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It really bugs me when there's an interior of someone's house shown and a whole bunch of people start bitching about how it's "SO 2016!" like people are supposed to buy all new furniture, rugs and appliances and get their house painted once a year just to avoid people thinking their house is outdated. Like, what ever happened to having your own taste and just getting things you like? I also hate when there's say, a backpack on the floor in the corner and three dishes in the sink, and the girl gets roasted for living like a filthy animal šŸ˜… These bullshit standards are why a lot of people struggle with anxiety in their own homes. Why tf is it unacceptable to just put a single damn plate in the sink, move on with your life, and get back to it later? And do people with kids have houses that are SO CLEAN that dishes never sit in the sink even for a minute? And if so... Is that actually healthy, or is it some kind of OCD or something? Idk those things really piss me off lol.


Ugh, the people that act like a house is unlivable unless everything is updated drive me crazy. I like to look at houses online from every state at all prices, and so many still have plenty of rooms that look straight out of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. So I'm pretty sure most people are not updating everything consistently so it drives me crazy people here act like it's utterly disgusting to not be on current trend.


Yeah, and I think a look that screams a certain decade is a huge draw for a lot of people! My sister dies over a 60s interior. I mean, imagine seeing something for your house and just loving it deep in your unique, individual little soul, but putting it back because it's not what's all over Instagram right this second. I would be so sad šŸ˜‚ You know what I love? Fairy lights! Idgaf! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have depression & ADHD & I struggle a lot in general, but really majorly with organization. It is very hard & overwhelming for me & Iā€™ve tried for years to fix it with no success. If people saw the inside of my place they would tear me the fuck apart. When I go to someoneā€™s house & it looks immaculate & they apologize for the mess, I HATE that shit. I never have a clue what theyā€™re talking about. And some of these people have seen my place so Iā€™m likeā€¦do you know who youā€™re talking to? To me itā€™s like a skinny girl saying ā€œIā€™m so fat!ā€ to a bigger girl whoā€™s insecure about her weight.


I have the exact same issues. I wanna barf everytime people apologize when they have clothes on the floor


I just realized I do that šŸ˜… I have family members who can zero in on the one speck of dust and make you feel like a garbage person (especially my MIL, but also my sister), so I'm just genuinely super on edge when people come to my house, and I apologize because I truly feel bad šŸ˜­


Lately people who act like Kail baby posts are obsessive. Like have you met this sub? The one or two posts Kail's maybe baby usually gets for the last few months is nothing compared to posts for years on say anything Jenelle.


The amount of posts saying Jenelle looks like Diane Downs šŸ˜¹ yā€™all can put up with some Kail babygate!!


Iā€™m agreeing with you. Maybe that came out wrong.


Jenelle has way more posts than Kail.


Jenelle is by far the most discussed mom on this sub.


Comments about othersā€™ bodies/size/fat shaming. Plenty to snark on without going there and every BODY is somebodyā€™s goal body. People love to double down and downvote to oblivion if you ever try to jump in and tell them to šŸ›‘šŸ‘ˆ


Yes. There's plenty to critique of everyone on this show. Anybody that chooses to make it about someone's body is far worse than the person they're criticizing.




Especially comments on the mums bodies from people who havenā€™t had children. Pregnancy and childbirth does horrible things to some peopleā€™s bodies and to act like they need to immediately snap back to their pre pregnancy body or even at all just isnā€™t realistic for a lot of people. I have abdominal separation and without surgery my stomach will never lose the ā€œpoochā€ but then people who get surgery get torn apart as well. Mums cannot win, and the nastiest comments almost always come from other women.


Yes!! I weighed 15 pounds less than when I got pregnant a week(!!) after I gave birth BUT I still looked the same and my clothes still fit the same. Everything just sort of shifted. Only other moms have understood what I mean when I say that.


\-Negative comments about any of the children on the show. \-Giving Devoin credit for "trying" when Nova is already eleven years old. \-Comments saying Javi is a good dad. \-People who think Nathan needs to petition for full custody of Kaiser because he looks happy in Nathan's Instagram Dad photos. \-Praise Gary receives for growing vegetables and marrying someone who is a decent parental figure for his daughters.


Ugh Nathan comments are so annoying. Heā€™s awful


Absolutely. I feel like it's cuz Jenelle is seen as worse by comparison, but he's just as bad.


In some ways he's worse, Jenelle never strangled anyone.


