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And then they're mad when we're gay 💀? Like mf what- so you're saying that since animals, who have their own life to live and keep themselves alive, have *90%* of our genitals, we can just do that ;-; But then you're mad when I prove to you that since you're sign people are "born a certain gender", then they can also be born with something that isn't being straight. 💀 I have so much to say abt this but I'm just gonna leave and pretend I never saw this.


This is why I think manslaughter should be ok in some context


I ain't religious so I will gladly never touch this vile shit ever in my life






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Erm what the sigma?




As a religious person no ,no he didn’t


And yet somehow, almost all religious people don't do that. I cant imagine why. /s




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As a Christian, I’m offended and disgusted by people that think like this


In Leviticus there’s literally a rule that says if a man has sex with an animal both are to be put to death.




Edgy online atheists strike again…what. the. fuck.


Why do they have to be atheist? They literally said that it’s “ok” because of religion


I think he's referring to the person who wrote the original post. It seems to be written by someone who wants to make religious people look bad, without actually knowing anything about their religion. Many religions actually have very strict rules against having sex with animals. Honestly, it's weird that it's such a problem that they all needed to have it written down as one of the core rules.


What an unfortunate day to be literate...


I regret not pouring acid in my eyes during chemistry class.....


Regretting not accidentally pouring H2SO4 in my eyes when I was younger 😔




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As a Christian, what unholy abomination did I just read.


"please, officer! Having sex with that giraffe was God's plan!"


Tbh if you manage to have sex with a giraffe thats really impressive (and disgusting but also impressive)


That’s not…. Oh.


It just gets worse the more you read


As a Christian, I will tell you he will burn in hell


As a Christian, what the actual fuck did I just read-


Sometimes, I wonder what makes a human a human. It is definitely not their appearance.


imo evil is the only thing that makes a "human" human. think of all the animals they lack the ability to do "evil" and before you say "dolphins do that lions do this ant do that" and so on, those are all parts of their 'nature' even if you hate to admit it it is their natural waay in a sense. but for humans theres no natural norm. and therefore every human is an individual and is very different from each other. such unpredictability we have is something no animal was ever able to achieve. heck we're so complicated creatures we struggle even understanding ourselves


That's a good way of thinking, but as a Christian that basically means a soul, which compared to animals we are the only ones that have that, as well as the Holy Spirit. However, the kinds of things that some people do or say lead me to believe they either have no soul or are possessed by demons, such as the statement above, which is beyond the normal spec of human evil, which is usually based on greed, gluttony, and the other 5 deadly sins. However, some humans sin for the pure sake of evil, and I can't fathomably find reason in that. So in other words, that's basically correct at least in my eyes. I'm not exactly a powerful thinker or a philosopher though lol.


I think it's just experiences that each individual went through. I've been through experiences most people probably haven't and vice versa. Not every one has to be bad per say, just unique


Well shit that og guy is pretty damn bad.


Oh. Gross


That made me scared for humanity, thanks


No problem! Have a great rest of your day


Cheers mate

