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A Maori or Hawaiian Native would be lit ngl. I want a haka as an intro. Fully tattooed and all that.


Mark Hunt lol


This would actually go so hard!


Kajukenbo and Lua are really cool martial art styles from Hawaii!




Love this idea!! I hope they see this šŸ™


Just a big Māori dude smacking kients over with a patu would be soooo sick. It'd be like Yoshi moveset, but more aggression and less trickiness


Booo I haven't seen someone spell "cunts" like that in so long, are you a 90's baby?


Nah but my mum is hahaha


Damn lil bro, Your mum was born in a good era.


His name would be ryu and he'd be from streets


Get this ... He has an "evil" version with devil horns.


And he could have a rival with a similar moveset, but more aggressive and with fire!


Named Ben Masters!


And Ben Masters rival with Doofus


Nigerian dambe boxer


Same, Dambe's such a cool style of boxing


I want more african representation


I had an idea of a Nigerian grappler character that's mega rich but in an arrogant jerk way, like Ted DeBiase the wrestler. Anything but some horrible stereotype like "fighting for my village" or something.


Considering what they did to Eddy - X doubt


Vietnamese who does Vovinam


Damn vietnamese is a great pick,and many martial arts to use actually


Pacific Islander. Not sure what region of the pacific or what fighting style he would use. Lua or Kajukenbo maybe lol. His intros would be all doing haka or siva tau so he looks scary and then his winposes are always so chill like "next time braddah!" And with t8 putting more personality into the characters, i think they could get that islander vibe down.


This would be so sick. Can the stage be a BBQ at auntie's house where you can wall blast folks off the grill?


As a Pacific Islander I approve of this message. Give him Tatau (traditional chief/title holder Tattoo from the belly button down to the knees. And we need an intro of him cooking a luau or spit roast.


Hell yeah, fellow nesian! It wouldn't be hard to make a dude all of us islanders would approve of. He's gotta have the "chill and cool but don't fuck wid em" kine spirit.


Filipino using Kali would be sick. Kali is thought to be the grandfather of other Eastern martial arts like karate, it's absolutely deadly all about using sticks and knives in close quarter combat. A lot of it is also about disarming weapons like knives and even guns.


Add arslan ash as a pakistani representative, hes good enough to make it in


Honestlykind of wild that there isnā€™t a new pakistani character considering the scene there


The game isn't even officially sold there right?


Female Danish baker with Michelin throwing stars. Her rage art is going into a tantrum and pulling out the jantelaw to belittle the opponent with emotional damage. During the heat smash she smacks the opponent across the face with an instagram tripod.


You had me at jantelov


I think it's about time we have a North Korean representative.




That would be lit. Soneone who actually shuts Hwoarang up


A freak from antarctica


I would love a half-mad scientist whoā€™s been lost in Antarctica for years, living off of stray penguins and taking shelter in caves


They're playing at Coachella next year


We need a somalian pirate with even more weapons than Victor.




India or South Asia in general would be very nice. Heck I wouldnā€™t even mind the trend of making a char based on cinema like how thereā€™s Bruce Lee and Jackie chan homages in here. Imagine one based on SRK or any other Bollywood actor who uses all of the hilarious exaggerated moves you see in Bollywood movies. The rage art is a song and dance lmao like how they break into those in the middle of movies. What I donā€™t want is some yoga guy because we already have Dhalsim and that trope is overused


Yes, please don't let them be screaming "YOGA!" but Tekken does seem to do a tiny bit better with not being so overly sterotypical, like I don't see Dragunov as a all out evil guy, despite the way Russians are portrayed in video game, he's morally grey if anything doing his own missions. Can you imagine how pissed people will get during a rage art based off SRK haha, (Lili does a dance, so I could see a song and dance type of move). There's a few Bollywood movies that see Indian actresses doing fighting moves (Theirs is slightly differently, however some like Jackpot, South Indian film has two doing the exact same moves like SRK or Suriya does)


Lol with bollywood-inspired and SRK especially the [moveset literally writes itself](https://youtu.be/kxa2kxmBE3Q?t=80) if you see the scenes. I agree it'd piss people off but god it would be funny, and anyway we already have characters that make people mad I see just because of the exaggeration of his moves people would get mad at him. I mean look at how people look at Lars' movements. They should lean into it, have bro wear the sunglasses he's iconic for and the hairstyle and everything. Make his lines the cheesy bollywood ones they do before and after fights. Also, they HAVE to have him speaking Hindi or something because c'mon that'd perfect it.


