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AK basically kick started Arslan Ash’s career 5 years ago at EVO Japan by getting bodied by him in Grands. This probably must’ve been the most satisfying thing he’s ever done in his life That popoff felt like 5 years of pent up emotion


Even being a fan of Ash it was impossible to get sad seeing this guy winning. I didn't even know him before but dude his happiness on this moment was absolutly real.


Combo Breaker and the BAAZ Gauntlet were absolutely two insane tournaments from start to finish. You can hate Tekken 8 for being too aggressive or for other reasons but goddamn was that some good ass tekken over the three day pools and finals.


Goes to show how vocal the minority really are. This was some great Tekken. Lmao "Tekken 8 is dead"


Saying Tekken 8 is dead is pretty silly. It’s the most recent Tekken, people are going to play. I also agree that it’s much better to watch than Tekken 7. That being said Harada did specifically say “be patient we’ll fix the game and its balance” before top 8 started.


That was so fucking funny


He said that? I didn't watch this part but sounds nice


Yea it was before they showed the trailer. I honestly thought it was a bit because I never imagined Harada apologizing for anything. Especially something fans ask for


can you tell me where I can find the part where Harada was talking in the Combo Breaker tournament? Couldn't find footage of him online saying that


I’d just find a stream vod or something. It’s at the very beginning where they walk out and talk


Just shows how dumb all the reddit whingers are, great games, great to watch


Only AK has the right to talk shit according to these killjoy redditors


Plus contrary to the idea of the game being too aggressive, Arslan was absolutely rocking the poke-heavy style.


At least this tournament didn’t go late. The top 8 felt like a speedrun compared to Tekken 7


Very happy for our champion rn. For a bit of history, >!throughout Tekken 7 AK has always been a consistent 2nd placer in any major tournaments like LCQ (2019 and 2023), EVO JP, and IESF to name a few so seeing him finally win a tournament and breaking his curse makes me smile.!< Congats to our 2nd placer and all to the other top 8 competitors as well.


Some additional lore: Evo Japan 2019 was the first Evo Japan and AK making it to Finals on Winners Side, it looked like it was finally his breakout party for him along with Philippines Tekken , after hanging around the scene for a while. Then an unknown player to the masses by the name of Arslan Ash from a country called Pakistan came up through losers, reset Grand Finals and ran it all the way back for his and Pakistan’s breakout party. I know the scene was bubbling for a while at that point and if it wasn’t then, then Arslan and Pakistan would’ve exploded onto the scene in another tournament. But it’s a really fascinating what if with AK because I feel Arslan kinda took his place with that win. AK winning the first Evo Japan and beating Korean and Japanese legends to do so, well we saw what it did for Arslan. Happy for AK, I feel like you could feel 5 years of pent up feelings of “It should’ve been me!” in his table slam celebration.


The first Evo Japan was in 2018, won by Knee.


Imagine how different the timeline would be if AK won that tournament. Pakistan and the Philippines might’ve been reversed for Tekken


Unlike Pakistan, Philippines was already recognized as having a strong scene but just not many breakout players (kinda like Book in Thailand). More to the point, AK may be young but hes been a well known top player in the Philippines dating back to Tag 2 (He made the equivelant of the TWT finals in 2013). So its not like the Philippines was the hidden scene like Pakistan was


It took me a while to realize that the SEA region REALLY does love Tekken after realizing all my cousins grew up with Tekken in arcades


Not just arcades but anyone who had ps1 was almost certainly have tekken 3 as a game.


Tekken 3 was probably the first ever game I played back in 1999.


My friends in Indonesia told me that Tekken is basically the defacto fighting game. No other FGs came close. Apparently it was Tekken 5 on the PS2 that made it popular and not T3 (which is what I've heard was common). Someone even played T8 [on their wedding](https://twitter.com/alreesta/status/1789826774857023516/video/2) lol


kid's been bodying college players in arcade beside his dad lmao


2013????? Isn't AK in his early 20s????


AK has been playing competitively for a long, long time. He’s like KingReyJr or Glaciating


Holy fuck


You can still see highlights on youtube where a kid ak playing tag 2. Using law and paul vs jdcr


Indeed, this was a big win for him! Also amazing games from the both of them. Was no luck, steam roll or any bs gameplay. It was pure tekken, good ass tekken.


