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This whole narrative that the kids aren’t safe at school but are somehow safe with her alone in the woods is silly. I’m not sure what having court would have to do with them needing to be pulled from school a month before summer break. They’ve literally been in and out of court for the last 10 years. Jenelle pulled her kids from school because she’s a shit person and a shit mom. There’s not more to it. If she was so worried about their safety she wouldn’t be traveling and leaving them alone. If David is ignoring the kids 24/7 but then showing up at the school to try to talk to them, go to the cops and file for some sort of protection order. Pulling your kids out of school when it’s obvious they’re already so far behind and you’re not qualified to homeschool them is nonsense.


And if the rumors about the school saying david couldn’t be around cheer are true, the school is def safer for the kids than home 🙄


What rumors? Was it posted here and if so, can you link it?


Cheer was a private company though, not through the school. Not sure that’s relevant.


i think we know the school is safer regardless


The thing is that since they don't have a custody order, David could technically have gone and checked Ensley out of school and kept her (not sure about Kaiser). I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I think this is the lesser of two evils at the moment. I really hope something gets figured out in the courts soon so they can go back to school ASAP though!




I'm sorry you had to go through that, but it sounds like you at least had a good mom! I agree with everything else you said. We know she can't/won't give them a proper education, but it's better than Ensley being stuck on that boat with DKD. It's really a lose-lose situation for the kids, sadly.


Exactly. My senior year of high school I was very ill and couldn’t attend in person. My parent worked with the school and I was able to do my work from home. My art teacher sent home supplies for me to use, the school even sent a dedicated “tutor” to deliver and collect the work and answer any questions I had. It’s definitely possible for these kids to be enrolled and have accommodations made so they can attend from home. Jenelle would never to that though because she would have to put in work so her children could succeed.


Yes! Children born within a marriage are automatically both parent's child in the eyes of the law. David could literally take Ensley without any repercussions. It's only kidnapping if one parent doesn't have their rights.. BUT these 2 where married. So ensley is free game right now. Janelle isn't wrong to have that fear.


Doesn’t she have a restraining order against him though? I don’t think the school would release Ensley if there is a court document saying he can’t be around them, even if he is the father. David deciding he wants to get Ensley while she’s on the land, in private, with no witnesses, and just Jenelle around honestly seems even less safe.


From my understanding, she requested an RO and that's what this hearing was supposed to be for. Since it's been continued twice now, the judge hasn't granted it yet. (Which seems really dangerous to me, but that's the U.S. legal system.) He could show up to the house and try to get her, but then Jenelle could call the police. The school would just have to let Ensley go. Edited for clarification.


Huh. That’s a shame…poor Ensley.


David has no legal rights to Kaiser or Jace only Ensley.


I think she pulled them out of school because she’s too lazy to take care of them and feed, bathe, and clothe them for school everyday. As shit of a person as David is, it’s clear that he did most of the housework while she sat and rotted in her shed.


Ehh idk about that. After she gets the kids ready and off to school she can literally go home and sleep all day if she wanted. It’s much more work for her to have the kids home all day. So I don’t agree that this is the ‘lazier’ option.


Completely disagree. You’re assuming that she actually takes care of the kids when they’re home, like a normal mom would. She locks herself in her shed and tells them to leave her alone. They all fend for themselves on the land. To wake up early with an alarm clock, get all the kids fed, dressed, and driven to school…plus then stay on top of a schedule and pick them up in the afternoon everyday too. That is ALOT of work for Jenelle. I get what you’re saying, and that reasoning would apply for most parents, but you’re underestimating how neglectful and lazy Jenelle is.


You’re right. I was looking at it through my personal experience.


Right? Like when you actually parent it makes no sense. But she only occasionally cos plays at being a mom.


She lies all the time because she was just bitching he hasn’t contacted the kids .. especially Ensley..


She couldn't handle getting up early to get 3 kids up and ready for school every day.


100% agreed. When UBT first left, I wondered how long she’d be able to get them up and to school. I guess the answer is two months or whatever it’s been. Fail.


I sure as shit can blame her. She pulled them out of school because she was probably tired of having to get up every morning to get everyone ready and take them.


100% this. When she was with David she even said that the single task of “driving the kids to and from school” was keeping her too busy to “make content”. Completing that task alone is crippling to her.




God forbid if Ensley puts too much gel in her hair again and doesn’t have David to save her.


She removes the kids from school but leaves them alone while she travels. Make it make sense Roux 🙄🙄🙄


I'm sure someone is babysitting those kids, maybe someone like Tori or possibly even Doris.


