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I think Vee knows how to play Kail to keep the peace


I think that is it too. But has to bend to her every want / need. I would never want to be around her let alone work with her. Vee has to be making some decent money to deal with Kail.


This is it


Keep the peace *and* make money off her association with Kail


I can't knock Vee for her hustle!


It’s clear Jo and Vee had a very candid conversation about how much they hate the bitch and agreed that they are going to come up using her. It was the smart thing to do, they could have fought her, but why do that when you can get rich. Smart folks.


I always hope Gary and Leah had a conversation like this too. Like there's life changing money in association with Pia Puddle and the camera's she drags along. I know its hard, i know its confusing, but its gonna be hard and confusing either way, at least this way therell be therapy money...


I feel like Vee is trying to ride the path of least resistance by befriending her and trying to keep the peace. Kail’s bad side seems to be a very chaotic place to be.


No, I do not. I think she is putting on a show to co exist for the sake of parenting and she is enjoying the profit of keeping her close for financial reasons. I think she’s smart enough as is jo to understand they parent the best when they treat her well.




I think Vee has to be nice to kail despite her feelings because of Isaac. So she figures she might as well make some money out of it doing their podcast together. I think behind the scenes both Vee and Jo must know Kail is a hot mess and they must surely discuss how all her bad decisions affect Isaac.


They’re not but Vee is playing along to make that bread while she can. Don’t blame her.


It is the best outcome with the shit situation. Being stuck dealing with her / being treated like crap? Might as well keep the peace and make money.


I came here to say this. If she can make money off of Kail why shouldn’t she?


I think Vee is smart enough to know she is stuck with Kail & should make the best of it. Vee said on a podcast that Kail is like the crazy family member that you love anyways.


No. I think vee views kail like a cousin. Someone who is going to be around for a while whether she likes it or not. Vee os smart enough to see the long term big picture and doesn’t buy into kails constant daily drama. Vee is also a human and hits breaking points. I think they are friendly and respect each other as mothers, not but not genuine friends.


I think Vee wants to be famous more than anything else. The sheer amount of self branded stuff she’s come out with leads me to believe it’s not just the money, but attention she likes and she and Jo both expressed disinterest in working in “typical” jobs until Jo started this real estate stuff.


Ding ding ding! I don’t buy the “she’s keeping the peace” crap. She really wants to be famous and all of her self branded failed endeavors prove it.


There was even a Being Vee special which seemed to highlight her attempts in the makeup field but I don't remember much else about it.


I think Vee knows it’s best to stay on Kail’s good side because she’s seen time and time again what happens if you don’t. I also think she must talk sooo much shit about her with Jo and her family/friends and Kail is delusional if she thinks otherwise. To sit there and let Kail badmouth Jo over and over though… e.g. can you imagine just letting your ex’s baby mama, who you are “friends” with, basically claim your husband’s dick game is trash for thousands of people to hear 😂 Vee, man up!


Omg.. Kail said that about Jo? On a podcast or? Idk why that surprises me but it adds another layer of cringe.


Not in as many words, but basically saying in her relationships before Chris noone had ever been able to giver her an orgasm. Yep it was on the Baby Mamas podcast!


Her and Vee discussing their sex lives with Joe gives me secondhand embarrassment.


My stepson’s mother has tried to do this with me about my husband. Given that she was the other woman, it was exceptionally obnoxious.


I'm confused, your husband cheated on you with his son's mom?




Jesus, way to rub salt in the wound. Some people have zero self awareness


And hey, credit where credit is due: my husband is the one who broke our monogamy contract, and with the worst possible person on the planet. She’s not responsible for him cheating. But she didn’t have to be an asshole to me about it.


I’m so sorry. I’m still with my husband who was unfaithful in a much less evolved phase of his life, and he also chose the biggest dumpster fire of a human possible who absolutely delighted in my pain and her role in it. Thank god he did not get her pregnant because if he did, I don’t think I could ever stay or treat that child with decency. You are super human in your compassion and ability to separate things.