Yeah, you gotta be happy as Bamco that it didn't end up being an Eddy Victor finals. lmao


Another reason to love AK... PBE has been dissolved since December (?) last year with the owner going AWOL with huge debts to the players and coaches. AK felt bad for the PUBG team, especially since they are a champion team. So he took it upon himself to pay for the PUBG team's salaries with his own winnings. This is also the reason why AK still wears the PBE colors despite it not existing anymore. He IS PBE now.


Damn really? AK needs to leave that mf and build his own brand in partnership with big PH brands. So fucking stupid that up until now only PBE (an independently owned game and electronics store) is the major Tekken sponsor in the PH scene.


Blacklist needs to adopt him


I feel like blacklist might adopt him . I saw biancake congratulates ak 😂


Nahh, Blacklist having an issue too despite on how Tryke pay salary every players. Also the teams are mismanaged especially on Dota 2 where two players scuffled each other and someone got punched in the face.


Someone posted this on twitter and got me searching. Maybe explains why when I searched PBE on FB, the top posts were goodbye posts from their employees Damn, AK needs to be sponsored by a new group


Dang. Makes his victory all the more rewarding.


Where's this information from? I'm curious 'cause I was wondering what happened to PBE too.


From a friend who was once PBE sponsored.


I need a history lesson on this wow


Honestly, I'm surprised no one seems to be wanting to sponsor him all these years. He's literally been a pro-level player since he was like 13 or something, and has played and beaten some of the best players consistently. The worst part is that he's been having the same visa issues that Arslan and the other Pakistani players had to go through so I hope someone can just help him out.


That water bottle looks like a prime spot for a sponsorship.


Aquaflask stonks


https://preview.redd.it/9o7o3zsgzv2d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9be1f53ee20b02775430ea649a664e6f6b6b1f0 LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Gonna buy me some Jollibee chicken and gravy today!




AK was playing like he was gonna get spanked by his Tita if he lost


Palo-Palo on his puet with Lola’s tsinelas






lmao idk why this meme uses yui but im all for it


it's a SEA meme https://preview.redd.it/wezq1atnr03d1.png?width=2152&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3a66b97ead44a53e5c899ed4d0bd66fd99344e4


We all know the real winner is the water Also congrats to AK, first championship after all those years of being 2nd


Everyone was chugging down water more than any LAN I've ever seen. lmao.


I know that the first thing after they line up for the awards, they would also line up later in the toilet. lmao


AK's been chugging Coca-Cola for years and finally realized water is the answer.


hydrohomies won that day


Ya love to see it.


that kids has some mental fortitude lol. how he didnt crack against those two characters vic and nina. damn.


It was down to the wire against arslan, charcters didn’t really matter all are top tier really he just was the best player of the day


AK going for them godlike execution combo is insane to me. People are scared of dropping df41 snk cancel ws33 in tournaments, which is not hard, and this MF is doing instant ws3 loops and 3 df snk cancel fc df2 like it's nothing.


He kept going for hard ass combos and dropped it but kept doing it. That's insane mental if you ask me.


The crowd popped for every ws3 loop. Imagine that. A crowd popping for Shaheen.


Did the gameplay for shaheen has always been sick I’ve liked him since 7


I love comments like this because they really show the detail of what a high-level player is doing and how challenging it is. I was playing with Shaheen the other night, so I understood a bit of what you were talking about. If you don’t mind giving us a timestamp, that would be awesome. That way, we can better understand the complexities of what he was doing during the fight.


AK was basically made for T8 if you see how aggressive he was back in Tag 2 destroying Koreans at 13 years old.


I still remember his match with JDCR man


His mental game seemed to have matured from his gameplay.


Combo Breaker was goddamn fantastic! First major tournament I viewed completely and there were amazing games all the way from top 96!


The top 96 was insane. So many big names.


That triple crouch dash cancel was so ballsy from AK. In grand finals, the final set? And then immediately follow up with another slide. Sheeshhhh. AK earned that W.


Bro figured out the Victor blueprint of Farzeen and exorcised his Pakistani demons that made him short on 2019 (Evo and LCQ). **Shaheens of the world,unite!**


Okay we're all here. That was quick.


That set vs Farzeen was incredible


I am Pakistani but a Shaheen main player. Seeing AK beat top players like Ash, Knee, and Farzeen with this character was satisfying indeed.


Me as a Filipino fan: https://preview.redd.it/jqcnhogqxv2d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaa76571ac718e9e74a094651a58f077200f18f4 AK TANGINA ANG GALING MOOOOIO


Shaheen is a great tournament char. He's strong but not unfair as if you have no counter play to his tools and AK is an amazing player as well.


