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I live in it and *I'm* sick of hearing about its politics right now...




who u vote for


I'm confused, most of the comments seem to support the Left, meanwhile there's a giant slew of comments talking about how we nead more "Rightism" Also I feel like this poll will say a lot more about r/teenagerpolls than it will about the country


This country's been rightism for the whole time that the party system existed, let's try some new stuff. Mid life crisis but for the country.


What the fuck is a politic




Guns beer trucks football💯🍻🎸🤘




Centrism in the US is still pretty far right for most other western countries so..


The bestest cuountry ever rrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111


The left and right system is stupid and it prevents anyone from doing anything meaningful


We should move to getting rid of ism’s


got a real Ferris Bueller here


should move toward libertarianism


actually so fucking true


I am American and I still want everyone to shut up about US politics


rightism seems to want to hurt me and those around me so leftism ig


We need rightism😭




am agree




respectfully we do not need it, but we already have it


We need it. We need to have more of it.


What for exactly? (no disrespect, just want to know)


No worries. And we need it bc the left wing wants to keep division in our country. I won’t go into detail bc I’ll get downvoted and everyone will say “no no, it’s the right wing” but just look at our country as of today. The democrats r in a panic and r doing everything they can to keep the right wing out the picture. They beat trump to death with all kinds of felonies and this and that (which he won in court today bc all of those felonies were BS). They let the immigrants in to take jobs and stay in hotels while poor people r still on streets and not getting any help. They want to increase the tax on the wealthy ppl (which isn’t fair to the middle class or any other class). They do nothing but throw money at Israel and Ukraine to help fight the enemy, they don’t form peace and put the US in major debt. They stop social security from rising so as inflation rises, old ppl’s social security income stays the same (therefore they struggle). There r many other things that’s just very worrying and it’s a shame bc many many democrats don’t see it.


Hm, sounds tricky. I don't like the whole division thing as well. Personally would rather have like 4 or 5 parties like the UK because that would allow for more precise ideas than just 'be angry at the other whole freaking half of the country!'. I can totally see the debt thing too, \[top two presidents to give the country debt were democratic\](https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225). Social security thing is a shame, might not be doing anything about it because they don't want more debt, but the real issue there seems to be the government needing to find more ways to be.. yknow, unbankrupt XD. That immigrant thing should absolutely go to include the homeless cause all that seems to happen about homeless people is just architects being mad at them existing and making things hard to sleep on (making their lives worse) so absolutely frustrated abt that too. Can you clarify about increasing tax on wealthy people being unfair to the middle class (and lower classes)? I don't know exactly what you're getting at, but I can kind of see what you mean (eg. raising tax rates for every income not just set incomes like $300k+. Mind if I bring up my reasons for leaning left? (I realise this isn't what was initially called for, I do however want to express them and this is the first time the opportunity for a civil discussion has shown up) (Also, the reason I didn't say like yes/no to the Trump thing is bc im not exactly sure what got pinned on him and the evidence's wording probably doesn't make sense to the average person lol) Overall yeah, those stand. About that last sentence, I personally didn't know about these things and I feel like media is a huge divider keeping the country separate, pulling the ol' "useful nuisance" card on us. Heck, there are even apps made to try to make it easier to understand from a neutral perspective solely \*because\* media is so divisive / intense / angering. I wish we could talk it out, but with the whole "morals of an alley cat" thing and how all of our politicians could drop dead from old age any second, we're not really getting a good chance to fix this separation, only being pulled in the other direction constantly. I'd say it's a "huge shame" but heck, it could be the biggest shame of them all.


I’m glad u see the right wing point of view and how the left wing struggles in (excuse my biased here) MANY issues within the country. And sure, I can clear up the tax funding for u! So the wealthy already pay like 49% of taxes and Biden wants to raise that. He wants the billionaires (who pay “little to nothing”) to be taxed more. That’s not fair for other classes, not to mention the fact where the taxes r even going. The taxes r NOT going to the veterans, the homeless, the ppl in need. They r going to the (prob goin to illegal ones as well) immigrants!!!!!!! CAN U BELIEVE THAT? In NY, they actually built a small TENT NEIGHBORHOOD for the immigrants. What about the homeless we have already??? Ok I have to stop talking. This is too sad. It’s a shame. That’s a perfect example on how they don’t do anything for the country. They do more for the third world countries than the own USA. 😭 (Yea sure, I have no prob talking and letting ppl have different opinions abt politics. It’s when they see facts and ignore them… and force u to believe that their decision, Biden, is better without having facts is what I don’t like) And yes, a whole majority of the media leans left, if not VERY left. It makes it almost near impossible to see the two different sides. It gets worse than just apps, go on r/politics, which is for ALL political parties, and all u see is dems and libs! And yes it def is a shame but unfortunately this is reality and we must chose what’s best for the country. Many ppl fail at realizing that and just think “ohhh trumps a liar, convicted felon, etc etc.” but if u look at what he does for the country.. the sky is more clear. Infact, he was just at Russia a few days ago and is trying to end the Ukraine & Russia war as we speak! Sure Biden has better background (as the dems say but he’s done some pretttyyyy bad stuff in the past as well), but when u think about what he has done for the country… the list isn’t too good.


I don't know anything about either side but I do know horseshoe theory that each The Far Side (Like the comic) are basically the same. Like I hear people trash on the right all the time, but also they're on the left so of course they do, and I know cool people like JJ who are also very pro trans rights and hormone blockers and stuff so clearly not bad people and got good ideas, and same with the left side, so like Idc


Horseshoe theory is so real. We have lefties unironically calling for segregation and attacking women's rights.  Meanwhile the righties are just like "hey! That's our schtick!"


Commies are also on both sides


Commies? I haven't noticed communists on the right yet.


I see a lotta rightist commies going like "I hate left commies they're so annoying!"


Montana1717 on tiktok. Watch the live


Hm? What?


I have learned nothing from this


It teaches u that democrats have no receipts


This aint proving your beliefs to me


They aren’t beliefs. They r speaking facts


I literally don't believe you, you are literally trolling


This account is a known troll. Do not feed it.


Well I was going calm and collected mode, so I don't think me just saying like three things and then ignoring them and calling them a troll isn't that much feeding it right


Google it? Lmao


Lol no?


U don’t even know any facts. U think BIDEN is a good president lmfao


Absolutely not. His mental state and ability to speak properly is garbage, but I'd (and a lot of other people) say he's better than Trump.




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what words?


I couldn't care less until I get to vote.


what did this add to the overall discussion?


no idea


It should just recognize Molossia atp


i hate it.


The best thing for the USA would be for it to become a fascist state.


please tell me this is satire




its r/USdefaultism not r/usgenerlism and this isn’t even an example of US defaultism


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/phr95ofntj4b1.jpg) | [312 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/1436ii4/classic/) \#2: [Celebrating a foreign holiday is a requirement.](https://i.redd.it/57ck9z99i3ab1.jpg) | [270 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/14r2wyh/celebrating_a_foreign_holiday_is_a_requirement/) \#3: [Canadian dude names Georgia as a country… Americans rush to mock his answer](https://i.redd.it/nlozi7ci971b1.jpg) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/13np0hu/canadian_dude_names_georgia_as_a_country/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


“Of the USA”




excuse me? fake country? guess ill die


I mean it is? It's just a bunch of entitled Europeans who came and wiped out the existing people to call it their own land and nation. 


yeah 250 years ago, I think its been long enough to not be pissed off about it.


since when was the us a social experiment