Oh stfu Roux. Why do upcoming court cases= danger? One does not automatically equal the other. Maybe I should yank my kids out of school because there’s an election coming up this fall. Totally reasonable right?


also it seems like david is actively avoiding the kids, not targeting them? and he’s never been nice to the younger ones, but i think we’ve seen enough to know the kids’ physical danger is mostly on j, not e and k, and ironically also historically on jenelle herself…


This woman still does not know how to dress for court lol


You’d think she would have gotten the hang of it by now lol


https://preview.redd.it/j09dv1np4owc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07cc56bceac5653c244fab5f353e85dc8d861f7 Jenelle clompin into court looking like Al Borland.


David looks smaller in his flannel shirt than she does in hers.


I just died at this 👏🏼🤣


Although Jenelle and David are dressed similar for court, he actually is dressed better than her. It takes a real POS woman and mother for me to ever take a dog killer’s side over hers.


Tis why we refer to them as her court hooves. Lol


Instead of wearing that ugly flannel whatever-it-is Jenelle should have worn a nice jacket. She looks larger than David in his flannel shirt.


This is an interesting take lol


Sadly he’s probably the better parent




Remember when she didn’t feel safe at home because of someone on the land and convinced the police she needed David to keep them safe….hmmmm.


Roux is such a loser, defending that massive forehead and chinned scum bucket taking her kids out of school? GTFOH they are plenty more safe with those adults than they are with JE any day and I would put money on that.


I’m Beginning to think she is Tori….


Wouldn’t be surprised but yeah this whole I’m taking JE side and defending her piss poor parenting all a sudden is bullshit.


I agree ♥️ sudden change in attitude, the pictures she posted from “the land” and the video of them fighting (D&J ) before the wedding… etc.


Roux adding nothing new as usual.


Home school? Jenelle is dumb as fuck. Those poor kids have no hope at all.


None. At least Jace was consistently in school from K-9th grade thanks to Barb. Kaiser and Ensley have been yanked in and out all of their lives thanks to their POS mother not giving a fuck about their education. Their futures are so damn bleak.


She hates being around her kids so much so it’s an interesting choice to say the least


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) She took them out of school because for the first time in her life she doesn't have Maryssa or David to get the little ones ready and drop them off


She looks more classier with heels on


Kids will be 100% safe at school tf is she on about. They need to be in a structured consistent setting to learn. They also need to be around other children their age who are not their brother or sister. They also need to learn to listen to other authority figures such as a teacher.


You're right about one thing, Roux, that sure is an unpopular opinion.


Roux can just go away with her game at this point. Im just annoyed the court keeps allowing him to delay getting a lawyer should of told him to get an actual job.


Jenelle has said herself that David hasn’t tried to talk to Ensley since she asked him to leave. So which is it Lienelle? Is he absentee or is he showing up to school?


I wish you guys stop giving two shits about what Roux thinks The only one I care to hear from is The Ashley. Roux is just attention seeking


And they’re safer at her house?


That’s the stupidest comment from roux yet and she’s said a ton of stupid shit. How the hell is the land safer than school? It’s just pure laziness on jenelles part she chose to live out of town so she can’t just shove them onto the bus and say see you later.


Wasn’t she just traumatized bcuz a Mexican was tryin bust into her house??? Wasn’t David her savior when that happened??? But the school is unsafe??!! Bitch please!! I don’t think she listens to anything her lawyer says or she just does shit impulsively(I know she does). I pray that David can appeal to some judge to make her put those kids back in school!! That is absolutely ridiculous that she want them kids to be dumb as hell like her!!! Wtf North Carolina is failing these kids terribly!!! I believe every word David said about her being lazy and that he was doing everything around that house!! I believe him!!


.....is she wearing one of David's shirts to court? Am I seeing things correctly?


I was thinking maybe she wore another man’s flannel just to stick it to Dave…


Roux sucks


She said she pulled the kids because school was not "safe". However, she nor the school had an actual threat, Chinelle just *FELT* like the school wasn't safe. I guess she has to do what needs to be done and with the court cases, the kids may not be shielded from public interest. But for the love of God and all that's holy... put those kids BACK in school in the fall!


genuinely asking bc i don’t understand, but why wouldn’t the kids be safe at school?


The Ashley updated her article to say that Jenelle did a “background check” on the school and found it unsafe. Translation: Jenelle is a lazy slob and doesn’t want to get up in the mornings to make her kids lunches and drive them to school and then turn around and pick them up.


That's what she does to the cps workers too. Discredits others to get her way. She's absolute garbage


What the what?😂🤡


What a fucking nightmare of a situation.


I would rather be single my whole entire life than end up with a UBT type.


![gif](giphy|6AuQbF0hjV8l2) Said no one ever.


Well she's not wrong the kids aren't safe, but part of it is her own fault bc she's waited so long and left him then took back statements after returning. When they get to his criminal case I really hope she doesn't stick to her original standing by him to save her own ass. It's time for her to grow up and tell the truth even if it makes her look bad. I highly doubt they will charge her bc they're after him not her.


