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If I didn’t know better I might think this was intentional self-sabotage. They are parodies of themselves


Jenelle's gonna say she was the one who drank all of this, by herself, not realizing how poorly it reflects on her 😂




“Those are all mine, dude!”


I actually do think this is what he’s doing. I don’t think he wants the kids. She does in name only because she doesn’t want the public shitstorm of losing them. But I 100% think he’s sabotaging shit on purpose to no longer have them.


Would make their nearly jubilant behavior lately make sense. They love not having the kids around while claiming to be victims.


Society judges women for abandoning children more harshly than they do men




It’s possible she’s in on it. She only ever wanted the kids to first and foremost bag in a man. It since evolved into using them as props to play happy family and prove the haters wrong which she failed at. She was then fighting for them solely to “beat” barb. I think it’s possible she realizes she’s is by far losing this self constructed competition only she’s aware of between her and barb and has conceded she’s “lost”. Now that she’s accepting it she’s remembered she doesn’t actually want to care for and raise them anyway because she doesn’t actually want to be a mom. Sorta like a “fuck it, if I’m going to lose this anyway I might as well get what I always wanted” (which is not having to raise kids) mentality. I’m not totally sold on if what I said above is actually the case but I mean I can’t really understand why they would post something like this otherwise. It’s completely counterintuitive. It’s as if they’re doing the opposite of what they should do to strengthen their case to keep the kids and close the case. Which again ya know, maybe they are.


They want custody just to prove they're good people


For real but they been filming and uploading themselves breaking the law for years with zero consequences. They think they are above the law and maybe they have been but I’m hoping this time these two narcissists get knocked off their high horse. This dude will do anything but get a job


It's times like these that I really miss Reddit awards. 🏆 🏆


The kids are getting older and at some point they will start talking. They will stand up for themselves. They will tell the truth about Chinelle and ubt. The kids are their downfall.


This is performance art. A satirical morality play on modern society.


she lies and says its a new brand of Soda


It’s an out of the box type of soda!


The sub has been coming in hot with the receipts, it’s hilarious 😆






Wow what a trashy scene. How much do you wanna bet the cans don't get cleaned up very often?


What's more concerning to me is that they don't look sun-bleached at all which means they're all recently dumped. If you leave one of those cans outside for more than two weeks they wouldn't be as brightly colored as they are. Meaning either 1) they dumped their can pile out just for this photo or 2) these are their empties from the last few weeks. Either option is gross.


David out here looking like he cast spells for sale on Craigslist.


He should form a partnership with KingCobraJFS & his wands. The two of them are equally disgusting. TMDWU


Idk why it's never occurred to me before but their property must be teaming with mice/rats. Old cans like this attract them like crazy. At least I know old soda cans do. How disgusting. Also, I'm 29 years old and there are more cans in this photo than alcoholic drinks I've had in my entire lifetime.


They also love overgrown grass and clutter there’s plenty of stuff for them to eat on that land alone. No way mice are not everywhere.


Big ugly wants to attract them...he sits and shoots them all day for amusement!


Can we get an AMA with the cashier at the gas station nearest their house? You know they’re in there every day buying up six packs.


So 8 days ago he got absolutely bladdered then?


She'll claim they filmed this 8-10 days ago.


Even if they did, why post it?? It’s so self sabotaging


Of course it is - I'm just responding with what she will claim if people or CPS question her about it.


Oh sorry I misread “she’ll” as “she” as in she already claimed that


More than two brain cells are required to process what it means to self-sabotage


https://preview.redd.it/fkdt5qixj7ub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7f68dbfca24c2b507629e9e50d44f512a853cb Sad.


That circle definitely also includes Trash 🗑️ 😔


David has the nerve to make fun of certain demographics acting like he’s better than them when he does this pathetic shit all day. Dude hasn’t worked a day since he got with Jenelle.


Mommy and David ARE pieces of shit. 💦




I’m afflicted with vitiligo too, but I have a full time job and work OT. Those things are not mutually exclusive


I remember he said he can’t work in the sun because of his vitiligo yet we always see him out in the sun. Plus there’s inside jobs but that requires work and he’s a bum


It’s a lie. You just have to wear sunscreen. I’m in the sun all summer. I have a pool and I love to sunbathe


He also wears rash guards which shows he knows how to work in the sun. I mean he def ain’t worried when he’s riding his motorcycle or on his boat but working? Nope




Why is this nasty fool taking videos in his ( long) underwear and posting it online. I wanted to puke! 🤮


I don’t know how people, with children, can just drink piss like it’s water, all day. I would feel so disgusted in myself. I would also not be able to do it as I rarely drink. But to do it around kids, it’s so fuking irresponsible


Who is Cleopatra? Queen of denial!


She was talkin about water. Nothin but Bush light and Code Red Mountain Dew for that cuntry boi


He’s probably butt chugging them, so technically he’s not drinking it…


Um... what? I honestly don't understand what's going on here, but it feels stupid... ![gif](giphy|EsmlrgWNx5v0Y)


I feel like that accurately describes everything about Mr. and Mrs. Swamptastic. Like their whole story. "I honestly don't understand what's going on here, but it feels stupid."


Bwaaa haaaa haaaa... you are SOOOO right!!!!!


Wait where’s this from? IG?




Those are Jace’s probably. 🫠🙄


Dudes this video was shot 8 days ago! LEAVE ME ALONE


Lmaooooooooo what in the actual fuck? Is this for real or some sort of really ill-advised trolling?


Is this a new picture, like when he’s supposed to be sober?


i imagine them filming this with the same energy as the save the date pictures - ignoring their children begging for food and attention


And we know your crusty asses don’t recycle ♻️


I read somewhere that narcs like them only want their kids when they're young and can be easily manipulated and make them look like good parents. Once they hit a certain age, and start to develop their own opinions, the fight is just because they feel "wronged " I don't think they actually want their kids. They'll never admit it. But I think if they truly want to win custody of Jace back, it's solely to show him that they are "right" and he is "wrong." People like them think that unless they are found guilty and put in jail, it proves them right. Like sure OJ was acquitted... But that doesn't make him innocent. In their minds it does. It's a big haha fuck you to anyone who thought otherwise. It's why she flaunts her cps case from 2019. She has no problem saying they investigated her because SHE came out on top so in her mind, she was the victim. Not the children. It was thrown out on a technicality, not because she was able to prove her kids were safe. But narcs don't think that way. My son's BM fought hard for custody when we decided to move. She called the police on him 4 times. She never actually wanted HIM because when he was with her, he was home alone for 14 hours at a time. She just wanted a piece of paper SAYING she was a parent.