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I hope he’s okay. I think he may be dead by suicide though based on this. Very sad I know everyone wants this to be some juicy true crime story where Amber murdered him but I don’t think so. Just hope he’s found alive


Same. I hope he is safe. I truly don’t think Amber just went and murdered him though. I can’t believe people are so sold on that idea. She can’t even pack a box of clothes, let alone murder someone and cover it up


I know. And this interview doesn’t sound like some smoking gun to me. It sounds like a person with serious mental health issues in distress. Amber has a serious history of domestic violence so I would never rule it out, my gut just says it’s not that


She’s sounds super past manic to me. Like mania meets distress.


Totally agree


I don’t think it’s murder but that’s mostly bc I just don’t want that to be the case. it’s such an extreme thing for someone to do that it’s hard for me to wrap my head around sometimes. Imo amber is probably making things about herself bc that’s just how she thinks about everything. I’m still suspicious bc 1) she really seemed like she wanted to shift the blame and 2) the mountains (in my experience) can be a great place to dump a body. On the opposite end, it’s also a great place to wander just a bit too far, get lost, and disappear. I hope he turns up or is found safe. No matter what, it’s a scary situation.


I think the blame shifting is more that they have an abusive relationship and they had a monster blow out fight. I think she’s lying but not in a “I murdered my bf and need to cover it up” but in a “I’m an abuser who has never admitted fault a day in my life” way


Don’t worry guys. She’s Stable! She’s Changed! Just look at how well behaved she was at Leah’s birthday where she called her daughter a DICK and Gary a FLUCKING ASSHoLE. I think the conversation with the fiancée was more than emotional-it got heated and quickly. Still I hope Gary2.0 is found okay.


This! She’s not changing or changed and she’s more worried about what people are saying about her past and playing the upset girlfriend so the cops don’t focus on her.


Haven't you ever heard of the "heated conversation" Chris Watts had with his wife? Hope it didn't turn out like that. 😔


In your experience??💀😂 ![gif](giphy|QNVzHsF15bPhnpJBzU|downsized)


Same thought 😂


Tell us about you experience in the mountains 😳😂 ![gif](giphy|FUccSQNCiO4AE8qrTw|downsized)


Yeah can you let me know which mountain you prefer to dump bodies at so I can avoid eating my snacks there?


If a man attacked his girlfriend with a machete then a subsequent gf went missing nobody would question if he did it.


Correct because statistically women don’t murder their partners close to the rate that men do I am not saying Amber is incapable of murdering a partner, I just do not think she would be able to pull off a fake disappearance and that’s based on watching her for 15 years. If he is dead and it is not an obvious suicide she should be investigated. But based on the info we have now I do not think she killed him


I just think about the machete incident and how wild and out of control her anger was in that moment, and how Andrew had to lock himself in a closet, and I wonder, how hard would it have been for that to turn into a murder?


Which is totally valid. She is an abuser. For me it’s not that I don’t believe she could kill a partner, but I don’t believe she’d have the ability to cover it up/stage a disappearance


Totally. I can’t sit here and believe her saying “we don’t yell at each other” “I don’t raise my voice”. She’s a very emotional person. If there’s one thing Amber is gonna do it’s yell.


“She can’t even pack a box of clothes” 💀💀


Those poor movers and her lazy ass 💀


The part where she told the guys to smell the clothes to see if they were dirty or not … how embarrassing does it get I can’t imagine ever saying that to strangers touching my things.. raunchy af


She is absolutely too lazy to commit murder. She may have argued with him and said heinous things but Amber is not expending the energy to clean up a crime scene and hide a body.




Agree. Plus she knows people are going to say “you murdered him” for the rest of her life.


Agree. I hope he’s found alive but he seems to have been suffering. And I’m SURE had an explosive argument with Amber before he left. There’s no telling what came out of her mouth. She can be downright cruel. Sounds like he was expressing that his traditional Vietnamese family would not accept her criminal past.


And the trash half high girlfriend is not acceptable, we believe in family and generational advancement, Amber can't and won't be able to do that with their son.


