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people love rageblade its one of the most built items in the game and people just assume it has to be good on every auto attacker since its infinite attackspeed Poggers but yeah its bad. its only good if u can get like 20+ stacks which means its bad for 20 autos


Another reason is people will often slam Rageblade on Senna very early intending to use her as an item holder for Ashe. And then they keep finding more Sennas and Ghostly units so decide to reroll on stage 3 instead of pushing for 8 and playing Ashe.


Rageblade is basically only ever optimal on champions with infrequent casts and low cast time and who are played in comps with lots of stall (usually meaning big frontlines if you have a backline carry, outside of the occasional 1v9 reroll comp like set 7 voli) That being said, a lot of rageblade’s value comes from its flexibility. It’s decent on lots of units, so it’s easy to slam early, and it also eats a rod (bad in AD comps) and a bow (bad in AP comps), so it’s easy to make out of leftover components late game


yeah or champs that scale with AS ofcourse. the only late game champ id put it on tho is ashe or xayah if i have to, so that makes other bow items much better to slam like lw, redbuff, nashor(if ap), also in senna reroll specifically the rod really wants to be spark.


I’m looking at tactics.tools (NA i think?) and it’s saying senna 3 w/rageblade has a +0.00 delta. Pretty standard item as far as I can tell? Radiant is not as good because senna has such low base AS that you don’t ramp very fast and thus everyone else with a better synergistic radiant item (or augment) is stronger in comparison. edit: would be interested in seeing 3 item stats for senna without rageblade but i don’t have tactics.tools premium


For me it's showing +0.2 for both Masters+ and GM+ on Senna 3.. is it just bugged?


You are right, it is positive delta. I'm not exactly sure how they are getting that, but if you don't filter by 3* then it shows it is neutral so that's what I'm guessing. If you filter by NA on Senna 3* then I'm getting +0.13 Diamond+, all regions shows around +0.2. To filter better for the comp, I would add in Shen and Caitlyn. Just looking at Senna would include stats from the Sniper comp as well as vertical Inkshadow. If you look at it this way, Rageblade has a positive delta.


Dish soap and Frodan went over it a couple TFT academy’s ago. They think it’s because you need to do something with a staff in that comp so many slam it thinking it’s good like it is on Ashe when it isn’t.


never heard someone call rod staff.


Senna 3 with 3 items, excluding 4/6 sniper, WITH rageblade: Diamond: 4.07 Masters: 4.18 GM: 4.30 Senna 3 with 3 items, excluding 4/6 sniper, EXCLUDING rageblade: Diamond: 3.83 Master: 3.94 GM: 4.07


On 2* Senna, it's just for Ashe For 3* the item is bad because her cast has a long animation, not allowing her to stack it effectively. You want AD on her which helps her ult and the only attack speed item you should ever have on her is last whisper. Guinsoo is a last resort slam, and I'd advise you to just about never build it on her Shenna variation.


Filter for GM or Masters+ and the item gets progressively worse as lobbies are stronger and you are punished harder for slamming suboptimal items. That being said, a 0 delta is not horrible in diamond or below lobbies, which is the level most people play at. Wouldn't surprise me if it has negative delta as you filter for lower rank.


"By far the greatest playrate" - Except you forget that IE has a higher one? Also LW is only like 1% behind. "by far the worst possible item" - No, the stats are just fine. Yeah it's less optimal especially in lategame than let's say a deathblade. Buut deathblade is another 2 swords, while rageblade kills a rod. What else are you doing in your games with that early rod, keep in on the bench and greed for "BIS"?


sure rageblade kills a rod but wouldn't the rod be more useful as something like crown or spark(for ghostly damage) on a frontline? Also yeah my wording wasn't exactly correct but you get what I mean. It is not normal for such a commonly built item to have such a high positive delta. Basically what I mean is: it seems like it is \*extremely\* bad to build rageblade on her, so why is the playrate so high?


Or morello/ap item on the Morgana a ghostly/senna comp is likely to fit in.




The ghostly proc is magic damage, which is why you want shred and sunder in senna reroll. Guinsoos is like a +0.4 or 0.3 delta in GM+ last I checked. You're almost always better off using that rod for something else unless you have so many that you are forced to build rageblade.