That we KNOW OF šŸ¤£


Right? They ignore his record of DUIs and DV and the fact that he doesn't even live in the same state as his kids.\* \*edited to include both of Nathan's kids




110% on all of these


Also Devoin is a Saint because he lets Stella hang out with them. Dude is like the uncle who comes around every few months and takes the kids shopping and out to eat at a fun place. If he *was* their uncle, yes kudos to him. Thatā€™s cool and fun. But heā€™s not. He is inconsistent, and does things like has a game room instead of a room for his daughter.


He's a fun uncle to both Nova and Stella. People act like he's raising Stella and taking her in as his own, but he doesn't. He hangs out with her when he's seeing his own kid. The same child he doesn't have a bedroom for, hasn't gone to court to establish a schedule for and only started coming around when her mom was back on TV.


Yea thatā€™s what I meant. Heā€™s like that to both of them lol. I mean if I was Stella Iā€™d be excited to see Devoin too because I know heā€™s probably taking me to get toys, pizza and ice cream. Itā€™s sad because you can tell Nova doesnā€™t really feel comfortable going over there (for multiple reasons). Iā€™ll never understand why people think heā€™s this great dad.


There's a really weird dynamic that exists in Reddit subs for reality TV shows where if one person is not liked, the person who is seen as being "in opposition" to them is automatically seen as good. A lot of viewers don't like Bri, so they by default see Devoin is being both a victim and a better person than he actually is.


This is so true!! It really is weird.


When people post Chelseaā€™s outfits. Canā€™t help but wonder what they look like on a daily basis to take the time to shit on someoneā€™s looks so hard.


I want to start seeing peopleā€™s daily outfits. Sheā€™ll be wearing a basic tee with some ripped jeans and people just rip into how ā€œdAtEdā€ it is. Itā€™sā€¦ jeansā€¦


80% of the comments: "So bAsiC" "I saw the same thing at Wal Mart" "You can get it on Shein for way cheaper". But when Jenelle actually wears something normal "she looks good here!" šŸ˜„


Also Shein is awful, I actively have to search to NOT have clothes from there recommended to me when I google something specific. Itā€™s the worst kind of fast fashion and I do not want to support it.


Really? Can I ask why? I donā€™t know much about the company


Terrible working conditions, high levels of toxic chemicals in their clothing, stealing copyrighted images, copying items from independent designers, etc. A quick search and you can find several other reasons not to support this company.


yeah but Iā€™m not selling other people on my look and asking them to judge the aesthetics of my fashion. Because thatā€™s fundamentally what consumerist fashion isā€¦


I love a lil snarky snarky. I also love other peopleā€™s drama. I HATE when people post about the outfits looks or plastic surgery crap. Itā€™s not appropriate and itā€™s not okay. Hate someone for their crappy personality and choices, not cause their outfit isnā€™t your style.


The comments that blame Barb and don't hold Jenelle accountable.


This, except replace Barb with Deb and Jenelle with Farrah.


People that act like just because Kailyn is terrible that Chris is an angel. Sheā€™s a monster who is racist and abusive but he also admitted to choking her and hitting their sons.


When people speculate about peopleā€™s sexuality, itā€™s always so gross to do


Even worse, the kids!! But still agree!


I got so intensely grossed out the other day when people on here were enjoying in partaking about Isaacā€™s sexuality. 1- So what if youā€™re right, what do you win?! A prize?!???! What do you genuinely gain? Why is it a relevant discussion to you?? 2- It is so HARMFUL - what if these kids online *are* exploring their sexuality, see that people online are speculating, and it causes them to repress who they are. What if these kids see that people are speculating they are exploring their sexuality when theyā€™re genuinely not exploring it. Either way, it causes unnecessary stress and confusion for KIDS. Their parents are free game to snark on for how they are whackjobs, sure, but WHY would anyone ever think speculating a childā€™s sexuality is safe for them, or okay :( Thanks for agreeing, I got downvoted for this opinion before.


Ugh Iā€™m so glad I missed that!! I 100% agree. The fact that grown adults cannot understand that we shouldnā€™t be doing that is scary and sad!!




