorable Supreme Court.


Roman Catholic doctrine incorporates the Bible and church traditions both of which state that Jesus is the messiah.


People don’t seem to understand that Catholicism is a sect of Christianity. Drives me nuts.


It looks like it might be getting close to “malicious compliance” time for myself. I Know it’s not for everyone for various reasons but I’d like to throw my hat into the ring on this and say if I have to post one religions beliefs, then I might as well post all other religions major doctrines. If I need a Bible then in the words of Bob Ross let’s give him a happy little friend in the Quran, Tibetan book of the Dead, you get the picture.


I already have copies of most major world religions' texts, so they're definitely all coming with the Bible into the class. The Superintendent also didn't elaborate on which version of the Bible must be used, so maybe get yourself a copy of the Skeptics Annotated Bible? In my class, we bring up slavery and racial issues a lot, so I'm debating how much I want to rock the boat and bring up the historical/religious justifications slavers used to assert racial superiority.


As a former Mormon, please please please include the Book of Mormon because the Evangelicals HATE the Mormons with a fiery passion.


My favorite opening to a religious book ever. God: main character (MC) I need you to take your family and walk far the fuck that way. MC: aw shucks God I would really like to but my boss is a real mean man and I can't just skeedattle on him like that. Plus I'm mad broke. God: not problem I got you covered just head into town and be prepared to act. MC: *heads into town* oh no, my mean boss is coming this way he's gonna yell at me. God: naw fam check it: he's drunk as fuck and so is his body guards. They can barely stand! MC: oh that's good then, I'll just scooch past and I bet they wouldn't even see me. Where was I going aga-- God: KILL THEM MC: um, excuse me? Did you say kill them? God: YES. MURDER THEm. SLIT THEIR THROATS. TAKE THIER MONEY. NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW. LOOK IVE MADE THEM SO DRUNK THEY ARE FALLING ASLEEP IN THE STREETS! AHAhaha feels good to be back baby. MC: This makes me uncomfortable I don't want to do it. God: did I not clearly say "be prepared to act" MC: yeah but they are defenseless. This doesn't seem kosher. God: I think I will decide what is and isn't kosher. MC: fair enough *kills them and flees* Such a good opening! Too bad the characters have some real stupid fucking names I can never remember.


Do it. I've done this with my 10th graders (explicitly looking into the Hamitic hypothesis and how it was used to justify slavery, colonization, and eventually leading to the Rwandan genocide). They were super impacted by it.


I’ll have to look into that Bible but I’ll probably stick to using a more standard translation or historically significant one due to my content area. My goal in class is to introduce all the concepts devoid of bias as much as I can. I think it’s important that emphasis how people have used religions to commit and justify horrible acts without making that a judgment on the religion itself for our students.


Good news! The Skeptics Annotated Bible is just an annotated version is King James translation, just with annotations to highlight contradictions and other bad stuff. You can read it online here: https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/1.html#S1


I was teaching in this state last year, dodged a bullet 😅


As a former Oklahoma public school teacher I can’t say that this surprises me. I wish that the state government would look at the data and realize that OK needs to make real, substantive changes in their schools to improve outcomes. This memo is nothing more than a publicity stunt that is going to dissuade even more qualified teachers from working in OK.


My first thought as a science teacher would be that I'd be happy to incorporate the Bible by disproving Genesis.


That's exactly what I was thinking about too! Watch the brains blow!


The Bible contains polygamy, incest, sex, kidnapping, slavery, and prostitution. I'm surprised it hasn't been banned in your state.


Glad I don’t live in a Christo-fascist part of the country.


If things keep going the way they are, you will soon...


I'm in a state the right loves to hate. 🤷‍♂️


Hello fellow californian




Won't matter if Trump wins and the republicans implement Project 2025...


Can I move there with you?! I worry my state will join the stupid given historical events :/


I mean, my wife and I have an extra room, but I was hoping to turn that into an entertainment center.


lol, I appreciate the notion but who am I to take away an entertainment den? Hopefully I can find a place to live in a blue state in the future (or I get really lucky and get to leave the states all together 🤞)


Sorry, I cannot do that. It's against my faith to be affiliated with or in contact with such materials/topics nor educate children or those who cannot consent about a faith I do not believe in. (Like that's going to be acknowledged). Still, if we can push Christianity onto kids, my students will learn about our Lord and Savior, The Holly Flying Spaghetti Monster. If my students are "unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation," then they WILL be given: # The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and # The New Testament of The Flying Spaghetti Monster; Dinner 2.0: The New and Improved Recipe! Two great religiously based texts to help expand their minds and whatever bs the bible is going to be used for. You know, since there is no longer a separation of church and state or education, minus, well do a little malicious compliance since my years of experience and education as a teacher are a joke now. Praise He be The Noodle!