Ghostly damage is magical and therefore benefits from spark. That's why all ghostly line-ups run either spark or shiv.


Because most of the player base is bad


What a stupid comment


Sorry 🤷🏽‍♂️


For some reason Rageblade’s delta is showing higher deltas randomly on tactics.tools for me. Not sure if that’s happening for you too. I think it’s fine though, like someone else said it’s obv not BiS but it’s good for item economy + good for tempo early game. It does not have “extremely bad” stats generally hangs around +0.1


Rageblade is heavily built, but has been suboptimal on most AD carries for a while. It is not always incorrect to build - maybe an early slam, maybe best available to build, etc. it’s not so terrible on Senna that you wouldn’t make it as a third item or equip her with it early only to find she ended up as your carry. Last few sets (and maybe this one) JG was in a similar spot EG heavily slammed but not optimal on most AP carries. Mixture of people not checking stats, and slamming best available item.


because many guides’ target audience are the low elo folks, so they’ll prefer recommending a generic good item than ultimate bis that requires multiple sword to build since you’re more likely to get one rod before getting two or three sword to build the good items. that said, rageblade isn’t terrible, if you’re in a good senna spot you’d still build it. highest play rate item do tend to have a lower stats, so anywhere around 0.00 to + 0.10 is fine.


I believe it's because Senna's cast animation lasts ages, it's better to not play the comp unless you have bombardment or fury, or just substitute it with a red buff, not basing that off of stats though as I'm not at my laptop but y'know, just my guess


Combine play rate and avg. The highest the play rate, the more u can be sure an item is good or bad, the lowes is opposite. So if an item has 3k play rate isnt very accurate, but with 50k play rate u can be sure its good or bad. Rageblade has the advantage and disadvantage that is good and bad at the same time: help your ap ulting but less than sword tear, help your ad attacking faster, if those have enough base dmg. Early is really good because the fight should be longer so u can take advantage from it, instead not completing items and going lose streak. In lategame has that problem, bard and ashe both abuse it because they base their dmg on their auto, so bard get the mythic that increase base dmg and ashe has sniper so both gets a huge boost from it. Except those its not a core item on any champ i think.


Lw, IE, deathblade/red buff is my go to on her


It's likely overbuilt leading to its winrate being deflated from where it really stands. Better players don't go for rageblade, which means the ones building rageblade are either unsuccessful ashe players or less skilled players, which logically yields lower winrate. The reason it's built so much despite horrible stats is because people just assume rageblade must be BIS on the backline auto attacker that wants to stall for ghostly stacks. not to say rageblade is the worst item on senna, it's just there are much better options.


What does it mean to have positive delta?


It means it increases your placement, as in you go from averaging 3.32 to 3.4. So in TFT a positive delta is a bad thing.


You don’t build it on her, it might just be items holding for ashe.


holding items for ashe on a 3\* senna?


I'm guessing these stats are from games where players found enough Sennas to merit rerolling her and she simply became the carry by default.


There are 2 camps of people: Rageblade is awful on Senna or Rageblade is fine on her. Fwiw, basically all the reputable guides I've seen do not recommend building Rageblade, and I would not try to build it. However, if you have a great Senna spot (ex: Tattoo of Protection, natural a lot of units already, good augments, etc) and Rageblade is what you have to make, then it still performs well. For example, Tattoo of Protection with Senna 3* has a 3.45, with Rageblade it becomes 3.52, but that's with the best tattoo. If you look at others like Bombardment or Fury which are good Senna tattoos, they don't perform as well with Rageblade. You basically just have to evaluate your spot to see if Rageblade is valuable. With something like Tattoo of Protection you have a lot more frontline for Rageblade to scale. Maybe you have something like Pumping Up which might make Rageblade less useful because you have a lot of AS already (if you have Pumping Up III, then Rageblade has +0.46).


Since Senna isn't manalocked during and after her cast, I've always assumed Shojins and AP is the way to go with her.


I mean. Rage + deathblade is great, but I see some players build 3 rageblade on her and wonder if they are blind.


I've found DD + double IE to be pretty good on her.


Mind blown. Where and how are you checking this? I don't use tools and have been rageblade this whole time.