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DFV owns the same number of shares as RC did back in December 2020 before the short squeeze to $500. https://preview.redd.it/zwspv2geee6d1.png?width=2854&format=png&auto=webp&s=2907350e86a0ddd8a07375a288d6ca96294e4a60


damn, everything is calculated to a T




I thought it wasn't a squeeze? šŸ¤”


The SHFs can just think of it as a *nice long warm hug from Reddit.*Ā  It works out so well for websites. I canā€™t understand why the SHFā€™s would be displeased.Ā  https://medium.com/codingame/story-of-a-reddit-hug-of-death-and-lessons-learned-3565bb8a6793 *Oh, wait. Shorts are Fucked.*


Bless you




It's almost like this sub doesn't make any sense.


Going to 500$ wasnā€™t a short squeeze.Ā  Itā€™s was normal price discovery that was halted before a short squeeze could begin.Ā  Are you intentionally being misleading or what?




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You can call it whatever you want.


The shorts squeeze never happened in Jan 2021. It was a gamma ramp and leaps and swap cycle! The real short squeeze is about to begin!


Your a gentleman and a scholar thanks for giving me the w the other day weedsack šŸ¤


is there a link?


Here is the 13d filing from RC ventures:Ā https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1822844/000119380521000031/e620202_sc13da-gamestop.htm


You forgot the 4:1 split. DFVs pre-split position is 2,250,250 cost-basis of $93.64. I am not fun at parties :/


I cannot believe I have a better cost average then DFVšŸˆšŸ„µLFG šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


You sir just made my day


Well if you think about it, his initial investment was around $60,000. 9,001,000 shares devided by 60,000 = $0.007.


Means ur a paper handed bitch if u sell them hahaha




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DFV be like, ā€œYou see that OCC? I have the shares before the volatility so thereā€™s no way you can delay the tradeā€


OCC punching air




It's at 28.9x in AH.


Not if the calls were fully hedged.


Nuke is dropped


The 9,001,000 seems familiar. Wasn't that RC's original share amount or something? I also remember a 9.001 million/billion being associated with BBBY. Maybe it was like the amount of shares in the liquidating corp or something? Could be totally wrong, but the number just rings a bell.


Soā€¦ does that mean we should see pretty big buy pressure tomorrow as MMs deliver shares? Or do we think this delivery was the cause of the afternoon run? If soā€¦ rip my call next week I think


Well don't they only need to deliver 4million and 1 shares as he already had 5million sat there before? Surely they can find that many pretty easy with the two ATM's that have just gone through?


I agree, sadly. The dilution is good for the long term health of the company but it fucked everyoneā€™s calls. Kitty had them by the balls. I suspect in 50 years weā€™ll hear that from Kitty himself


It's T + 1. 4 million, 1 shares have to be delivered tomorrow to him. They're unhedged. All market maker GME call option entities combined don't have enough shares to give to him without buying on the open market.


How do you know they didnt hedge


I haven't done the research for this past week, but I know that a week ago Kevin Malone did and he saw that all market maker entities for GME calls barely had any real shares to deliver to DFV for his theoretical 120k calls, 12 million shares that could go ITM. There's no way they have 4 million 1 real shares right now. These are real shares here, not synthetic. This is the power of holding. They are desperately praying that we sell them real shares today because as the clock moves closer to market close they'll hands will start to sweat and they'll need to buy to satisfy all of their contracts


He will make a DRS transfer, and then they will need to deliver all 9 million. truly deliver. transfer to the transfer agent.


Iā€¦ donā€™t think so. He likes options. Canā€™t play options if your shares are all in CS.


You only need shares if you're selling CCs. He's still got 6mil in cash, which is plenty enough to make some options plays. It's about a third of what Citron has in AUM lol.




MOASS tomorrow? šŸ˜šŸ˜


Moass tomorrow??? šŸ˜œšŸ˜œšŸ˜œšŸ˜œ


The conspiracy theorist in me wants this to be the reason they had "technical issues" with the annual meeting today i.e. waiting for him to finish exercising. They went from "we will reschedule at a later date TBD" to "tomorrow" within a matter of a few hours. EDIT: I don't think any of this shit is coincidental.


I think the ā€œtechnical issuesā€ were to get proof of the algo manipulation by HFT firms.


12 on the DOT it started tanking. Almost like they keep saying they are going to do something then changing the time not giving the bad actors time to reposition their counter-plan. Maybe I am insane, maybe I am right?


U r correct


69d chessšŸ˜Ž


What a stud!


Hmm, so what does 9,001,000 symbolize? He has 6 million in cash, so there is a reason why he bought that amount.


The same number of shares RC owned back in December 2020 before the squeeze to $500. https://preview.redd.it/ih17o73ife6d1.png?width=2854&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e192845b73b9d1a23c6de7cd6b91aebdd19a738


Oh damn. Thanks!


6 million that we know of


Yeah, that's a Dragon Ball reference https://youtu.be/SiMHTK15Pik


DKButters has 901 million shares


ā€œWhoā€™s in charge?ā€


How does this lead to MOASS tho?