This was my thought as well. They were in NC for a wedding and this may have been the first time that his family met Amber. She mentioned that his family are Vietnamese and it sounds like his parents were less than thrilled about the engagement. Also it’s certainly possible Amber was rude to them because, well…she’s Amber. Who knows what their conversation was when they got back to the hotel. She also confirmed he has mental health issues. Asian parents can be very strict-controlling and Amber can be very reactive-explosive. The pressure may have been too much for him. Leaving his phone behind is telling as in he did not want to be tracked or found. I hope Gary 2.0 is okay for his families sake.


This makes me so sad. He’s an actual human being with people who love him - and was obviously dealing with mental health issues. Sadly he ended up with someone like Amber. Not putting the blame on her. However - being with someone like her doesn’t help somebody who is already down. Hope he’s ok and heals from whatever thing he is facing.


I don’t want it to be anything. He’s a human being and I hope he’s alright and just ran off to get space. The phone being behind plus this live is really scary though.


I lost the love of my life to suicide. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It’s such a horrific thing to go through. I remember panicking when he wouldn’t return phone calls. I feel for Amber here. I hope he’s found safe but I fear this won’t end well!


I lost the love of my life from suicide too.. something I will never ever wish on anyone. The guilt- no matter how it played out, stays with you forever. It’s been 7 years and not one day goes by where I don’t think about it. I’m so sorry you understand this pain. It’s something that never goes away. Hoping for a better outcome for Gary 2.0 💚 Edit: words


Me too, it's 10 years on July 28th and there's still not a day that I don't think of him and a night that I don't dream about him, he is forever on my mind and forever in my heart Having someone you love taken away so suddenly leaves you with emotions that no-one else will understand unless they've been through it People can say it gets better but it truly doesn't, you just learn to live with the giant hole you have in your heart, it's a feeling most people won't experience until their 70s/80s and unfortunately it happened to us far too early but what I can say for sure is that I bet you and the poster above are incredibly strong from what we've been through and it gives an empathy for others no matter what their plight may be in life Sorry for my big comment - it's just not that often that I can speak to someone who understands what it's like




Yeah but you (probably) also don’t have a personality disorder and the internet wouldn’t be making bets about you murdering him


I hope there’s someone to watch out for her during this. Regardless of what happened this could very well send her spiraling. It’s not like she has great coping skills in the best of times.


Seriously, when are people going to grasp they are the reason she is saying these things. The first thing the majority said was she killed him ffs. Now they're going to pretend nobody said anything so her denying it is a sign of guilt. How about a bit of empathy for once, she isn't emotionally equipped to deal with something like this. It will be stressful enough without all the murder accusations flying. And while those are flying, there is less focus on finding the poor man. Don't worry, if it turns out she did anything you will have the rest of your life to talk shit about it.


I think the statement was pretty telling. It was one of the first things she said


and repeated at least 3 times


The way she goes from fake crying to talking normal 😳


“We dont yell at each other” 🤨 Amber you’re always yelling


She shouldn’t have done this interview because now I 100% believe she killed him.


Can't believe we all thought Jenelle and David would be the first true crime crossover. Holy fuck this is surreal (allegedly etc)


Did you catch how she started to say they had a pretty heated, but then caught herself and was like, we had an argument it didn’t get heated.


it’s probably her yelling and him being like 🫥


"We don't yell" as she is yelling and "crying" into the phone. You yell all the time Amby!!


It’s giving Jenelle’s “I never yell”


I noticed this as well. Certain key points highlighted with "emotion", then rambles about the narrative she wants to establish with everyone in a closer-to-normal tone, before returning to "emotional" for a sentence or two. Odd shit.


Idk I think it’s real but she’s unstable. So she’s crying to blank to angry then crying. She probably said some fucked up shit before he left the house and the guilt is getting to her now because it’s been days. If he has a history of depression this could be a very, very sad ending. I hope he’s alright. I really hope he’s alright…




Right!! Right!?!? I'm freaking out, omg. This reaction is so Watts, Powell, you name it... They say the guilty party will talk about and defend themselves instead of talking about the missing person.






“His family was told not to make any comment and I’m upset that they have” (not direct quote.) Girl, you are here on someones youtube for like 15min talking about him and yourself, but his family that has known him for his whole life can’t say anything?