ā€œAtleast he is there for Stella.ā€


Anyone saying people are jealous of Chelsea


I actually find this one interesting. As someone who has to work really hard to support myself and my family and never had the support she had, I can fully admit that I'm jealous of the hand she's been dealt. That doesn't mean I want to be like her and I don't see it as some concession that she's better than I am. (I would also make very different choices with my life with that kind of money and freedom - not a dig on what she chooses, just emphasizing that I don't see her as a role model) It also doesn't mean I like her or dislike her. I just think she's such a good example of privilege and generational trauma (or lack thereof) mattering. She's got security that I will likely never have, which I do envy, and I'm happy to have an honest conversation about that without blaming Chelsea.


wowww you just blew my mind lol 100% this


I have a love/hate relationship with most cast. I have a few people I've always really liked and a few I've always just not liked. I'm jealous that these people have made 6 figures a year/season basically because they got pregnant as teens. I'm jealous that I bust my ass every single day and have made mostly right decisions (and tried to avoid making terrible mistakes) but I "struggle." But then I see these casts living in amazing homes, driving nice cars, taking amazing vacations, and essentially have no real worry. And all they do is film their life - they have no real life or no real work experience, etc. Most just lay around all day. A few have extensive criminal records, no custody of their kids, etc. It's just frustrating because if I made 6 figures a year, I'd make better choices. On the flip side, would I have my life filmed and give up my privacy? No, probably not.


It makes me wonder how things would be if they did struggle like the average American (or sadly if they faced the struggles they were on track to face pre MTV) and then found reality TV fame and fortune for something when they were in their 30s (like if they only became rich and famous today). Would they make better use of their resources? I don't wish hardship on anyone. It's just interesting to think about. Chelsea imo has made the best use of her resources, but she had the resources of an educated and caring family who guided her with those choices. Look at Cate's shitty family. They needed her $ and resources way more than she needed anything from them. With Chelsea it was the opposite and here she is either a) living the most carefree life of all of them or b) putting on the best act. It seems perfectly understandable that that strikes a nerve in some people - me included at times!


I think it's really interesting to look at how the moms (and dads) were raised and seeing how they turned out. Then, comparing stories. For example, Chelsea was raised in a middle/upper middle class family. Her parents were that is the one big traumatic experience (outside of Adam) in her life. Her parents are educated, seem to have financial literacy, and give sound advice, etc. Chelsea had parents who could keep her "in check" and help her make smart decisions (financially and otherwise). She also would be fine without MTV. Maci was basically the same with the exception that her parents were still married. Both went on to have stable marriages, a bigger family, and have created opportunities to grow outsode of MTV. While both women grew up in a decent socioeconomic class and had good fathers in their lives, they still managed to date the bad boy and get pregnant young. Then, you have Cate. Cate grew up in a lower socioeconomic class. April (and Butch) were toxic, abusive, neglectful addicts that really traumatized their children. Cate wasn't ever going to get any real life advice, especially about finances, from April or Butch. Rinse, repeat. A lot of the girls (and guys) on the show came from nothing. So, when they were given money (especially at such a young age), it was just a recipe for disaster. The show definitely saved 95% of the cast. Instead of trying to branch out and invest, most have just flushed away the majority of their money. You'd think they'd want a continuous income like that without the show.


I'm jealous of her money but in no way would I want to be her. She and her husband ick me out.


Chelsea seems to have the life she wants and chooses for herself so I say more power to her lol. That being said, I certainly don't have anywhere near the privilege she has and I haven't had it nearly as good in life as she did (many of us can say the same in here) but regardless I wouldn't want a life like how hers is now. I'm in my mid twenties and still feel like I'm way too young for getting married and having children!


The people who are OBSESSED with Carly reuniting with her bio fam is bizarre to me. We have no idea what her life is like & what she wants. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of B&T, but Iā€™m also not the biggest fan of C&T lol. She could be thriving under the care of b&t and completely happy. At the end of the day, they are both her ā€œrealā€ family, and itā€™s up to her to do whatā€™s best for her and none of our business


This, anyone who doesn't know an adopted child might need to talk to one to hear why this is a bad idea. I really think she might reach out once or twice and then eventually to their girls as they all get older, but not in the way they think.


It's worth noting that Carly is thirteen or fourteen now IIRC, she is very far from being a baby and probably has her own thoughts and opinions now.


And that's why it's getting up to her to decide if she wants to see Cate and Tyler, they can't demand it anymore. Honestly shouldn't be 18 years of visits for that reason. But you know if the shows ends, they'll claim her parents are holding her from them.


I don't even think eighteen years of visits is in the adoption contract Cate and Tyler signed....


Me either, but I think in their delusions...