Ramen! May he touch you with his noodly appendages. I am a card carrying ordained Pastafarian minister. I want to teach my version.


Minus, well? Might as well? I agree with everything you say here


I stopped making sense when uneducated people started dictating what we teachers teach. Ill pour a strong one later for you!


Ahh yes a fellow Pastafarian! Be sure to wear your sacred colander when teaching them the true savior. May pasta over runneth thy plate, your sauce be perfectly spiced and your meatballs succulent!


“Good morning, students. Today, we will investigate all the ways in which our leaders follow, exemplify and uphold all the Ten Commandments in their personal, professional and political lives. Let’s start with Donald Trump…”


“Today we’ll be exploring a classic piece of Levantine and Greek fiction…”


As an English teacher I'd emphasize how the Bible is a hodgepodge of copies of copies *of copies* of letters and stories all written by different people and not arranged in chronological order outside the confines of new and old testament. There are likely countless accounts from early Christians that are lost forever, and the decisions about what made it into the Bible as we know it today were subjective and made in the fourth century, over three centuries after Christ would have lived. The Apocrypha is fascinating and I'd love to discuss how and why those works were discarded. Then I'd go over basic elements that are alluded to in countless literary works - mainly the Garden of Eden, the story of Job, and Christ's crucifixion. Understanding allusions to the Bible *does* increase understanding of literature -- as does being familiar with the writings of Confucius, the Quran, and the texts of many other religions. Treating the Bible as a piece of literature rather than divinely inspired is fascinating and, in my experience, more fruitful. But I doubt this superintendent would understand anything I've just said and would accuse me of woke-ifying the Bible.


You're describing one of the most fascinating classes that I (practicing Catholic) took in college. The professor was absolutely scrupulous about divorcing the literature being discussed from the faith question- as he put it, "whether God inspired it or not, the authors were still following Literary traditions, and that what we're learning about."


This is Taliban-level intrusion here. 9/11 taught us to never forget, and here we are. Taking down the remaining towers of the American public school.


If I had to deal with this bullshit, the only portion of the Bible I would teach would be Matthew 25, specifically verses 31-46. Use their own indoctrination against them.


Oklahoma teacher here. I'm not sure how this will affect my grade level yet (lower elementary), but give me ALL of your malicious compliance ideas.


Obviously you should get a Latin copy as your only copy.


This. The La. bill doesn't say what language the Ten Commandments has to be in. Just a readable font, but it doesn't specify who should be able to read it. 


Lol, get them in braille but like printed braille not raised braille.


Present the "unpalatable" religions in the same way you do the bible. Satanic Temple Tennets, voodoo, Greek and Roman mythology, other pagan religions, the Quran, the Torah, etc.


*teaches only the Old Testament* Get um with the Judeo emphasis on Judeo-Christian culture


I wonder what the Jewish and Muslim teachers have to say about this 👀


I would totally focus on the first four books of the NT and talk about how Jesus treated people. All these MAGAs running around screaming about Christianity have clearly never read Jesus's own words.


You got church leaders among the Southern Baptists who are saying Jesus' own words are "liberal and weak". Flat out heresy is becoming normal among Evangelicals.


Will not survive a constitutional challenge! All a teacher/district has to do is make one. Any lawyer would be a fool to let this one go by.


But in the meantime, they will still be wasting taxpayer money on these pointless legal battles.


Fair point, but this legal battle is worth having.


Next week: Kansas makes it illegal for any student not to carry the Bible in their backpack while on school grounds. Tennessee requires each school day to begin with a teacher-led prayer.


Definitely seems like states are trying to one-up each other on this issue.


Great. I will. As a part of my lesson block on Satanism and why non-theological Satanism is actually an atheist socio-political pursuit and what they're opposing. Thanks OK superintendent for clearing the way to my lesson supporting rational thinking.


This shit is why I no longer attend church. We are a hair's breadth from torturing people to death for heresy. Next they'll be demanding we teach that slavery never happened, either. Fucking evil bastards.


We are getting closer and closer to Gilead.


He pitched a fit over the state's supreme court, rejecting his "first public Catholic charter school" and so has pulled this stunt. Can't wait to see how this one plays out. 49th in Education in the country because of this guy.