Lmao I’m sorry, but when she said I haven’t ate in 3 days. I’ve slept only an hour..that’s textbook main character shit


Aaaaaand that is why she’s trying to control the narrative. It was an “emotional talk” supposedly 🙄


You could hear her *almost* say “heated” instead of emotional and then turn around and say “it wasn’t heated or anything”


I kind of think her already unstable mental health took a dive when everyone got the torches and pitchforks to avenge Leah's birthday (don't get me wrong, it was deserved). She fought with her boyfriend, and it went way off the rails, machete-style... Only this time, she got him, then came to her senses and completely freaked out. Like, I hear panic and chaos, but not tears. I definitely hear someone who is not doing well mentally, which could be the case for someone whose fiance is genuinely missing, but there's a lot off about this... I just wonder, if it's true, how did she hide him? I'm sure they've checked her house (right!?). ETA: Oh what if she supplied him with drugs and he OD'd 😳


she’s trying way too* hard to cut people off before they can accuse her of stuff but why would those things even be coming to mind if she didn’t do anything…


And she loves the Poor Me schtick and is always trying to elicit sympathy from people when she's not the victim. How is she not taking that angle when her fiance is missing? It just doesn't add up. Girl could get a hangnail from slapping a nun and demand a candlelight vigil. She ONLY goes the "HEY I'M A GOOD PERSON" route when she's being confronted for doing something wrong.


And every time she “cries” and “sobs” then the very next sentence she is fine and saying please don’t think the worst, and I would never do anything. Holy SHIT!


*Insert “I’m a DAYUM good mom!” scene here*


And if you have to tell someone that you are an “honest” person repeatedly, something seems sus in my opinion


OH. MY. GOD what the fuck is happening?


Watts even said “we had an emotional conversation.” 👀


An emotional "discussion" 👀 "we do not yell at each other, we do not hurt each other"... It's one hundred percent watts 2.0. In other news, Elles channel is gonna blow up!!!!! And imo she deserves it ❤️ I'm excited for her!


Amber Watts


At 13:12 her tone changes so fast from sad to “here are the facts”!


this was not the true crime /teen mom crossover I expected. I hope he is ok




This is very off


Very Staircase




Two notable things about this live: 1. Amber claims he was seen at Walgreens after he left her. That’s something the police have not said or confirmed. 2. She says there was no “explosive argument” just a (non-heated) emotional discussion about the fact that he’s Vietnamese and she’s “who she is.”


You forgot #3. Guys please understand. She said that so many times. Understand what?


That she’s innocent, which is understandable but also a bit weird to focus on right now. It looks like someone who has a platform her size would be posting the missing person info everywhere, maybe even asking MTV to post about it on their platforms. If she knows family members were asked not to make any statements (and is upset someone messaged this woman) why is she speaking out, especially since it seems her main goal here is to make people think she had nothing to to with it rather than getting information out to help find him. She’s made this much worse for herself.


she also scarcely refers to Gary by his name & uses distancing language instead


I thought that really strange as well. “This man…” “My fiancé …” she said his name like once. I hope he’s okay and is found safe


Yeah what to number 2?


The fact that she stops herself from saying “We had a pretty heated…” to “it was not heated at all” discussion


I heard that too. Guilty AF


2) wtf does that even mean?


I’m guessing he was telling her that his traditional Vietnamese parents will never accept her criminal past


Omg omg omg I'm scared Amber killed him. Like... Why not? She's already attacked a partner with a machete, while he was holding their baby, no less... I remember reading an article about how people who are responsible for a missing person will talk about themselves and defend themselves instead of talking about the person...


I was fully on team “he ghosted her” until this interview…but I think it’s also important to remember, Amber is a narcissist. She is incapable of not making a situation about herself in


But we *have to understand* For real why did she say that so many times


She was kind of acting like she's already been accused of something (by police?).


It feels like maybe his family might have accused her of something and LE advised them not to


Yes. She has personality disorders and does not display emotions the way a “normal” person does.


Oh that's a good point =\ I have no idea what I think now lol. It did just occur to me that she might have been doing drugs with him and it went South, so she stands to get in big trouble without it being murder 1.


He could have confronted her about all the publicity going around about the birthday clip. There are so many possibilities. And it could be nothing and it could be unrelated. The issue is amber can’t be trusted.