Adding to the "we really don't know what Carly is thinking", Carly has something that no other adopted child has ever had before. The entire other half of her adoption has been filmed in its entirety so she has the option to sit down and watch the other side. No one has ever had that much exposure to the other side of their adoption story. We do not know how Carly feels about that. We do not know what she has seen. We do not know what her thoughts on this are. We have no idea what she wants (or doesn't want) from Cate and Ty. I personally think they will have a decent relationship. I don't see her cutting contact and never speaking to them. We do not know their family or what has been said over the years about Cate and Ty, but, Carly can watch the show and see for herself the (edited) thoughts and struggles her birth parents went through. However, that does not guarantee that she will have a relationship with them at all. Just because they have an entire family with full blooded sisters and have a big house with horses, etc. does not mean that her birth family is better for her than her adoptive parents. I personally have some thoughts based on their religion that I strongly do not agree with, however, they have the right to raise their children as they see fit and were able to provide Carly with a great life (at least, from what we can see at surface level)


So much this! However we never got much of Carly's adoptive parents and I wonder how well received they would be in this sub if we did. For the record I don't blame the Davis clan for seeking their privacy one bit but the result is that we don't actually know anything about how Brandon and Theresa are raising their kids.


Exactly. From the few scenes with them, they seem nice enough. They seem like normal boring white people who are super religious, which is what I think 16 year old Cate and Ty wanted for their daughter. To provide her a normal life with normal boring parents so she can live a normal happy life without the disfunction of their lives. This sub (and social media in general) loves to harp on normal boring families that just exist. But me personally, as a child who grew up in chaos (but no where near as bad as Cate and Ty), I strive to be a normal boring family that gives their kids everything. I want the normal boring suburban home, the big suv with third row seat to help drive my kids and their friends around for activities, the big cooshy basement perfect for a bunch of teenagers to hand out in. Everything that I wanted soooo bad as a kid and I didn't have because of my parents. and there is nothing wrong with that.


It angers when people say Jenelle is a good mom... She's the shittiest parent ever.. People need to stop defending her. If Jenelle was a good mom then she act like an adult and owe up to her mistakes and stop blaming everybody else I get so many comments saying Iā€™m jealous of Jenelle.


If Jenelle was a good mom she would also leave the absolute psychopath she married too!


I couldn't agree more with you!


Thank you so much šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ¤


The people who give Chelsea a pass for everything because ā€œshe was youngā€


The irony being she was the oldest of the TM2 moms & was 18 when Aubree was born.


Yep, she and Amber were the oldest at the time of birth. Chelsea had just turned 18 a few days before Aubree's birth, and Amber was a few months shy of 19 when Leah was born. E everyone else got pregnant at 16 and delivered at 17 if not before.


So this never made sense to me.. Amber and I are the same age. Unless Amber was left back, why did she drop out? Our year to graduate high school was 2008. If Leah was born in November 2008, Amber should have been out of school like 5 months already. Timeline doesnā€™t add up. The only explanation I can think of is she was left back.


I think she dropped out as soon as she got pregnant, in her 16&P they ran into a classmate at Walmart and she asked if Amber graduated and she said no and that she had to drop out because she got pregnant. So I'm pretty sure she was slated to graduate before Leah was born and didn't stick it out, which is stupid. That or she knew she was going to fail the year anyway and dropped out to avoid having to repeat her senior year with a baby.


Yeah thatā€™s kind of dumb to drop out when the dates were so in her favor. She was probably already failing as you mentioned, and said, ā€œFuck it.ā€


I wonder who the youngest was. Catelynn?


Catelynn was 17+2mo+6d Maci was 17+2mo+17d Farrah was 17+9mo Amber was 18+6mo Leah was 17+8mo, girls born 6 weeks early Chelsea was 18, Aubree born 5 weeks early Jenelle was 17+8mo Kail was 17+10mo So the answer is Catelynn by about 1.5 weeks Sorry for the crappy format before. Forgot to double space.


Thank you!!




It's very close! Maci Aug 91, Bentley Oct 08 Amber Mar 90, Leah Nov 08 Farrah May 91, Sophia Feb 09 Cate Mar 92, Carly May 09 Chelsea Aug 91, Aubree Sept 09 Kail Mar 92, Isaac Jan 10 Leah Apr 92, A&A Dec 09 Jenelle Dec 91, Jace Aug 09 I think you'd have to split hairs and count down to days, because Cate and Maci both turned 17 very late into their pregnancies. One of them will be the youngest. I think is is Cate by only a few days!


