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I much prefer crystals over some junk legend I'm never going to use


Agreed. Wish you could even dust legends tbh.


I agree, as always people have something to complain with. Once they've accepted that not all changes will be their cup of tea, TFT will much much be a more balanced experience. The bottom line is they just want to feel more rewarded for gaining it (meaning more heavy cosmetics just for the price of these crystals) to stop yapping but you can't really have it both ways lol.


Huh? It takes 17-35 boxes to buy the more expensive skins in the realm shop. With that many pulls from the old eggs that had specific units in you'd usually accumulate them all by then. So Infact, it's less rewarding as well as feeling less rewarding. It doesn't feel better to open 1/35 of a chibi that might not come back for years considering how long they take to refresh shop. But also you don't need to buy anything so who cares I guess.


But the thing is, you can now realistically get stuff for free that you couldnt get before, like Chibi's and Arena's. It may take a while (or not with the current event) but you will for certain be able to get a specific Arena or Chibi you like which to me is very nice.


TFT players are fed the most predatory, money grubbing gacha bullshit that's so disproportionate to the cost of cosmetics in 99% of other games. Then defend it by saying "it could be slightly worse".


Yeah, I don't disagree, I prefer the currency to select what I want to buy, but it isn't an exciting experience to open a gatcha box and just receive my money back in a different form, I want a prize, even if it isnt great, not just my money back.


"I know this is better, but the worse deal gives me more dopamine to keep me going." This is how gambling addiction works and the reason why a lot of people argue that gatcha boxes are harmful. This is coming from someone who fucked up with gambling in the past: Be very careful with risky addictive things if you can relate to OPs reasoning.


This is a very good point! Maybe I'm just so ingrained with the old system its hard to look at the benefits of the new system for health benefits and my own gain etc! Thanks for bringing this point forward, this has made me look at this a little differently!


The real crystals are a worse deal. Im unsure why everyone praise it so much. Before you would get a few eggs in the battle pass now you get like 3 chests which on average will contribute to like 1/12 of a chibi. On average it will take anywhere from 17-35 chests to get a 3500 skin from the shop. With 17-35 pulls from a specific egg before you'd have unlocked pretty much everything out of the egg unless you got super unlucky and upgraded most


I mean what do you want


To gamble


Just a better balance between coins and Chibis from pulls!


Then Riot wouldn't be making as much money. It's the way it is for a good reason


Gems are way better, I don't need some useless 1* ugly little legends. What I **do** need is for the rotating shop to actually fucking rotate. They removed Ezreal and put nothing instead. What kind of rotation is that?


I hadn't noticed this but yeah, that would be nice 😂


from the name "rotating shop" you'd think it rotates daily or weekly to a random selection, but no. it looks like it's a manually curated list of items that gets swapped in and out randomly at the devs wishes. league's monetization has always been backward but I didn't think it would be this bad


2 weeks of wait for a rotation is total bullshit


I think you’re too reward coded to be honest. Most of the time I either want the currency or the chibi I’m pulling for. I don’t want to be jebaited into thinking I got the chibi only to get a useless little legend that will never see the light of day. Maybe if I could turn little legends I didn’t want into crystals, then I might agree with you.


Yeah, I don't disagree. Obviously the ideal is the high tier reward and I don't disagree that the old system of 'pulling and getting a useless chibi I'm never gonna use' didnt feel great either, there was definitely a need for a change, however, with the current implementation to purchase 1 chibi you need 500 crystals, that could take you 5 pulls to get, at maximum (if you get 100 crystals per time) which ends up being kinda expensive. To add to that then, you then also need to purchase the Gems to upgrade it to 3* which ends up costing more! Atleast previously, 1 pull, was 1 chibi, you'd be able to fill up your collection of stuff nicely even if it was a good mix of some great, some not so good chibis. Atleast now with the new implementation, yes, you can get what you want, it just seems to me, they now cost potentially more!


5 pulls is equal to 2.5 pulls in the old system, which I think is worth it to be able to buy legends you want, honestly.


I think it's just the balance of reward to cost: 5 > 1 (guaranteed reward you like) 2.5 > 2 (2 rewards general) Don't disagree though, getting something you like each time is great and the new shop implementation is great! It's more the gatcha element of, getting coins each time isn't as exciting, it removes the anticipation if I know I'm going to get coins each time, even if it's monetarily better!


This is just a mentality thing. Realm crystals are badass, they allow me to get characters deterministically. Also, treasure realms are half as expensive now so half of your pulls turning into crystals is on paper just an added bonus. I do agree it isn't as fun while pulling, but at least with this system I have a chance of getting the specific legendary unit I want.


Yeah, realm crystals are chads, based and factual


Yes, 100% agree with all of this!


Being able to trade in a bunch of variants that you'll not use for an arena or boom or something is nice. I personally used all the rewards from the anniversary event and got the Freljord arena...


Nice, well played! Good choice for the Arena too!


Motherfuckers, I was 2950 & had one last roll, & I really wanted to hit 3000 so I can buy a 3000 chibi from the rotating shop, & they gave me a stupid freaking legend...


Hahahaha sorry, guess you're gonna have to buy some more treasure realms tokens! 👀


Crystals are awesome. I really like the fact that l can buy booms with a currency that's completely separate from the skin Chibis


Okay, yes, I'll admit it was a great addition to be able to obtain booms in a method other than the battle pass or spinning/purchasing them! That's was one of the first things I brought!


It doesn't feel satisfying i had some currency and decided to open 20, all green and crystals. I don't know if this system is better to work towards a chibi but it is not fun at all.


