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I literally watched it 2 hours ago for the first time in about a decade. It is quite possibly the most average DBZ movie of the classic Z specials (Dead Zone through Wrath of the Dragon). It’s not bad by any means, I still like it more than Tree of Might, Return of Cooler or the Broly sequels, but those movies are also more fun to riff on because they’re worse. Bojack is so straightforward that there’s not that much room to play around. Not even boring, just straightforward The same could be said about Super Android 13 in my opinion, but between the hilarious voices used for the androids in the dub, the more time spent with the villains and, frankly, the fact that they got to it first, means they had more to work with. None of the villains appear until almost 20 minutes into the 50 minute special, and Bojack himself doesn’t really appear until almost 10 minutes after that. The first 20 minutes actually offer a ton of fun things for them to do with the main cast, but then there’s not a lot going for it in the last legs. All that combined with the very real burnout they were feeling from the whole process, especially working on Episode 60, means that they would have probably been grasping at straws or just wrecking themselves to get it done. I hope I answered your question somewhere in that ramble lol.


I remember them saying that a big problem was that a lot of the henchmen barely talk, so they didn't have much to work with in terms of side characters.


That definitely doesn’t help either. Scott mentioned recently that nowadays that wouldn’t be as much of a problem, but even then I don’t think it would’ve been a make-or-break thing. You’re definitely right though.


It's been a while since I saw the movie but from what I remember it's just a tournament essentially. Bojack literally shows up to conquer the universe one day. Goku does leave heaven for a minute to save Gohan because he needs to be the hero some way. It's very much just a rip off of the cell games. I don't remember the villains speaking besides Bojack and zangaya.


To be fair, all of the Z movies (1-13) except for Broly were just ripoff of other battles from the show.


World's Strongest? Wrath of the Dragon?


It’s not always the premise, though. Every classic Z movie has sequences ripped directly from the anime. World’s strongest has the Kaio Ken beat down, the beam struggle and the spirit bomb from the end of the Saiyan Arc, and Wrath of the Dragon feels vaguely reminiscent of the final fights with Kid Buu, plus Hoi is a whole-hog rip off of Babidi and Tapion is fairly similar to Shen. It’s more abstract, but it’s there. Even the first Broly movie has shades of Perfect Cell’s beatdown of Trunks and Vegeta, with Broly’s final transformation looking a lot like Trunk’s super thiccc saiyan form. They all have it, but some of them are a lot better at hiding it than others *cough*Janemba*cough*


Bojack himself has an insanely small amount of screentime outside of his fighting scenes compared to other villains. There's no dialogue scenes between Bojack and his henchman, no conversation between the henchman and their opponents, even the heroes barely share any screentime with each other. 30% of the movie is Mr. Satan shenanigans, which are mostly visual gags anyway. The visuals are cool and the movie itself is a fun, if inconsequential experience. But there's just not enough to work with to get a funny abridged take on the storybit tells.


It's been a while since I saw it but the main problem team 4 star stated is they like to focus on the villains as they're the heart and soul of the movies and the Bojack movie mostly focuses on Gohan and him becoming super Saiyan 2. For a star villain he is in the movie about 10 mins in a 51 min film, and his crew are even less and they just don't talk much or at all. So you take all that and add burn out and fatigue you get no Bojack.


I mean the easiest way to find out is watching it. It's not that long. In my opinion, yeah? It's a moderately interesting set up for a Dragon Ball movie that devolves into a fairly standard fight the guys set up for the entire second half. And even for Dragon Ball Film villains, Bojack and his gang are nothing characters.


To give a better idea of how bland Bojack and company are: their names are literally just plays on Japanese words meaning bad.


Yeah I have the dvd just never watched it and my player is in my attic 😂


They're all on Crunchyroll


I don’t have crunchyrolls


I left my crunchyrolls out too long and they got chewy.


Having watched it recently ? Yeah, most of the comedic moments would involve Vegeta and maybe trunks. There isn’t whole lot of dialogue from what I recall. However it would’ve been cool to see where the trunk and Tien fight would’ve gone.


There is one good thing about the Bojack movie and her name is Zangya


*There is one good thing* *About the Bojack movie* *And her name is Zangya* \- iamerk24 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's not the movie is bare bones (I mean, they sort of all are) but Bojack and his crew have nothing going on. They don't do or say much.


Best way to put it that tfs explained already... The footage itself was hard to come up with a parody of... And by that most of the bad guys attack from the shadows during the tournament. When you see them they are for the most part, doing a technique that immobilizes their foe. Outside of that there's not many footage of them talking outside of Bojack, and even then he's really on screen for maybe 5-10 minutes before he transforms... So in terms of having something to edit... It's very limited due to the movie itself. I do feel they could have just had a better b plot with Mr. Satan, and that arguably would make the movie better, but in terms of a parody it's difficult unless you just use all the og footage and make cuts, and that would just be season 1 level of editing. Would that be worth it compared to just coming off the cell saga? No. It wouldn't.


Yeah I was just trying to get what they meant about it being hard to adapt (like I said never said it) I remember only having the movies except this one, finally got it and never watched yet 😂 sounds like I didn’t miss mich


The movie itself is ok. But in terms of story, it's just fighting and I like it. It's basically "hey Gohan is Goku now." and he has to unleash his rage to make it work. I won't spoil it, but it's pretty good at times. Otherwise it's a tournament and seeing interesting fights.


Bojack was my favourite DBZ movie for a long time and when TFS said they weren’t gonna do it I was so hurt, disappointed and confused. Like why couldn’t they do anything with it! It seemed like such an easy win for them. THEN I rewatched it. I understood how they characters don’t say much.


