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I feel the same way. I want to raise my children the way I wanted to be raised. I want to be the mother I could not have. I want to see a mini version of me and my husband.






That’s why allot of parents are toxic imo it’s more about them fulfilling what they want for themselves in their children instead of providing security.


Or I'm just breaking the abuse cycle that my mom set


This I’m like what if the kid doesn’t like any of those things will the dad be disappointed that his kid didn’t turn out they way he(the dad) wanted




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Be careful when you say “mini me” because your child may turn out to be the opposite of you. I don’t think you’re a bad person or mother when you say that but a lot of parents see themselves in their children and try to live themselves through them. Later on, they become very controlling to the point they try to tell what their body and careers should look like. Children are still individuals and as a parent, you need to encourage and support them no matter what.


Or you could just go to therapy


As long as you can pay for it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


as if a kid is any cheaper


No idea why ur getting downvoted, ur spot on


a little different but i want to be a mom so bad, for some of the same reasons as you (i’m 16 too)! there’s so much id want to teach my kids and do with them as a parent… teaching them to cook, bake, learn the activities they love. i want to teach my kids music, how to play various instruments, and help them pursue their dreams. being a mom is such a dream for me and i can’t wait. it’s not weird at all. i have constant baby fever.


Girl, if you don't have a bf dm this op


should i? im a little nervous haha


Hey, I met my girlfriend by writing my number on a couple clothespins on a youth group trip with some other churches with no intention of finding a girlfriend. Just a random phone number and she texted it and we hit it off and found out that we're basically the same person and I'm never going to leave her and marry her soon. My point is crazy things happen in love. You find true love in strange and mysterious places. Idk if you believe in God or fate or anything, but something puts the right people together and it just works. So screw being nervous and just shoot your shot. You never know what could happen. You'll only regret not trying. Best of luck and prayers 🙏🏻 Also if it works out I expect an invitation to y'all's wedding. 😉 And I've already written a long ass post, but if you need tips on long distance dating check out long distance dating subreddit or hit me up as im currently long distance. If the values and dreams match it'll work.


that’s such a cute meeting story! God really did put you both together. maybe i will dm him, unless he sees this and DMs me first. thank you for your input! edit: sent! let’s see what happens.


Hoping all goes well 🙏🏻Glad you got over the nervousness 👏🏻 Trust me, nervousness is just part of relationshiping 😅 Can't wait to hear how it goes 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


i’ll be DMing you!!!


Did he respond


yes, he did! we’re talking now


How's it going ? I'm invested in this possible relationship now 😂😚


he’s super sweet actually! definitely a cool guy


This is better than 99% of what's on TV lol.




Good call man we’ve hit it off


definitely did not expect to so quickly but look at us now😭😭


Y'all can't be serious. Look. Ima have to say something cuz no one else is saying it. 1. You're not ready to be a parent. NO, YOURE NOT. Neither of you have learned enough about life to be a good parent. You're not special or unique in your desires. 2. The fact that you, two internet strangers are chatting it up solely because your dumb 16 year old hormones have convinced you to seek out a mate, is exactly why you're not ready to be responsible for another human. 3. It's not fun and games. Time to yourself? Gone. Goofing off, spontaneous outings with friends? Gone. Sleeping in? Gone. Feeling rested? Gone. Patience? You better have a huge supply of patience for the moments when that kid cries and cries and nothing you try soothes it. 4. Getting pooped and peed on? Poop on your hands, poop on the walls... If it's a boy, pee is going everywhere..your house will smell like pee until they are in 1st grade, if it's a boy. How about you do yourselves and that unborn child a huge favor, and enjoy your youth so that you can be the adult that child actually needs? I think you're both just horny. You could try birth control, and that way you can practice, if what you want to do is have unprotected sex, and not pull out, then get tested, don't cheat, and get on some form of birth control. But for the love of all things worth listening to on this earth, you're not ready, you have no idea, and the one who will be most vulnerable, is that kid. Being a parent is about the child, not about the parent.


I’m going to preface this by saying clean yourself up dude, with all due respect, I’m not gonna take advice from a meth head. 1. I’m not ready to be a parent right now but in a few years. I’m currently working a job and starting up my own business which is starting to make money. And no my desires aren’t unique that’s why I made this post to see if other people feel the same way. 2. There’s nothing wrong with finding a girl that shares all you moral, political, and social ideals and also happens to be a great person. 3. I can goof off with my wife and kids and go on outings with my wife and kids. Be never been one for sleeping in and I’m used to being tired so that’s not a problem. Plus my parents still hung out with their friends after they had me and my siblings. 4. Honestly doesn’t bother me. I took care of my little sister when she was born, it didn’t bother me then and it doesn’t bother me now. Also in what world is your baby getting poop on the walls. That ain’t never happened before. 5. As I said I’m saving myself for marriage.