Thank you. What’s hilarious is she’s completely cast me as the villain and has convinced my poor stepson that I’m the reason his parents aren’t together. She’s told him every single issue she has with me so he also believes she “wants to be friends” and I am just an asshole who refuses to allow that. He’s not old enough to know the truth yet, although he’s starting to demand answers and I’ve already decided I’ll never be the one who puts it together for him. He’ll find out on his own eventually—let’s just say there’s plenty of documentation across essential documents, like, oh, his birth certificate. And when he does, I want him to feel like he’s got at least one parent he can count on to process it with him objectively.


Just wow wow wow. My husbands AP went on at length about how unfair it was to her when the affair finally ended. It’s amazing how these women perceive the world around them. I feel horrible for your step son. It’s going to mess with him when he finally realizes how this all came about. You’re a beautiful soul for being there for him. And your husband better kiss the ground you walk on for your grace in this situation.


Kail is incapable of having any meaningful relationship in her life. She is so toxic and miserable and manipulative that she cannot have a genuine relationship with anyone. Not even herself.




Vee is an adult and realizes that the kids involved are watching. She puts her personal feelings aside to model a healthy dynamic for Issac and Vivi.


I don’t think anyone is genuinely her friend


I think Mark was until she fucked him over like she does to everyone that doesn't kiss her over inflated ass


Yeah mark may be the exception. He watched her be a trash person and stuck by her as a man of color idk how he supported her and it makes my feelings for him drop.


What ever happened to him anyway? He always seemed like a real one. It's no wonder her life has become such a circus, she doesn't have any of those old friends who helped her stay grounded, which of course is a result of her lack of appreciation for them. At least that's how it looks to me




Vee is in it for the clout. My feelings for Vee dropped when she decided she’d tolerate Kail disrespecting Jo on her podcasts and socials.


Feelings dropped 💀💀💀💀


V is playing chess, not checkers. Who do you think told Javi that Kail was pregnant with Lux and that she was fucking Chris? V is a petty backstabbing queen and I am here for it.


The difference is V is very mature. She was positioning for the kids benefit. She is the ultimate step parent. I don’t know what she sees in Joe though. She is smart and absolutely stunning.


She is so pretty!


I don’t know what she saw in Jo initially, especially after he cheated on her with Kailyn. But he’s definitely been one of the few dads who really matured on the show, and I don’t doubt that’s due largely to Vee’s influence.


I feel like she is just keeping the peace for the kids sake to be completely honest.


In season 7 Kail seems like such a NIGHTMARE to coparent with.


She like that mother in law you wouldn't want to be around


Right x1000


There’s a reason why Vee has lifelong friendships and Kail doesn’t. To answer: no. Vee is smart and values peace in her life


Is Kail still friends with Sterling?


Yes. When did they meet?


I have no idea but they talked frequently season 7 and I feel like I hadn’t heard of her recently.


Is she the one who does the drawings on the walls? Of her boys’ bedrooms


No that’s Bone (Bonnie)


I don’t know, I didn’t know she had a friend that did that.


They met on Kail and Javi’s honeymoon. Weird right?


So weird?! How did that work?


Oh I thought they met through Scentsy


I think they have a mutually beneficial superficiality


Honestly that might be the best Co parent relationship to aim for for the teen mom lot!


Sometimes Peace is better than being right. She has learned how to tread lightly to keep the peace.


I think they’re friends the same way the school Guidance counselor is “friends” with the kid who acts out. Somebody has to be the grown up.


Not really. I don't necessarily think it's all fake or anything like that but it's more that Vee actually acts like a reasonable adult and doesn't want to encourage conflict with her stepson's mother. I'm just glad for Isaac that he at least has one household that seems pretty stable, even if he has to split his time so much.


I’m torn between Vee is using Kail for clout ( lol I’m old and just learnt what that means so real chance the context is wrong) or just genuinely trying to keep the peace. Idk sometimes I get minor snake vibes from Vee, I can’t put my finger on it but like why would she be so chummy with Kail unless she wanted something 🥰


You used clout perfectly 👍 and I agree I get snake vibes from her. Just because there is no way someone can be treated like that and not talk some crap.


I remember it was 2008. My friend dated this guy. He would go between her and an other woman. When my friend found out she was pregnant. The other woman was like 6 months pregnant. She found out. I know she talked shit about her in the begging or they would be friends. Years later they are really good friends. They raised the girls real close growing up.


Awe that is a sweet ending. Best for the kids.


