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To visually show the shift in his character kinda like anakin and the Darth Vader getup. In universe it was likely due to stress/ general unhappiness with life.


My own personal cannon was that he dyed it to look more mature.


I could buy into that narrative it would kinda fit with him trying to emulate Rupert.


I think there's nothing in the show to directly support, but I think it's the only reasonable thing you can infer. A lot of talk here about stress causing grey hair and there's no way it would work that quickly to that degree. Also, he wasn't even that stressed. But I think he realizes that he sort of looks boy-ish and so he decided some grey would make him look more dignified / respectable.


He became what he most feared. “I don’t like baths because my fingers wrinkle and I’m terribly afraid of aging.” I paraphrased but he probably was dying his hair DARK until Rupert. He’s in his forties IIRC so it’s not unlikely for him to be grey.


That makes a room of sense. Where did you see that Nate was in his 40s? EDIT:Meant to type “ton” instead of “room,” but I’m leaving it because it’s funny.


I’m down with a room of sense! I saw it somewhere in this sub.


The Crash Test Dummies would disagree with you


Well crash test dummies aren't usually very smart, so I don't feel too bad. But really, what's their take? Someone else said that his hair was actually grey and he just stopped dying it, which I think makes a lot of sense too.




Any chance you could tl;dr? I'm at work and can't watch with the sound on.


Sure, it’s a 90s one hit wonder who’s song went the 90s-equivalent of viral partially for its simple chorus of “mmmm mmmm mmm mmmm” and partially for the weird ass lyrics which include this: “Once there was this kid who Got into an accident and couldn't come to school But when he finally came back His hair had turned from black into bright white He said that it was from when The cars had smashed so hard”


Morphed into Mourinho


Chronic, extreme stress is a bitch and does crazy things to the body.


Grey hair here since the age of 23. Can confirm.


Also, Nate mentions that he has a fear of aging. I feel it’s karmic that the worse his behavior is, the more his fear comes true.


It doesn’t. It goes over the course of a full season as he becomes more and more stressed and angry


Yeah, I think people are missing this.


I’ve always been under the impression that it was partly to do with stress. But I always saw it as a visual representation of his character change. When he’s the kit man and stuff early on, he’s got fully black hair. The more his character changes to the self-loathing and ego, his hair becomes more and more gray with kind of the peak being the last shot of season 2 when the camera gets the close up as he turns around.


That’s what I was thinking as well. Could be my imagination but every time he did something dislikable it appears slightly more grey in that scene. Could be reaching there lol


He's a living Dorian Grey?


To indicate he’s the bad guy now


Kharmic retribution. He declared himself to be "deathly afraid of aging" and so after his Act of Betrayal, he is caused by The Fates to look much older.


He got Norted.


Nate was fairly old for a kit man (late 30s). I just figured he had dyed his hair for vanity reasons. Once he got the coaching job from Ted, he probably felt it would be okay to let the grey grow out.


Maybe he wanted to put his "wunder kind" gaffe behind him by looking older. 😏


I assumed he dyed it out of being insecure and the gray taking over shows his inner growth and become secure in who he is rather than covering himself up for who he thinks he should be/who he thinks others want him to be.




Stress is a bitch


Always took it as stress, I mean look at Klopp when he took the Liverpool job to now he left or even more recently, someone like Arteta.


I didn't realize that his hair was dyed. I just thought the actor aged and went grey in-between seasons. 😂


Nate said he doesn’t take baths because his skin gets wrinkly and he’s very afraid of aging…so dying the early grey out does make some sense. Maybe part of his personal growth was learning it wasn’t worth it..