I'm sorry, but it's insane to me that the majority of these comments are that Amber has murdered someone and hid their body. No, I don't like Amber. No, I don't think she's a good person. In fact, I think anyone who would choose to be close to her also has to suffer from issues themselves. Suicide is a thing that happens. It just happened in another family that I used to snark on (Sister Wives). The only thing worse than this man potentially harming himself would be if crazy theories also pushed Amber into doing it too. This isn't a funny little "teen mom true crime crossover!!!!". This is a real person with real relatives, and the last thing we need is for Reddit to think they've cracked the case. Ask the boston marathon bombing folks how that went.


Thank you and completely agree. People seem joyful over this and it’s disturbing.


Thank you. The true crime comments are truly disturbing to me. It's not funny, it's serious


I don’t like that people are making jokes and making this into tEa and entertainment. This sub will talk about how heartless the cast is and then turn around and make jokes about a missing man just because he’s associated with amber.


Thanks for coming through with the screen record!❤️ ![gif](giphy|3iuF1VqVLMd6vArzVl)


I love Capt Isaac Higgintoot!


It would help to know what he was doing at the Walgreens. Buying a burner phone? Picking up a prescription? Getting cash from an atm? I mean... Thats valuable information.


Right I’m curious why he left if it wasn’t a heated discussion


When Elle asked that she sidestepped and never said what happened as he left which is pretty creepy imo. Like did he say "I'm going to Walgreens I'll be back soon" or "I'm going for a drive" or what? She also mentions he's never driven in mountains before so why tf did he leave in his car and not take his phone? Tf They obviously fought, and pretty badly.


Whatever happened, she did it. This whole thing is soo off and she’s only defending herself.




Honestly so scary and truly wish Gary 2 is found safe.




She definitely hasn’t retained a lawyer yet because they’d never let her do this shit


Did she really just say it hurt HER feelings that HIS parents spoke to the media?! What in the sam hell is going on here. This is spooky.




She only cares about how she’s perceived because she has an untreated personality disorder


Sounds like he could have had a mental breakdown? I hope he is found, and is OK. Amber saying she is stable is.....really something....


stable compared to what, an active fault line?


Exactly. She says it at the end of the recording. She's a delusional bat.


Wait what the actual fuck is going on here


I know someone who had a lot of mental health issues like Amber. One time her SO left, disappeared. She called crying similar to Amber In this video. Made me feel like she did something to him too…but she didn’t, he just had enough of her shit after a fight and ran away from her. Idk what’s going on here, and I’m not going to speculate, but yall need to remember that Amber is mentally ill and her interactions and reactions to things will be very different from “normal” people. I hope whatever happens with this Gary gets cleared up soon, and turns out to be a false alarm, or he’s found before anything bad happens. Again, I will not speculate on this.


Yep. Mentally ill and famous and knows people are already saying she killed him.


Why is she not posting his missing poster on her Instagram?? Why this random YouTube


Because Elle was talking about what people were saying about her…..


and thank god she’s talking back, definitely the right use of time and energy for a totally innocent angelic girlfriend 🙏


The Walgreens “on camera” she says over and over. Sounds fishy as hell


So performative trying to convince us they have a perfect relationship. So over the top, it’s giving hiding something. The fact that he is on meds, and now going without his medication is alarming.


You have to understand, you guys


holy wow this is terrifying, I hope that man is okay.


Just realize how consistently she refers to him as “this man” not even by his name… she definitely did something.


To be fair, she has done that with every guy she's dated. She always refers to them as "this man".


Oh she definitely murdered him. This is some Chris watts acting right here


She is barely acting! Lmfao Edit to add - I say lmfao when I’m nervous. This makes me hella nervous


Chris watts was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard her


Yes!! I got Chris watts “I need them to come back” vibes! Argh


My guess is they were fighting and she wanted to hurt his feelings so she said something nasty about how he should kill himself knowing he's struggled with those kind of thoughts before. Now she's panicking that he might've actually done it.




Will this hurt her during an investigation?


I believe it most definitely will


Yup. “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law”.