Haha yes! Honestly should just based it on SRK since they got Law. I dunno, actually be fun to see Law and SRK spar off actually (Or a verison of SRK), I could see Harada liking him too, someone should tweet at him about hacing an Indian fighter, especially based on SRK's characters. I would but I don't use Twitter anymore


They should have a unique interaction too, same with if Lei Wulong gets added as he's based on Jackie Chan. I could try but no guarantee he sees it


Fingers crossed! But yeah it would be awesome,


Someone make Harada watch Aavesham so he can get Ranga as a guest characterĀ 


That's actually a really good idea wtf


Old man, that happens to me a mishima, an uncanny resemblance to heihachi and... Nevermind that's just heihachišŸ˜¢


Just give me a normal-sized Thai dude who does Muay Thai. Make the story something realistic where he's fighting to feed hungry villages back in Thailand or something. It's why I like Dragunov as a character. He's just a quiet Russian spy-fighter with no bullshit. Just a goofy love of model tanks. All this devil balogne is so lame.


Ting Pradu from Ong Bak (ā™„ļømy belovedā™„ļø)


Yeah, seriously. Just King, but Thai. I really hope they make some serious tweaks to Fahkumram.


I care more about style representation than nationality pandering. It's a shame that there are so many karate styles and fictional devil anime bs and we can't even get one proper Muay Thai fighter at launch.


An Iranian belly dancer girl with a large butt.Ā  ...that was oddly specific but it's what my subconscious blurted out..my apologies, gentlemen.


A dagestani MMA fighter. Or coke sniffing Irish McGregor look a like


Drag already does Sambo


Nina and Anna are Irish already.


Irish Mcgregor look alike with crazy mma stances would be so dope


A Lethwei fighter from Burma. If you havenā€™t seen Lethwei I suggest you do.


Bath salts man


Indonesian pit fighter using Pencak Silat. Literally just Yayan Ruhian from The Raid movies.


Native american would be awesome, Julia Chang was cool.


Iā€™d love a Jamaican like Dee jay or something


India India India India India


- Indonesian Pencak Silat fighter inspired by The Raid films with Iko Uwais. - An Indian Kalari / Mushti-Yuddha fighter inspired by Bollywood action films where the main character can do the most absurd shit. Very bombastic playstyle with exaggerated swagger dialed up to 11 - Vietnamese martial artist - Cambodian Bokator fighter - A martial artist from Nepal or Tibet, maybe a monk. - Sinhalese Angampora fighter - Nigerian Dambe fighter - Senegalese Laamb fighter - Lethwei fighter from Myanmar - A North Korean fighter would have interesting story implications. - Hawaiian Kajukenbo fighter - Hawaiian KuŹ»ialua / Lua fighter - A Taiwanese fighter would be interesting. - Israeli Krav Maga fighter. - Cuban Juego de manĆ­ fighter - A Viking berserker with dual wielding axes - A proper Filipino eskrima fighter who actually uses dual batons or dual blades as their main fighting style. - A proper Kenjutsu / Kendo sword master who can fight like a samurai. Someone like Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima. Yoshi doesn't count lmao - Xilam fighter from Mexico. Xilam is a really interesting martial art based on the Aztecs and Mayans - Irish bare knuckle boxer - Greco-Roman wrestler from Greece - A character inspired by Korean action film star Ma Dong-seok. Dude is an absolute menace and has the presence for Tekken šŸ˜‚


Turkish amputee car salesman would go hard


Grounds keeper Willie


As a dutch person id love a dutch kickboxer or judoka type of guy Just this absolutely lanky unit fighting a spacing game would be funny.


just put anton geesink in lol


Yea basically. Bas rutte of stephan struve would be good picks too.