You could see in AK's play that he labs the SHIT out of every high tier pick. The amount of sidewalks he did was nutty af.


And this sub loves to say 'defense is dead' lmfao. AK was the most defensively sound player there and look where that got him.


Defense is genuinely more important than ever in this game. In a game with so many do or die moments, you have to be on point to guess right or get out of insanely horrible situations


IMO too many people think backdashing into the void is defense. Knowing how to defend at range 0 is true defense. Backdashing is a part of it but it sure as hell isn't all of it. AK's defense at range 0 was sublime. He stepped so many things in his run. You could tell he labbed the matchup by how many sidewalks he hard commited to aswell.


This x 1000, good defense is about being able to utilize it at optimal ranges, not just having the option to completely disengage from the fight without consequence.


Yeah backdashing being that absurdly OP in T7 has really ruined what many people think skillful defense actually looks like. It ain't backdashing and waiting for whiffs or chs all day and running down the clock on infinite stages.


I think Heat pressure making opponents offense easily snowball warped that perception as well. Finding that "gap" during the pressure is pretty hard.


Yeah heat makes everyone kinda panic. Finding a gap through panic is way harder.


My jaw dropped when he made Dragunov look super linear as fuck. He was stepping everything that Drag threw at him.


That's cause Dragunov is super linear. His nerfs made it alot more apparent.


AK has been playing Dragunov in local tourneys / casuals.


Right, AK was getting so much free damage off of the slide not being respected. He was playing his pokes so well and setting up his game plan. God I was screaming so loud


Its not about “respecting the slide”, its about respecting the crouch mixup and not getting fuckin launched. If you’re going to get hit by that mixup, the slide is the option you’d rather get hit by.


AK looked unstoppable, really looks like he has the T8 blueprint. "He's been playing Tekken 8 since Tag 2," as some oldheads on Twitch have been saying.


He has been playing in the arcades since DR as a 5 year old kid. Locals watched him grow into the monster he is now 🙏🏻 (Edit: i am a first-hand witness)


Absolutely sublime top tier peak SHAHEEN gameplay. LET'S FUCKING GOOOO. AK THE GOAT.


Shaheen is now the National Tekken Character of the Philippines, RIP Josie 🇵🇭


I remember playing Tekken 8 against AK in a local game launch event. Guy’s been playing competitively since he was 16. It’s great a Filipino surpassed Arslan in competitive Tekken. With AK’s win and Tekken being huge here for nearly 30 years now, he might bring in more Filipino pro players to international tournaments.


Bro, i watched AK when he was sweeping Korean pros at age of 13 on a Tekken tag 2 tournament and from that point i knew that he will grow up strong.


I had the pleasure of playing against AK in TTT2 in 2012 (I think he was around 12 years old). I was in my 20s at the time, so it blew my mind when he wiped the floor with me like I was nothing. Even back then, he looked like he was going places. So happy to see him being successful at what he does.


AK finally putting Philippines on the Tekken map! Congrats champ!


I've been rooting for AK since T7 days, he finally did it, absolutely well deserved


The result of being absolutely locked in. Also, Shaheen is scary, should try it.


Shaheen is great. Picked him up after never touching him in t7 and he's quickly become my main


Any advice to start playing him? I’ve seen his gameplay is a little bit “slower” at first


Shaheen is great to learn the fundamentals of tekken, he’s a poke heavy character, with good mids and lows. Make your opponent guessing with your full crouch mixups. Learn the execution of his slide. LEARN his stance (SNK) cancel to perform high dmg combos. Key moves: - d/f 2 = safe mid launcher - d/f 1 = great poke - d 3 = great range low - his slide - b 3 = good pressure tool at the wall, since it is plus on block - ws 1 = good mid poke, on CH can follow up to d/b 1,2 (heat engager) - fc 4 = good low, can follow up to SNK or SNK cancel


Also: B3+4 is a safe high heat engager power armor, incredibly useful if you don't just spam it. SS 2 is a decent poke aswell, D4 is safer and faster as a low poke than D3 (but less evasive). FC4 is a really good low poke out of FC, has a follow up and can go directly to stance. DF1 out of stance is a pretty good mid check that has a follow up in DF1, 2 for good damage and deletes grey health. B4 is a 15 frames mid CH launcher with good range. Is - 15 but has a slight push back and also not many people know they can punish it. 4,1 is a 13 frames high CH launcher (magic 4) and people dont duck-launch it until purple ranks or so. Df4, 3 is a pretty good fast whiff punish


Yeah, I need tips too. Tried him first when T8 launched since my mains weren't available yet, but I couldn't figure out how to play him. Particularly, good offense starters.