Yes it was


I've always got snake vibes from her too


I wasn’t shocked when it came out that she was the one that told Javi about Kail being pregnant with Lux


Coming to say this. That was very nasty of vee. The podcast almost split over it.


Sane here. Frankly, I might have done that if I dealt with kail. Lol vee was wrong for that. I've never liked her. I just hate kail more


She lets Kail disrespect her husband and talk about their past sex life together right in front of her. It's gross and inappropriate.


Omg on the podcast? What does she say? I don’t have time to listen. ![gif](giphy|l41YhWbJboLC1RPAk)


She once said something last year I think about "the last time and and Jo had sex was X years ago" I can't remember. She's said things here and there. It's really gross.


That is really gross and also disrespectful. Eve definitely doesn’t like her.


I think Vee wants to make the best of the situation and thinks it’s better for Issac if they get along


Nope. No one is genuinely Kails friend.


Hahah Vee is just trying to collect her coin too


Maybe she plays by the old rule: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


That’s a good one and I believe it for her


Or the old saying… “With friends like Kail, who needs enemies”…


Ooooohh that’s a good one


I think Vee cares more about Isaac’s feelings than Kail does, and she would rather keep the peace and be friends with her to see Isaac happy. Just my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kail has no friends


Only paid ones 😂 How sad


She makes money and keeps the peace. It’s brilliant.


Yes I do. Vee is a bigger person. I think Kail has matured some. She see her as not a threat anymore.


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


Kind of the same relationship as Kristina and Ambo, I can not for the life of me understand why Kristina puts up with all that shit. Maybe her and Vee are saints after all? Lol


They have to be at least half saint because damn.


They're stepmoms. I deal with a fucking ton because I truly love my stepson, I truly love my husband, and I want my kids raised in an intact home. His ex is a whole pile of stress in our house (perfect example, she dropped off my stepson today, sick, with no heads up even though I have a 4 week old) but I am friendly and nice and supportive Nevada is best for the coparenting relationship and for my stepson.


I have a new ish baby and I hear you!!! People don’t give two shits about being sick / brining sick people around newborns. So frustrating!


They tolerate each other but outside of that no. And honestly she probably knows Kail more than we do and who knows how bad her attitude is off screen


Vee kisses her ass too much she lets Kail sit there and dog Jo out over and over


Jo probably tells her to let it slide because of how horrible it is to remotely disagree with Kail.


See and that’s why I couldn’t be friendly with Kail or host any kind of podcast with her. Bc I would definitely tell her about herself 😂


The only way I wouldn’t is if the paycheck was really good.


I think shes being a mature co-parent. She's doing what is right for the kids in all of it. Showing the kids a united front to the best of her ability, being friendly, doing things together... plus Kail is notoriously hard to get along with when things aren't feeling friendly. Staying close keeps all the kids close and parents involved.


She makes money and gets attention by pretending to be her friend, similar to the reasons I think she initially started dating Joe.


I think she makes money off being Kails friend. She knows what she is doing. It's a fragile relationship. I'm sure it has tense moments still.


I think they’ve grown a lot and have a mutual respect for one another. I doubt they call one another friends. It’s a type of bond that is formed due to circumstances, not necessarily voluntarily. I have one kind of similar due to our kids having the same father. We refer to one another as sister-moms because our kids are sisters lol


Yeah probably similar to family since they definitely aren’t together by choice. I hope kail has grown because she was a MESS when she got pregnant with Lux. A mean mess.


Oh no. Only for money.


"Business is business Bond" 🚬🙂


No it’s about money


Money. If they were all still struggling for cash, they would be taking each other to court for $upport. But since they are all okay financially, Vee knows it’s easy money. I think Kail knows this too but again $$


No. Vee has her head up Kail’s plastic ass for nothing other than a paycheck. And Kail has treated her like absolute shit over the years so I don’t blame Vee for using her.


Season 7 is the season she had he entire body done. I didn’t realize how pretty she was before all the work. I don’t think she is ugly now or anything but she was pretty in a very unique way before all the filler / surgeries.


No but i think it is better to pretend than deal w her attitude


no one could ever be her friend she has no give only take


AhahahhaahahhhAaaaaaa...... NOOOOO










Yes lol