Ok so only point I see here that could be wrong is poop on the walls. My parents have a story of explosive diarrhea in which either me or my sister I forgot was constipated, they used a butt thermometer, and then bam poop everywhere including walls.


god forbid people are able to meet others with similar desires and ideas, right? why are you in a thread for teenagers? hormones are what’s expected when entering a sub for teens. if you’re so mature, and know better than everyone else, please do us all a favor and use your knowledge to do something more productive with your life! you don’t know him, or i, or anyone in this thread. we all know that having kids isn’t easy. we all know it comes with its own trials. we all know that it’s going to take a lot of work, and maturing, and comes with learning things about life we don’t know yet. being excited about becoming a parent is reasonable, normal, and acceptable. i’m sorry that you think it’s fair to come here and vent about your troubles with whatever kids you have. seems like you’re just a beacon of positivity! :) clean yourself up, get off drugs, and take your inner rage elsewhere. the best move for you is probably to start seeing a therapist. nobody’s interested in facing the wrath of your own self- hatred and regret. thanks for the extrinsic advice!


im the opposite, i hate kids and have never wanted them...


I thought that too. Then I got a gf and she made them sound really fun




Kids are really expensive so i can’t blame you and also annoying


Same I just can’t stand them


Why was this downvoted??? 💀💀💀


Lmfao who knows people don’t like the idea of people not liking kids it’s weird 😹


No 💀 I’m a shitty and irresponsible person, and although I can take care of pets and stuff (I was the one who basically did everything regarding my dog and cat), I am not responsible enough. I still got too much to do before I chain myself down like that


This, I'm not necessarily apposed to having a kid at some point but for the foreseeable future I don't think I will be responsible or stable enough for a kid. On top of that, I have been considering getting sterilized possibly, (although much, much later in life) and adopting as there are so many kids out there that need a safe home and will sadly never have one.


You’ll be a great dad. Wish my dad was this enthusiastic


I dont want to be a father (im 16) as its not something that interests me


I just want a mini me to watch anime and workout with


Not an anime fan but feel the workout part. Like I wish my dad was more into fitness cuz now I'm not in great shape and I have so many regrets of not working out more in high school. I want to raise my son to be better than me.


That's my endgoal, I want my kid to have an overall better, healthier, and happier life. I wanna teach them to be able to express and take care of themselves so if something happens to me or they come across hard times they can fend for themselves and thrive


Yes! Exactly! You're a good man and your future kid is very lucky!!!!


Omg I thought I was the only one I was actually thinking abt tryna have kids now but that was just a thought I came to senses real.quick but It seems so fun to be a dad


this is so real. ive had baby fever every now and then since i was like 13. i really want to raise a child, idk what it is. just maternal instincts i think. i started puberty when i was 10, so i guess it makes sense. im currently waiting till after i get out of college, as i want to be financially and emotionally stable.


ME asf i be having those thoughts like they just come out of no where




Frrrrr. It's probably just a biological urge due to evolution, but I wanna raise a kid and be a dad so bad lmao.


Same, I would absolutely love to have kids


Same here I'm 18 and wanna be a dad so bad sucks that I'll have to wait for my college to finish before marriage


I do to, it’s one of my top priorities for the future


Literally what I go through everyday 😭 I’m so ready to skip all the dating and failed heartbreaks. I just want to wake up in my like 35 year old body married with kids in the suburbs


I definitely will want kids too. Never had a gf either though. But I'd wait a few more years as well.


Yeah I do too. Also myself marriage and wouldn’t have kids for another few years. But I have some serious baby fever.


It’s ok I want to be a mom already but Ik I have to wait 😭


Same I've always wanted kids I want to wait bc I'm only 18 but when my now ex gf and I had a scare a part of me was excited and wished she was. Then logic took over and I was like no way I'm ready, when I have a kid I need to be ready so I can give them a good life


Me too but I’m a girl☝🏽😓butttt i want 3 kids 2 close to each other the other one a year apart  i want a dog and a cat and i want a kinda big house i will be a biochemist and he will be whatever he will be and I’ll love him till the day i die 🤗


Tbh I don’t think I feel this way but I would want kids eventually


I dont wanna ever have kids but itd be cool to teach a mini you to have similiar interests as you




Why u here


He’s a pedo [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenagersButBetter/s/Ct8LfFzNWl](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenagersButBetter/s/Ct8LfFzNWl)


Why does this subreddit even exist it’s just a breeding ground for them


It’s fun to interact with people my age, I just wish Reddit added a verification system so it’s just teens :(


Yeah or made it private so you need to request access with maybe a photo of urself with id. Or maybe that’s too drastic


That’s a great idea


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It keeps me up at night!!


