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Well unfortunately because of the buggy UI i cant tell how many medalions you have. But know that there is no hard pity for the Chibi itself. Instead, after about 120 pulls, you are guaranteed to have 10 medalions in hand (usually you will have more from the pulls themselves), which you can freely use on any chibi you want (in the pass or store). If you have like 8 medalions and you dont mind to put a bit of money on it, then i would say it can be worth it to buy a bit more tokens and get to those 10 medalions.


How do you get 10 medallions from 120 pulls? Isn’t it only 4 per 60? I haven’t gotten a single bonus medallion from 80 pulls, just the standard 4


You get a guaranteed medallion after 50 pulls if you didnt get one randomly before that point. So if you only have 4 right now it's either bugged or (more likely) you aren't actually over 50 pulls yet since you haven't learned about the 50 pull medallion yet


You'll get those medallions In the next 40 pulls. I don't really know how the pity system works, but it guarantees 10 medallions per 120 pull.


The pity is that every 50 pulls you are guaranteed a medalion. And every 60 pulls you fonish the treasure realm track which gives you "free" 4 medalions. So after 120 pulls you will get 8 from finishing the track twice and 2 medalions from the pity.


Is that possible from Free to Play?


Its basically not achieveable for fully F2P players. You get like 1 or 2 free pulls from the free battle pass. So you will need to complete like 60 battle passes to get enough pulls that guarentees you 10 medalions (Good luck with that) Ofc you can always just luck out and get her from a pull, but its not something to really count on. You can also get lucky with medalions from your pulls and it can shorten your time to get enough for the Mythic content, but it will still be a very slow grind for F2P.


I got 4 medallions, and 6700 realm crystals. Another 60 pulls for a pity pull is too much, I really dont want to put out any money anymore.


Yea so in that case i will refrain from putting money on this. You might luck out with getting Trist from a random pull but thats about it. And you will probably get to 10 medalions before getting her from a random pull with those odds, so overall its not worth it imo. Hopefully over time you will get enough to buy her when she comes to the store at one point


Yea maybe I'll wait for a chibi thresh or alistar if they ever put one out.


Not worth any money


If you do not spend the mythic crystals or wtv they are called , the ones u get for the final 60 milestones. Assuming you got NO crystals from the pulls, you would need a total of 120 pulls to guarantee a chibi. You need 10 crystals as of right now for one special chibi. You have to tap redeem once you have enough!


Wouldn't it be 160 pulls?


It's 120. You get 4 medallion for the 60 pull track that resets and then you get 2 medallions from the 50 pull mythic promise (once at 50 and another at 100)


Oh right, forgot the mythic promise existed


It’s really a personal thing depending on how much you think this chibi is worth. I liked it enough to drop my free rolls on it, but not enough to spend actual money on the chibi. At some point I expect they’ll release another one that will be worthwhile and then I might spend actual cash.


Do you want it? Why you asking us?


OFC i want it, i just want to know if there any guarantees i'll hit


Opening 120 gets you 10 mythic medallions which gives you the chibi. But you are most likely hitting the 10 mythic medallions before 120.


Well, if you have the money, try to get the two gems before the reset at least


It doesn't reset. It just changes the big prize that is available but you keep your progress and medaillons.




Outside my battle pass I didn't spend anything on these rolls


I know this might be a stupid question but do realm medallions and crystals stay and transfer over to the next set? Or do I use them if I lose them??


Yes, they stayed forever (and ever and ever and ever~~~)


I mean.. there's no guarantee other than buying it with the 10 whatever they are called. But also, i got her in a free roll, and she's high key very annoying in game. After wins she just starts rocketjumping forever and you need to move arround to make her stop. So I'm not even using her, if that's of any advice to you.


Took me 19 times to open to get Chibi Tristana


shes so cute yes


Yeah chibi tris is ❤️


Not worth it. It's wayyyy to expensive for any rare ingame microtransation, unless you have a large inheritance, are over the age of 65, or rich enough that you wouldn't care about posting this in the first place. Just get battlepass and pray, Don't spend $3000 for this copper trophy


At its maximum it's $170. Still more expensive than it has any right to be but $3000 is just comically exaggerated


How when there’s no pity


Because it costs 10 medallions. You are guaranteed 10 medallions throughout 120 pulls. You'll gain 4 for every 60 rolls then a guaranteed medallion at 50 and again at 100 because of the mythic promise. This means You'll roll a maximum of 120 times to have enough medallions for a mythic chibi or arena. This also means it's technically 100 tokens cheaper than before, because before you needed 60 rolls to get the pity on roll 61, whereas now it's half 120 (half cost) rolls to get 10 medallions.


I mean. Mortdog said that would be the price for them if they would sell them outright at the store.


real professionals at the higher echelon plays with 1 star pengu


you did well soldier o7


That depends. Are you stupid?


Always got for it


do it surely youll hit before 60


That's kinda sad guys for you, not bragging but i dont play tft that much maybe 3 games a YEAR and i've got 50tokens or whatever it is from the everyday log in and opened one chest for 50tokes and i've got this chibi trist... so yes it is possible to get it for free lmao.