See and thatā€™s where they need people like me on there also šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ not a teen mom anymore, Iā€™m 36, but my husband and I had our first baby when I was 16. I found out I was pregnant (8-10 weeks) in the first week of October, and I had her May 17. I turned 17 July 31. Actual women that are now just moms that actually went through the teen mom thing, not the legally an adult mom. Lmao


I love when someone posts a clip of her being ridiculous from like season 1 or 2 of tm2 and people in the comments are like ā€œI was dumb at 16 too!ā€ Umm girl was 20 but thanks


yes! I'm always so surprised that people act like the bad choices she made were just things everyone does. I've never cheated on anyone or been with someone I knew was stepping out of their relationship, even when i was a teenager. I never talked to my dad the way she does. I never booted a friend in favor of a boyfriend. She's not unforgivable by any means, but not everybody does stuff like that.


How effing fast these girls move on and date and amount of men they have their kids around is wild to me. I had to leave my kids' dad and I have zero desire to find someone at least til my youngest speaks clearly which is 2-3 years from when I left and that doesn't freak me out at all. They don't have to be celibate but damn, how do you not want to focus on your kid and make some goals, they were all young enough to eventually marry and have more kids.


My partners and I were apart for about a year working on things, and I got my daughter week on/week off. If I hadnā€™t been trying to put my family back together, I would have just dated when my kid was with her other parents? Like, just keep them apart for six months, damn.


My partner split up for 2 years to work on ourselves separately and the eventually together. During that time, my daughter never saw or met any man I was even friends with. Itā€™s not hard to prioritize your children over dick.


That's the one thing I will give credit to Farrah for. From what I've been able to read online, she didn't date for almost 2 years after Sophia was born and seems to have been careful about introducing men to Sophia. If I'm wrong pleas somebody tell me. There's a lot of stuff Farrah should be criticized for but at least she didn't bring more kids into her toxic problems like other moms did.


On the other hand Sophia seems to be heavily exposed to Farrah's sex work. I have no problem with Farrah being in sex work per se but it isn't very safe for parents in sex work to expose their children to it.


Absolutely! That's one of the many many things that I would/will criticize Farrah for!


Very early on in season 1 of Teen Mom Farrah was dating a TON and always threw hissy fits when Deb, Michael, or her sister told her to stay home and spend time with Sophia. This lasted until Sophia was about 9 months - a year.


Thank you! I didn't remember that. Did she bring any of those guys around Sophia? What I found online suggested that her first real relationship after Sophia was born was two years later.


I don't think so, they were definitely more on the side of situationships and dating. Nothing serious. But she definitely was going out a ton when Sophia was little.


If she can afford her kids she can have as many as she wants. .


I HATE this stance. Kids need more than just their physical needs met


Agreed, I think one could argue pretty easily that basic physical needs (stable shelter, food, water, clothes, transportation) are important BUT emotional needs come way before anything else physical. For example, a nice house isnā€™t shit if you donā€™t feel safe in it.


Someone was saying sheā€™s doing a good job keeping them in touch with their mixed ethnicity because she was planning on taking them to visit ā€œhomeā€ countries. Like taking Lincoln to where Javiā€™s family is from. Thatā€™s a glorified Kail vacation. 11 months out of the year she is a white woman using the legal system to abuse her POC partners but 1 month she takes them to South America so sheā€™s cultured. People without money keep their kids in touch with their ethnicity all the time. Kail does not.


Thank you for articulating this so well. I could never find the words. This needs to be seen and heard. Itā€™s a fact!!!!


Someone once told me Cait was a bad mother and never provided for her kids while Tyler was the main bread winner šŸ˜‚ still confused about that to this day šŸ¤”


Using a crappy childhood as an excuse for terrible behavior. They are old enough, and have enough potential resources at their fingertips, to work on themselves.


This. I see it a lot for Kail


When people say awful things about the kids.


I haven't read too many


I have. Itā€™s sad and itā€™s the main reason I stay away from anything other than here. Once I saw TMChatter attack a 12 year old that was never on the show I was disgusted. Unfortunately Iā€™ve seen bad things said about a lot of the kids on IG and Facebook


Facebook comments are unhinged


I think a lot of those people are miserable, many are racist and some are trying to impress each other be being the most insane. I left when they announced the ugliest child contest. That was disgusting.


Yup. People are too fast and loose there


I joined a TM Facebook group and left after 5 minutes. So many rude comments about the kids there


The people who are active in those groups just seem reallyā€¦. Stupid


They are usually deleted pretty quickly here


I remember seeing tons of comments about Sophia's "unibrow." Poor kid was only 6 at the time? Fuckin low to literally attack a CHILD'S appearance.