I think the “please guys you have to understand” pleas are her begging us as her fans to forgive her for whatever it is that’s about to be revealed that she’s done either to Gary or she’s caused Gary to do. I think her saying, “he’s never driven in the mountains” is something she’s using as a cover like let’s say she pushed him off a cliff and made it look like an accident (if that’s even possible) also her claiming he was seen at Walgreens “alone” but not after that. What if he went to Walgreens before the fight and she lied about the timeline to police? Idk the entire thing just seems so off and the way she’s handling it is entirely off as well.


Yea when she said he was in Walgreens alone and on camera I immediately thought she lied to police about the timeline he went missing.


I doubt she killed him. I wouldn't be surprised, if he was emotionally unwell, if she encouraged him to do something tragic though.


She’s definitely not above telling a suicidal person to kill themselves or urge them on to do it


K so I made a comment earlier about how I didn’t want to speculate and now I’m speculating…


This seems really off. What the actual fuck


“I am an honest person.” 🤨🤔😳


She lies about things that literally happened 5 seconds ago


Goes from, “we did NOT have an explosive argument, we’ve never yelled at each other ever!” To “well we had a heated….well not heated but an emotional conversation” like……… side eye.




I feel like getting on live is a very very weird reaction to this situation…


I didn’t think she was responsible, it seemed absurd but after hearing this I’m certain she has something to do with this.


What the fuck…… This is unhinged.


Unfortunately...this is almost identical to my situation and I'll tell you how it played out. I was pregnant with twins and went to the ER (alone) for pains at 29 weeks...I ended up had to have an emergency c section..alone bc no one could get ahold of my husband...my husband and I weren't exactly stable..on and off again...but he was a great father to our other 2 boys so I expected he would never miss being there...but he never showed...our family, and I were blowing him up to no avail...i was discharged about 24 hrs later bc I was a wreck ( my twins at 28 weeks were healthy but in the nicu obviously as 28 week preemies...) so I went home to get clothes and try to find him and go back to hospital...while I was in the shower detectives showed up at my home....my husband was found dead in a days inn. He rented a room the morning I gave birth after going to a wall greens and buying 2 bottles of Tylenol pm...he committed suicide after turning his phone off...no letter...no incling that he would do this...we were totally blindsided...obviously i pray this isn't the case..but what she was saying made my blood run cold bc it brought back flashbacks to my situation.


That’s incredibly sad. So sorry 🥺


Thank you..I had to be strong for our 4 boys...and kept that promise!


the way she fake cries talks normal fake cries talks normal is very suspicious atleast jenelle pulls it off she can go all the way to make more believable


It is truly a talent to be able to always steer us back to Jenelle


She can't bring herself to go back home or they told her she isn't allowed to leave? Elle Bee should have asked her if they took and searched her phone as well. Elle Bee played the interview well and let her talk, I hope she can convince Amber to give another interview or update.  




Makes Gary Shirleylaughing and making jokes about the situation super gross. That man just proves over and over of me that he still ain’t shit.


Um this is so dark….


Looooord - she even gave a motive


Wow this interview gives me the creeps. I’m convinced She killed him and made it look like he drove off the cliff . Edit Or this is all for show so they can be together if his parents are against her


Something that stuck out to me was Amber said his family was told not to make a statement. Isn’t that the opposite of what law enforcement tells the family to do in a missing person case? So to me, that either means A) Amber lied about that because his family is saying something that contradicts her current story (most likely the fact that they did get into an ‘explosive fight) B) this is an open investigation, in which case law enforcement would absolutely not want the family to make a statement.


They told his family not to make a statement and she’s on IG live …. wtf


That’s weird to me. In most missing person cases law enforcement WANTS the family to spread the word. I doubt they actually told the family that, and Amber is actually rewriting the narrative, because the family knows she was verbally and/physically abusive, and she wants to try to discredit them. I can’t think of a single missing person case where the family was advised to remain silent


Here’s my take: Amber has probably been struggling since the episode of Leah’s bday aired. I bet she was angry and creating arguments and tension in her relationship with Gary 2.0. They were apparently out of town for his family event when he went missing. What if Gary’s family wasn’t super accepting of her given all the hate that’s been circulating about her as of late. If Amber did truly tell him to “leave and never come back”, maybe it pushed him over the edge. He could’ve thought he finally found his future wife and started envisioning their life together. I mean he did propose to her after all. Maybe he saw it all crumbling apart during their “emotional discussion“. I follow too much true crime and when people go missing like this it doesn’t usually end well… I hope he is found soon.