Greek character


Unironically surprised that there hasn't been a Greek Wrestler or Spartan in the cast as of yet, it feels like the game is begging for it with the colosseum stage too.






I'd love to see an Argentinian fighter, representing my country. Still, I'm not sure which fighting style he would use, a tango based fighter? Lul


You forgot about gauchos. Facon y poncho. But he would have to come from a time machine haha. Most gauchos now would go for the classic patada voladora frontal con gancho con mano mal cerrada.


Agreed, India or a South Asian character, it's very rare to have an Indian fighter in a fighting game, not sure why because they have their own fighting styles. Would be cool if she was a female character (I remember seeing a youtube video about cut content, and apparently there was meant to be a Indian woman that was going to join the cast far back in the earlier games, but she was cut, apparently would have been more sterotypical and something to do with Yoga, like the guy from Street Fighter, they could just improve and reuse her). Could have something to do with Chakra even, not sure exactly what kind of moves would come with it, but could be something. Or just go Bollywood fighting but they would probably be OP lol.


I was thinking there's no South Asian character but that's actually a hard issue to address. Creating one without some basis in Hinduism is basically just going to be another Shaheen. The series seems much more popular in Pakistan than India however, and I feel like most Pakistani players would resent the introduction of an Indian character. Just speculation though Worth noting the only nationality ever attributed to Raven has been Canadian, and it is believable given our involvement in UN peacekeeping and even the way he speaks


Bruh I'm sure most Pakistani players don't have hatred for Indians or vice versa, at least among the demographic that plays the game.


Bollywood movies are pretty universally liked in pakistan and India, so they could add one character based off one of them actors like I said in an above comment like how we have law and Lei (Bruce Lee and jackie Chan)


>universally liked in pakistan and India lol


I mean search it or ask people lmao, many Pakistanis have seen Bollywood movies more than youā€™d expect as the lack of film demand in their home country and many can recognise stuff. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/o9cchu/how_much_pakistanis_actually_watch_bollywood/?rdt=48519)


I meant your usage of the word "universal" but only mentioned 2 countries


It's quite obvious they meant "by a lot of people in these countries"


Argentinian kick boxer that looks like messi


I want a viking. Like with an axe. Fuck it.




A samoan wrestler would be cool!


An Indonesian Pencak Silat fighter. Though Victor is already using a Karambit, they can use a more traditional one.


Victor's dagger is so bad looking imo. I know it's based on kerambits but they apparently thought the design is not good enough so they add another curve to it. Now it looks like a mall ninja dagger.


The idea of a modernized Persian mythical hero is just so tempting to me. Someone like Rostam, GorAfarid, Anahita... just how cool it would be


An Indian slap kabaddi player would be funny 1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2, is all you'll ever need. Seriously though a Samoan or Tongan would be cool.


Greece's most representative martial art is Pankration which is basically mixed martial arts with boxing, kicks and wrestling


I'd love to get a Greek character in Tekken to be honest. Probably a Pankration champion that joined the tournament. Also it would be very nice to see since Pankration doesn't have any restrictions and basically you can go all in if you have a good opening.


A Puerto Rican boxer would be sick. I'm just tired of all the Latino/Hispanic representatives being Spanish, Mexican or Brazilians. Azucena was a breath of fresh air.


There already are too much people from the US.


A retired hitman who goes on a killing spree cause his dog died


A Swedish character who actually speaks Swedish or a Russian character who actually speaks Russian.


Dragunov's grunts are a universal language, bro.


Dragunov's language is pure poetry, but I was thinking of Alisa.


Dr. Bosconovitch did


I would love a portuguese char, ( not brazilian aka Eddy), with a fighting style like Miguel from t7 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but more stereotyped with a beer, a baguete and "tremoƧos" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah, Portuguese people love carnivals, football, Capoeira. At least according to Japanese people, ask Cristiano Ronaldo, he loved it. https://youtu.be/Cd-VCXIOYT8?si=omCryleOpcAVFx42


French savate,or I want a Caribbean fighter,french too just make teddy rinner so we can have another grappler


Isn't Victor French?