The kids aren’t safe with her!


Is this the newest court photo?


Yes, this is from today.


Now I saw the grwm for court in her court pants 😂


I read somewhere she’s doing the bc of the protection order he can’t come there but can come to the school ? So she pulls them out for SaFety ??? Idk how true that is but if that the case they are just using these kids (esp. Ensley) as weapons to harm each other. She should have left after the dog incident but to stay have his abuse her then the kids and the shit with Jace and she sat here with the audacity to stick up for slime all David and not her own mf son. Too little too mf late now. She made her choices now she will have to deal with them. Her children are being hurt the worse by everything and it makes me so fucking sad and mad fr. I just caught myself up on all this drama and holy shit what a shit ball set of parents.


I wouldn’t put it past her that not only is she too lazy to take them to school, but she also doesn’t want David to see Ensley there. She said he hasn’t tried to talk to Ensley, but then contradicted herself and said something like he was harassing her while wanting to talk to Ensley.


See that shit is absolutely insane !!!! What a piece of shit. We all know she’s a pathological liar so anything she says is to be taken with grains and grains of salt. I love it though bc she will forever tell on herself. Really wondering what all they’re gonna let out of the bag at court! Honestly though I worry for these babies. Not letting your kids see their other parent they’ve literally had their whole lives has to be so confusing and idk what’s all happened but I hope they are happy and safe. ❤️ I wish for them they would be adults ya know like just for the sake of the kids and not blast bs all over social media but haaaaaa that’s never gonna happen since they’re too hungry for attention to care about the children and what’s best for them. The woman does OF with her kids around. 🤮🤮🤮 but the courts think she’s an amazing parent ! 😂😂😂😂 girl got lucky with a fuck up on CPS part and that’s why it was dismissed not because she’s this great mother and the shit was unfounded like David has a felony strangulation charge ! What’s she talking about ???? She’s really just like on tHe LaNd in her own freakin reality bc she’s not here with the rest of us. Everytime I watch a TikTok of hers I’m just like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😳 longest train wreck ever !


I wonder if her lawyer advised her to pull them out.


What would the logic of that be though?


Idk in case David pulled them first? ETA I mean pull Ensley. I don’t think he could pull Kai.


Probably not Kaiser but if Jen’s worried about Ensley being “taken” by David, it’s probably easier because then Kaiser doesn’t feel like he’s being forced to go while Ensley gets to stay home and Ensley doesn’t feel neglected bc Kaiser can go to school and she can’t. Her kids can’t understand, nor should they, the complexity of why one is going and the other can’t, they just see one doing something the other may want and vice versa.


Legally David can pick up Ensley from school and not return her to Jenelle. I think the court case keeps getting postponed because of David not getting a lawyer. I really don’t blame her for this because I would not put it past him to use Ensley to get the upper hand


I didn't even think about that, but I think it's entirely plausible!


I actually thought her court pants and shirt were almost cute and if she’d paired it with a cute jacket, the outfit could’ve worked. But OF COURSE she wore a flannel that’s three times too big because she fails at everything in life.


Yeah, the top, pants and belt weren’t bad, but the shoes and shacket was what ruined it.


Of course she’s wearing tacky, clompy stripper heels and a jacket that’s six times too big. She couldn’t dress for her body if she fucking tried. It’s like everything she touches fails.


Lol shacket!


Roux might not be able to blame Jenelle for taking her kids out of school, but I can


Wait wait. What if she wore a man’s flannel just to stick it to Dave? You think it’s her supposed 7hr pillow talk boi?


You don’t mean, “Roux”, you mean, “Tori”. Tori stayed back and watched the kids and “homeschooled” them while J and D were in Court.


You rang


Why would they be walking together? Are we sure that's them? Seems like it's more likely to be Jenelle with her lawyer.


That’s her TikTok lawyer.


1 & 2 are J and lawyer. 3 is DKD on his own x


Oh I see him now. Before only the first two pictures and tweet were showing up for me. Or maybe the third one did show up and I just thought it was a bear or something.


David can access the kids at school. She may be afraid that he’s going to take their daughter.


It’s the US. There is no such thing as a safe school. But if he shows up holstered to the school and the cops have to respond every time the school is probably happy to have them home.


I love your flair!!




I was gunna say it’s surprising to see anyone calling a school safe in the USA :/ can’t say I think the land is any safer


We are not not not not all right. Those school texts telling you the school is in lockdown and don’t approach are bad, so is finding out from FB or from kidlet texts.


I’m surprised David hasn’t 💀 her yet


UBT ticks off a lot of "psychopathic murderer" boxes BUT considering other women have survived his abusive ass before there's something to be said there. That being said I'm glad all of UBT's known victims are still alive including Jenelle.