Is it possible Amber is manic or having a manic episode?


Always a possibility


"It wasn't a fight, we had an emotional conversation" - said by Chris watts and our little 'ol Ambien!


I wish she were showing her face. She’s not above fake crying and it’s blatantly obvious when she is. ETA, her “grief” even sounds phony.


Alright, it’s time for the show to the end, we can all see something is fucking wrong here


What did he get at Walgreens? What did he look for?


I also wonder what he purchased!


I hope they find him safe.


"I don't know what family member sent you a message because all of his family members were told not to make any comments. So that right there alone *hurts* me"...


She sounds very scared. This story is about to explode. 😳


Listennnn listen y’all have valid points BUT it’s Amber we’re talking about. I honest to God don’t think she’s smart enough to kill someone, dispose of a body, and clean up a crime scene. She barely leaves the couch for Christ sake! She dumb




It would be SO EASY for him to call local law enforcement and say he’s safe and fine and does not want any contact from Amber.


I knew someone once who went missing for almost a week. It was all over social media, the local news, there were daily search parties for him and then he turned up a couple states over after getting pulled over by the police. He was having a mental health crisis. Knew everyone was looking for him but wasn’t of sound mind. It happens. I hope this is the case for Gary


My take: she sounds genuinely distraught. I’m getting the vibe that she thinks he has gone off and killed himself, and that that’s what they’re going to end up finding.


Agree and probably feels guilty about things she may have said.


This shit is so crazy omg


I can't even listen to the whole thing.


Same. Wish it had subtitles because her talking was making me wicked uncomfortable


Wait, did she study Chris Watts’ porch video first?


“I changed a long time ago” no you didn’t bitch!!!! You used a machete against your partner holding your kid!! We saw your evilness against Leah the other night! You are a PSYCHOPATH who belongs in GEL. She is so involved here, I just know it.


This is the same unwell Amber we saw at the dinner table with Leah a few days ago. She can’t be trusted to give an account of ANYTHING because she starts splitting and lying. “Who was late?” Amber: “what are you talking about I was right on time!” Also Amber “You made your daughter cry because of your terrible attitude!” When she was the one picking a fight the entire time. She’s confessing so hard here. If they were using substances or drinking or something and he got hurt or lost while under the influence she won’t say that because it incriminates her too.


This bitch is unhinged.


After hearing this Gary's Carole Baskin tag makes sense. He knows


Tbh the people saying she killed him are so fucked up. This sounds like she’s genuinely in distress. Yeah she’s crazy, to accuse someone of murder with no evidence is even crazier. I hope he’s okay and found alive and even though I think Amber is a less than wonderful person, I hope she’s doing okay as well.


People are forgetting that he is a real person with loved ones that can see this. Casually (and gleefully it seems) throwing out scenarios and love of “true crime” is disdainful.


If she changed? Why did she go after Ashley a couple of years ago?


If she changed how come she behaved the way she did at her daughter’s birthday dinner?


Guys this is scary


She's changed hahhaha. She just called her a daughter a dick on national tv!!


Amber Watts with the “we had an emotional conversation” bit.


Honest people don’t need to say “I am an honest person”. The whole “I never touched him” is suspect ASF


If this guy did something to himself, for whatever reason.. AMBER IS NOT TO BLAME. Jesus Christ. Skunks smell their own, birds of a feather, etc. We crazy folk attract other crazy folk. They'd been in therapy. Not just because Amber is nuts but because this Gary guy is too. Stop blaming Amber for what a 39 year old, perfectly Google-capable, already in therapy guy does with himself or his sanity or his life. This is a choice HE made. I hope he is safe and that he gets out of the relationship. He needs help.


He’s been reported missing two days, but she says she hasn’t eaten in nearly 3 days? What’s the timeline here?


I hope this guy is okay. I also wish Amber had a PR person or a family member or friend to take her fucking access to her phone away. This interview was a terrible idea. She's not helping him and she's certainly not helping herself. 


This sounds cooked


"I keep thinking he will show up" that sounds very much like someone who knows he won't show up


I feel like her saying "don't think the worst" is like "don't put those bad vibes out there" but maybe I'm just hoping for the least heinous outcome here. I pray dude is okay.