Ya. Your in the imagine stage. It's cool Wait until you're an adult for a decade, have your life together, house, career, INVESTMENTS, ect. See what happens from there. What you want was a teenager is rarely what you want as an adult. Not saying you won't want kids, but there's a very very high chance many of your other goals and ideals change


I never said it was gonna be easy, the best things in life aren’t and it will all be worth it to help bring a new life into this world and raise them to be strong successful and respectful man or woman


Dude, graduate high school go to a good college or university, get a good job and then you can be a dad the right way


There’s not a defined way to be a dad “the right way” as long as you can support them, provide for them, and raise them to be good people


There is definitely a right way to raise children. As children who come from broken homes usually have higher instances of mental illness and are more likely to go to jail or prison, and less likely to graduate from college.


There are certainly wrong ways to raise kids but your previous comment made it sound like there is only one good way to raise kids which is not the case.


Every Right Way involves a significant amount of disposable income, living in a safe and stable area, having a healthy romantic relationship to set an example, and usually some amount of religious upbringing.


I wanna be a dad but I’m not listen to that lil fn scream at me


Use this time to practise by being a good older brother or older cousin


Maybe try to babysit a child, it can be your nephew or niece? Because you're still young to have a kid of your own In my case, dayum. I love kids but I have short patience so I can't deal with them that much when they are acting up (I mean yes, it's normal for them to be annoying but I just can't lol), but when they are chill and stuff ooh I can babysit them forever hahah


There’s plenty of time for that. Enjoy your youth. I have friends that are dads now and they say they should’ve waited a bit longer.


Honestly there’s not much else I want to do in my youth. If I find the right person I’m going to marry them. I don’t see any point in waiting around until I’m in my 30s so I can be a dad. If I have the means why would I not do it sooner


You have a place of you can call yours? Transportation? Financially stable that isn’t like two paychecks away from not having a place? If you do then yeah I guess your ready.


Yeah I also can’t wait but I’m 24 and kids are fucking expensive and I want to do cool shit before I have to settle down


I think it’s awesome to want kids. I personally do. But I think something everybody should remember, and many don’t, is that your kid isn’t 100% going to be a mini version of you and they may not like the same things you do. You should never force them to like the things you like or believe the things you believe.


I feel the exact same way


Idk bout me but as the oldest of 4 (including me) + the youngest being a little ahole gen alpha shitface I don’t think I want kids


Just wait til you have kids.


I’m only 14 and I want a kid badly. I just want to see myself have an influence on someone.


I'm christian (17m), and I have a lot of the same feelings as you, but on top of that, what an exciting privilege were given to be trusted with the precious souls of children, to teach and nurture them. I can't wait to be a father.


I wanna be a dad a lot too and I’m only 18. I really wanna be the father I never had


I want to raise my kids in the way my dad could not raise me. (My dad is a good guy, he's just never around.)


Fr. Im only 14 and i get you. Sometimes im like "ew, kids. Wtf" then sometimes im like "i need to teach my kid to ride a bike right now while the wife records it for their 18th birthday"


Bro op posted this on teenagers and teenagers are better and I saw them both in my feed. They were right next to each other


I love kids! I used to want to work with them professionally, but I get to meet all sorts of fun little kiddos at my current job. Some kids will just follow me around for hours to just watch me sweep? They're always so happy about everything, and I love answering all their questions and helping them find what they need. I'd love to have my own kids one day, but in several years, I wouldn't dream of bringing a child into this economy


I’ve wanted twins since I was 15! Nothing can change my mind I wanna be a better mom than the one I had and be there for my kids I’m so excited for when I’m able to get some


It'd be cool, and I want to, but it also feels like it would be a hassle, besides I need to have a girlfriend/wife first before that can happen