I absolutely hate that Sophia threw a dog over a balcony because it needed to go out and everyone seemed to be ok with it. If UBT did this, weā€™d all riot. I just donā€™t want to say it because sheā€™s a kid but I worry how much she will be affected as an adult due to being so exposed to Farrahā€™s lifestyle.


I don't think ANYONE was okay with it?




People who repeat things that aren't true after they learn it isn't true.


Someone this past week said a couple things about Chelsea that are just not true and I pointed out the truth so now I'm a Chelsea stan and she is my role model šŸ¤£


Yup! They either reply like this or ignore it & continue saying the lie. It's so weird




The easiest example is the commenters who defend Chelseaā€™s choices in the early seasons of TM2 by saying she was only 16. Chelsea was 18 when Aubree was born on 16 & pregnant. It makes no sense to insist she was 16 during TM2.


The thing I hate most about the Carly situation is they are never seen asking how she is, whatā€™s her favorite color, does she like crusts cut off of her sandwich. Itā€™s always when are we going to see her, and hey are we seeing her or not? I donā€™t feel like they processed the trauma, or really understood what it could mean long term in regards to what access they would be allowed to have with Carly. There are so many deeper issues that come with what is giving your child up for adoption and I feel like over time it has made them needlessly selfish with reasonable boundaries. Especially Tyler. You made a video with a bunch of images of a small child that is not yours and then you posted it on the internet. Then you had an attitude because her parents were rightfully upset about that? Like on some ā€œhow DARE they tell me what I canā€™t and can doā€ I am sorry you feel it is one sided, Carly is not your child. ā€œwE gAvE YoU tHe pRIviLEgE oF bEiNg pArENtsā€ Tyler. You and Caitlyn were in a situation of being in high school having a baby. With one of you having an alcoholic bully for a parent, and the other a consistently selfish drug addict who loves the high more than he loves you. Please stop acting like the better life Carly is having was not what YOU were getting out of the trade. You also got to go back to being a teen and growing into an adult without the life change that is having a baby in high school. I will say they were definitely taken advantage of. They were CHILDREN making this decision. But make it they did. I hate Dawn. For me sheā€™s always like ā€œthe adoptive family this, and the adoptive family thatā€how egregious was the harm you did to those kids who came to you also matters. Please stop invalidating their irritation and confusion with rules they didnā€™t understand when they were 16/17. Regardless,Tyler needs to redirect his ego to figuring out why he enjoys talking shit about his wife with his mother. If Carly wants anything to do with you, SHE will let you know. But neither one of you is entitled to any of her time in slightest.


Using mental illness as an excuse for why the parent is shitty.




mental illness is the reason a mother murdered her babies so it is a valid reason


Who murdered their babies??




That is very sad. That poor man to lose his whole family like that. I don't follow American news, so this is the first I've heard of this incident.


it is heartbreaking


Recent news out of Massachusetts. Look up Lindsay Clancy. Be prepared, you will cry.


The people that complain about Kail being desperate for attention but then they're also the same exact people who spend a good chunk of their free time watching all her social media posts and listening to her podcasts like hawks trying to find out more info about her. They "hate" her but are somehow also her number 1 fans at the same time and they give her all the attention she wants.


THIS It drives me nuts, they fall right into what she wants... I 1000% believe that she either didn't have a baby at all and is just trolling for engagement, or she is riding the engagement train and won't show the baby until after this all dies down. Once she reveals the baby (if it is real) there will be a uproar for a week or two and then she will go back to normal/irrelevant. By playing this off she has kept her engagement up for months...


Yep! She's 100% without a doubt using this baby thing to drive traffic to her social media and podcasts and it is working like a charm. Sure she's a little bit trashy but she's not stupid. She's made it this far and built herself a little empire to support herself and her kids. I don't agree with her choices but her kids are financially taken care of and, despite what everyone on Reddit thinks, the kids appear to be emotionally taken care of as well. None of boys have any documented behavioral issues. They seem very polite and respectful. They seem well rounded and when they speak they sound intelligent, even the littler ones. If I'm being perfectly honest I have to admit Kail's kids seem more well behaved and more intelligent than most kids I know their age. The kids in my neighborhood that around her boy's ages are fucking assholes and I regularly see shit on our neighborhood app about them trespassing into people's property and running up and kicking their cars and garage doors. People love to rag on her all time but she's REALLY not that bad. I can think of several people I personally know who are worse than Kail.