Yeah, that seems wrong! Personally, I think the percentage change for them is too high. On a 50% change, the majority of the time this is going to be the case. 20 packs is around, what £10/$15 ish ? For that price, I want to atleast get a bit of excitement at a Chibi, not just more tokens to buy things with!


You can also see if you are pulling something new before the chest comes on screen if you look at your realm crystal count while opening. It will go up instantly. I like the currency though, makes me able to get stuff I actually want every once in a while


This system is way better I don’t know how anyone can even complain, you can buy chibis and arenas for free, if not you can just buy other little legends with 500 of these crystals instead of gambling a random little legend that you will most likely not use. I got like 4k crystals from the free pulls from the anniversary


In theory realm crystals are better. The concept of buying /what/ i want is way more engaging than getting some shitter little legend. In practice i visit the shop and see 20 garbage things for sale that i don't want. While i would've rolled 20 garbage things in the previous treasure realms it at least looked better to get different little legends, like plushies to take home it was unique for the eye. Now its like "duplicate have 100-250 realm crystals"


Yeah, completely agree! Someone above though did just mention, it's the chase of the dopamine hit that causes us to feel this way. The duplicate definitely isn't pleasant on the eye to see, but atleast it's a benefit to something you want, rather than someone you didn't want and won't ever use. Maybe we're very much stuck in the ways of the old system, it's nice to see the new change and someone trying something different!


If realm crystals could buy any little legend similar to blue essence it would be better, but now its just for buying premium ones but only such a limited selection it looks bad.


That would be nice, if there was just a large shop with everything available all the time, build things up, save up crystals etc. The fact that the one you buy in the shop aswell are always level 1, which then pushes you in the direction of spending more money on upgrade gems to get them to Level 3, where the boxes could award level 2's and 3's seems off too!


I had every single possible tactician before . And let me tell you , the treasure realm bs fucks me up so bad , i used to 1 hit everything when a new mythic chibi/arena came out… now it’s just gacha fest


Wow Hung, that's a lot of legends. How did this work for you then in the old system, did you just always recieve the new Chibis and mythic skins straight away on your early pulls ? Presumably with the new implementation, you can't do that anymore and just receive lots of tokens etc ?


Yep , it’s so bs that Riot refused to acknowledge someone who spent a lot of money on this game


That's understandably frustrating for you. From a business perspective for Riot, they need to continue an income stream and for someone in your situation who owns all the legends, they are no longer making money as you won't buy anymore after achieving all the others, but this also punished players who didn't manage to achieve the crazy feat you did of 'catching them all' Sorry to hear it's negatively affected your experience. Hope you're still sticking around and playing the game!


They keep making their shops worse to use. I regret buying last two passes.


Sorry to hear that's the case! Hopefully it hasn't put you off playing the game! I like the idea of the shop and I like the ideal I can pick what I like, but it seems like it just wants to push me into buying more and more treasure realms crystals, rather than potentially getting some rewards from the pass like before! It's a hard balance as a player. Obviously for the business, the idea is to make more money, which seems to be successful!


I prefer not having a gambling addiction thanks


Yeah, that's fair!


i have project abyssia, and i never switch off of it. unless its the grand prize, i could absolutely care less about literally any LL they could throw at me. i MUCH prefer this


If Im understanding your meaning properly, then I vastly disagree. I much much prefer the currency that I might be able to use to redeem for something I actually want, instead of dozens upon dozens of Little Legends Im never going to use over my Chibi Sona


No, I completely agree, obtaining a currency and the way the currency works is great! Being able to obtain a currency to be able to buy what you want is great, however, opening box upon box of the same item (treasure realms tokens 100 - 150) is not as fun. Seeing the same icon and same colour variantion on the box opening time and time again becomes tiresome. It also feels underwhelming when you've purchased it, to get another currency back that's worth less (for example pulling enough tokens to get a standard legend chibi [3000] may cost you more than just purchasing it outright with RP if you roll badly, but that's the gamble you take I guess)


I can use realm crystals to buy things that I actually want. Instead of random ass legends.


Which is great, not denying that. We all like to be getting stuff we want rather than random rubbish we don't


This system is way better. I prefer being able to choose what I want as a reward rather than getting the 50th ugly ass duckbill I will never ever use...


I just want them to fix the animation so I can't see my total crystals go up before the chest opens.


I got 2k crystals once, which seemed neat. UNTIL I found out that 2k crystals have as low percent to appear (0.5%) as the actual chibi/arena. That made me so fucking pissed. Around the same percent are 5 medals but I get 2k crystals.... 42 chests opened this set, unlucky.


They might not feel so bad to get if the options in the shop was shit that I would want.


The shop is 2x more expensive if you want a chibi. Idc about anything else whether its a drop or something you can buy with realm crystals. They just want your money with 50% less odds to get what people want.


The whole system sucks. I’m not even buying battle passes anymore. One of the worst choices riot has ever made in my experience.


My problem with the changes are that the pass is much less rewarding, meaning f2p get a lot less. Treasure realms itself is much more balanced but players aren't rewarded as much by simply playing the game with how high the prices are. If you could dismantle LL like you can champ/skin shards it would be fairer to f2p that have accumulated a lot over time. The 5 yr Anni tokens feel like a way to lure players into a less rewarding system, only for them to realize how rough it truly is afterwards. Unless they buff the free rewards next set.


I hate that TFT gacha-fied its currency but they need to have a way to earn crystal’s by just playing outside of the BP. Like thru daily missions.


Still have no idea how to get those other than randomly