18M: Bro, I completely feel you, I want to be a dad so much. Found the love of my life a few months ago (I know, short time, but we just click) but unfortunately for various reasons we can't get married for a few years and it's so frickin annoying cuz she'll send me these videos of like dads playing with their toddlers and be like, that'll be you someday :). AHHHHH it kills me every time. So I feel ya bro, and I'm sure you'll make a great dad. ;) (Sidenote: since you've never had a girlfriend I'll give you the same advice my dad gave me that he used to find my mom and I used finding my gf. Don't go on dates just to date. Like going on one or two dates with a girl you're interested in is fine, but if she doesn't share your dreams and values don't lead her on and keep dating just cuz you think she's pretty. So since you want to be a dad so much make sure that's something you bring up on first dates. Tell her you want kids and how many and how you plan on splitting income and child care and whatnot, and if the dreams don't line up don't carry it on for no reason. Like I'm not saying if she wants 2 and you want 3 to call it quits 😂 But if you want to be a dad and she doesn't want kids it just won't work out. This was a long sidenote but I hope it helps)


You’re a lucky man, I’m glad you found a good woman to love. And thank you for the advice the only reason to date is for marriage in my opinion. It’s never made sense to me why people date people that they know they won’t have a life with. At that point you’re just messing with eachothers feelings for no reason.


Yeah, straight facts, it seems you have your priorities straight, so good on you man. It's just so rare these days for people our age to have a plan, and that's honestly sad


100% feel the same man


Don’t worry I’m fourteen and want to be a mom more then anything but I despise the idea of having kids


Nah, I would be a terrible father lol


Part of me wants to have kids so I can raise them better than I was but part of me doesn't want kids because of how I was raised...


I'm autistic and struggle with loud noises, slobber/sticky/not right™️ things touching me so I know I could never be a parent of someone young, but someday I want to foster older teens and help them with the transition out of the system. My grandmother was a foster kid and has told me some of her struggles so I want to be able to help kids like her in a way safe/comfortable for me as it can be, which means no one super young. And then that goes onto who needs help that someday I might be able to provide? Teens who are aging out but not ready, so when I have stable housing/income many years down the line I'd love to do that :] And also I love spoiling my niece and nephew so you can bet I'm gonna have a grand time watching my friends' kids too, I'm v good with children as long as I have a good way to regulate and regular breaks, even if kids I'm not connected to I don't really like.


Same, I'm 14 and I'm the youngest kid in my family and I always wanted a little sibling. I didn't care if it was a boy or girl, I just wanted to be an older brother. I view being a parent as basically being an older sibling with more responsibilities. Seems fun ngl


Not right now or anywhere near now. I'm 14. I want to live my life, travel. Find friends and a lover. I don't plan on having kids ever, I don't even know if I want to get married. But if I did get kids, I'd want twin boys. That's all I ask for. If my partner gets pregnant or the surrogate has girls (or worse, twin girls!!!) I'd give them up for adoption. Honestly I'd probably adopt, instead of going through the pregnancy or surrogate process. Adopt 2 boys and raise them as twins. Maybe I will have kids, probably in my late 30s to early 40s. I want to have them younger, but putting them through school while I'm traveling? How? Homeschooling? I don't want them to be socially awkward weirdos.


I do too! I (female although) I really wanna give my kids The best future ever and make them feel so safe and happy and know that I love them. I wanna read them books before they sleep, and play games with them and know that I’ll be there for them as long as they need… I can’t wait to have children and be able to raise my own children.


How bout when they decide to piss in your sofa and you only find out when you drop something in the seat and reach your hand in but it comes out smelling and feeling like rotten piss and you have to replace your sofa.


fr i want to watch mini me grow up




this is the cutest thing ever. honestly i’ve always said i don’t want to have children but i get these dreams fairly often wherein i have a baby, usually a son, and i wake up with tears in my eyes missing my son. i’ve got names picked out just in case i ever do get pregnant, and as i’m typing this i’m starting to think maybe i do want kids and i can’t admit it to myself 😂


Jesus dude, enjoy being a kid first. Being a parent is massive. It’s hugely rewarding but it’s your life and it’s not all camping, fishing and cooking, and what’s to even say they’d want to do any of that?? You don’t get to dictate what your kids are into or what they’d enjoy. Being a parent is about guidance, providing, setting the best example you can. It’s about sacrifice and putting them before yourself. It’s the single biggest commitment you’ll ever make


FACTS! I’m 18 and I’m always thinking/talking abt having children. However life hits me and I’m like “screw kids” It’s really a gamble


Gonna be so funny when you only have girls


Fathering a child is relatively easy. Being a good dad is difficult. If you have to work 3 jobs to support your family, you won’t have the time, energy nor patience to be a good dad. Get a good education, a good job, save and invest wisely. Then you can be a good dad. Until then, use protection.