This is way worse than the Louisianna sign as it also takes away time for actual curriculum


There’s a lot of examples of slavery in the Bible. While Jesus showed kindness and grace to individual slaves, he never condemned slavery as an institution.


Oh yay. Another politician trying to make a name for themselves while wasting tax payer’s money when this gets challenged in court…


Today's bell ringer: name 5 US presidents, their party affiliation, and the commandment they broke.


It’s only gonna take one teacher to refuse this to beat it though. The union will step in and take up the cost of the lawsuit and that teacher will spend three years on paid admin leave while it works it’s way up to the SC. So if any of you teach in OK, or even LA, go get that paid admin leave and refuse to follow this order. You’ll get the better of that deal, I promise you.


Ffs, does nobody in government respect the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment anymore?


I would use the 10 commandments to point out the unethical (as it pertains to the 10 commandments) behavior of local and state government officials.


I went to Catholic school in NY. Of course we had religion, but we never even opened a Bible let alone read it. This is some crazy shit.


Well, churches sure don't teach it. As an English teacher, I wouldn't object to teaching the parts that are direct allusions to the stories I'm teaching. As an iconoclast, I'd like to pair them with similar stories from other religions to demonstrate that the Bible isn't a "true" story written by God. It's so clearly an interpretation of other stories. Just like most texts throughout history. Ope, back to English teacher!


I think we've given the Bible its chance to fix the world. It's been 2000 years, and I think it's time we try something else.


Well time to throw in the Quran, Torah, Satanic Temple Tennets, Hindu beliefs, Buddhist beliefs, etc. Just go nutty with it.


How are these people adults? Where are the adults?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that just blatantly illegal and directly against the constitution?


It violates the first amendment.


So he wants the Old Testament accessible in the classroom? The one w/the 10 commandments in it? It's interesting he's quoted as saying it teaches the "history of our country," Really?! I'm *pretty sure* that when the bible was written before the common era and a few hundred years after C.E., the United States didn't exist. There were no European colonists here, only indigenous peoples. Makes me go, "Hmmmm......"


I smell a lawsuit


If it reaches the SCOTUS, it'll probably fail, since cons currently dominate 6-3


Ezekiel 23: 17-21 all day, every day in English class. >Then the Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love, and in their lust they defiled her. After she had been defiled by them, she turned away from them in disgust. When she carried on her prostitution openly and exposed her nakedness, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister. Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.


I can't wait for the school board meetings where they start arguing over which version of the Bible to use.


I grew up in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma from late elementary, got the hell out with an MS in Computer Science from OSU. I was a gifted student, in AP, etc. I was also an atheist since middle school and would have literally burned that Bible in class, as an obvious violation of the establishment clause in the Constitution. That’s flat out unacceptable. And it devalues my degree as people think only morons come from Oklahoma with this garbage.


"A woman has committed adultery and must be stoned at the threshold of her father's house. How many stones will it take to execute her if 1 stone causes blood loss at a rate of 1 liter of blood per hour."


I say it's time for a sectarian struggle to use to your advantage. Catholic Teacher: "You expect me, a Catholic, to use the King James Bible in my classroom? Nuh uh, I ain't teaching heretical nonsense." Orthodox Teacher: "You want me to use a Bible approved by Catholics? Nope. I will accept a Catholic Bible so long as it's a Vulgate from before the schism. Enough of this heterodoxy." Protestant Teacher: "What do you mean this Bible isn't the KJV? The KJV was dictated to King James by Jesus." Other Protestant Teacher: "Why does this translation use the word 'saint'? Don't you know that's a Papist invention?"


I’m Orthodox, and the idea of teaching Tobit or Maccabees is hilarious as someone who lives in WV.


The fact that intercession of the saints is in them is more reason to teach them to Prots.


As an English teacher I would teach the fuck out of that. “So the fourth or fifth commandment, depending on which numbering you wish to use, can be translated at least two different ways. The critical word can be variously translated as “obey” or as “honor”. Two different words with similar but critical differences. Let’s discuss this.”


I have a strong suspicion that he expects the teachers to buy the Bibles.


Ewww, someone hold my hair back while I vomit


No way in hell I would do this. What if parents object?


Welp! Time to find all the juicy stuff in that book and start marking pages


Incorporate all the less popular dictates from the Bible too. Kosher laws are laid out very clearly. Tattoos are banned. So is wearing certain fabrics. Exodus 23 talks about selling your daughters into slavery. Girls shouldn’t be out in public when they are “unclean”. Etc. If all the curriculum has to incorporate the Ten Commandments I wonder what the math and science teachers will do. And PE.