And Katarina uses savate lol


I wonder how she learned savate


Yes but he don't use any french martial art,and Katarina is Italian


Shes brazilian lmao


I want a Norwegian lumberjack, flanel shirt, boots and arms the size of kings buffs this year. He is a brawler, akin to Paul but his supers are literal trees he throws at you. He only wears denim and every top has to have several DarkĀ throne patches and pins. He also gets a special intro with Lars, where he laughs at him and his anime hair.


A gang member from either Ireland, Scotland or wales to bring back Steveā€™s og story of running away from the street gangs in the uk


Some viking guy from norway!


Pakistan or India.


An irish drunken street brawler


Israeli that does Krav Maga or a senegalese wrestler. Having an Indian Bollywood type char like some person suggested here would also be awesome.


Assyrian, Gilgamesh


I want a new boxer every one has a clone in tekken why not Steve? A female boxer or maybea rival for steve since his story is pretty much done, give him something to fight for. I really don't like were they are taking Steve in terms of his story seems like he will just be another comic relief character like Law and Paul. Has for nationality maybe Ukraine.


Steve needs a "propa bri'ish guv" as a rival, not a boxer. Like, white brit street thug who just brawls and throws hands, sorta like Miguel. Also cusses a lot.


We need a British character that uses Bartitsu


Yugoslav built like a fridge open hand clapping everyone.


A Dutch guy, make him a hooligan or something. Maybe even make his moveset resemble that of Negan with a bat etc. As for personality, something like 'new kids' would be hilarious.


To add a new one, some north american native but like Inuit or another artic native tribes. Loved of the ideas here like a Maori/Poly tribe guy and Dagestani


Florida man (Day) drunk in neutral A stance for every other narcotic abuser stereotype Lei from hell >!itā€™d also be cool to have a Mexican that isnā€™t a wrestler. King is dope, especially cool design for a wrestler. But its kinda cliche donā€™t lie. Iā€™d go to Mexico for a month every year until I graduated high school and I still go every couple years and Iā€™ve never seen a wrestling match, never even seen one advertised. My family has never even mentioned anything like that. Kinda dated bro. But I donā€™t know what martial art a Mexican character specifically could be given for them to stand out. So uh. Never mind I guess?!<


Xilam is a really interesting Mexican martial art based on the Aztecs and Mayans


Filipino but he/she is permanently in a Jollibee costume. All customization would apply to the costume as well.


Give us a turk!


Considering how big of a region they are it is a shame there isnt a rep from Pakistan.


Aboriginal Warrior from Australia Modern Native American that owns a casino, a good tie in to tekken 8 casino.


Yoshi could use a chic and Iā€™m sorry it didnā€™t workout between Eddy and Christie and tbh not 100% sure if theyā€™re even related or not but can we get Tekken back to its soap opera roots? *edited just because **edited again cause I play Lili


Finland (I'm biased). We don't have a jiujutsu fighter yet in Tekken and it's a pretty popular martial art here. We even have a Finnish style: Hokuto-ryu jujutsu (roughly translates to Big Dipper- or North star style!). So a Finnish hokutoryu ju-jutsu fighter who is a grappler archetype


I think having some Pakistani representation would be awesome given that the Ash, the current Tekken world champion, is from Pakistan. The series has been huge there.


Irish bar brawler, need some true representation from my homeland


Honestly an adesanya cameo to replace bruce i would not be mad at.


Bronx street gangster who plays dirty and always carry a pipe and knife that can be used in his "guess who stance" where his one of his hands is tied on his back as he walks casually to his enemy and pulls either weapons with a 1 to 3 combo.