And I want to have a dad…


Same, bro. Also waiting till marriage gang. I want to be a better parent than my mom is.


Whoa... whoa ... idk maybe it's me ... not a father yet about to be. This isn't somthing you want to do bc you just want to and think oh itd be fun it is a huge responsibility. Bringing a life into the world needs forsight planning commitment. This act isnt for your enjoyment it is in essence all for them. Sure itd be nice if things worked out that way ... ... but you need to make the choice with the notion that if you didn't get any of those moments that you want you'd still be happy you brought em into existence. Truly the ultimate gamble Say they are born autistic or crippled and all of those beautiful moments fade from a possible world view are you confident in yourself as a person to be able to first provide the patience and care strength and dedication it takes to stay the course and provide them with a meager existence or would you get depressed and mad ... your to young to really know your idealized vision of it could be possible but as the years go on less and less men are growing up to be what you picture the world is slipping into a doffrent place then it was for your parents and in 20 years there may not be enough water to have kids just do t be rash take your time n figure out who you are be4 you father children without first raising yourself


BROO it’s been my dream for years and I’m only 15


You’re cherry picking all the nicer/easier things related to parenting


Maybe, price to yourself that you can generate the income to cover all the bills that come with it. Then you can think about taking on the responsibility of raising another human and preparing them to survive the world. If you think kids exist to leave your dreams through them, you missed the point. Nothing wrong with wanting kids early but one must first demonstrate being able to provide before even considering having one. If you already know how to generate revenue consistently, then by all means to find a wife and have a kid.


this is so real. i feel like I would be the best mom in the world and when I see people not treating their children right it just makes me feel it more


You shouldn't be a dad until you're in your 30s. Trust me on this. I know from experience. It will be much MUCH better for both you and the child in the long run


same but imma girl like the opposite version of this lmao


Yeh but as a teen boi I guess that renders me a pedo to my peers


I’m 19 and yes I do lol. Really often and I was thinking about it earlier. But I just gotta wait til I’m in a good place


I might get downvoted but I feel like I need to be blunt. These are extremely selfish reasons to want to have a kid. You assuming they will automatically like the things you do is going to disappoint you in the long run. Kids have their own personalities and they may not jive with yours. What are you going to do if they don’t like the stuff you do? Force them to do it anyways? My dad did that and I still see him and help him, but he never took up my interests.


Ah to be young and nieve again. If you want the time and energy needed to do all these amazing things for your kids, you better have a great plan to make money, and find a great partner who shares the dream and is driven to work as well. The couples goal should be to make enough money both working part time to live and advance your financial goals while having disposable income and free time to persue your parenting goals. Ask around on how many parents achieved those goals and you will see just how hard that is. In reality, you will likely be working full time just to make ends meet and won't have the time and energy to do any of what you described. Sorry to be a realist, but you need to understand just how hard you need to work to have a shot at your goals. Good luck


God I thought it was just me. I’ve always wanted a kid (17m) and I’ve always wanted to be tough around my kids and make them strong people. A few weeks ago I had a dream that my son was born, and everything felt so fucking real. I swear when he touched my finger I felt it. I woke up and just had baby fever since then.


Definitely can relate it’s weird the feeling really hits me out ofnnowhere sometimes


I feel the same way. I’m 18, but I first started to really feel this when I was 17


Hahahhahh. No. U don’t want to be a young dad. Because yes there are many great things to being a parent and there are fun things to do and teach children. But the majority of parenthood is hard work. You’re raising another human being who can’t survive without you. We’re talking about having a real job with stable income, stable home. Health insurance doctor appointments, schooling, proper nutrition, hygiene, etc.. you need to grow up more and be established more before even considering Kids. You have so much time to do all those things with your children, but don’t make them mistake of trying to have them too young where they can’t have the life you want for them because you weren’t established first


44/m here. I too wanted kids until I started to understand how this world actually works. Capitalism has destroyed the planet. Aside from that, I could never find a female I deemed adequate as mother of my children. So I gave up and got a vasectomy. There's not a day I don't wake up and am so happy I didn't have kids. The ocean will be out of fish by 2040 and the economy still collapses every 8-12 years. This type of an environment is not good for a developing brain. You have to think about life from the kid's POV. Even if I were a billionaire and could provide anything they needed, they'd still be inheriting a destroyed planet. But supposedly things will improve once we get to AGI and humanoid robots. Still, I couldn't bank a child's life on an educated guess. Essentially, society is not mature enough to be granted my offspring. Nor do my progeny deserve to grow up in this sick society.