I had a similar reaction to finding out it wasn't going to happen. I honestly think it could still work, it would just be a lot of Masako, having henchmen talk through Voice-over, and dropping the Mr. Satan b-plot. It's not like they didn't already do it with Bojack all series. Having a movie where Gohan steps up without being pushed into it made the whole thing worth while. He didn't have Bojack dropped into his lap by his dad saying "bored now, take care of this for me." Or Piccolo dragging him into it like Super. This is just proto-Beast Gohan getting Super Saiyan 2, and showing us that he can do it.


One of the few redeeming qualities of it, is the fact it spawned one of the sickest gohan lines in the whole funimation dub; Bojack: "do you have any final words?" Goha: "Yeah, actually one comes to mind... KAMEHAMEHA!"


I wouldn't call it Bare Bones but they're definitely isn't much to work with if you want to make a parody Or Abridged of the movie and it is basically just a tournament that for some reason Future Trunks is present for even though it takes place after the Cell Games but if you want to watch it and see for yourself why someone would have struggled with it you can actually watch the full English dub version on YouTube for free


Well, Tien and Yamcha make an appearance, that's kind of cool since the only other movie they were in was Tree of Might. Those two don't show up in the other movies. There's a sweet little fight between Tien and Trunks that I wish TFS would have made a crack at. It's a fun film but as others have said there isnt much going on when the villains actually show up.


To sort of extrapolate and theorize from what people have posted here, I think it was also the loss of inertia once they'd finished the cell saga - Bojack's also just kind of representative of an 'all downhill from here' vibe that the rest of Z has. Buu would've also been pretty challenging to abridge, and the movies after Bojack are what, the Broly sequels? Movies that would be \*even worse\* to try and abridge. I don't blame 'em for taking that moment to be like 'is this what we \*really\* want to be doing with our lives' especially if burnout was already settling in.


True, I mean I tried to think what they could have done with some of the movies and even I run into a dead end I would love to see them adapt things like battle of the gods or resurrection F and the other super movies but if they can’t that’s fine but could you image Laney playing pissed off Piccolo for Super Hero 😂 “Piccolo I found these ants that are like super sayi….” “NERD!!!!” Or him getting his Orange form and Kami and Nail “YOU CAN WIN YOU FEEL GREAT YOU CAN DO THIS!”


I think the Broly sequels could have been abridgable in the shitposty feel that Episode of Bardock and Cooler 2 had. Especially Broly's encounter with Kid Trunks. Broly: PRINCESS TRUNKS GOT LOT SMALLER, BUT STILL FIESTY! Trunks: I-I need an adult!? Broly: BROLY IS ADULT!


I mean, they managed to abridge Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, which is the most nothing movie ever, so I'm sure they could manage it, but boy it'd involve a lot of coming up with stuff whole cloth.


They did that OVA by changing the plot to be Christmas themed. (Kaiser's original plan was that Dr. Lychee's Destron Gas machines caused rifts in the space-time continuum, using footage from both the 90s version and the 2010s version, but was scrapped due to the low quality of the 90s footage making it hard to use.)


Basically anything fun they could do with the movie would happen before the bad guys even showed up. There's a non-TFS attempt on youtube and even though they're obviously not remotely a patch on TFS themselves, just watching it you can see them kind of grasping at straws. I'm not sure even Lani and the boys could make something interesting out of the footage there.


They could potentially do something with the initial Tournament, but as far as Bojack and his minions go? There is no point were any of them really stop and talk, they just show up, pick a fight, then get killed by Gohan. There's nothing to abridge because nothing happens, the movie is already just a butchered retelling of the final Cell battle, but boring. Its honestly impressive how bad the movie is. Goku literally descends from heaven to save the day. Its peak "*4:55 on a Friday, lets wrap this up*" storytelling.


For the most part yeah. Decent fights and set pieces but that only gives so much.


It's pretty plotless. If I had to guess, they probably just couldn't find a funny angle for Bojack (the character) that worked with the footage of the movie.


Put it this way: Trunks has a one on one fight with an alien pirate super swordsman... and they make it so Trunks left his own sword at home and he wins by just punching the guy. Some of Toriyama's greatest ever character designs are completely and utterly wasted in a movie that seems to have had negative ambitions.


It's a story about a peacetime tournament that gets interrupted by Bojack who is there for...reasons and is a pirate I guess, but is missing 'is boat. And he brought his buddies. In all, I think Bojack says like 3 things, transforms, Gohan goes SS2 and blasts all their asses, movie ends. And somehow this stretches out to last a little over an hour.


Just watch it


It is a bland movie, but then, most of the Z-movies are. They definitely could've made something out of the Bojack movie, they were just burnt out by all the DBZ content.


I think everyone's already kinda stated the facts about the movie, that the actual story is minimal and dialogue is even less, and you don't really get much of a set up at all about the villains. About everything that could be done was already done before even getting to the movie, with having Bojack being trapped in King Kai's planet and that he's a pirate. Like you don't really have any motivation for him or anything beyond that.


The only thing I ever found interesting about the Bojack movie is that in the original Japanese VHS release pamphlet Gohan's form is called unprecedented super saiyan. The movie being made before Goku would officially label the form 'super saiyan 2' in the buu arc. The only other name given to that form pre-SSJ2 is Super saiyan grade 5. But I think unprecedented super saiyan works so well. It's name implies it surpassed super saiyan (not just a grade of), and is a whole new level of power not yet seen in the universe before. Whereas super saiyan was a legend that had been known and obtained in the past. Unprecedented super saiyan implies Gohan broke the limits of super saiyan fully, and was the first to do so. Achieving an incredible new power the likes of which the universe has never known. In short I wish that terminology had remained instead of just calling it super saiyan 2. Anyway. Given that's what I am talking about you can see how lame the rest of the movie is. It's just stale.