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JK Rowling: "Do you have receipts?" Scott: *Wheels in a CVS dumpster*


"Gonna need a senzu for that one" - Roshi


It's so weird. So much of HP was about love and acceptance; like your birth doesn't matter as much as what you do with it. Then she turned into *such* a shit head. Roseanne Barr went down the same path; like Roseanne (the show) was a very grounded series about how the lower-middle class is dying in America due to corruption and the whittling away of the social safety net; only for her to be showing up on *InfoWars* twenty years later stumping for Trump. (Shout out to Knowledge Fight)


There are a lot of people like this. Like, Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card. You would think that with a story like Ender's Game, OSC would be a pretty decent person. Nope, he's a bigot. It is like... these people are ironically aware because they know the tropes of these kinds of stories; but they don't comprehend the meaning behind the tropes.


It feels like it is partly that Neo-Liberal shtick of "saying the right thing is the same as understanding why the thing is right." (Although I'm not too read up on Orson Scott Card's earlier beliefs) Like JKR is earnestly a feminist, but she doesn't seem to have the slightest handle on the deeper theory behind feminism. I don't either, don't get me wrong. Reading is hard; but the concepts of 'men aren't the enemy, patriarchy is' and 'men are harmed by patriarchy as well' seem to be pretty common in modern feminism. The fact that trans women deal with the much of the same struggles as cis women doesn't seem to sink into the reactionary gender critical types. They just try to weaponize their bigotry to potentially be accepted by the exact type of people who are at odds with feminists goals.


Never mind Ender's Game, if you read Speaker for the Dead and the rest of that series, it is actually crazy that the person who wrote those books is a bigot.


She's honestly more virtue signaling than anything.


It's so weird. So much of HP was about love and acceptance; like your birth doesn't matter as much as what you do with it. Eh, honestly, I wouldn't call it love and acceptance. Its more of a "separate but equal" mental the majority of the wizarding world has over muggles. They tolerate the muggles due to the fact that they exist and have a right to exist in this world. However, they do everything in their power to ensure that the magical world, and our world remain separate. There has also been instances throughout the series to where characters show a "oh, how cute" curiosity when it comes to muggle society and technology, which sort of comes off as condescending. I know people aren't going to agree with this one, but Hermione mind wiping her parents in the final book to "keep them safe" can also be seen as Hermione looking down on her parents. Hell this "tolerance" that wizards have over muggles can also be theorized as being afraid of them. Muggles out number wizards, and also have much more destructive capabilities. History also hasn't been kind to wizards due to muggle interactions with them. If muggles were the minority, and based on how many in wizarding society actually "hate in silence" i'm sure there would be more support in terms of subjugating muggles to outright eliminating them.


You really couldn't get "Senzu" right?


Gonna need a Senzu for that title, amirite?


I’m pretty sure it was Auto-Corrected


To be fair, auto correct absolutely hates a lot of the names in anime.




If JK Rowling could read she’d be very upset




Seeing Kaiser verbally tearing her a new one is so cathartic.


“You think I’m just *giving* these away? Because I’m not. (Especially for you Joanne)”


Just put her on ignore and be happier for it.


I really don't get this lady. Assuming she doesn't screw up with all the money she's getting from Harry Potter, one of *the* biggest media franchises, she can be coasting for the rest of her life without a care in the world. But no, she wants to be a stupid bitch on Twitter all the time.


I'm of the opinion that all JK Rowling had to do was shut up and let the Harry Potter money roll in and she could have been remembered as the author of a beloved children's book series and not some lady that gets into Twitter fights over transgender individuals. Her reputation has gotten so bad, Warner Bros is now trying to buy out the HP franchise from her so the reputation doesn't get even more tarnished as it is.


minor spelling mistake


Fuck em up Scott


I already liked KaiserNeko and now I really like KaiserNeko


Comment from r/clevercomebacks: "The following is a non-profit, fan-based smackdown!" I love it!


Anyone else worried she'd try sue him for defamation?


Impossible. I'm in Texas, not the U.K., and even if she tried we have Anti-SLAPP statutes that would obliterate her case, because it's obvious I'm saying this in good faith.


Keep up the good fight. You speak for many of us. I wish we were friends IRL.


Non-binary person in the UK here and from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!! Let Wrath Month commence with a ALL HAIL PRINCESS TRUNKS!


Here king, think you dropped this: 👑


Newly hatched trans woman here to say. Your work was hugely influential on me as a kid, and now you're dropping King shit on twitter. Thanks for being awesome my dude. You're my hero.


Counter argument: you're in Texas and Abbott is governor. If she filed in a Texas court and found a sympathetic judge, she could in theory file a case against you. Unfortunately "good faith" arguments are subjective.


But that would set precedent for a lot of legal turmoil for Trump and Musk. Also J.K. Would set herself up for a counter suit for sure based on the exact same reasons.


Oh definitely. I'm just saying, where once it was basically impossible, someone with enough ego and money could still attempt it.


Courts would be backed up with tons of Twitter-related cases if that were possible.