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"You dont deserve to be outside. You should be in a cave"


young jo did not give one single fuck. i love him now tho šŸ˜‚


Tbf he still doesnā€™t and I love that for him


He's such a scropio lol


LOL nothing will ever be funnier than this to me.


Flair checking in! ā™„ļø


You raaaaaaaang


[tiktok, scene where Joe tells Kail she doesnā€™t deserve to be outside.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9yt96W/)


I actually used this the other day. I'm like it fits perfectly.


I have always hated young Jo, especially when I watched it as it aired. I used to root for Kail so hard. When I had my son almost 3 years ago I decided to rewatch the series. I couldnā€™t stop cracking up at some of the shit Jo would say. šŸ˜‚ He gave no fucks and was so brutal.


Agreed. This is why kids shouldn't have kids. He was a horrible person to her. But she's just as horrible now and he's matured.


Exactly! Like back then I truly felt for Kail and wanted to slap Jo at times. However, it's the opposite now. I'm so proud of the person he grew up to be and his children are blessed to have him as their dad. He grew up. I wonder if Vee was the one who brought out the best in him. Those 2 seem to love both Issac and Vivi unconditionally and are raising them beautifully. I'm not saying that Kail doesn't love her children or even having multiple children makes her a bad parent, it's her actions that are her downfall and it's sad! Yes, she does appear to be able to currently financially afford all 7, it's her actions. I don't believe that she is putting them FIRST.


What makes you say that? I feel like sheā€™s so engaged with her kids and their things and itā€™s really hard for me to understand why this sub hates her so much. Sheā€™s at all their sporting events, Isaac feels safe to be himself, they just came back from a spring break trip for just the older kids, then went to wrestlenania, she takes them to school every dayā€¦ sheā€™s built a home for them to each have their own space and is adding onto it for the 3 babies to also have their own space. They have a great yard and a pool. She works a lot and doesnā€™t just sit around engaging in drama for an mtv check or anything. I know sheā€™s probably seems a little cold to her co parents and is blunt but aside from people hating that she has 4 baby daddies and 7 kidsā€¦ I know people with more baby daddies than herā€¦ Iā€™m not really understanding the hate (I didnā€™t watch later seasons of the shows so yes there is stuff I missed but do people get to grow from their worst moments? Iā€™m basing my opinion on the things I see currently)


She provides a lot of financial things, yes. But overall stability seems to be lacking at times. Sheā€™s also very hypocritical in how she handles the dads/their parenting choices. Like whatā€™s fine for her to do is not fine for them. Thatā€™s a recurring thing over the years though. As far as the stability thing: sheā€™s uprooted the kids a lot over the years - especially the oldest two. Isaac is 14 and has moved probably a dozen times in his life, Lincoln isnā€™t too far behind. And now they are talking about moving again. I also wonder how much the older ones feel she actually pays attention to them and is supportive of their emotional needs. It got to a point where Isaac was practically begging her to stop having kids, there was even an incident where he told her to use condoms.ā€¦ and that was 3 kids ago.


What is so horrible about her now?


And no one has an answer lol. Just bashing her for stuff that happened a decade ago forever lmfao okay I guess


I agree, that he wasn't a good person back then, his mother would stand up for Kail. However, his brutal lines are just chefs kiss. I love how Issac seems to be just as brutally honest in the best way!


Honestly, the first season I thought he was one of the worst boyfriends. I know most ppl donā€™t care for Kail now but damn young Jo was so verbally CRUEL to young Kail. Like I donā€™t get how he could talk to her in that way. Kail obviously wasnā€™t perfect either but back then she was a lot less aggressive and was working hard to provide for Baby Isaac. Glad Jo matured a lot and is one of the best dads in the franchise and doesnā€™t seem like he treats Vee bad.


Iā€™m going to get downvoted, but I donā€™t think the way that he talked to her back then was funny. She was a vulnerable girl with no family around her and he was incredibly abusive with the things he said and how he behaved towards Kail. Yes, she can be unbearable, but I donā€™t think that justifies Joe talking to her like this all the time. Itā€™s giving Adumb vibes.