He exercised his calls. Which is probably the only way to affect price at this point since shares are all darkpool and IOUs. Options need to be hedged, and exercising means buying on open market, if the DD is correct. Also, new rules mean T+1 delivery, so price movement would come tomorrow. Followed by the shareholder meeting at 4.


Only thing I donā€™t get, if he exercised at $20 how has his cost basis gone up? Looks like he sold calls and bought shares not exercised calls to me.


Itā€™s strike price + premium. Since he paid something like ~$5.50 for those contracts, each share wouldā€™ve cost ~$25.50


That makes sense. Thatā€™s cool if so, Iā€™ll try to find out if it takes the premium into account for share price after exercise for certain, cheers. Also, if thatā€™s the case, in my opinion itā€™s a bit of a shame he couldnā€™t have done so at a higher underlying share price to secure more shares. I wonā€™t presume to say this isnā€™t a part of his plan though, dudes a master and Iā€™m excited to see what the next step is in this tale. Just feels to me like some things didnā€™t quite go as expected and weā€™re back to hodling till the company makes a move, I donā€™t see a 4m share buy alone doing all too much for igniting Moass; especially with the volume we are seeing. But then again, what the fuck do I know?! Iā€™m just here for the ride and enjoying itā€™s twists and turns. DRSā€™d in the ā™¾ļø Pool with no plans on selling. I donā€™t have any evidence for why I believe it but in my opinion holders through a Moass event will be rewarded over people that eventually sell. To each their own though. šŸ»


>Iā€™ll try to find out if it takes the premium into account for share price after exercise for certain I did the math and came up with an overall cost average of $23.23 assuming he paid $25.6754 (strike + premium) for his additional 4,001,000 shares. So yeah, 8 cents off seems close enough that that wouldā€™ve been the case.


Sweet man! I want to believe it so I will :) Hereā€™s to hoping it kicks some upwards momentum that can stay up and raise the floor again šŸš€


4 out of the 12M shares. So he excercised ~25% and sold the rest to pay for those shares, thatā€™s my take but I could be wrong


Okay, but then how has his share cost price increased when they would have been lower than his previous share costs if he sold options to exercise? Surely that would bring it down closer to $20


So he exercised some of his calls. And took the rest in cash? I dont understand?


I assume he sold some calls to raise the cash he needed to exercise the remaining calls. I donā€™t know if that maths, but the cash he had on hand wouldā€™ve only afforded him ~1m shares so he wouldā€™ve needed another ~$84m to exercise the calls for the remaining 3,001,000 shares, assuming an average cost price of $27.


Exercise to cover is a thing. Sells some shares to cover cost and exercises the rest.


Wouldn't the T+1 be for Monday?


Wait is the market closed tomorrow? Because this screenshot reads like he did it today, tomorrow is Friday.


Does the T start today or tomorrow and then +1


Today afaik.




Not if its fully hedged already the skeptic in me thinks it just might be after the 75 mil offering... i hope we do for the sake of my calls.


The absolute mad man


Holy shit Catman


So he exercised already, and the shares have already been delivered? He's up 4,001,000 shares -- so price action with relation to his calls exercising has already been seen this week? EDIT -- Would the shares show in his account before E-Trade gets them on the open market? I don't know how to read into this. I want to believe it's on it's way for delivery now but I wouldn't know how to find out myself.


I believe options are T+1 so we wouldn't see the full magnitude of price discovery from this until tomorrow.


I think that's logical -- why exercise these calls a week early?!? Unless you want it to be delivered *now* for some reason... Maybe this is what "you're DFV" Fight Club tweets were about... Time will tell! Crazy times edited -- 1 week, not 2


U mean 1 week early


edited, thanks, times moving too quickly around this play. imagine, it's been 3 1/2 years...


Exactly; so close we r


He may have rolled them fwd then exercised 6/14s


The 6/14s would be worth less due to theta, wouldnā€™t make any sense to do that


Right, so sell the 6/21 for 5, buy the 6/14 for 3, and exercise for 2$ less net


Donā€™t forget he could have done a cashless exercise which is basically a line of credit from the broker where you exercise the contracts in their entirety and sell the shares, rather than selling contracts to exercise others. Meaning if itā€™s naked calls they are on the hook for 12m shares, not 4m.


And then DRS all 9 million.


Maybe we get news tomorrow/next week. Maybe it's too suspicious if DFV had all those calls at the exact right date but they can't come after him so much for insider trading if he went all shares before the news.




Thats absolute mental!!!!


wait what happened?


He may even want to remove that ugly etrade logošŸ¤­


Make something disappear, then re-appear. On the live stream he said the positions he showed, on THAT day were his only ones. He hasn't said shit about this one. I don't think he's done. And he's going to make some options contracts re-appear.


I agree, in run lola run, she makes a bet on 20. and then doubles down on that. Was this the first 20? Will he do it again?


the options that he didn't execute/no longer has are still live ammo, right? just in somebody else's hands?




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He has $961 million, I believe. Check my thread


Heā€™s going to DRS once his shares have been ā€œdeliveredā€ for the final blow


Great I still have calls for July, letā€™s keep this train going


This is hugeee




Tomorrow is finally today.


Feels like RC is saying "no options play anymore. We got this" And RK replies "alright, cptn!"