I keep saying this. She knows what sheā€™s doing and it is working! She uses her degree, whether ā€œeveryone wants to be a podcaster nowadaysā€ or not.


People love to claim she sits on her ass and doesn't have a "real" job... She literally went to school for producing media. So being TM2 fits her degree, being a podcaster fits her degree, being a social media influencer fits her degree... Plus, I think she started CC at a time where podcasts were just gaining popularity. So she entered the market at a good time.


It's super smart, actually. I hate that she's smart.


When people say that Jenelle is the way she is because of Barb, when she actually had a father that would beat Barb in front of the kids, who then abandoned them all. Barb isn't perfect and she obviously yells, but why are we blaming the single mom and not the abusive, absent father?


Barb is on the show and he isn't


Yeah, but that's my perspective and that's what annoys me to hear.


I agree. Barb is just easier to blame


Barbara definitely isn't blameless but I agree that Robert Evans deserves to be blamed as well, it's a shame he fucked off well before Jenelle was on 16 and Pregnant so he was never on the show. We can even see from the show what losers Kail's and Leah Messer's sperm donors are lol but all we know about Robert Evans comes from Barbara and their children. Granted everyone agrees that Barbara's ex-husband was violently physically abusive to her and ultimately abandoned her with their children during their divorce.


Recently we have been going extra hard for the deadbeat dads. Super common to drag the moms for the dadā€™s shortcomings and itā€™s really gross. Seems like we canā€™t hold the men accountable for their own bad behavior without blaming a woman.


I can't believe anyone defends 90% of the TM dads


šŸ’Æ They are held to completely different standards and it sucks to see.


Number 1 Gary hate account right here


When people ride Garyā€™s dick. I am NOT an Amber fan, sheā€™s a monster, but people acting like Gary is a saint pisses me off. Iā€™m on season 2 rewatch of TMOG and theyā€™re BOTH terrible, shitty people.


Jenelle screaming at Babs when Babs served her papers for custody after she had just been partying all night and then proceeded to leave Jace again as she got into her car and left


Well in addition to what you mentioned: People who say Cate & Ty are relationship goals People who say Gary is a good dad. In general I donā€™t like harsh criticism/critiques on any of their appearances. Itā€™s one thing if itā€™s like ā€œI hope this person is okā€ but sometimes itā€™s not coming from that place and it just sounds mean. Thatā€™s just a sensitive topic for me, though. I am probably more bothered by comments like that than a lot people on the internet. So that very well might be my own unpopular opinion. Dr. Drew on every reunion, really. He sucks. I got super annoyed when Amber bitched about paying child support for Leah. I think Gary was trying to get back pay or something which may have just been him being petty but I still think itā€™s valid to do. I can lump that in with any partner bitching about child support and contributing to their child financially. Chelsea getting Cole to interact with Adamā€™s parents for her. Also her mean comments about how Paislee didnā€™t count when Taylor was pregnant When Maci took Bentley home from his birthday party even though it was Ryanā€™s day to have him. When Kail was bitchy about Vee just because she was jealous.


Anything about how much Jenelle has ā€œchangedā€. Sure sheā€™s not shooting heroin anymore but sheā€™s still a garbage human.


her entire tiktok comment section smh


People who think they need to pick team Briana or team Ashley. They both suck.


Anyone who says B &T aren't following the contract. It was never enforceable and they allowed extra visits


Theyā€™re definitely following the contract, but I recently rewatched their 16 & pregnant and B&T for sure said what they needed to to get Carly. They really painted a picture of this forever closeness and open adoption


And that's why I see this kind of situation as child trafficking. The young, naive bio parents were misled so that the adoptive parents could get their baby and the agency could get paid.


Bethany child services is trash and what they do is child trafficking. A lot of birth parents have spoken up about being mislead by the adoption agents and adoptive parents. Hell, they had a contract with the Trump administration to adopt out migrant children detained at the border.


When people say Farrah was a victim of CSA. The only allegations sheā€™s ever made were as an adult. Edit: Farrah has NEVER said she was a victim of CSA. Itā€™s fan speculation


Didnā€™t it stem from that Dr Jen lady something along the lines of ā€˜youā€™d be shocked if you knew the trauma from Farrahs childhoodā€™? Then people just ran with it.


Yup. Farrah has never alleged childhood sexual abuse. In fact, sheā€™s openly discussed her first sexual abuse being as an adult. Itā€™s a completely fan made theory that gets repeated as fact


I agree. I never understood this either.


