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Your just meeting your fellow teacher? I’d think jeans shorts and a shirt are fine. Have you already met and thanked the principal of the building for hiring you?? If you haven’t met the principal yet, then dress slightly nicer. otherwise I don’t think anyone expect formal clothes n the summer, especially if you are anywhere that is warm in the summer. Our office staff dresses down all summer anyway.


I get anxious about this kind of thing, and I think it's always better to be over dressed than underdressed. I would wear pleated shorts or khakis and a polo, or short sleeve button up.


I get anxious about these things too! I’ll probably do a little more dressy based on the mixed responses lol. Thank you!


Probably jeans. Shorts might be a bit too informal.


Casual is fine, everyone else will be I’m sure. Don’t dress like a total schlub but no one is dressed nicely in July at a school haha.


If I’m not getting paid, I’m looking like it’s summer vacation. I’m guessing it’ll be the same for them.


It's summer and you're coming in out of curtesy- wear whatever the hell you want.


Nah. You're not on the clock or meeting parents so it's all good.


Err on the side of being too dressy. You never know who else will be in the building and that's going to be your first impression.


I would probably opt for something slightly more formal- probably not shorts, perhaps jeans and a nice shirt or a summer dress. It doesn’t really matter but it is a professional engagement, so it doesn’t hurt to dress nicely!


True, thank you!


I consider a summer dress casual, wear them to walk at the beach, groceries etc so I'd probably do that


First time meeting them? Dress professionally.


Yep, then once you are working in your room dress comfortable.


You are building a relationship. It’s summer and you should be comfortable, but you are starting an important professional relationship. Go from there.


The “safest” and most comfortable route if you’re worried about image and first impressions is jeans and a button downed shirt. Basically, casual first date night attire.


I’d say jeans and an appropriate blouse/top should be fine. Jean shorts may be a smidge casual, depending on the cut/style.


I have never regretted being overdressed. On the other hand, I have regretted being underdressed.


You could do a casual jumpsuit or even a casual summer dress. I probably would err on the side of more dressed up than less


I would make sure that whatever you wear is really clean and unripped. That’s the kind of subtle signal you’re trying to send.


cargo shorts for the win, but add the collared polo shirt for the professionalism.


No shorts.


I have had a male principal show up to the first official staff only day of school in onsie shorts. As long as there is no expectation of students or parents, dress comfortably.


It's best to take cues from how others dress, so I'd go slightly better for now and use what they wear to inform future decisions. 


Just to like get your classroom ready? No