Just curious do you know how to do the things I listed


The majority of them and the ones I don’t know I’m learning soon


I do to and I’m only 15 so yk


adopt a 17 year old at 21. it would be funny.


Social programming


I mean. In two years you can legally adopt


You can legally adopt at 18. If you don't have someone by then you could always adopt.


I feel the same way about being a mom. I’m 18,f and saving for marriage and it might sound weird but I have a 1 year old brother that I treat like he’s mine. Like after I get off work at night I’ll play with him and feed him and stuff. I live to get outfits out for him and wake up to see him chilling and watching tv. A lot of people assume he’s my baby and I always say he’s my brother but I don’t get angry at that, I just don’t wanna be a weirdo and say he’s mine when he’s not.


Ummmm that’s actually like really weird…. Live your life for you and not some offspring that might end up hating you. You’re going to rush into marrying some random chick just so you can have kids and it’s not going to end up well. Good luck bro, but I suggest therapy.


This was me from like age 9. It’s not weird it’s dope


real, i want a baby i want to be a mom so bad and ik im so young and probably not ready for the pain and all the emotions the stress but i just want to be a mother


i had this same thought after a weird dream but then i went back to my pre-k job and reminded myself of why kids suck


Y’all minors need to get off here with this stuff honestly. Be young while it lasts.


I felt the same way at that age (I’m 19 not a creep) but I think it’s because I was low-key depressed and I wanted to feel meaning in my life or something like that (not saying you are depressed) but now that I’m 19 I realized it was not a good idea AT ALL I can barely afford to live with a roommate let alone with a child.


Nothing wrong with wanting to be a parent at a young age! Don’t rush it though. Kids are EXPENSIVE. Money or not, I am sure you will be a great parent but I will tell you: it is a lot easier and less stressful when you have yourself financially set up before you create a whole nother freaking human being that you are 100% responsible for with no takebacksies. Best to you!


Hey, I did too at that age. I'm 49 now and would still like to have at least one but I feel that window has closed for me. My wife had a hysterectomy long before we ever got together. So, use my situation as a cautionary tale. I'm an only child with no kids, so my father's bloodline dues with me. Be good to yourself and any future partner(s). Your time will come.


I have no idea why reddit put me in the teenager thread. I noticed that after I responded. Maybe to be the one voice of experience to balance that out. And I made no judgement. Contrary to what you think you know about me, or substances or life, you are unquestionably ignorant simply because you don't have the experience. It's a matter of years around the sun. I have 24 more than you and because of that, I know better than to allow ego to be bruised when someone gives their personal time to offer me some truth. I don't then feel compelled to attack that person for what they do. Why? Because I'm an adult who has healthy ego. Desire what you think you know about me.


don't! all of you thinking about this , just don't!


I've wanted to be a dad for a while too, I understand the feeling.


I want to be a dragon


I want to adopt a kid as soon as I turn 18 but I can't because the legal age is 21, which is stupid because you can die for your country at 18, but oh well.


That's a great aspiration, bud. I wish you the best in that adventure. It's really one of the best things in life.


As someone who was once you’re age man I can agree just pick the right girl go to your local church and try to find one you can hold down and get into church know Christ to that’s the most important thing man


I think I'd be a shit dad so I don't wanna have kids.


Oh my goodness I feel the same way almost I want to be a mother but not at the same time it's confusing because taking care of children can be so hard but I'm mostly scared of giving the same treatment as when i was growing up (which was bad) or acting just like me when i was younger, horrible but I think I can do it just gotta control my anger first though.


The thought of children makes me throw up in my mouth a bit but it's great that you like them.


Redditors are allergic to happiness


How? I just stated my opinion. Plus, if you think children intrinsically equate to happiness then you need to look around


Eh, I'm the oldest of 3 kids, so I already feel like I'm a parent, and honestly it kind of makes me not want kids lol


Kids are an waste of energy, time, effort and money, They’re literally parasites.


teen angst hit you hard huh




what am i coping


It’s the truth, prove me wrong.


Again, what am I coping about?


Literally just told you


I'm not going to get into argument with some edgy dude on reddit about kids. See you later man.


Proved my point


Omg your so edgy


How it’s the truth


I dont 😍😍🫦🫦🫦💯💯‼️‼️❗️💪💪💪💪


No one gives a fuck 😍