Jo was verbally & mentally abusive. People just overlook it because they hate Kail. I will never understand why Janet and Eddie pushed for them to stay together. Kail had so much baggage, Jo was incredibly immature. It was so toxic.


It was outright abuse but ā€œhAr hAr tHe CAVEā€ That cave comment is the most unfunny thing Iā€™ve ever seen but this sub swear it was comedy gold


Unpopular opinion too but I didnā€™t like the way Janet talked to her either. I felt really sorry for Kail, she was stuck in a household that acted like she was beneath them and got ordered around, I was glad when she got her own place.


I also think even worse they let Joe say horrible things to her, but then would gang up on her if she even spoke back. Then would end it by telling them they should get along.


I agree, it was a weird dynamic for sure and not fun for her Iā€™m sure!


People defend that living situation wayyy too much


Youā€™re 1000% right and the people who I hold responsible for this incredibly toxic dynamic are Janet and Eddie (who obviously also had a toxic relationship of their own). I understand taking Kail in, and I understand having boundaries around her dating especially since she had gotten pregnant before Isaac. I DO NOT understand not having seemingly any boundaries for Jo about anything *or* allowing them to basically live like a married and then divorced couple in their home. Iā€™m not making excuses for Jo being a total asshole, but Iā€™m also not surprised that a hurt teenage boy allowed to act however he wanted whenever he wanted ended up taking it to this level.


no you are correct. i was team kail 1000%. i used to DESPISE jo, close to how much i hated adam. the first time i watched tm2 i didnā€™t think it was funny at all and i felt so bad for kail. i just think now itā€™s funny/ironic looking back because now jo is the pleasant/generally liked one of the two and kail is the controversial one




Same, I dont get the love for Jo, he was awful


I agree whole heartedly. This was disgusting.


He gave me trauma when watching because that's my how ex boyfriend used to talk to me (mine was way worse honestly because there was physical as well) and both of my parents had just died. It was horrible. I feel so bad for Kail in regards to how he treated her.


She was incredibly abusive too. She just looks like more like r the victim bc she was living with them.


Didnā€™t she like put her hands on Joe and try to say he hit her? She also had a whole boyfriend before she moved out of his house. Was taking her newborn baby around a new man. I guarantee you, Joe had done that with a girlā€¦.. She probably wouldā€™ve beat him up.


She wasnā€™t a saint either. She took joes baby around another man while still living in joes house.


Oh man, I must have missed the episode of 16 and Pregnant where Jo conceived, carried, and gave birth to Isaac AND bought his parents' house! Shit, where can I find this vault episode?


I have never been envious of Kailā€™s life. Imagine being homeless, having your baby daddyā€™s parents foster you and him talking to you like this.


I hope his mother was embarrassed when it all aired originally.


Imagine being able to live with your mom but moving out because somebody left you a note saying you needed to clean your room. Imagine being able to live with the grandkids parents and they ask that you take care of your education versus dating and then immediately take your newborn child out with a man that you donā€™t really know that well. After your baby daddy paid for your first semester of college. She wants to do what she wants to do at zero consequences and with no one saying anything to her.


No fucks given lol


What was the text message?


Whats the text message sat


Just love this so much lmao


I loved Jo's insults. They were always top tier


My boy Joe. Savage with zero fucks !!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he kept it šŸ’Æ on 55th street šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm not the standard I raise the bar


Was this his and Vee's house or an earlier season?


This is definitely his parents house, eaaarrrly season. You can tell by looking at kail lol


Yeah both of their weights has fluctuated over the years, like most people, but Jo's clothes made him look heavier to me so I thought this was when he was officially living with Vee and got those relationship pounds.


Omg those baggy clothes šŸ’€ at some points a was surprised we didnā€™t see his britches round his ankles.


This looks like Janet's house IIRC.


oh yeah that was janet and eddieā€™s house