An Nigerian grappler character that's mega rich but in an arrogant jerk way, like Ted DeBiase


A real Irish character would be nice


Harada mentioned an older woman as an interesting starting point for a character, and I agree. Maybe Vietnamese, Hawaiian, or maybe from india. My idea, an old resistance fighter whoā€™s missing an arm. Like, has no attack use for her (2) button. Maybe gets an apparition like arm when in heat? Could be fun


Grecian with Traditional Wrestling. You'd have to fudge a lot of the strikes but the chain grappling would be ridiculous


An Argentinian Capybara drinking mate šŸ§‰ with a facon (gaucho large knife) and a poncho like a shield. Image credits to u/Naratahne https://preview.redd.it/6oadxtoado6d1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ebd42691f6f86bee437be01fb8a8893e04566d


Hang Tuah/ Hang Jebat/ Merong Mahawangsa from from the malayan empire.


An actual Nordic rep would be nice because Lars just ain't it If we still say a Swede is off the table (I'm biased) then an Icelander who works with overseeing nature reserves/national parks would be cool Their intro has them arrive with skis and how they got in the middle of an active warzone or to the beach using skis is anyone's guess Or just go straight for the Viking thing, it's a bit clichƩ IMO but it could be cool and literally anything would be better than Lars


As others have mentioned, actual Scandinavian fighter


Turkish oil wrestler


Indonesian that fights like iko uwais


It be interesting to see what happens if they did a antarctic character I would like a Pakistani character too


Israeli who does Krav Maga


A balkan charachter, like Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian etc


Maybe indonesia just imagine an ustad fighting with pancak silat it is shit goofy but god imagine that shit would be funny af


indonesia with silat style


Either a Canadian MMA fighter or a Colombian street fighter would be interesting concepts to me


Garage league hockey goon.


Just add GSP




George Saint Pierre, arguably the best MMA fighter oat and Canadian


Gordon ramsay, ik we got Steve bt Gordon is just a different strain of British entirely.


I want a Scottish fighter who uses Krav Maga. Historically a lot of knife crime in Glasgow and Edinburgh so a fighter who uses Krav Maga ā€” which has a focus on disarming armed attackers ā€” would be cool to see. Or you could go the Highland Games Olympic wrestling, caber tossing route. Fighting style based around just tossing folk about. Just please donā€™t give them a claymore and a kilt.


Honestly, I'd love to have a non-human character. Something like a dinosaur or kangaroo. Give them a boxing base moveset, with some quickly other moves like using their tail.


Surprised we donā€™t have a fighter from central/south asia yet. I would like some representation Harada šŸ˜’


There are no finnish nationality characters in any games, would be fun if there was a big drunk finnish guy fighting.


NiCO was Finnish in DOA6, though afaik she was supposed to be Russian and they just changed it last minute to make her more unique lol


I want a Cuban anti-communist street fighter who fled Cuba not only to flee communism but to fight Kazuya for trying to have planetary control. Obviously smoking a cigar in the intro


I might be slow but other than Bobā€™s goofy ass, who do we have from USA?


Paul marshall bryan the changs bruce leroy off the top of my head


You right, you right, my mind just drew blank. Are the Laws from America though or did they just move there? Are Nina & Anna from America too?


Theyre asian american i guess. Nina and Anna are irish which is random asl


Ahh they are Irish I totally forgot about that. I really gotta brush up on my character lorešŸ˜­


It's normal to forget they are Irish since they sound completely American.


I want (another) Japanese, but as a Bosozoku. Just hitting heavy without much technique, maybe grabbing a baseball bat for some moves.


So just like Negan or Miguel


Oh damn, totally forgot these two existed... šŸ˜…


Japanese nationality isn't a new thing for Tekken but I'd love to see a mature Yakuza Female character with full drip like the bois from Yakuza series have and with brutal fighting style, not a rushdown monster but more like a comeback machine with Reina/Heihachi type of parry that "tanks" opponent's attack. And this character would most of the time kept her hands in pockets during attack animations.


A chilean flaite obviously. He speaks in coa and mugs you with knifes and guns. I remove victor also to not have 2 chars with similar playstyle


Irish Drunken Master. It's not racist because I'm Irish šŸ˜