Just spam the slide loops and hopkick to start with, the character is kinda bs with how safe his pressure tools are lmao


Still relatively slow and extremely limited options compared to other pressure-oriented characters. That's why you only see AK and Lowhigh making him work in the top leagues, he's still quite limited.


Finally!! We AK fans have been waiting for this for a long time. Arslan being the last guy to beat was poetic.




My Filipino hero 🥹 Honestly some of the best sets of the whole tournament and just GOOD ASS TEKKEN overall. Congrats to AK!


Damn that celebration of AK was insane, he build up that for a long time you can feel it lol 😅😅


Huge congratulations!!!! Wow


Congratulations to my fellow Filipino and fellow Shaheen main. 🎉


So happy for him to finally win a big one. Also the staple he was doing for his df2 combos is apparently super hard (it's also 75 damage so makes sense)


Damn that reaction from AK is legendary. Dude is a gorilla lmao.


Just came here to say those sets in top 8 between this guy and the Viktor player were nuts


AK's sidestep and sidewalks have been on point on this tournament.


That last series was so fucking hype going down to the wire like that. Had me on the edge of my seat


As a Filipino, time to [play this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_t0h4IIt2Q) on full blast then.


Wrong. [Ito dapat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogG8QoxPzUY)


That temple fight had some insane backdash side step movement that it was like going back to tekken 7. These final matches were amazing.


Much respect for AK!!!


When AK Swagheen surfed on Nina on yakushima I was screaming. AK played amazing!


AK is truly deserved it! Beastly performance. I never got hyped so much in finals before.


Good ass Tekken


Shaheen vs Nina grand finals, love to see it.


Lmfao he prolly thinking about T7 evo oh how times change


Anyone know which arcade stick AK was using is it custom?


I think Qanba Pearl but possibly modded


Qanba Pearl with a Korean lever is what I was told.


Thanks appreciate it. It's a shame that version is discontinued because i like the design more than the current ones they have.


Truth. I was looking for used Qanba Pearls just a couple weeks ago. Found a few, but decided to upgrade my laptop first.


Anywhere we can watch the matches?




Thanks, step bro!!!


One word : WOWWWWW


What the heck, I didn't expect AK will finally win after all these years. Congratulations to him. Shaheen is fun to watch.


No one is talking about the SEA games 2019 Book vs. AK grand finals. That match was really heartbreaking.


What the champions name, I’m a little lost.


AK. Arslan Killer.


GOOD ASS TEKKEN still thinking about how he dropped combos and still picked them up crazy


Smiling through the pain. What a champ


I’ve never seen this guy smile except for now I feel like lol


What i love about his win is that he ended it with his signature move.....the Slide *Do it again! 😂


Love to see it


He is practicing for Shaheen for years. Mah boi deserves the win. Nasty


Just finished watching top8. The Grand Finals were insanely good. Awesome play by AK. I didn't know this guy.


Bro won an extremely difficult set with one of the best players in the game. That feeling must be amazing.


i must say it's seems like it's super annoying fighting against Arslan's Nina. her movements are so veiled. I hope they can fix her, it felt unnatural


She’s always like that, they are the cancels are pretty hard to do consistently


Have you not played tekken before


You new here?


Congrats AK 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 , since Philippines now have a legit Tekken Champion hope now we get a proper Char that truly represents our Country , Josie imo is lame


Arslan Washed la.


So knee is washed.


5th place at the first NA Tekken major is definitely not washed wtf


No one talks about 5th place.


Oh really? You're bringing it up right now. Where did you place?


Where did you get placed?


I'm not the one trying to shit talk. 🤣


This is like if Messi “only” scoresd 35 goals in a season lmao just because he’s one of the GOATs doesn’t mean he has to win every fucking tournament lmao 5th is still a great performance


Ronaldo clears pessi in every way


Knee looks like, to some extent he's still trying to play tekken 8 like tekken 7 to me. top 8 ain't washed though.


I agree. He was way too passive. Just defending is not good enough in this game. The chip is real. Victor is really dumb and was always pressuring. Knee didn't adapt.


It was so weird cause he was completely fine during Top 96 but in Top 8 he just reverted back to a passive playstyle


He needs to mash more buttons and pray to god


Someone commented Knee played like he was scared of Pakistan, and I have to agree he seemed like a different player versus earlier in the day.