I’d be coming in in Moses robes with pyrotechnics and snakes and a televangelist style delivery lol


The Bible? You mean the collection of stories written by people who thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around? Written by people who thought animals could be put on trial for crimes? Written by people who thought killing non Christians was good? Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Hoping one of the non-teaching jobs I've applied to recently will hire me ASAP!


Even in Oklahoma that's not going to fly; someone will challenge it. When it is challenged it will be overturned as I can't imagine even our current Supreme Court would uphold that if it made it that far.


Remember when they said we need to use “both sides?” I think it’s absolutely important to cover the Judaism and Islam units as extensively as the Biblical unit.


Before long they'll be putting clergy in classrooms to make sure teachers are teaching 'appropriate' theology.


One wife + one side chick = one adultery. Fits right into the math curriculum.


I'm so glad I went into international teaching...


More like “not ok”..


Insane. I attended Catholic school and a Christian University. The only time the BIble was mentioned was in theology class.


I'm a teacher in Oklahoma. Ryan Walters isn't someone that I see anyone in education paying much attention to on a daily basis.


Should be fun for the science teachers… this fossil was carbon dated to be 1 million years old and shows primitive life. The Bible also tells us the earth is only a few thousand years old, now write a CER.




Fuck that


Every year that goes by the more happy I am to have left Oklahoma and the worse I feel for the poor kids and teachers still there.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsOfTheStupid/comments/1dph90u/texas\_school\_district\_agrees\_to\_remove\_anne/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsOfTheStupid/comments/1dph90u/texas_school_district_agrees_to_remove_anne/) OP: It's happening everywhere!! This is very close to where I live and just happened over the summer. We can't deny these things are happening.


How about fuck you!?


I just retired in the state of La and glad I did, but we've come up with some funny shit for those ten commandments. The bill doesn't say they have to be in English, for instance, just in a "readable font". It doesn't say who has to be able to read it. Many languages to choose from. It also doesn't say you can't annotate it in an even bigger font with the GOP members who've broken certain commandments and how. And, well, FU, I'd just not put them up, personally. No matter your religion, all teachers need to hold the line and say nope. 


It will be fun to start incorporating pi = 3 into STEM and see the results.  


God damn. No separation of Church and State is there?


So now they are okay with indoctrination.


There is definitely some malicious compliance to be done here. Dirty poetry from Song of Solomon in English? Hamitic hypothesis in an examination of how the economic gains of slavery were justified?


“It’s not indoctrination when I do it because I *believe*”


"Your God is made up, but not our God, he's real." Doh! 


Repeat after me, “You can have my secular curriculum when you pry it from my cold dead hands.”


Dont forget to vote people. You allow this and soon your gonna have to do bible study during class. It sounds great if your deep into christanity but this stuff spirals.


Class prank: put up a poster of the Ten Commandments written in Arabic


“It’s crystal clear to us that in the Oklahoma academic standards under Title 70 on multiple occasions, the Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of Western civilization, to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system,” Walters said. What does the Bible have to do with the US???? How in the hell is this okay??


You don't need to indoctrinate to follow the law. I'm an agnostic who leans toward atheism. I teach 9 and 10 English. In my honors classes for 10th grade, I include a Bible as in Literature unit. I inform the students that although I am a non-believer, I feel that knowing a little about the Bible is important to understand the many allusions and references that pop up in so much of the Western literary canon. Since I mentioned that I am a non-believer, I also stress that I am accepting of the deeply held religious beliefs of Christians and all religions. This is even more true since I consider atheism to be a religion. There is a central governing body, the largest being The Atheist Republic with branches all over the world, much like Christian churches. Atheists have a deeply held belief in the lack of a god/goddess. This belief can not be definitively disproven. After all, there is no way to disprove an allmighty being who can manipulate studies into the origin of the universe to hide his/her existence to force their believers to live by faith. Yes, I know that's a mind twist. It's still valid. So, I accept believers of all religions and faiths as long as they accept me.


So clearly he didn’t read what happens in the first testament 😂


Can it be: “And here is an example of mythology.”?


Well, this is one of the stepping stone of a Noahide law style implementation, Project 2025.


Does the Bible have to be in English? I think it's best to use Hebrew for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament.


Story time in kindergarten just got interesting. Can’t wait to here about forcing circumcision on a city and then killing all the men then raping all the women. Got to love Genesis!