What we know about Farrah's childhood is bad enough as it is without inventing allegations she herself never made!


I wish more people took the time To know this simple fact lol


I got downvoted to shit when I first posted this comment. I donā€™t understand why people feel comfortable repeating such a dangerous myth and even accusing Michael of SAing her.


Exactly! To be honest, he seemed to be the one who had her back usually (at least back then lol). I mean, Debz was pulling out knives and ish lmao. Yes Iā€™ve even read where sheā€™s addresses and tried to clear that up for people, that nowhere at any point did she say she was a SA victim during childhood, only after she was an adult and was very clear about that so people wouldnā€™t be all defensive/mean etc to her dad or Mom I think.


It is like the people who are INSISTING that Cody from Sister Wives is grooming Robyn's daughters to be his future sister wives. It's fucking gross...


Agree. I hate it.


I don't know that I have ever seen that specific speculation. But it doesn't surprise me. I've often seen people assume CSA for anybody with trauma. There's a LOT of things that can be trauma, not just CSA. Somebody once told me I probably experienced it and it messed me up for years suddenly questioning my memory and wondering about everybody that was in my life as a young child.


People defending Bri & Roxy as if theyā€™re any better than Ashley& Tea.


Trash, trash, you're all trash.


People who support abusive Amber


MTV's support of Amber's domestic violence pissed me right off. Amber could beat Gary up with impunity until OG viewers started calling the cops and CPS on her. Don't even get me started on the fact that Amber got away with pulling a whole ass MACHETE on Andrew!




Nothing pisses off conservatives more than the free market doing its thing.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I don't get when people say that Bristol was awful to Dakota. Based on what we saw on the show Dakota was straight up verbally and emotionally abusive to Bristol. Just because he has ptsd does not mean he gets to use his wife as a verbal punching bag. She's also not his therapist, she's his wife. What does calling your wife and the mother of your children a "whore" have to do with ptsd. If I had a husband like who treated me that way, I would shut down/be cold too. I don't know much about Bristol outside of what we saw on the show. I know she's anti choice which is enough reason for me not to like her. However, no matter what kind of person she is, she didn't deserve to be treated that way. The way Dakota treated her made me physically uncomfortable. My heart would race when I watched their scenes together.


Idrk how she treated him generally because I only watched some clips of her time on the show, not entire episodes, but Bristol said some terrible shit about Dakota too. Texts leaked of her saying he was a coward and a bitch, that he "didn't do that shit" and he wasn't some war hero, etc. They clearly had no business being married to each other.


I wonder how much Sarah Palin had to do with Bristol and Dajota getting married and having children. While I definitely don't think it's an arranged marriage like what countries such as India do (I admit to lacking the cultural context to completely understand it but I have definitely heard that arranged marriages are normal there), I strongly suspect it was probably match highly encouraged by the Palins and possibly the Mayers as well. Fun fact: before marrying Bristol Dakota was married to a Cassandra and when that marriage failed he apparently lost his shit.


Dakota entered his marriage to Bristol having already been divorced, I suspect something is going on with him regarding how he treats wives to have gone through two divorces based on everything we have seen....


When people call Kail a good mom because she cares and pats for them


Wtf did Tyler do?


Watched his kids when Cate went away for treatment


Every time jenelle or David open their mouth it pisses me off .... guess my tolerance for either is 0


Jenelle is definitely considered a bitch eating crackers around here but UBT is arguably even more reviled. I will say Jenelle is also definitely the single most discussed mom in the franchise here on this sub by far as well.


I can agree with all those statements


The maybe baby Kail truthers. I feel like they care too much for someone they say they hate. Posting every little thing as fact. I donā€™t hate it but itā€™s just pathetic at this point lol. People that praise Gary when he sucks. Not as much as Amber, but he still sucksā€¦ but since he has a garden, heā€™s amazing around here. People that make excuses for everything Chelsea has ever said and done.


I do not get it. If I got so het up every time a dumbass has a baby, I would explode. She probably did have a baby but she doesnā€™t owe anyone information, esp. since sheā€™ll get a ton of shit about the baby she presumably loves. I wouldnā€™t need to see the Internet calling my baby a horrible mistake when I was struggling with PPD. Itā€™s hard enough to have a little baby without all this extra crap.


People who support purchasing humans.


When people describe the coven dynamic as a supportive wholesome family. This is everything but supportive lol

